C N T ACTIV E COMMERCIAL CLUB AP POINTS C0MViriTl3I:S. Pamphlet tn ho limed, mid Condition of Road Improved- lwcniytv.o Room Hotel to lie ConMructcd In 1 lie KprliiK. Cmhbcknt. Ore, I'rlmiary i. ioii. The CoititiiercUl Club liM 1 1 uvular Ulrellot; oil Tilr.y nielli, I'elirmry 7 til. A coinioltlre i-oiitUlhiK of It 0. Hoiirk, J. I.. KIiiko mill A. N. U'.Vrfifld were kjIiiIciI tu gather (lata uml liifuriimllnii (or pamphlet, which the cluli rcct toK't out nel ipflliK for the benefit of productive elllcr. A roml committee comlitliiK of Ch. Thome, W. ) Nlcholi noil J. I. KIiiko weie appointed fur Ihr piirxie of loukltiK ader nil out let prrtiiliiiiitt to having the romU kept In lie, mill the commillre alo will try to have the rojl changed In iiillo iiumher of Urea to do away with the kllort, ktccp lulls. Mr. mill Mr. J. I KImk were the liol at very plea.ant party at tlilr imich two inilei Miuth of town Valrn tine' nl;iit. Thotc pretent wire Mr. ami Mrs. It. (V Uotirk; Mr. mul Mn. Clurlei Thoina.; MU A. J Duprey; MU Olady Mouik; Mettr. I,el, Aiilein, UohliiMin, Kohcrti, Mayfietd, Hrrlnxton mul Wakefield. The f veiling wti ienl at cmili mul dancing. (. W. AmleiKiii retiirneil from Silver l.akclait week. While In Silver Lake Mr. Amlerxin filed on 85 acre of land Miuthof town. Mr. AndcrMin hit hi drug ttuie orally completed, mul eipect to Ket In a tick of kmmI a. xhjii at the roadt will vermlt. I'reil I .a I'ollette recelvel a telegram from hi hrother. (J, It M I'ulletle, an noiiiiccliiK the death of hit mother. Mr. W, T. I, a I'ollette, at Muillaon, VI on J'rhrimry 10th. 0. It. U I'ollette It ux peclrd hack a lout the flrtt of March. I'ranc llcrquUt of Seattle wan In Intwi tu.t uiii1 Mr tlittflill.l tin tli il I ....... tt .v...r' r.. v.l'tl II a lot on Main Street on which he expect to Imlld a lodging home early till piln. C. J. Hncot i In from hi ritnrh eljtllt mile wet of town Iml week, Mr. Sweet reKrU Hint Ihrru I nearly five fee of tnow nt Odcll l.uke. I'. C. Holiliit'in mul (.'. V. Itrriniiloii are making arriingriiiriitii tu liuild a twt!iily-iwo room hotel here early In the prlng. Clio. Thomat went lo l.n I'lne fur a load of freight Ut Thuitduy. 1'. C. Kohiti'oii made a untitle trip to lleml laat week. BASKETBALL HERE Pint (June Soen In llend To Come Off I'rlday. The Hctul Athletic AiocInHoiiS biiakct Imll Icniil will pluv Critic villc lit l.inster' Hull thin I'tidu) nui .Suttinhiy cvi-iiIiik m 8:30 Al though the locil team recently win badly ilvlt-itti'il at I'rinrvillc, play ItiK 011 11 MnitiKc floor ninl without their Itcnt lineup, it lncxectcl tlmi tlioc nuiiiei. the flmt ever played tu lleml, will lie cloic mul intercut iiiK, Tlie locul ten in will have ome hcivlcr mul more experienced in.itcriiil Id pick from than in the lust umue.i, mul will hnvc the ad vantage of many ood juibitllutcv The wrcatliiiK contcatn with the county ncnt mat nrtlttn hnvc been post (Mined until the first week in March. (I lUtatc Franafera. (I'm alttict bjr lh Ciuuk Ctmuljr Allt(i Ch ) llend Townalle Co to I) It Hunter Real ty Co, lot 1 Mock $ lleml. fiyio .rainier C Caldwell to I'earl May Caldwell, nt'4 w4 nw ne and M ucU arc 5, Jill, fl (rove II Caldwell to leate Caldwell. eH vt'4 and lot .( of tee V) and lut 1 of ec jo, Jill fl Itichard Klnii lo I' V lllinn. eS nr'( kc iy 10-10 and hit I of ce J. I'M I. flu Ciwik County Inv. Co tu Hilton W Wrrarlik.nl, Iota 1, 3, J, mid .) hlk lo, lldlmnu, f?j I'rmik Kolierlaon lo lleml Towmlte Co, part ol 11 W ntfj( 7 ej e 6 11 jj w( ''!