The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 08, 1911, Image 5

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    1 !
,.... I-,.--,..-. ,. ,...,..J.-...J. , .. .. t .-ltrf.,IT..f....ll ,lr PJ.ffl .,
iitwfnwHrtliiiiiifr i iffflrMWeMftatatwa
Tho purchasing power of a dollar is variously estimated. It is .vorth more in somo localities than in others.
Wc are trying to show you hero what can bo dono with a dollar at our store. Is there any place in this
locality where you can buy more with your dollar than at
IWeiVs Wear.
FANCY HOSE-Lace nml hand
embroidered, u dozen illffeicnt pat
terns ntitl colors- lliicc tf i t(
pairs for P I .UU
COLLARS Helmet lltiiiiil, our
entire line, nil slcs to for $1.00
SHIRTS Our entire line of nft
negligee and Kolf nliirln, tf 1 f(
$i 35 vul. nt per garment VUU
Muleskln Mittens The mostdur-
utile ever turned nut for tlie money,
it .oc value l 3 uiri tf i tC
Cloth Gloves I.tirgc gauntlet,
leather faced, a 30c value d 1 fC
nt 4 p.iira for P ""
Wool Socks Extra heavy, wliitc
or gray, 6e vultie, nt rt 1 ff
3 pair for H vU
Ladies' Wear.
Underwear Fleece lined, odds nml
ends, values up to 75c u garment, 11
good run of sixes, ut 4 d 1 CC
garment for P vJVJ
Cashmero Hoso 3 styles, nil
sles, the kiml ou lmve rt j CC
bought nt 35c. now 4 pr P m3J
Undorwear -a piece cashmere, glove
fitting rib, value f 1 25, C rft
at per garment $ VJVJ
Children's Cashmere Hose a
good quality, Hire 6 to 10, 30c
nml 35c vnluei, at 4 pair tf Ckf
Outing Flannels-ctioicc of our
entire line at ll yards far... $1.00
Assortment No. 1 .
1 can Wudco Aprieofi . p
1 ciin Wndco StruwU-rries ( II -
1 cmi Sliced Pineapple 1 S 1 .00
1 can Crated Pineapple
Assortment No. 2,
3 pounds Seedless Raisins ) For
1 pound Drkd Cherries f C 1 ((
1 jar Preferred Stock Jelly ) P WU
Assortment No. 3.
1 80. bottle Purity Olive Oil ) For
l Durkcc's Jinlud Dressing (CI Afl
I Uel Qunllty Catsup ) S vl
Comforter Materials
"Rcddisode" BattS One piece,
72x84 itichei, 3 lbs. per latt, pure
white cotton, regular ((
price 1 25, at per halt.. P I .UU
"Tulip" BattS Pure white cot
ton, two, 1 pound and j-pouud,
Value 35c pound, at 5 tf 1 if
lbs. for p I .UU
SILKOLINE An excellent cover
nig, plain and printed, beautiful pat
term; our entire 15c line g 1 AA
nt 8 d for P i .UU
SATEEN Dainty pattern; our
entire 25c line at 5 ids. tf 1 (
PRINTS A servicnblc covering
Jhul will not show voil iiurks Value
7J4c per yard, at 16yds.
RICE Kcclcaned, broken head, nt 12 pounds
for $1.00
SUGAR Guaranteed Cane, nt it lbs. for .. $1.00
COF F E E Your choice of 3 lbs. Magnolia or 3
j lbs. Special Carucol. for $1.00
MILK 7 cans of Carnation for $1.00
These prices hold good only until Feb
ruary 18th. No cash discount tickets
issued at theso prices.
House Furnishing
COFFEE POTS -Three-quart,
Koyal Blue Kuanicl Ware guaranteed,
a $1 20 value, at per j f(
Koyal lilue Enamel Ware, guaranteed)
n $1 15 value, at per rt rr
Berlin Kettles Three sis.3. 4 and
6 quart, Koyal Blue Eunrnel Ware,
Kuaiautecd, a $1.35 value for the 3
sues. One each of the 1 f(
3 sizes all for p 1 .UU
Lee Davenport wan in town Sat
day. Buy your valentines now at the
Patterson Drug Co. 48
0car Mvcrs Is In town from hit
up-river homestead.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Shotiquist
were in Hvnd last week,
J. J. Colin of I.aldlaw was in
Ilenil 011 business last week.
I wish to buy n good milk cow.
