THE BEND BULLETIN VOL. VIII MINI), OKKCON, WKDNKSDAY, FKH. 15, 1911. NO. 49 if IK f V LAND BIG SOLD PROSPECTS PLEASE IR RIGATION MANAGER Hnnrmoua Immigration Predicted IHjr. AcrcKO Await Coming of lluyera- North Canal To llo Under Way Soon. Hoscoc Howard, miuiugcr of tlic Cculral OrcKoti Irrlviition Co,, who returned from 1'ortlmul Itiit Tucs ility, Hpcukg mokt cntlituluitticull) concerning local Irrfatlun pro ccti. "People in here," iul.1 Mr, How it til, Vcatctly wliut 11 li immigration U1I1 Miiiiiincr will briiiK. Hot down in Portland, where (hey nrc in touch with the cast unit mid die went, they do; mid the railroud lire ptepmlng to handle n very heavy Central Oregon ptsneiigci truffle, Tlic majority of thev: two ilc will k looking for hind, und liuiitltcih will buy our irritated tracts. All this will moan n lot ol money apent here, nnd 11 lot of the hctt kind of Mitntnntiul devclopc incut." Mr. Howard xnid lit company has ionic a acre ready to be Hold. The work of leading water to this acreage is about 00 er cent or more completed. During the latt 60 duyn the company It a sold in the neighborhood of 3000 acres. I'lclimiuury work on the North Canal is progressing. According to Mr. Howard diamond drill out fits soon will l brought in to do prospecting work on the dam idle, for the purpose of making complete surveys. These drills are used to ascertain the condition of the rock upon which the dam foundations will rcM. "Wc hope to get the North Canal finished to a Junction with the stave flume this summer," continued Mr Howard. "I suppose this would entail the expenditure of perhaps $400,000." The proposed North Canal leaves the I)f$clitttcs about n mile north of lieud. It wilt water 56,000 acres. Much improvement and con struction work 011 canals and later als will be undertaken ah soon as the frost gets out of the ground. Mr. Howard's family is in San Diego County, California. They will come to llcud curly in the spring. The net proceeds from the Country Store Mile held by the United Church Societies on Satur day were f 113. "A PPRECIATION" This Bank values the business it re ceives from its customers and takes every opportunity of telling them so. Our customers, on the other hand, appreciate the fact that the service ex tended to them is coupled with secur ity. Any business arrangement to be perma nent must be mutually satisfactory and profit able. Therefore, in (be selection of your Hank, have PKRMANHNCY In view and establish otirsc1f for your present and future well being with a good sound JJnnk, like The Deschutes Banking & Trust Company Of Bend, Oregon "Consorvatlvo Banking for Conservative Peoplo.M I,. H. HAIKU, (l'relleiit) J. W. MASTURS, (Vice President) V. O. MINOR, (Secretary) I) 1 r K c T o n s: I II. JlAinn, 1'. 0. MINOR, 3. V. IMIRD, LIBRARY CLUB MEETS Annunl Report Sliov. (treat Mains Made My Orgtnlr.nlloit. Thuiiuiiuiil meeting of the .tidies' Library Club occurred yestcrduy afternoon. Toduy there arc 517 books on the shelves, 11 11 iiicreusi of 276 over hist year. The library is Inking i. miigii zincs and five weeklies This year 5911 persons have used the library, the previous year J774, showing an Increase of 1863. Hooks loaned have nu ink-red 3961, as contrasted with 19.18 last year, an increase of 1013, The number if borrowers is 436, 162 more tliun took out books the txevious year. Donations front club members and friends arc as fallows: Hooks of fiction 57 Sets of book 15 vols. Century dictionary and cyclopcdlu , 12 vols, Hound Scribucis and HariKr 12 vols lugersoH'M works. 12 vols. .lie und Works of Abra ham Lincoln ,,.,., 10 vols, Th Great Republic, by Master IliMorUus 4 vols Treasurer's report, Feb, 14, 191 1. Librarian's salary $151.00 Maguziuc. 98 55 Hooks '.........,.. 