i i Spec'l Prices MAP OF OREGON SHOWING GENERAL ROUTE OF PROPOSED BEND-BURNS STAGE AND AUTO LINE. ON ALL i uiijiiiniiii ) ii. ii i iiiii ' I -"""I" . i . 'j'." "-' "" "" "' " "' ' '' V V ' ' - .,'- "" ' i Iliiwi tt'iImw f" Pip :w28B JBgydfi The proposed Bend-Burns around Hampton Butte to the FORESTRY BILL AIMS PARTICULARLY AT FIRE PROTECTION. PropoMS A State Board of Forestry Slashings to Be Burned And Logged off Land Careful ly Protected. House BUI No 50, read January l6tu, and nut yet acted upon, a flee Is II interested in Central Oregon's Umber. It provides for a State Board of Forestry of seven members: the Governor, tbe head of O. A. C. forestry school and five electors. This board shall appoint a State Forester and a deputy. He shall execute all matters pertaining to forestry within the jurisdiction of the state. When additional fire wardens are required in special time of need, one-third of the expense shall be paid by the county within which the work is done. Sections of the p'opesed bill oi particular importance are, in part, as follows: "Any and all inadequately protected foreit or cut-over laud adjoining, lying near, or intermingled with other forett land and covered wholly or iu part by Inflammable debrla or otberwhe likely to further tbe spread of fire is hcreb) declared to be a public nuisance and whenever the State Porester shall learn thereof he shall notify tbe owners ol said land, requesting them to take proper steps for Its protection and advising them of means and methods to that end. During tbe period between June 1st and October 1st, which Is hereby deslg nsted the closed season, it shsll be un lawful for any person to set ou fire any slashing, chopping, wood land or brush laud, either bis own or the property of another, without written or printed per million from a fire warden. Any person who builds a camp fire upon lands within this State, not bis own, without clearing the ground im mediately around It, free from material which will carry fire, or who leaves (hereon camp fire burning and uuat (ended, or who permits a camp fire to spread thtrcou, shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five ($15) dollar, nor more lh.au five hundred (500) dollar. All pewofl, firm at corporations en- ggif.SJ?8siaa I stage route follows the general course of the dotted line extending from Bend to Vale, with the exception That it swings south. Egli, where it is proposed to establish a U. S. Land Commissioner, lies to the southwest of Hilcy some HO miles. gaged in logging, or permitting logging upon their lands, in this State, slia.l each ear burn their annual Uhing, by which is meant the topi ami inflammable refute left 'after lumbering, thut may carry fire or cause it to spread, Any person not emploved ami com peiiMted as a fire warden who .lull lc- ect any one violatlug any of the pn Utnii of this act, ami .lull furnloh In formation leaillug to the arrest and con victiou of such person, shall, upon hi conviction, receive one-nail ol the line will by such person so convicted." Large fines with optional im prisonment, nre provided fur failure to comply with the provisions of the proposed bill. A section provides that count) commissioners may appropriate money for forest protection. Tbe iili tHii.t .or .111 appropriation from 1 lie stale trcisuiy of $100,000. Tha Pajima Girl. When cold winter night romo the (mall girl and tirr aimill brother, loo. will be anxious to dinner their tin .t'rle underwear for pa Jama sulfa of warm flannel fajamm for girl ore cut exactly Ike those the boy wear, but the rna- FlilUlB or PRfK ThlKKKU. 9aaxt ' mmmum aB9i'BBBBBBl bbbbbbbbL1bhbk9ER!VTJbbbbB HibibibV ?bH ai tBBBaHBBBBBaal LB 38iH CBBBBBaBBEf atataH JHP li.HR-B9H9p'3f erlals are daintier In coloring and flen In weave. The pretty ult een n tbe cut 1 made from duckllru; leece, a kind of floweed tlnnnel which very attractive and wnvhe vplendld y. The (leece Is patterned with Mother Qoonif flsures, und the ground' vork Is a fascinating shade of pink. Mother who approve of silk under, veur und can afford uch luxurleu for heir children a silken pajamas have lovely selection of nulls from which o choose. Many of these models are of quilted llk embroidered In oriental design. " ,. Woman's World Tha Lovt Story and Good Deeds of tha Formar Quean of Portugal. tub ronusn qdken or ronrvakL. The last few year have been 11 n happy one Indeed for' the lovely mid good Amclle, tho former Ueen of I'ortugal. A every one knouM, her bURband, King Carlo, and the cruv.11 prince were nsanlnnted wlillo olic wa drfrlng with them In Iho treeiH of Lisbon In 1008, The exrmlnloii re- i-cntli-of heron. KinL.Miiiiiii.i ni..in.. , royal family from Portugal when the ! rnouarchlal government vviih replatisl , by that of a republic Is another blltei blow to this much tried