Address A. I. Hudson, lleuJ. 49
Send us your orderi for heavy
timber unci ship lap. Doud Lum
ber Co. 43f
If you have any real estate to
sell see the Byrne Kcal Estate? Ex
change. 4'tf
A. H. Nelson wns In Hend Mon
day from his homestead bouth of
Patterson's Cold Tablets are cur
ing hundredH of colds every day.
Only 25 cents. 48
Did you know that the Hut.UK
tin job shop can print your visiting
curds, on the best stock with hand
home script tyjc. T V.
David Ifr rear of Sisters was in
Hend Sunday.
Professor T. C. Neccc left foi
Portland Satutduy morning.
Mr. niul Mrs. Hans Johnson of
Tutnalo were 111 the Saturday.
William KveritiKliam of I.n Pine
was in Hend on business last week.
Huy your valentines now nt Pat
terson's before they arc picked over.
The Byrne Kcal KsUtc KxchauRe
has 11 bargain in a 160 acre Powell
Untie ranch. 43U
Yesterday II. K. Turpiu badly
scalded his right hand while rcscu
iui: u falliiiR kettle of water.
W'ANTKD I.oRRers with teams,
and man to clear laud nud cut
woikI. Ki) IIai.vok.son. ,j4if
1'or Sai.k OocmI kitchen rutiRe
with hot water attachments. Cash
or credit. C. S. HimoON. tf
If you want n haircut or shave
drop in at Innus mid Daviusou's
modern and well equipped burlier
shop, 48
With every $1 cash purchnse the
Patterson Drug Co. is RivitiR n
chance on a $100 chest of Commun
ity Silver.
A Big Slaughter in Prices!
txr - .. - " -
WU lmve wnno Mrn's nml Lmilpn Winter Unilerweiir tlmt we do not
mull in curry over t nrxl full, then-lore w 111c nnln to laiij;liter
tlic lirli-en wlitiout mercy. If jou need underwear now, lliis nicmm 11
very vtwliiiitlul mvIiik to yon. If you do not need the ood now, It
uetertlirleM will ly ymi to buy them and hold llieui until next lull, 11s by
tliemvhitf you will lie inukhii; much more tlmn in per cent 011 the money
Men's r.uiuaiitred All 'Wool Shirts nud Drawers, very t 1 f
heavy regular fi.oo value now, per garment p A, V
Men's Wool Draw er, regular f 1.00 values now 50flS
I.mllrn' High Ormle Wool Vents and rants regular fl.50 OrtjAc
value now, per garuiciil 7Vl.ia
Kiulles' lertey Hllibed Vests anil l'suts, heavily fleeced O-O'C
reKulttr.iiSC value now, per garment &JK.I.O
Rowe's Economy Store
Next I9iir to l'ostomcc.
'The Sume Goods for Less Money."
V. A I'orbes returned Monday
from a busiucNS trip to Priueville.
The Rirls basket ball team play
ed n practice i;ame Monday even
ing. Last week Mrs. I. D. Wilson
entertained the Bridge Club at her
Guaranteed shoes nt a price you
can't beat for 10 days only at
Bredeuhngeu's. 474
The Wcnandy I.iverv Barn will
be wired for electric lights by the
cud of the week.
Pkitit Lots of dry planer shav
ings to bod your horses with, nt
the Bend Lumber Co.'s mill. 43U
Fok Khnt Two rooms opposite
Poitofllce; running water, elec
tric lights. Sec First National
Bank. 40M
V. R. Harbour, Ted necker, Fred
Wallace, V. K. Dayton and John
Couch, ull of I.aidluw were in Bend
For Sale Team of horses, wagon
and harness. Will sell separately.
-V. K. Scott, at Bend Lumber
Co's. mill. 4itf
Be sure' to save vour cash tickets
from the Patterson Drug Co. You
may win the 58 piece set of Com
munity silver.
Foit Sai.k Fortv ncres of ditch
Inud six miles from Bend. Thirty
acres irrigable, Contract and
water rent fully paid. A bargain
if taken at once. Address Box 40,
Bend, Oregon, 43U
Louis Doouar, manager of the
Pioneer leleplio'.ic Co., hns been
in Burns trying to arrange for the
connection of his line .southeast
from Priueville with the lines going
northeast from Burns. The Pio
neer Company has 85 miles of line
already operating toward Burns.
Don't forget the masquerade ball
at Duster's Hnll Tuesday, Feb. 14
Music will be furnish by Kuunp's
orchestra, Dancing until 3 A. M.
