The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 08, 1911, Image 8

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    ' i Hiiiim niTf f nir
Knf""'iirnr- VifriiiViii--i wifiTwf'.tiirintiniiiihviiwMiimiJ'i'
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Elect Delegates fur Event In Bend
April 5th and Plan Entertain-
tncnt For Vlsltlnjc modern
Woodmen of America.
Last night the Pilot Hutlc Camt
of the Modern Woodmen of Atuer
ica held their trl-cnnlul nicctlnt'
and elected delegate to the forth'
coming County Camp to be held in
B:nd on April 5th. C. I. Boiell
and W. W. Orcutt were eletted
delegates and Ii. A. Sat her and N
P. Welder chosen alternates.
At the County Camp delegates
will be elected for the State Camp.
The IochI camp expects to make
much of the countv convention and
I making extensive preparation for
the entertainment of the CrooV
County Woodmen.
A short play, the "Little Burn," will be presented, followed by
a dance, music lor which will be
furnished by the Woodman Band
of ts pieces.
The present officers of the local
cimp ure as follow:
V. C M. J. Morrison.
W. A. Z. W. Lmborg.
K B. E. A. Salher.
Clerk M. R. Knutsou.
Ecort V. W. Orcutt.
Past Consul, N. P. Weider.
Watchman Geo. Brosterhou3.
Sentry M. K. Rogers.
Mng., 3 years E. A. Smith.
Mng., a years Wm. A. Bates.
Mn., r year H.J. Epgleston.
Camp Physician Dr. B. Ferrell.
Chief Forester E. A. Smith.
Laldlaw-Redmond Lino Bclnjr
structed by P. & At. Co.
riNmiUKsT, Ore., l'eb. 7. The Farm
ert mill Merchant Telephone Co. held
their annual meeting l'eb 4 at LaMlaw.
The following officer were elected!
President V, V. Swisher, re-elected.
Vlce.l,relilent C. 1'. flecker.
Secretary C. II. SpauRle, re-elected.
Treaturer W, L). tiarucs,
Qeneral Manager l. K, Welmer.
One director to serve tor three years
W. D, Clark.
The new line now twine built from
taldlaw to connect with the Redmond
tine will le completed noon, ThU will
give Laidlaw a clear line to Redmond.
The debate at the Saturday evening
titerarr aa ably handled bv the partici
pant. The judge )ve (heir decision
in favor of the affirmative. The question
(or Stutday evetituR l'eb. 18, i; Re
olved: Shall book ol fictlou be pro
hiblted in our school library.
B. Y. Couch left for Shauikn Monday
to briiiR in freight for Laidlaw mer
chant. Our Sunday School it doing wmi
good work under the management ol
Supt. Colegrove.
J. R. Couch left for Portland this week
to be gone several day on business.
Mr. and Mr. O. C Colegrove and
Mrs. Dart Nichola left today for Prine
ville to attend the teacher's examination
while Mr. Cokgrove will visit relative
at Redmond.
Ryan Arrested Charged With Having
Oca vers In Possession.
On Saturday morning John Ryan
of The Tulles was arrested by
Deputy Game Warden Dorris, at
Bend, charged with having beaver
skins in his possession contrary to
..,the provisions of the game laws..
Mr. Ryan had just returned from
Portland, Wardeu Dorris coming in
with him. When Dorris served the
warrant Ryan refused to allow him
se'f to be arrested, striking Dorris,
according to the story of onlookers,
but later went before Justice of the
Peace Orcutt with Deputy Sheriff
Ray Wilkinson. He was released
on his own recognizance.
Definite information concerning
the specific charges prefered and
the full facts of the -case will be de
veloped at the trial, which is scbed
uled for this Saturday afternoon
before Justice Orcutt.
Locale ttes Collected From Gist and
Slstera Country.
OtST, Ore., Feb. 7, C. L. Gilt of Sis
ters is now hauling lumber to build a
new teed Urn to be conducted In con
nection with his hotel. This tnkc
three feed barns at Sitter.
YV, K, Case and sous have bought an
Edison Pbonopraph.
Perry Van Tassel of Sisters is now
night watchman at the Three Creek
Lumber Company.
Robert Davis has added another 160
acres to bis holding, buying from Burt
Hodson of Sitters.
Ed White is yet herding his band of
horses in this neighborhood.
The little burg of Sitters Is doing
prosperous business.
Mooro-EikJna Auto Co. to Receive
Twelve Cars.