womnn. Queen Amelle, tho daughter of the Comto do I'arls, vva brought up In l?nfflnnff In Hi nifrw.u. ult..ll.lw Itoyal union nre not always love moicuci, 11 ui me marriage of King Carlos and Queen Amello was an ei ceptlon. There Is n pretty story about this royal courtship, It seems the then Duko of Nragatiza was distinct, ly dllllcult to please In the choice of 11 wife. One day 11 ortnill of Princes Aroolle d'Orlenii was placed In his way as If by accident, and the duke was Immediately fascinated. Personal acquaintance increased the attraction, and eventually tho young couple wore married nt Lisbon In 1 83d. The mar Hugo proved a happy one, for tho roy) pair were as devoted to each other on the day nf the king' death a In the first years of their union, Until recently Queen Amello wn much beloved by the peoplo of her adopted country. Khe studied modi clue so as to understand hospltnl vrork and general nursing and wu tintlrlna In her efforts to Improro tho public health. Tho higher education of worn-j - . . . . . 'ar?"? a' ' -JBrni oJW3sW --ran T Jt -rritratiar - .JH aClT ' .siflL F 1W Wit s t isMn 7 n I jfliTTTi 1IHs!b 1 - r- mm i..t.,ii . ' ,,ifaiaffiEB6 I I en enlisted her wnnnent upport, and stie wni never happier than when go ' Imf MlLfMlt !(( nitwtfii tliA tvVi-t tt ! SIlJVMfc IV'fj UHVllt w vrv Vf Lisbon. Queen Amello was considered the bit gownetl of royal women, nml she U n born milliner. In the palace there was a mom net npart where hat and iMinnet were continually In coume of construction, mid thereby hangw n pathellc story. Once while out itrlrltig In the strectH of Lisbon ho observed n large crowd surrounding some object. The queen Rent the footman to see what wa the matter, and when he reMirted that n ' young womnn had fainted alio Imuiedl ntely left her cnrrlage ami had the unooimclouR girl taken to a uelgh lorlng hop mid personally attended her professionally. The queen had the young womnn removed lo her own home, had Inqulrle inn do nbout her and learned the ioor girl' history She wun n milliner and. hnvlng failed to get employment, had ventured to undertake work on her own nrcouiii for the support of herxelf and her In vnlld mother, but with no little sue ceNM that rIiv wn nearly starved. Queen Amelle Rent nt oni'o Rome nee pnrlei mid lomiiiiiuded the girl's preRenep ut the (wlnee. Mere sho re eelvrd her In Ihe workroom mid hand ed 1 he iKir milliner tliri- iHinnets of her own creation. "Tuko Untie an iikhIoIs, call them 'bonnetN Amelle' and tell your customers ihey nro made lifter the queen' own fashioning" Her majedty wore henielf one of the Identlcul bonnet mid commanded her Indie to do likewise. Within two months the once Mturrlng girl could take larger premlsot mid today U her elf an employer of over "00 women. What Dr. Madison Patera Say. Our president were largely accl dent, culled from Ihe plnln people They made gooil a a rule. Almost any American can be 11 king. Our American women ro unoxpceiedly call ' ,0 necomP"', hi preRlilenta to tho if Milt; i.uunu iiiiiiiiii.'ij iiii-iiinviwi. with a aoiuo of fltnest. Hhowlug thai any American girl run be 11 queen. .Men's prejudice come from the head and may be overcome; the prejudice ot. """"'" "'.r!," from ,,,u ,u'"rt nm are Impregnable. nil' iiiiiiri-uiiiiijii. A a rule, the fisherman with the bust halt cutchex the biggest fish, hut sometimes a hnsty woman, like 11 greedy trout, nwullows 11 hook with nothing on It. "Whut part of speech Is woman?" asked a boy of his father, He answer m1. "Khe Is no part; she Is tho whole of It." Hupposlng that the man was right In allotting to the woman a manl fold proportion of talkativeness, tnauy men must have Inherited their moth ers' share. Leuve your subscriptions for All Magazines at the Library nnd let that institution get the benefit. a I Am Now Conducting a First Class Restaurant In J. It. Williams' barroom nt llond nnd Oregon streets. Try My Place BILLY'S I'LACt! W, H. ADAIR BILLY'S PLACB MY UNB OF "Q"" ls COMPLRTH. IF YOU WANT A GOOD DRINK DROP IN AND SEE ME. Mike Dragich llond Street, between Oregon utid Mluticftotn. 1 I THE STORE S. C. CALDWELL, Prop. Hardware We carry anything" you want in these lines. All kinds of building mater ial. The only place to get a guaranteed Stude baker Wagon. Our Prices Save You Money. O'DONNELL UNION MARKET Winter Clothing Big Reduction in Rubber Goods Come soon and make your selections. These goods will not last long at the reduced prices put on them. Th Toggery A. L, PRBNCII, Prop. CARTER IS COMINO WITH OMIt FINE DRY WOOD to make ihe wet wood burn. Take n load nnd try it. Drop me 11 card in the V O box 61 P. M. CARTHR Pok Sai.k Six ol the finest lot in DcHchutcs, level, water by ditch and with city water. Next to new resilience. Inquire llullctlu office. OF QUALITY Groceries IfWMH BROTHERS mi 4 T