Secure your masks nt Patterson's
Drug Store and Lnra's, Plenty of
floor mauugers nud n good time is
assured to all. Valuable prizes
will be offered for the best sustain
ed characters,
L D. Wiest has been confined to
his home for the past week with la
A large quantity of good ice has
lieen cut ftom the river the past few
You can save money by rending
Rowe's Hcouomy Store ad in this
issue. jS
Miss Pauline Wiest returned Fri
day from Portland nud Hoodl
G. W. Shrincr nnd familv are
moving to Hend from their up-river
When vou are in need of any
thing, then is the time to think of
Rowe's Hcouomy Store. 48 1
"A Marriage Under the Terror,"
by Wentworth, is the title of a new
book donated to the Libray.
Peter Jensen is hauling lumber
from Hend to his irrigated ranch
two miles north of Laidlaw.
Only three days left to get n pair
of shoes at 50 cents less than regu
lar price at BkkdkniIagkns 48
Fok Rknt Irrigated ranch, 370
acres in cultivation. Some ulfalla
Luit Davkni-ort, Hend. 48 51
Workmen are now engaged hi
clearing away the debiis from the
fire at the Pilot Butte Darn on Wall
Buy a pair of Bredeuhogen's
shoes now nud save money. Kverv
pair guaranteed to give satisfaction
or money back, 47--I8
Kggs for Hatching from pure
bred Silver Laced Wyandotte.
$i 00 per setting Mks. W. P.
Downing, Bend, Oregon. tf
The chest of Community Silver,
the Patterson Drug Co is giving
away is a b-nuty. A free chance
with every $1 cash purcase. 48
Roscoe Howard returned from
Portland yesterday evening. II
came in on the railroad to within
19 miles of Madras, driving the
rest of the way.
The rails of the on-coming rail
road will reach Madras this week
nnd one of the first shipments over
the road will be new goods for
Rowe's Kcououiy Store. 48
Manager Dooncr has donated to
the Hend Commercial Club the free
use of the telephone In the club
j Father Luke Shcchan left Mon
day on n business trip to Hermis-
In. 4 tl.. ...111 I... ... ...... Im
1 tuin .. win u una Minflll 11:11
I days.
Will buy njl fat cattle, calves nnd
hogs ready for market at highest
market prices Gkovk II Calm
WKM., Hend, Ore. tf
If you want a 320 acre home
stead in the best wheat section in
Central Oregon see the Byrne Real
Kstatc Exchange. 43tf
The bowling alleys in the Rowlct
Iiuitding on Wall Street have been
sold to J W. Hal?er who took tbem
to Redmond Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saltmarsh
and family have moved into the
cottage on Wall Street formerly oc
cupied by A. C Lucas and family.
For Sau Six oi the finest lots
in Deschutes, level, water by ditch
and with city water. Next to new
residence. Inquire Bulletin office.
T. J. Nond of the Blacker, Nond
Timber Co,, of Portland, was in
Hend last week, and it is under
.lood bought some small tracts of
The Y. P. S. C. K. meeting Sun
day cveuing was the best attended
10 date. A consecration meeting
will be held next Sunday evening
t 6:30.
The Priueville Commercial Club
is issuing a substantial leaflet set
ting forth what Crook County and
its rouuty seat have to offer the s-t
tier and investor.
The mid-week prayer-meeting
topic for this evening will be tht
subject of the Sunday School lesson
icxt Sunduy. 1st Kings, 18:35 39
Leader Dr. Sandburg.
Mrs. W. W Faulkner entertain.
m1 the "500" club at Mrs. J. M
Lawrence's residence last Wednes
lay night. This evening Mrs. H
). Overturf entertains.
The remodelling of the Hotel
Bend Is nearing completion. Th
iflicc entrance is now on Oregon
Street, nnd the corner on Bond h
iccupied by the hotel bar.
For Sauj Homestead relin
quishment if sold at once. Good
og cabin nnd barn, seven rick
A-ood ami a fine well on place. En
quire at The Bulletin office. 48
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Finley left
for Portland last week. Mr. Fin
ley will assist his father in prepar
ing Council Crest, Portland's Scenic
Park, fur the summer opening.
Straykd Dark chestnut riding
pony, gelding and- yearling ba
filly, both haltered. Reward for
return or information leading to re
covery. E. C. Pakk, Redmond.