The Wenandy Livery Company
will represent the Moore-Elkins
Auto Co. at Bend this summer
The compauy has ordered twelve
new Buick cars, two of which have
been delivered, says J. H. Wenan
dy. Five cars including three old
ones are now on the run from
This company will operate its
cars from the end of the railroad to
Bend, and during the summer
.probably will establish headquarters
TuUAto, Ore., Feb. 7. John D. Wel
mer was visiting his home here for sev
eral days last week. He is taking a lay
off from his ranch work and is travelling
for a Portland liquor house. lie reports
a good business.
Mr. and Mr. T. A. Woolly took In the
dance at Laidlaw last week.
Chat. L. Welmer was doing business
at Bend lately.
There was a meeting of the Literary
Society at the Pinehurst school house
Saturday nlgnt. A good audience at
tended and much Interest was taken in
the debating.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Woolley gave a
dance at the old Uightower-Smith build
ing Friday night, all enjoying a good
Mr. and Mrs. Harrimsn of near Bend
were pleasant visitors at G. W. Weitner's
last Sunday. Both the Uarrimans and
Mr. Weimer came from Iowa and a long
talk about the ''old country" was in
dulged in.
An old man named Albert Guta came
to Tumalo Friday from Bend. He say
he was robbed of 40 and given a beating
in a saloon at that place.
r I ' L ' ' ' 4 ' ('L-A III -' --J-l
OREGON 4ff--Vr33ffiBbc3D--
vicinity. RkA n nfj i npronp
1 Xi StaKF I 'I II Ml si I F F S B 1
mmmm ' QjhHnnnnnn
gpnng J j ifipn nnnn..
r " r WZzS"! bfil KM?W PYr r ri rn rTi
I l4L r 7 A. ill
" v '?M'fc. fZ" t'i f rl J ffltf fiimf fiIS M I 1 . aagiaUHtMMCifasiiwvaiJMkstt aJflaBaatMBj at t
v vOynnnnn ,
The Bend Townsite Company
North Addition Center Addition Lava Road Addition Park Addition
Waters of Deschutes are Strictly Pro
tected From Pollution.
The proposed bill making it a
crime to pollute the waters of the
Deschutes River by depositing
therein, or any of its tributaries, or
canals led from it ''any sewage, re
fuse, waste or polluting matter."
passed the House on January 31st.
A fine of from $25 to .oo, with
optional imprisonment, is provided
for punishment of violation of the
bill's provisions.
G. W. Shriner Has returned
,' Prlueville where he has been for the past
"J SIX weeics making ctuii itin vu
Stewart & Carlsous flour mill.
Louis Main is visiting his father, M, R,
Main on bis homestead at the Meadows.
Born. To Mr. aud Mrs Kyan,
Born. To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelly,
a daughter.
Jake Brix recently contracted threr
hundred bushels of potatoes in Prine
ville at 3 cents.
The Morrill ranch claims the distinc
tion of having the first chicks hatched
ttils season, two hens hatching on Jan
29. The chicks are vtif hardy anil
growing fine. They are Rhode Iilanr
George Beckman, postmaster at Powell
Butte, is having a large barn built.
Prank Archer is doing the 'carpentei
Mr. and Mrs. J D. Davidson came ou
to their homestead Sunday.
A D. Morrill has about fifty acres on
his ranch cleared of iuniper, using u
block and cjble for pulling them.
to Portland and Washington points.
In returning he came in on a con
struction train to about 15 miles of
Madras, walking thence to Madra.
He says he is the first passenger to
come all the way up the Deschutes
Canyon on a train.
A lighted match accidentally
dropped in the valentine display nt
the Patterson Drug Store Sunday
morning caused a loss of $20. The
eelluoid and tissue paper valentines
in the window caught fire readily
but the bldze was soon smothered
without igniting the woodwork.
Bishop Robert 13. Paddock of the
Episcopal Church, will arrive prob
ably Thursday. There will be u
smoker for him at the Commercial
Club rooms Friday evening. All
, I are invited. He will hold services
on Sunday, morning and evening,
at the usual hour.
The United Church Societies, will
conduct "A Country Store" in tile
Chapman building all day and
evenine of next Saturday, Feb it.
A large stock of useful and fancy
articles, including valentines, will
be ou sale; bakery and delicatessen
goods a specialty. A short pro
gram and ice cream will be features
of the evening. There will also be
special attractions all day for the
The Athletic Club basket ball
team will practice at Muster's Hall
tonight, playing against a scrub
team. Some time after the Prine
ville games the club will give an
exhibition game, playing ugaiiiht u
picked second team.
The annual meeting of the Ladies
Library Club will lie held at the
Library next Tuesday afternoon.
