The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 22, 1911, Image 5

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    MiifMwiiMioimniiYriiirwimft'.VfaMfif "iwniMiiinii7i ftr. imvritti'i.7i,''iiiii'i.iiMaiiiiriiiiifii jh
, , ... ,.,.,,., .- .-
Prom time Immemorial It has been the practice
among merchants to give to their stores some descrip
tive title or "cntch phrase", such as "The Golden Rule
Store" or "The House of Satisfaction."
There Is usually an excellent reason for the prac
tice, the Idea being, of course, to indicate by the title
the nature of the business policy adopted by the house.
Unfortunately It too frequently happens that the ma
jority of the public fall to get the Idea. The thought
may be poorly expressed or the customer too much occu
pied with other matters to pay much attention to it.
Usually It represents to him nothing more than a pleas
ing combination of sounds. We are therefore taking
the liberty of explaining briefly just what we mean by
our own slogan "The Store of Better Values."
It is a generally accepted fact that it is poor econ
omy to buy cheap or shoddy goods. It the case of wear
ing apparel the cheaper goods may look as well at the
start as those of better material but the test of a short
time proves them unsatisfactory. This makes a dis
satisfied customer and directly affects the reputation of
the merchant.
In the case of groceries it is a well-worn but true
saying that "the best a man can put in his stomach is
none too good." The can of tomatoes for which you
pay fifteen cents Is all right as far as It goes and repre
sents good value for the money but there Is considerably
more than twice as much quality, nourishment and
satisfaction In the tomatoes for which you pay twenty
five cents a can. It may not seem that in buying the
better grades you are getting as much for your money
but actually you will find that in the long run you are
getting much more.
For these reasons we have adopted the policy of
buying the best possible goods that will meet local con
ditions and selling them at the lowest prices consistent
with a fair and legitimate profit. This policy has never
been known to fail with anyone else and we do not be
lieve it will with us. We believe in selling you goods
that will satisfy you, not only for the moment but dur
ing their life-time, at the lowest prices we can afford.
It is the only way a business built on any other foun
dation can not last. And that is why we call our store
"The Store of Better Values.!'
O. C. Hcnklc
lint week In the
mamss si m jttst
C I Boiell Icfl for Portland this
W W Cole of La Pine was In
Bend Sunday
J A Riggs of Powell Butte was
in Bend last week.
I, D Stephenson of La Piue was
in Bend lait week.
Electric lights were Installed at
the Library last week.
Warren Duncan of Silver Lake
was In Bend last week.
Fou Rhnt Sto'e room on Wall
Street. Millard Triplctt. $c
C, W. Withers of Summer Lake
was a Bend vUilor last week.
Wantud Hay to buy. Ad
dress XX Bend Bulletin. 5'5
Team, harness, wagon and farm
Implements for sale. J. II. Bkan.
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. B. Wall and D
TV r.nrdlner anent the week end nt
Thomas Roberts returned Mon
day from a three days trip near
Sisters, ,
Don't lall to drop In at our new
i More on Oregon Street. The Men's
Toggery. 5
Mis. L. C. Miller was In on Mon
day from her homestead buying
F. C. Robinson and C F. Erring-
ton of Crescent, were Bend vlsitorn
List your city property with us
for quick sale M. S. Lattin &
Company. 5
J. P. WolfTwas in Bend Satur
dny from his homestead In the Mil
llcan Valley.
Wantud 40 acres -of Improved
Irrigated laud to rent. Address XX
Bend Bulletlu. 50'5
One of the new show places of
Bend Is The Men's Toggery on
Oregon Street, 50
Mr. Wm. Brown and Mrs. Clara
I;, Nichols of I.aidlnw were Bend
visitors Monday
List your property for sale with
J. Ryan, oflicc on Oregon Street op
positc Bend Hotel. 50tf
If you want to see an upto date
thop Mop In at The Men's Toegery
on Oregon Street. 50
List your property for snlc with
J. Ryan. Oflicc on Oregon Street
opposite Hotel Bend. 1 50tf
For Saui 3 room house and
lot 1 00 xi 00, Lytic Add, price $450,
i cash. J. Kynu, Agt. 50U
The Central Oregon Irrigation
Co. has appointed a selling agent
in Prineville for the first time.
