The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 15, 1911, Image 5

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    Last Cut in Ladies, Misses and Childrens
Wo aro determined to got rid of tho balanco of our stock of Winter Coats. Rather than carry them over
another season wo have put prices on them which represent less than tho actual cost of tho goods. Wo
aro willing to stand this loss rather than put thorn away. Thcro is every indication that our cold weather
is a long way from boing ovor. Got ono of thoso coats whilo you can. No cash discount tickets at these
prices. Tho sale will continuo during
Thursday, Friday and Saturday of This Week Only.
Ladies' Coats
TAN COVERT I'uii length, wml ru
tin): l)ck. hull lliu-d wiih a koikI (iiutlly Hiitln,
notched iiliiiwl collar. Only two touts lelt.
sizes 40 and 42. Ki'Kiilnr price $ 1 7.00
Spocial $11.50
TAN COVERT-Unllned, form filtliiip.
itliuwl collur, itiiu lutclc enffs, one of the miuj
picst in onr stoik. Only two coats left. Mr
36 nnil 3. IU-Kular price $13.50
Special p . 5
with I. envy hliiilc smiti, M-mifilUtl hack, two
pocket, turned buck ctifTs. An untiMiully
r t y 1 i 1 1 cout lor nil occasions. One only r(i
olc .(O. UcKtilnr pticc ; $10.50
Special $ 1 3.75
Misses' Coats
Stool Gray Worsted Self- cuiorni
xtnK iinllned, full double lirciistcri, trim
nied with lur m? Inncy buttons. Onlv two
left, Nics r.i uud iH. Regular... $13.50
Special $9.25
Navy Bluo Worsted simwi col I n r,
trimmed with velvet und nllk brxid, inillried,
six liirue fancy buttons Only two lelt.
sires 13 nul i.. KcKiilar $10.00
Special $6.25
silk lined hood, nnv) blue nnd red, jut the
tiling tor ficlinol ueur in wet wentlit-r Six
left, id en . to l.. lobular $5 und $5.50
Special $3.50
Children's Coats
DARK OLlVE-l'ncy vtortl, .lotihle hrrait
rd, Iriliinird Midi vehel olid Mil: hraiil, llt litilloiu,
full I)mhI, Urtif ittnriii colUr. Only two led. Mr. i
wild 3, KrKuUr $.175
Special $225
BRIGHT RED-Wor.ttd, trimmed hh Muck
mid uolil hraiil, lame gilt liuttoilt, (July 1 left. le
jaiid6 KrKuUr J.t.00
Special $ 1 .90
ALICE BLUE-U'omted, velvet colUr ami
cuIN to match, trimmed with silk braid. Mrye
fancy button.. Only two left, litci 3 and 5. Regu
lar $.125
Special $2. 1 0
BEAR. SKIN The warmcit coat baby can wear,
hulit tun. Kilt button, full lined. One only left.
lx6. KeKuUr $3.00
Special $ 1 .85
jmrmr fm Fm 9-& I1 bend
Roscoc Howard left for lorllnnd
W. K. Hchtcrnnch left for Port
land yesterday.
G. V. Rnpcr of I.n Pine wan In
ltctid lust week.
J. H. Hcan of Powell Ilutte was
in Ilcntl last week.
John IHoss left ycitcrday for a
weak' trip to Sister.
Jvul Saunders of Powell Ilutte
was in llcnd Sattttdny.
V. A. Vanbunkirk of Sisters
wan in llcnd Thursday.
See Oregon Investment Company
for 330 acre homesteads. .jo
II. J. llurris of Redmond was in
town on business yesterday.
Frank Johnson nud lid Porter of
1.4 Pine were in town lust week.
A. K Shipley and P. H. Oiimm
of Redmond were in llcnd l''rUluy,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Rolicrt Sturgeon
of I.uidlaw were llond visitors I?ri--duy.