Officers for the ensuing year will
be elected. Reports from all offi
UN!) I situate.! In tli very heart of
the Detchule Valtry.oa the bank
oMh IHxhuie Urr where the Ant timber bell inrtla the
Irrigated latuU. No othr tuwH In all
Central Oreeon I wi well tueatwl for
economic devclepiHent,ne oilier can ap
proach It In the beauty aii-t healthful
ntu of Ha aurrouixllniit, ami none wilt
be half m much LentAUett by the cumlug
of the rattroada.
A great Irritation aegrrgaliea hailti
headquarters at Ueml. At lea.t Iwealy
billion ert of limber It tributary loth
town, whoe milling In ItwU at.urta a
great future The DexliHtr rvcr In the
Immediate vMnlty orf.r bohic toua
horsepower for the operation uf the lulll
aud ptaut of the future. No town In the
Northwet! ha the epeulug fur manu
facturer., amall and large, that limit haa,
The Oregon Trunk kallroad la build
ing to Ilcnd. Practically all the grading
from the Columbia itiver I completed,
audcara wilt be running early lu lyil.
Ilcnd will be thelermlnuaof thlaruad for
a eenalderable peiM. The llarrlmait
iHachule Hoad already la bulldlug
Into the Heud country. The ea.
and-wc.t line of the Mill road branch
off hum the Columbia-Klamath line at
Bend, litmt, then, la alluatrd at what
will he the weal linpeitanlJuMtiou point
In Orrgoti.
Immediately adlaerut ta lien J are
aome three hundred Ibouund aerea or
lrtUatt.1 land under the Carey Act aegre.
gallon of the Central Oreeott Irrigation
CiHHpauy. Thla land la t'Klllt. Per
petual water right aval an sere.
Potty acre mr-ane lndccndrnee, eighty
acre biliiga wealth. Ileery proJuct
adapted to the temperate sou Ihrleca In
the riot volcanic -mI. The land I eatlly
worked and watered It orTrra the great
eat lirlgattoiilare opportunity to be found
In the Nurlhwe.t A great amount ol
on.trwetloii la being eoudueted by the
Prom Ilcnd atttlrre are located on )
aetc hotneattada en the ! area of tags
brutli lauda to the aoutheaat. Here la
found the Mggeat and the Uit big chant
for Ihe lan-l hungry la get free (loecrii
incut land that la woilh the having.
Ilcnd la Ihe timet iMtautlfytand health
ful town In Central Olcgou. It haaa pub
lic water ayalcm, with abaolulrly pure
water. II haa eltli llghta, aptendld
aeheot. thurehe. a flee llktaty, holelt,
baaki, etc.
The rallroada are coming. Hurry
ik! get In ou Ihe giound Boor. Central
Oregon la the grealral hetaeaccsera' and
larcalara' ptopo.lllon in all the Weal to
day. Heud I the plrol iolnt of Central
Oregon. II Itdeatlued lo make a mag
nlllcenl 4ly. Tho who mm lo Ilcnd
nuw and to the cvuulry around Head,
will win wonderful reward for Ihclr
Wewantyouloeninelo Ilcnd. Wrlle
u for InformalUn we ahalt be glad to
help you lu every polbte way.
Bcnb (BommcrcinI Club
Sleiio, Orctton
Estray Notice.
Taken up at my place about Jan, I,
one light red cow and calf. One half of
cow's faee is white, ear mark ou right
ear a swjIIow fork, left ear cut square
off, No other discernible brand.
Dam It. Smith, l.aldlaw, Ore, 47-49
For Sai.ic Six ol the finest lol.s
in Dehchutes, level, witter by ditch
nnd with city water. Next to hum
residence. Inquire Bulletin office.
60 YEAF18'
Truer. Marks
Corvmows Ac,
Anrona aending a aktth and deeerlpllon mar
ittcklr aarartam our m-liil'iu ftae whatliar an
ivanilon la priiliably lf lontakl. (oiiimuiilra-
n I. I. .1.
Iloi7ailetlreoiiadirtfal. IIAKOBOOK on Patauls
lent fraa. lllde.l
airanrr for atuiriurpala
Patenu taken (broueli Jluini Co. re
Ted Becker of Laidlaw returned jeers are to be prepared for reading
last Friday from a five week's trip at the meeting.
litUU fUXKf, wuiinuij vutnav, .mw.
Scientific Jinicricnn,
A handctnalr lllmtraljd wMklr. Iawal elr
cuiiuiou ot anr aclentino lournal. '1'orni. 13 a
I tour moraua, i. puiuuf.ii i..,uw ,..
tfJ0 361Dro.da.,.NeWY0rK
5MlrVI Waahlnetou-li-U.
All kinds of land locution and appraisement
work B20 acre homesteads ulontf
the railroad surveys.
J. B. Montague'
Contractor Builder
Plans and Estimates Cheerfully Furnished.
See me before- building.
Residence south of baseball field Heud, Oregon