( ")C Mini lot 3 ace 5, IHIJ. (quit claim ) l,ii Pine Tmvtialtr Co. lo . N. Mattel! tola id mill a; lilu.iU jj 1, 11 Pine, f 350, Alao Iota 10, 30. 31 unit 33 In Mock 37. I.11 I'lne. Itrdmoud Towiiaiu- Co. to Jnicd W MiHire, lot s of Moi'k 21, tut lo of hlock 17. I"l 5 of hlock 3? mid Iota 1 11111I 3 of hiiHik 1 J, Krdinoiid. fHmt l.rvl I) Wleat el ux to John A Decider; lot 2 of lilurk 17, WleatorU. fi$ Am:le Million to Juhn Wickluud, lot lo, lil k 16, WpH'liutc. inn CtiHik L'o Inv Co loChaa Jnllaa, hit 1 hlk ij, llllliuiin flit Northern 1'iulfic Ity Co to Duncan ), McKay, lot 1 of aec 4 and awY ow tec H, at-ll. f(J) Duncan I, MclCnv, et ux to Chriatlail Mueller l.mid ft rimlier I'o, lot 1 of aec 4 and awtf nwjf aer 8. 31-11. ft lleml Towualtc Co lo I'amile It Shire man, lot I of hlk 24, lleml. f 7jo C I' Atldcrauii to (amea Ilauidierty, lot I of hlock 35, Kedmoiid, f.V-""' Keduiiiud Towutlle Co lo lUchel Mc Callery. lota o, 10, 11 and 12 hlock 23 Uedmiitid. J 5 J.5 Deed from the State of Oreiiou: To ltd Mnmoe Swalley 11 J "w, e nwjf t llw'f ne,V aec 21, 16 12. To C W Nulla actf nwjf aec 20 t nwf nw!C aec 20. 15 13 nod lie nw' ace 12, I5'IJ. CALL VOK IIIDS. HldN for the const ntel Ion of a (choolhotnie on the Red field ranch iC mile, emit of Heud, District No, 71, will be received In tnc. I will furnish 5j)ccifientloi) on 1 general plntiH. '1 hose dcairint; xnnie can telephone me at my ranch or addrea me nt Demi, Ore. The hcIiooI Hoard rettcrves the riht lo reject my or nil bid. CKABI.ItS I'lATT, Clerk School Dintrlct No. 71. 50 Oretonlan Adverlfiilng. If you wnnt to interest people on the outside in lauds you have for salcor get homesteaders to locate, why not try n little advertising in the Portland Orcifoulan as well as the Dend Dullutin? The DULL' UTIN will take your copy here and send it in for you. We'll arrange for render and display ads for you. The rates are the same as if you ncnt to Portland. TP. Just try The Dulletin Job Printery lend jYachine hop All Kinds of Saw Mill and Harming R-E-P-A-l-R-S We Carry n Large Stock of Auto Repairs and Supplies Wall St., next to Opera House H M r 20- 1 j 1 rr 7771 ffl lIJI offl ' Oregon iM-V LDnQniiici- and -m paiiDDGdnn ; vicinity. k inrmnDonaon - iffinn JM hinn2s1nnn ,1 IwMfflBHS K k(g vAwi()ln "Ttr i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i Ak -Jnnnnn L1 Japan. . p , "lm,, , yi 1 1 The Bend Townsite Company OWNERS OF THE ORIGINAL TOWNSITE AND ADDITIONS. North Addition Center Addition--Lava Road Addition-Park Addition ALL STHJCTLY INSIDE PROPERTY. PRICES AND TERMS ATTRACTIVE. SATHER You Can Buy Heavy Win ter Clothing at Our OFF SALE Cheaper than you will be able to buy next winter. Come in and look the stock over and you will be sur prised at the reduced prices. E. A. SATHER GENERAL MERCHANDISE BEND, OREGON STAR BAKERV FRESH bread Pastries, Rolls, etc. 13 Bread Ticket ...... SI 00 3 Bread Tickets. 25c Meals Served from 6 a. m. to 8 p. m. Furnished Rooms MRS. NElLLIEl WRIGHT m FULL LINE OF 2 Builders' Supplies Doors, Sashes, Paints, Glass, Builders' Hardware, Hoofing. Everything you need for your new House or new Store. N. P. SMITH Wall Street, Wall Street PROPERTY OWNERS In or neap Bend: Your property listed with us will find ready solo. On or about March 1st we will issue a catalogue of all property for sale by us. We will also open an office in Seattle. If your property is for sale make the price attractive and list it with us during the next few days. M. S. Lattin (& Co. (Incorporated) J