Fok Sauc acre In Lvtlc Add,
level and free from rock. Price
$350. Terms, See J. Ryan, jotf
If you want a first class shave
and haircut, try Inues& Davldsou'f
modern and well equipped barber
shop, 50
James Ryan, formerly of Seattle,
has opened a rent estate office on
Oregon Street, opposite the Hotel
Fok Sai.hi so acres, 100 acres
under ditch; 4 miles from Bend, I
price $2000, some terms. See J.
Ryan. 5tf
The Misses Markel spent Satui.
day and Sunday on their home
stead claims in the Millican lo
Fok Sam 40 acies, 25 acres
under ditch, eight miles (rout Bend.
Part cash, balance to suit purchaser.
See J Ryan."
Did you know that the
tin job shop can, print your visiting
curds, on the best stock with hand
some script type. T.F.
Joe Buckhols who has been spend
ini! the past few months at WooMer,
Ohio, is expected back the first of
the month.
Bob Lik, who recently located
on a homestead in Millican Valley,
is working at Tnggart's during J.
W. Tuggart's absence.
Thomas Cray was in Bend Sat
urday working in the interests of
a new postoflicc which he wants lo
cited near his homestead,
J D Davidson returned Friday
from his homestead near Powell
Butte. He recently built a house
on the place, in which his family is
now living.
George Millican, who came in
from the well-known Millican Ranch
for the celebration at Madras, left
for home Saturday morning.
J A. VyeofSt Paul, who was
in Bend last summer with the an
nounced purpose of putting in a
bank, has written discontinuing his
Bulletin, evidently having aban
doned his interest in Bend.
n, MnncrieiT has given up his up
river homestead, turning over all
his property to A. D. Lewis. Karl
S Lapp, from Ohio, has taken up
MoncriefTs relinquishment, the lat
ter with his family, having left the
There will be three open basket
hall games this week, one tomorrow
night between the two teams of the
Girls Athletic Association, and Fri
day and Saturday evenings between
the Bend and Prineville Athletic
Club teams.
M. S. Rvans and W. T. Wltson,
of Seattle, arrived in Bend Friday,
Mr. Is vans rode but to 'Hampton
Duties where he has purchased a
quarter section of school laud from
the Goddard Estate. Mr. Witson,
accompanied by E, R. Post, started
far Lake County to see other school
C. H. Spangle of Lnldlaw whs in
Bend yesterday,
Charles Winter of Tumalo was
in Bend Monday.
J. P. Taggnrt left for Portland
yesterday morning.
J. A. Fiiltgattcr of Redmond is
In Bend 011 business.
spent three day
Millican locality.
For Runt Four room house.
Inquire Merrill. Wilkinson Co. 50
Send us your orders for heavy
timber and ship lap. Bend Lum
ber Co. 43tf
If you have any real estate to
sell see the Byrne Rcul P.Mate Hx
change. 4atf
Baited clover, alfalfa nnd wheat
liny for sale. C. P. Bicckhr,
Laldlaw. jotf
J B Nichols and mother, Mrs
C. E Nichols of Laldlaw, were in
Bend Monday.
All kinds of plain sewing at
reasonable prices. Call over Pat
terson's Drug Store. tf
H. A. Miller and John Bloss
went to Cre'cciit Saturday and re
turned Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs. John Elkins moved
into the Davidson cottage on Haw
thorne Ave. Monday.
O. M. Cornell, President of the
Cornctt Stage & Auto Co. of Prine
ville is in Bend on business.
There will be,a dance at Linster's
Hall Saturday evening after the
Iknd-Prineville basket ball game.
For Runt Two rooms opposite
Postoflicc; running water, elec
tric lights. See First National
Bank. 40tf
I have just received a good a-
sortment of silk floss mattresses.
Drop in and sec them. Millard
Triplctt. 50
We hav buyers for small farms
near Hcnd. (Jail and list your
property with us. M S. I-attin &
Company. 50
For Sale Team of horses, wagon
and harness. Will sell separately.
W. E. Scott, at Bend Lumber
Co's. mill. 4 1 If
W. J. Wilson of Seattle last week
purchased 1040 acres of Goddard
K'tale Land. E. R. Pot showed
him the land.
Be sure to save vour cash tickets
from the Patterson Drug Co. You
may win the 58 piece set of Com
munity silver.
Jean SchifTer, a Portland mer
chant, is in bend. He is consider
ing the opening of a general mer
chandise store here.