45 03J wood, oil, dishes, etc 12906 Watermelons 45 00 rottu.... $473'J Hal, 1'cb,, 1910 $152.82 Receipts during year 323 73 , Totol J470 54 Hal. on hand $ 2.65 All day Saturday at O'Doncll's Market the Library Club will bold u food sate to raise funds, TOINCREASECAPACITY Hasten Lumber Co. of L Pino Will Double Output. J. N. Mastcu, of the Masten Lumber Co. of La Pine, has order cd a carload of new machinery for the mill wot of'inc. Mr. Mas ten is in Uctid 011 his way to Port land, The new machinery will more than double the output of the mill. He will put In 11 70 horse (rawer engine and boiler, 11 gang edger, turning lulhe nnd sush and dooi machine. The new machinery will be shipped in via Madras. ARI! HUM) HOOSTURS. W. W. King. A. D. McNeill nnd K. S. Lapp ol Seattle; C. S. Ran dolpb, of IKtroit, Michigan, und II. H Ford 01 llousou, Texas, air the latent addition to Hcud boosters. All of them have been in Hcud tor the past few daH, und 11s soon as the snow is off will file on 320-acre homesteads. Mr. Ford's wife and two children arrived yesterday. LA I'l.Ntt IIURU IN FORCII. The following La Fine people came to town yesterday on two big bob sleds to attend the mask ball: W. K. Riley, Win Cole, C. V. Car michacl, Mr, and Mrs. Ii. I. Pit man, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cald well, Miss Mary I In wood und Ivuu Shultz iiiN This Place to Be Double Terminus First Rails on Hill Line Reach Madras This Morning. This morning at nine o'clock the first train pulled in over the newly laid rails to Madras. All duy u big celebration litis been in progress. The Bend Hand went down in three autos. and many local residents are there to see Central Oregon's first railroad train. Within four months Hcud, the terminus, will celebrate the arrival of the first train at this place. Trie Deschutes Rail road will be continued from Red mond to Bend, Yesterday In Hcud, eight H.irrl man official investigated terminal facilities for their road here. Chief Knglurcr G. W. Horchke and R. li Miller, General Freight Agent, both made no bones of the fact that the llarriunu road will be con llnucd from Redmond to Ueud, and this probiblv at once. Whether the Oregon Trunk track will be used jointly, or a separate Harri man track constructed, as yet is tin certain. However, the Harriman people intend to operate their own terminal grounds, according to definite statements of both Mr. Miller and Mr. Uoschke. The party put in an appearance about two, having telephoned news of tneir approach. An iufoimal dinner hastily was prepared at Taggart's Restaurant, half a dozen Hcud men being 011 hand to help entertain the visitors and give them desired information. Immediately the purpose of the visit was slated; namclv, to look over terminal sites, After dinner the leaders of the party, in their automobiles, went out to the right of way, and looked over ihe held Ju-t what they want, and how much property they will require, will be app'irant after the nutter i taken up with the Towusite Com pany and individual owners tiou their return to Portland. "I expect to see 25,000 people here in 1920" remarked Mr. Uos dike at dinner, adding "of course I may be out of the way 250." The Harriman engineer ts uu enthusi astic admirer of Uend's attractions and says he hopes to get a summer home here. Iu the party were, besides Messrs Uoschke und Miller: M. J. Uuck ley, Acting General Manager, F. W, Robinson, Freight Agent, J. M, Scott, Asst. General Passenger Agent, L, R. Fields, Asst, Geueral I Bend Construction Company. ARCHITECTS Contractors Builders a AH Kinds of Furniture and Cabinet Work. All Work Fully Guaranteed SEE US BEFORE YOU BUILD. J. A, HAZUKA ART PROCTOR w. m. McGregor titNll Munugcr, F. C. Dunn, Traveling Freight Agent and Sh d O. Krantz, representing the Portland Ore gonian. In speaking of prohibit freight rates Mr. Miller estimated that the Portliinil-Ilend rate probably would range from 75 cents to $1.15, ac cording to elms. Today the rale varies from 2 to 3 cents a pound Mr. Scott, together with Mr. Krautz of the Oregomau, was par ticularly interested iu securing data concerning the reduction of price. of necessities which will be effected by the arrival of the railroad While the figures can be little more than approximate, the comparison, as given below, is interesting: rctnt trk l-ricc. with K K fta1, ?5 75 ?3 75 Wire 7.00 4 00 Lime 7.50 300 Doprs 300 1.75 Paint 250 2.00 Roofing 300 175 Sugar 8 35 6.85 Cement 14-50 4 50 Oil 45 .30 Gasoline 50 .33 Mr. Scott stated that probabl) about 12 hours will be t lis running time between Portland and Brud Probably trains will leave here early iu the morning, reaching Portland iu Vie evening. Todax about the J'est time that can l made via SKaniko is 36 hours. The Slinniko triposts close to $30: the Ueud Portland rate probably will be $7 80. WILL OPEN NEW STORE M. U. Turpln Will Open Confectionery Store In Davles Uultdlng. H U Turpin, formerly owner ol the Gent's Furnishing Store will open a confectionery shop iu the room in the Davies Iluilding on Wall Street, until recently occupieo by the Bijou Theatre. The fixtures have been ordered and they will be put in as soon as they arrive. The new store will contain a sodn foun tain. It will be about a month be fore Mr. Turpin expects to opeu. I SCHOOL BOARD MEETS. Rule nf School Drawn Up and Will He Printed. At a meeting of the School Hoard on Feb, 9th rules for the govern merit of the school nnd its officers was read bv Princioal Herriniinn. and adopted ns read. These now are being published In leaflet form, and will appear in next week's is sue of the Uulletin. The resignation from the Hoard of I', M. Ray, who is to be absent from Hend for some months, hav me moved outside the district, was read. No action was taken. A communication from L. C. Young was read; it pledged the uirnishing of the school room with stove, wood, etc , for the new Young school ctst of town. MANYAT SMOKER. Ulihop Paddock Entertains Listeners Willi Tales of Travels. On Friday evening at the Com mercial Club rooms a smoker was given for Dishop Robert H Pad dock of the Kpiscopal Church, who arrived from Madras in the after noon. Sixty two men attended. Hithop Paddock gave an informal talk, chiefly concerning places he had visited while traveling abroad, taking his listeners to Gibraltar, along the Riviera, to Monte Carlo, Genoa, Rome, Vesuvius and Tur key, particularly dwelling upon the ocial life of the peoples of the var ious countries. Refreshments, pro vided by the ladies, were served at the close of the evening. SEES GOOD OUTLOOK C D. Reed of the R. A1. Smith Cloth tag Co. In Hend. C. D. Reed of Wellsville, Mo., a member of the R. M. Smith Cloth ing Co., arrived in Hend yesterday. He expects to remain here about 10 days. Mr. Reed is very well pleased with the business outlook for Hend "All the way out," said Mr. Reed, "I met people who are interested in the development of Central Ore gon. UEAVERCASG DROPPOD. The case of the State vs John Ryan, charged with having beaver skins in his possession contrary to the provisions of the game laws, scheduled to have been heard before Justice Orcutt Saturday, was drop txed. It is understood that Asst. District Prosecuting Attorney ban Kirn tound insufficient evidence to proscute the cac TO BUILD SCHOOL HOUSli. llids for the construction of a school house on the Red field ranch, 16 miles east of Hend, have beeu called for. The building will be 20x30 feet, and will contuiu class, library and cloak rooms listrny Notice. TaVtl 11ml itiv rtlar ialnuit Ian. Ill- one Unlit red cow aud calf, Oue ball nt ii&(ft fjr Ia whit ..r ttiarl; mi rli.ltt ear a swallow fork, left ear cut square on. No other discernible briud. Dan R. Smith, Laidlaw, Ore, 47 49 r. IilJ The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON Dr. U. O. 00E, Prttldtnt E A. SATHER. Vic O. S. HUDSON, Chl.r Oapltal fullr paid ... S3S.000 Stockholdtrt liability 926.000 Surplus S3.000 11 J Was 1911 fe Are you prepared to take advantage fc f of the opportunities which will come to the man with a hank Account. It not, itart an account today, with the First National Dank of Ueud. This Uank i under the supervision of the United States Government. Just as much a part of the Government as the l'oit Offices, All our loans, divestments and our Policy are subject to Government supervision anil approval. We try to run the flank so that all matters will meet with the full sanction of the Government, aud solicit your busiucss on that,, basis, (lib) D I R B C T 0 R S: COW It. A SATiltK C. S. HUDSON V. V, SMITH H. C. KUUS u. GOES TO VOTERS ELECTION ON BOUN DARY QUESTION. S. 13. Roberts Appointed Day Officer and Wlllard Houston for Mght Service Sidewalks Authoriz ed much Money. At the Council meeting Uit night a resolution wnt patted authorizing pcciat election on March 33rd to decide tlic question of etiUrjjinu city boundaries. I he territory to be fneludcd follows the et haiilc of the Deichute and take Hi the larger p-rt of the platted territory 011 this tide o( the rirer. Til !ck1 'I tcriptiou of the boundaries appear In tie pccnil election notice on the last pKe of thlt iuue. The report of Mirthall Kelly ihowrd fSt in fixe Collected durliiK January. Treasurer Spencer reported I43S rwid out during Jnnuirv ami 63j o3 rrcelvi il with a balance of Ij697.11 on hand 1'tli. UU The report uf the committee 0:1 liquor llccnte which wat verbally pre tculrd wrat ordered filed and accepted after it tbould be put iu writing. The Recorder waa iutlructed to iuue notice for the contraction of nklewalk 1 on the north tide of Ohio, for lot 7 at d 8, block 4; eat tide of I'rottt Street, for I. . 3. 4. 5 nd 6. Mock lota r. 9. y, 4 and j, block 6; north tide of Caltforn.a htreel, lot 6, block 10 1'ark Aililltlo wett thle of Bond, for lots 7. 8, 9, 10, it and l. block 11,(3 foot walk) and the outh tide of Greenwood, lot l, block 1 Ordinance Number St. lixinit the It- cente fur dray aud vehicle for carryli pUKera at J5 per quarter and f 25 per er wat patttd. Another ordluamo regulating the dutiet of col ice officer , rjxuitf Mlarirt of officers at between f vj aad f lS at the discretion of the Council. pretcrihiiiK the oath of office for police men, and other detallt for the police de partment wat lo pa-d. Wlllard lIulon wat appointed nluht watchman, all except Kelly favorlt him. S. K. Roberta was appointed day officer, Caldwell and Kelly oppojinu hi appointment. Doth of thete officer were appoinieu to noui ouice uniu me next monthly meeting of the Council I. K. Kelly's talary for part of January and February, JU2.50, and P. J. Kotieri ton's talary as aiUl officer during part of Dec, Jan. and February, $115 00 was ordered paid. Alderman Caldwell adjourned the reg ular meeting at & 15. as there wa no quorum present. Alter tinning a waer of notice of tpecial tncetltijf, the Coun cil met. Alderman Allen acting a May. r nro tern. The Council ad tour net t to uext Tuesday evening. SPGCIAL ELUCTION N0T1C12. Notice! hereby given tbatonThurwlay the 23 day of March. 1911a tpccialelrcH 11 will be held at the utual voting pUce in the Cltr of Ueud. Oregon, towt tue City Halt and at the utual voting pU. e in Detchntet rreciuct, lowit. tlic Urcu t Hotel for the purpose of iulmiittinn t tbelrj:l voter of the City of Bend an I tothe legal oter rrtiillug in the tent tory hereinafter desctibed the follow 1 tg qurttion to-wit; Whether or not the corporate limit of the City of Ken J, Oregon, at now de bited shall l altered and the following described territory included therein and become a part thereof; to-wit. lleginlttgon Itie lowninip line be tween Townships seventeen aud eighteen south at the southwest corner of the southwest i of the southeast tf , Section thirty-two (31; iu iownsnip 17 soum, rattie 11 cast. W. M.: theucc west oil said Township line to the easterly shore line of the Deschutc river, thence In a northeasterly direction following the (Coutiuned on page S.) a Prosperous Year. Should Bo More- So. Ipjj