I I mamaimW'M.BmXAT0m,WSI9XMimiKKSUUKSISU'BrZlMM!Ml OUR. FIRST H H ik H JM k HHi k H H Hi AH wnkk IS A BIG SUCCESS MM th S&v& You Money Prices Smashed to Smithereens! Read the Good News! Get inside this page tonight. Read every word of it if it takes till midnight. Listen! Owing to the enor mous increase of our sales during this sale on Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Boots, Etc., we are going to make our customers a proposition that will paralyze not only the agents and dealers everywhere, but all competitors as well. We are going to make this sale A SALE one long to be remembered in Silver Lake. In other words, we are going to give our customers a BIGGER. SLICE OF MELON THAN EVER BEFORE. Now read ALL of this ad., which presents but a few of tho bargains offered then COME to THE CASH STORE. It means cold, hard cash to you. Spring Hats Are In Come look than over. Our .Spring liaU have arrived. All tliu Intuit shape and colore, 1'ricon range from , 1 1 K ' J. . PARISIANA CORSETS Women of tuste demand, and with reason, a corset which shall be as near perfection as the cleverest experts can devise. At our store we are presenting some of the late models of tho supberb Parisiana corsets. Don't overlook our Lace Department. Attractive patterns and Prices. A few Caps left which will go at 25 per cent off. Get busy at once. MEN'S DRESS SHOES You'll have to hurry. $2.75 to $5.75 BOOTS Our lint.' of lxfotM wan cluwen to meot tho dcinnndit of tliU motion mid if you nwd anything In lhi lino you can nave moiiuy ly huylhg at our IIoitMjcloHning SnIu. Hiding HooU Wo nro wiling tho liortt kind at iIiIh wile, for KODKO An extra flue hoot thnl alwnyri glvon naUsfaction KAVOKITB An oxtni good hoot for all puriHmoH, prlco KANGAKOO-Thin U ono of our blggoat hoot bargniiiH, at Regular. $7.00 6.50 6.75 5.00 Special. $6.30 5.90 5.20 4.20 BOYS' SUITS In thin lino wo have just tho thlnir for tho boys and at thin prlco thuKo huUh aro tho blggott hartal n ovur ollercd in Ijiko county. Agon 10, 11 and 112 $8.50 Suits at $6.25 WATCH THE PAPER FOR SPECIALS DURING THIS SALE. E5' 5 AT Now is your time, Ladies, to savo money. UD Eff SWEATERS III COST. Now is your time, Ladies, to savo money. Something Doing in Enamel Ware Wo lmvo Standard Enamel Ware, acid proof, triple coated, absolutely puro. During our Housecleaning Sale will go at 20 per cent off. Watch this page next week. Wo aro going to have A Sale in Our Grocery Department It will be a money saver for you. ) A OF Our stock of Men's Dross Shoos is going rapidly at the low pricofl put on them for the Housecloaning sale. We have only n few jmirs left in the different sizes and if you want one of thoeo bargains you'll have to hurry. DRY GOODS The Housecleaning Sale prices which we have put on our stock of dry goods will interest the economical housewife. We handle nothing but the boat goods. Regular. Special. $1.35 85c .... 20c 15c ... 15c 12c 25c 18c 20c 14c .... 10c 7c 10c 8c 10c 8c Blue Serge, per yard Nyanda Serge, per yard Percalos, per yard Chambrcys, per yard Madras, per yard All Calicoes, per yard All Drees Ginghams, per yard., AH Apron Ginghams, per yard This Sale closes March 1 8th, and we extend a special invitation to everyone to visit our store during the remaining days of the BIG BARGAIN EVENT. i The Cash Store w The Store of Quality F. W. SILVERTOOTH SILVER LAKE, OREGON i