C D. Reed, of the R. M. Smith
Clothing Co , who has been in
Bend for the past week, left yester
day morning for his home at Wells
ville, Mo.
W. C. Brcdenhagen, who was
recently called east by his wife's
sickness, left St. Paul Sunday for
Bend. His wife and child are com
ing with him.
For Sauk or Tradk Two lots
in Deschutes. Will take horses,
harness, wagon or farm machinery
as part payment. Address J. F,
Wou'K, Bend. 50tf
As soon as the Oregon Trunk
receives freight to Madras, there
will be a carload of furniture sent
in, nail ot which will be tor my
store. Mlllurd Triplctt. 50
G. W. Knapp and C. E. Morris
left last week for their homesteads
15 miles east of Millican's ranch
They expect to establish residence
on their places immediately.
I have moved into the place of
business opposite the postoflice oc
cupied by me last summer, and am
now prepared to do all kinds of
photographic work. C. G. Skw
AKD. 50
Tor Sai.k Corner lot In Wcls
lorin, $125 M. S. Latlin & Com
pany 50
'flic Byrne Real Hstitc Exchange
has n bargain 111 a 1C0 acre Powell
liuttc ranch. 4211
Patterson's Cold Tablets arc cur
ing hundreds of colds every day,
Only 25 cents. 49
We will buy or sell on commis
sion, good acreage near town. M,
S. Lattin & Company. 50
WantHU Loggers with teams,
nnd man to clear land and cut
wood. Ed IlAI.VORSON. 44tf
For RrtNT Irrigated ranch, 370
acres in cultivation. Some nlfalla
LiM Davkni-okt, Bend 4851
Friju -Lots of dry planer shav
lugs to bed your horses with, at
the Bern) Lumber Co 's mill. 43tf
For your convenience we main
tain n complete doctors' directory.
Bv calling us over the 'phone, we
will gladly inform you as to the ad
dress and telephone number of a
physician who makes a specialty of
treating your particular ailment,
Our Doctors' Directory is most com
plete in every way. Those listed
here arc thoroughly competent,
scientific and careful physicians.'
We maintain this department ex
clusively for the reason that we
may give this community a better
health rating than any other.
Quality Is the thing of greatest
importance, without it the best ef
forts of the physician fail to pro-
.... 1 duce the proper results.
w. 11. Courtney and the Ander- That is the res
rfainn far nnr !ntf
son Brothers of Laidlaw have been Lncc ,n getting prescription drnvs
01 nnest quality, ot tested purity.
It is because of our carefulness In
C. A. Bengtson, of the Pacific
States Land Co , of Portland, has
been in looking over the land in the
Hampton Butte country. His com
pany expects to bring in a large
number of homesteaders next
hauling hay to the Wenaudy barn.
With every $ i cash purchase the
Patterson Drug Co. is giving a
chance 011 a f,ioo chest of Commun
ity Silver.
If you want a 320 acre home
stead in the best wheat section in
Central Oregon see the Byrne Real
Estate Exchange. 42tf
Will buy all fat cattle, calves and
hogs ready for market at highest
market prices Grovi: II. Cai.d
WKM., Bend, Ore. tf
For Saul Simplex piano play
er and 45 rolls of music. In ex
ccllent condition only slightly
used. Inquire at Lara's. tf
Eggs for Hatching from pure
bred Silver Laced Wyandottes.
$1 00 per betting. Mrs. W. P.
Downing, Bend, Oregon. tf
The chest of Community Silver,
the Patterson Drug Co. is giving
away is a b-auty. A free chance
with every $1 cash purcase. 49
For Salr Six ot the finest lots
in Deschutes, level, water by ditch
and with city water. Next to new
residence. Inquire Bulletin office.
Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood of the
Bend Steam Laundry leave next
week for Portland to be gone about
ten days They will purchase
more machinery for their establish
ment. A. W. Moore of Seattle and J.
S Jackson of Tekoa, Wash., leit
with O. C. Henkle yesterday morn
ing for Millican Valley, where the
two former ones expect to take up
For Salu Forty acres of ditch
laud six miles from Bend. Thirty
acres irrigable. Contract and
water rent fully paid. A bargain
if taken at once. Address Box 40,
Bend, Oregon. 42tf
The Bend Steam Laundry will
wash only one lot next week. All
bundles not in by noon on Monday
Feb. 27, will be left over until the
following week, when regular ser
vice will be resumed. 51
For S.M.K A 35 horse power
Erie City engine and boiler, in first
class condition. Reason for selling,
we are doubling our capacity and
have ordered heavier and larger ma
chinery. Mastkn Lumbkr Co..
La Pine, Oregon. 49tf
R E. Warner of Kulm, North
Dakota, is in Bend with an eye to
business openings as well as secur
ing a homestead. Mr. Warner
particularly is impressed with the
mild climate Here; a Dakota v eoru
ary, he says, means below zero
weather most of the time.
I have some extra good 320-acre
claims for location not far from
ptoposcd Oregon Trunk Ry. to
Burns' also au excellent townsite
location. If you want something
good see me at the Oregon, over
Commercial Club rooms, Wall
Street, Bend, Ore , C. A. Brngt
son; or address Pacific States Land
Co., Portland, Oregon. 50
this regard that our label on a pre
scription is a guarantee of, jodness.
I Accuracy
I flir rir.tfiltnM la ...
object lesson of precision Not or
dinary accuracy, but that which
draws conclusions with small frac
tions of a grain.
Our methods insure the exact
proportions prescribed by the phy
sician. This is an important thing
to the doctor more important to
the patient.
The Preicrlptloolit
The man who does the weighing
and the measuring the man who
knows how and why the man on
whom everything depends. Our
responsibility is never lost sight
of for a moment in prescription till
ing. Every prescription leaving
our store is faultless from anv
standpoint that you may take. You
may leel safe and sure if we fill
your prescription.
You Can't Tell
When you have a prescription
filled you are not able to tell either
by appearance, tasteorodor, wheth
er or not, it has been correctly com
pounded. You must trust entire. y
to your druggist. This is still
another reason why you should
have your prescriptions filled here.
Faith Helps
The perfect confidence In our
prescription filling on the prt of
both physician and patient begets a
faith, which alone won't cure sick
ness but certainly helps.
Any Prescription
If a prescription is correctly
written we can fill it, no muter
what druggist's name is on the
blank. I: will be compounded cor
rectly, too, and our prices will be
The Telephone
Distance from our store need be
no bar to having your prescription
filled here. A call by telephone
from you or your doctor will bring
our messenger to your door in a
"twinkle." We will fill your pre
scription and have it back to you
in "double quick time.', Not a
cent extra charge.
Prescriptions by Mail
Prescriptions seut by mall are
promptly filled and returned bv
earliest mail. If it is a repetition
the number of the prescription is the
only thing we require.
We make change by tail just
as we do here at the store.
The Price Question
Qualltyw-Accuracy Skill are
all more important than the price
in the matter of prescription filling.
We see to the rightness of a pre
scription first then we make our
charges as reasonable as possible
Yon can't afford to pay less, anywhere.
Home-grown ate best and cheap
est. Come and see my two and
three-year olds. Howard Spin
ino, Bend. tf
nFr!gl!! Bargain Counter
We have started a new department in the rear of our store
and call it our ''Bargain Counter." Items have been culled from
the stock and put on this counter at greatly reduced prices. It
will pay you to look over these genuine snaps.
All-copper, ntckel-pUteil tea kettle, regular $ 1.75- Uargaln 1 f
Counter ptlce P W
Men's sweater coaU, regular f 1.15. HarRaln Counter price.. 85ftS
I.aille' patent leather and elastic belu, reular 50c. now... 35CtS
Ladies' fine black petticoat, regular 95e, now only. ?5ctS
Granite wah bailn, regular ?5c, now only , 5
And doieui of other bargains that you can't aftord to ml.s. Come and
look them qvcr.
Rowe's Economy Store
Next Door 10 l'ostoffiee.
The Same Goods for Less Money."
If you need some sick
room article in a hurry,
phone. We will get it to
you in double quick time
Have your doctor 'phone us
his prescription.
You'll get them very
Typewriter ribtons on sale at
The Bulletin Office, record ribbons
for the followln machines: Oliver,
Remington, Visible and Royal.
If you wish to have your ex
press and light freight come it
along with your letters and daily
papers, have it come in on the mail
line. Tim Covnhtt Stack &
STABtK Co 25tf
'Just try The Bulletin Job Prlntery.