Call on or write Orcnnn Invest
ment Co, for bursitis iti ir-lnntcd
land. 49
I'ivc chickens were hatched nt
the I.. M. McKcynoUls place lust
The OrcRon Investment Co. N in
tlie old Ccntrul Oreuon Realty Co's.
office. 49-
Warren Duncan nnd A. II. John
nit of Silver I.akc were in Haul
Tlie land plnittcr meeting schedttb
cd for Saturday morning did not
take place,
The Byrne Real Kstate KxcIimiro
bus n bargain in n 160 ucte Powell
Butte ranch. 42U"
Patterson's Cold Tnblcts are cur
lug litiudteds of colds every duy.
Only 35 cents. 49
K. C. Jackson. Bert Miller nud
C. II. Becker of I.aldlaw were in
Bend Inst itijjlit.
If you care to make n quick rnle
Jof your property, list it with the
Oregon Investment Co. 49
J. II Stewart, n Minneapolis
lawyer in In Bend. lie may re
main here for some time.
Wantud Lowers with teams,
nud niuu to cleur laud nnd cut
wood. lin Halvouson. 44t"
l'oii Sai.k Good kitchen rntiRc
with hot wnter attach meuts, Cash
or credit. C. S, Hudson, tf
J B. Montague is building a two
story building 30x30 feet on the
north side of Oregon Street, be
tweeu the stage office uud Adair's,
The February number of Putter
son's Oirgnnlau made its appcur
ancc last week,
Pok RitNT Irrigated ranch. 370
acres In cultivation . Some nlfalla.
I. it it Davkni-okt, bend. 48 51
Fk Hit Lots of dry planer sliuv
lugs to bed your hor.scs with, at
the Bend Lumber Co.'s mill. 431!
If you want a cheap resident lot
in the best residence district of
llcnd. sec the Oregon Investment
Co. 49
If you want n haircut or shave
drop in at 1 lines ami Davluson'h
modern and well cquipcd barln-r
shop, 49
With every $t cash purchase the
Patterson Drug Co. is giving u
chance on u ftoo chest of Commun
ity Silver.
If you want 0330 acre home
stead in the best wheat section in
Central Oregon sec the Byrne Real
listute Hxchuuge. 43t(
Will buy tilt fat cattle, calves and
hogs ready for market at highest
market prices Gkovic II. CAM)
Witl.l., Bend, Ore, tl
G. P. Putnam, II. J. Overture,
P.. M. J.uru, A. T. Hoech and
I.uther Metkclmve joincUtlic Bend
Athletic Association.
I'ok Sack. Simplex piuuo play
er and 45 rolls of music. In ex
cellent condition only slightly
used. Inquire at Lara's. if
Hggs (or Hatching from pure
bred Silver Laced Wyandottes
$t 00 per setting. Mks. W. P.
Downino, Bend, Oregon. tf
The chest of Community Silver,
the Patterson Drug Co, is giving
away is n b-auty. A free chuuee
with every? 1 cush purcuse. 49
Fok SAI.K Six ol the finest lots
in Deschutes, level, wnter by ditch
and Willi city water. Next to new
residence. Inquire Bulletin office.
The A. M. I.nrn family complet
ed their moving yesterday from the
Gueriu house, uud now nre iustnl
led in their new home in Park Ad
dition. Futher Luke Sheehuu will con
duct services ut the tegular hours
at the Catholic Church next Sun
duy, The morning service will be
at 10:30,
C, G. Sewnrd, of the firm of
Seward & Campbell, the photo
graphers who were in Bend last
summer returned from Portland
lust night. He will open a studio
in tqe near future.
The Girl's Athletic Associutlon
will play un open game of basket
ball nt Liuster's Hull on Thursday
the 33rd, There will also be u
basket social, the baskets to be
auctioned to the highest bidder,
Ray Leonard of Powell Butte
was in Bend Monday.
Tom Sharp of Princville was n
Bend visitor lust week.
During. the last week there has
been a coal oil famine tn Bend.
A. Segal of the Red Cross Drug
Co. returned from Mudras Friday.
Tea in. harness, wagon and farm
implements for sale. J. 11. BitAN.
I wish to buy n good milk cow.
Address A. L. Hudson, Bend. 49
Charles, William and Hlder Piatt
of Powell Butte were iu Bend Mon
day. A. L. Shtilts was in Bend Mon
duy from his ranch near Powell
Scntl us your orders for heavy
limber and ship-hip. Bend Lutn
ber Co. 43tf
If you have any real estate to
sell see the Byrne Rcul Kstute Ex
change. 43lf
New electric lights have been in
stalled iu the north show window
of Lara's store.
Floyd Dethent returned Sunday
night ufter an extended trip to
Portland uud Seattle,
M. R. Knutson, clerk of the
Woodmen, reports u class of 14
initiated yesterduy evening.
Fok Runt Two rooms opposite
Postollice; running wnter, elec
tric lights. See First Nutiouul
Bunk. 4otf
For Sale Team of horses, wagon
and harness. Will sell separately
W. 15. Scott, at Bend Lumber
Co's. mill. 4 uf
Be sure to save vour cash tickets
from the Patterson Drug Co. You
may win the 5S piece set of Com
munity silver.
Did you know that the Bulle
tin job shop can priut your visiting
curds, on the best stock with hand
some script type. T.F.
Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Overturf
spent the week end at the Georcc
Jones homesteud, getting the last of
the season's duck stiootlug.
M. S. Lattin. Rs B. Gould, H.
A, Miller and D. M, Davis made a
duck shooting trip to the Suwhill
homestead over Saturday night..
G. W. Shriner left Sunday for
bis up-river homestead, to bring
down the last load of bis household
goods. He expects to make his
home in Bend.
The Bend Bulletin, Bend, Ore
gon, Crook County, too miles S
W. of Shuniko by Stage Coach,"
is the address on nn envelope re
cently received iu Bend.
The engineering camp -of the
Oregon Trunk is now located on
the west side of the fill between
Greenwood and Hawthorn. Tin.
tents were put up Saturday.
Mr. und Mrs. R. II, Brownlow
moved last Fnduy from the John
son building to the building form
erly occupied by A. K. Frame, in
the rear of their new residence.
J. A Hoffman, leading spirit of
the "Cilircri's Call," of Madras,
Hid Priuevlllu. now printed iu Port
land, was iu Bend last week on
business connected with his paper.
The case of the State vh William
Lnttrovv, charged with assault and
mttery, whs tried before n jury in
Juxtice Orcufi's court Thursday.
The jury could not agree on a de
W C. Brcdenhngen who-recent-
r ly bought II . K. Turpiu's store, left
Saturday morning for St PhuI.
His Wife isdingerously ill. During
his absence Mr. Turpiu will man
age the store.
Fok Salu Forty acres of ditcl.
land six mile from Bend. ' Thirt)
icres irrigable. Contract and
.vater rent fully paid. A bargain
if taken ut once. Address Box 40,
Bend, Oregon. 42U
See Lara's ad this week for next
to nothing prices on warm coats.
Prices bold for three days only thi
week Thursday, Friday and Sat
urday, Get in on this the cold
veather is'nt over,
Lara's are cleaning up their stock
of ladies, misses and children's win
ter coats at wonderfully low prices
The snle continues during the bal
nee of this week only Tliursday,
Friday and Saturday.
The Gilette Brothers Saturday
hauled the last load of timbers fron
he Roberts Mill for use on the ex
:usiou of the Y to the power dam
Walter Gilette intends to come to
fiend to make his home.
Fok Sauk A 35 horse power
line City engine and boiler, in first
class condition Reason for selling,
vc are doubling our caoacity aim
I have ordered heavb r nd larger ma
1 -hinery Mastkn Lumiikk Co..
, La Pine, Oregon. 4jtf
I Sutherland & Mcintosh last week
i commenced construction on tin
j Gould building on Wall Street
They a1n are erecting two build
I inns on Bond Street for J S Par
minter, one 34x6), two story, tln-
01 1 er 34x50 one story.
Georpe Miliican, of the well
known "Millican Ranch" 36 miles
southeast of Bend, was in town
yesterday, going to Madras today
for the railroad celebration. He
says he drove cattle through the
present site of Madras many years
before there was a bouse or fence
within 30 miles of the place.
If you wish to have your ex
press and light freicht come in
along with your letters and daily
papers, have it come in on the mail
line. Tint Cornktt Staok &
Staiilk Co. 25tf
Home-grown me best and cheap
est. Come and see ray two and
three-year olds. Howard Spin
inc., Bend. tf
G. W. Rlchrilon und W, W. Orcutt
Will View Out Road,
Yesterday morning Road Super
vior K. W. Richardson and W.
W. Orcutt Ifst Bend on horsebac lc
10 view out the proposed Hen I
Burns road as far as the Lake Conn
y line. It is their intention to g-t
lata on .1 route which will folio iv
in air line through, the intervening
territory, this being entirely practi
cable thanks to the level and open
character of the country.
They will take about ten days to
the (trip. After a practical roue
has been selected, two automobiles
'nnveying a crowd of business men
of Bend will go over the proposed
road. The road from Riley into
Burns is one of the best in Central
Oregon and according to Supervisor
Richardson the proposed road will
be built to Riley.
Supervisor Richardson states that
he has made arrangements with
Messrs. Wilson and Dunn, who
own the land near the McGillvn.y
hill, on the present road east, to al
low freighters to drive thronph
their fields until the frost is out f
the ground, when the work of cu
ting down the bill and doing away
with tbe present curve, will be
11 1 1 1 11 -
and other ills of the body
at the
Hot Lake
(The House of Efficiency )
Hot Lake, Oregon.
The Oregon-Washington
Railroad & Navigatioa Co.
Sells round-trip tickets, cood for
three months, allowing $6 worth
of accommodation at the Sana
torium, at Portland nnd all
O.-W. R. & N Stations.
For further information and illus
trated booklet, addres Dr. W. T.
Pby, Medical Supt. and Mgr., Hot
Lake, Oregon, any O.-W. R- & N.
Agent or write to
General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon.
To the good people of Bend and Crook County
The New Furniture & Music Store
-r ..
will open tip for business in the addition
to the Johnson Building on Wall Street
near First National Dank Early in March
All our goods are on the way, having
heed ordered and shipped in over the
Oregon Trunk JUailway to Madras, and
will come on the lirst freight train which
makes that town. Don't be in a, hurry to
make any purchases until we can make a
bid for your trade. Wejcan and will save
you money. We intend to make our store
known as the Shop where your dollar
does its full duty.
Watch this space for our opening ad will have
something very interesting to say to you then.
Thompson & Kennedy
?0 We Have Them In All Grades and
Ifehy Prices. Where Else Can Vou
fev win Pin.i such aoon VALUES?
iv Sv tar White handkerchief with red or nink
AK n. 'K&ZBfFfi tiorilcn. tut the thlni! for the B?
SV !VS rSor children A for toe: each JC
Vn.' "wr
1 ' ?r7r A&. . t ... . II .!-. - m
-:t. tuv -vr rrv I'ltiiii wmie iianuKcrcmei wr
VitLiSSisSK for to: each JC
rrnf ik.a.
M 3 .TJJi' ..!... fi... ...,ll- l,..ll,r.l-f A
.& -yCK r.v-:... "":r inr
V " .VjSrWk J ir aBi cacu . -w
vt'jr ariop' IJidtea fine white embroidered fTfr
"rfv jfJV' hamlkerchicf, -from Mccch to ft Jj
Men' coft white hamlkerch'fa t (
reaily lor ue j for 3jc; each.. 1 j
Men'a Kuarautecd all linen handkerchief, each ISc
Meti'i finest of pure linen handksrehieft 30c
Kcl or blue bamlanai 3 for 35c; each., 10c
Rowe's Economy Store
Next Door to I'ostofEcc.
"The Same Goods for Less Money;"
: ;
I have located, settlers on over Four
teen Thousand Acres in this vicinity s
during the past nine months. , I am $
in a position to show you the best
available lands.
1 1, 1 1 1