Elmer Merrill, E. R. Post and
Robert McKcnuett left Bend today
for a trip to the southeast to in
vestigate the locality where the
supposed mineral bearing rock was
E. C. and A. P. Jackson of Laid
law were in Hend Saturday. They
come from Spokane, having moved
tLence to au "80" under the Steal
ley ditch, east of Laidlaw, last
J. II. Scott, resident engineer on
the Oregon Trunk line will move
his camp to Hend the end of the
week. It is expected that the camp
will remain m Hend until the com
pletion of all work now under way
L. D. Kennedy from Minneapolis
arrived Monday. Mr. Keunedy is
the partner of E. M. Thompsou in
the new firm of Kennedy & Thomp
son, who will open a furniture and
music store in the addition to the
Johnson Building on Wall Street.
George Coe, father of Dr. U. C.
Coe and of Moutelle Coe of Bend,
died at his home in San Francisco
on Sunday morning. The deceas
ed was a practicing physician, and
was over 70 yeatrs old at the time
of his death. His wife survives
For S.vtK Iajmbkr We usve in one
dry nhcd feet of finished lumber,
all sixes nnd kinds from I to 34 inches
in width. Alto door and window jams,
window stool, building ihlugles, etc.
We can make arrangements to deliver
anywhere. Send u your orders, J.N.
Maiten Lumber Co., Roaland. tf
This Saturday at 11 A, M. all
farmers interested in the use and
purchase of laud plaster will meet
111 the Bend Commercial Club rooms
to dicuss methods of co-operation
in the purchase nud use of the
The different church societies
wish to express their thanks to the
Bend Commercial Club for the use
of their room during the recent
church bazaar.
' 'Hkmw A. O'Kank.
Mrs E D, Wilson,
Mrs O. A, Thorson,
E. ESTKU.U Elus,
Census Reports For Oregon Counties
In Hands of Legislature.
The county population figures
for Oregon of the 13th census have
been furnished the state legislature
for its use in re-districting the
Crook County has 9.315 inhabi
tants, of whom 451 arc Indians, t
negro nnd 8 Chinese.
The total population of the stntc
is given at 673,765, divided as fol
lows: 655,610 white, 1,536 negro,
5,001 Indian, 7,317 Chinese and
3,386 Japanese.
Harney County has 4,059, Lake
4,658, Klamath 8,554, Malheur
8,601, Wasco 16,336 and Wheeler
Oreat Northern Booklet Gives Th s
Section Valuable Publicity.
In the Great Northern's Oregon
booklet, a big 33 page fully illus
trated folder, Central Oregon comes
in for three-fourths of the attention.
Hend is particularly fortunate.
Nine of the 33 illustrations arc of
Bend scenes; among these is a beau
tiful timber picture, a view of the
Uend school, irrigated aud dry-farm
fields cast of town, and a magnifi
cent double pae view of a rye field
near Bend.
A most interesting synopsis of U.
3. Homestead taws is given, ac
companied bv a map showing the
Central Oregon territory where
33o-acre homesteads may be had.
Red Riding Hood Entertains Puritan
and Other Maidens.
On Friday evening Miss Tot
Taggart entertained at a fancy dress
party at her home on Oreost
Street. About forty young people
attended, all the girls dressed
in fancy costumes, which ranged
from the attire of prim Priscilla, the
Puritan maiden, to the abbreviated
childrcns dresses worn by some of
the eight yeir old guests. The
hostess impersonated Little Red
Riding Hood.
After much dancing games were
played, fallowed by the serving of
Myers & Wilkey will open The
Budweiser saloon on Bond Street
between Greenwood and Oregou
tomorrow eveniug at seven.
The room in the Davies Building
on Wall Street formerly occupied
by the Bijou theatre, has been leas
ed by H. E. Turpin. He has re
moved the partitions and will live
in the rear of the building for the
present. Although he expect? to
open a store in the near future, he
has not announced what lines he
will carry.
If you wish to have your ex
press and light freight come in
along with your letters and dailv
papers, have it come in on the mail
line. Tiik Cornktt Staoh &
Stahlk Co. 35tf
and other ills of the body
at the
Hot Lake
(The House of Efficiency )
Hot Lake, Oregon.
The Oregon-Washington
Railroad & Navigation Co.
Sells round-trip tickets, good for
three months, allowing $0 worth
of accommodation at the Sana
torium, at Portland and all
O.-W. R. & N Stations.
For further information and illus
trated booklet,, addre-s Dr. W V.
Pby, Medical Supt. nud Mgr , H it,
Lake, Oregon, any O.-W. R. & N,
Agent or write to
General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon.