MUAklMMMM - r 1 lMuhauUwa .4 THE BEND BULLETIN ! i'i An Imlejxndcnt newspaper, standing for the square ileal, clenn biilne, clean )olltics, unit the best interests of Heml ml Central Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATKS: 0 it year.........-............ ..-.....$l.J Thrrc inonHu..f. ...-. '. S (tDTrliblr In arfrsuee.) WKONKSDAY, FEB. 8, 1911. AH lois in Bend nrc 140 feet in depth. This allows the construc tion of dwellings at a distance hack from the street. Too often the mi tike is made of placing residence close to the street; particularly is this a poor move when lots ate ot such depth that even when house are constructed fifty feet from tin sidewalk line ample room will re main in the rear for back yards, wood sheds and clothes line room Nulling so adds to the appearand of a town, ns well as to that of the residences themselves, as handsome liwns and ample space betwetn house and street. Bend has a great opportunity to build up beautiful residential districts: next to hand some houses, their location on tin lots well back from the street sa fifty feet is the most important factor in bringing about this result. By all mens let the Commercial Club take immediate action and gei the Bend-Burns stage, auto anr tnail route into being. It is a mat ter of tremendous importance t B:nd It will focus the trade and interest of the huge southeast coun try, today a homestead territory, t jmorrow a grain-producing district, upon Bend. And above all it will hasten the developement of this vast area as nothing short of a rail road could, making things easier for those who have taken up home' steads, facilitating their improve rnent work, and encouraging other.' to occupy and develop the waiting land. A fire plug is needed on the west corner at the junction of Bond Street and Greenwood Ave. Tbt north end of Bond Street is building up rapidly and the many buildings, old and new, in the vicinity of the corner referred to snouiu receive better tire protection than now is afforded them When taking up this ma'ter, it' would also be well to consider the advisability of in stalling a plug near the school house. With a population of but 9,315 inhabitants Crook County has 8000 square miles of territory. Probably one-fourth of this is Government hnd. Mr. City Dweller and Mr. Easterner, there is ample room heri tor you and our brothers, your sisters and your aunts. PARDONED, RETURNS. Governor Stipulate Mrs. Urlckson May Return to Crook County. The sherifTaotlicc Is In receipt of the following tetter from Governor Weil, bearing on the Hrlckton eae; "Mr. T N. Hal four, Sheriff of CtooV County, l'rinevllle, Oregon. Dew Sir I am In receipt of a letter (rum Mr. C. It. Krlckaun, cnckvdttK the c-omlltinual pardon ot Mr. Kettle ItrlcU on, together with letters from yourself, to Mr. Krlckwm. "1 note that one of the condition in the pardon is tlmt Mr. Krlcktton is to remain ooitide of Crook county forever. Inasmuch us t have uUcn Mr. ltrickson permission to remain in ttinl county un til nucli time he may be utile to ntljrnt 'tis business affairs no as to move, I deem It an Injustice to require Mr. Hrickvin to remain outside the county. There fore, t would request that so long at Mr Krlckfon ami Mrs, ItricVsoii remain aw-abidlng and peaceful citizen that hey be permitted to attend to thrir own xffain without molestation and I would request further that .the condition of residence In Mr. Urirkson'a pardon tic not considered so Ion) a Mr. Hrickson conducts herself in a litw-abiditti: man ner. Yours respectfully, OswAun Wkst." WILL TAKH l-XAMINATION. Misses Ada Porter, Ida Ander son and Harriet Dolsen left for Prinevillc yesterday, where they A'ill take the regular teacher's ex aminations. School closed Monday afternoon and will open next Mon day morning. Real Estate Transfers. (FurnliheU by the Crook Count; Abttract Co.) K A Salher, trustee, to Deschutes Ink vestment Co. lot 7 Mk It, IU-tid. ft Kettle I. Katun to Nathaniel and N'alh in HaverstocU netf srcjl, 13-17. ft. Kea Ilros. to Marie Gellespie lot 7 blk 15 Madras, $150. Crook County Inv. Co. to Kulor Olicn lots 15, 16. 17 and IS, blk 77, Hillmau. ,'IJO John I' Van Allen et ux to WmG I'lioe ilx. lot 33 blk j6 Keilmoud. ft. Redmond Towiulle Co to John W Wood. -ulT, lots 5 anil 6 blk 13; lot 3 and 4 btk 18; lots 7 and 8 blk 3: e)j of lot 13, 14. 13 and 16 in blk 34 Redmond, ftyio. Rose Cason to Addie Nichols lot 5 blk 3. second add Redmond, f 1600 Niels Anderson to Adam Kotzman et il, 7'to interest in catetnciit across ( nwtf sec 33. 1712 ft. Cbas Doyd to Ailaru Kotiman et al. essetnentof 3J-ft strip across yi ne4 tec 31. 17-13. ft. Ellen Tattle and husband to Cha S Benson. K interest in 3J-ft strip acrots t)i kX sec 31. 17-13. ft. cnat uoril to t-.uen rattle, et al. sou trip as rieht of war across iwu tie" & 1 nwa se,V sec 31. 17-13. ft. Rllen I'atlie and husband to Adam Kotzman et al,;acmcnt of a5.fl strip icross nvcK iw) sec 33, 17-13. ft. Chas Boyd to Adam Kotzman et al, easement hf 35-ft strip across sw nti sec 31, 17-13. ft. Frank II May to Adam Kotzman, strip across sw inrj & nvr'J '( cc 12, 17-13. J50. (qultclalmj Crook Co Inv Co to Hiram V Thomas lots 1. 3, 3, 4 and 5 blk 14 Uillman f 333. J I Kllins-r et ux to C U" Hhret, loU jand 6 blk 6 Redmond. 51030. Pilot Hutte I)ev Co to Ilenii Timber Co west 163 feet of w sec 13. 18 11. ft. Thos J Fryrear to J J Wilt sjf neX cc33. ra-io. fi$o. Crook County Inv Co to Mabel Akin, tot 33 blk 105 and lota 8, 9 and 10 blk 7 (Iillman. fSo. The LOG CABIN SALOON North-cnst coiner Bond 11 ml Oregon streets. Best Brands Wines, Liquors and Cigars WE CAN SER.VE YOU Any Drink YOU DESIRE. SEELEY (& McGRATH Proprietors o- " c, R0UC1M AND DRESSED LUMBER HEAVY TIMBERS A SPECIALTY IP WE II A V ISN'T QOT WHAT YOU WANT WE WILL MAKE IT FOR YOU Bend Lumber Co. ALL FIRST CLASS GOODS WILL BE HANDLED AT e SiWerroo Old Crow, Yellowstone Green River Hermitage, Atherton, aid J. W. Harper. Wo ore exclusive agents for the famous WEINHARD BEER. for all Central Oregon. Your Patronage Solicited Many of the cross walks have sunk so far into the mud as to have lost their usefulness, it being an easier task to cross the streets else where than risk a splash across the submerged walks. A couple of days' work would remedy this mat ter. Oregonlan Advertising'. If you want to interest people on the outside in lands you have for tile or Ret homesteaders to locate, why not try a little advertising in (he Portland Oreijonian ns well as the Bend Bullktin? The Bull KTIN will take your copy here and end it in for you. We'll arrange for render and display ads for you. The rates are the same as if you ent to Portland. TF. Bend's New ' Harness Shop Only Complete Stock of HARDWARE IN CENTRAL OREGON. Twenty per cent of Oregon's total acreage is withdrawn from use and settlement. "Conservation" claims forty-five per cent of Montana. Let us rejoice that our paternal govern ment still permits us the untramel led use of the unconserved air. A bill making it a misdemeanor for one person to treat another to a drink has been defeated at Salem. Apparantly it didn't look good to uuyoue but its author, Representa tive Rackleff. Applications for Urazlng I'ermlts. Notice It hrrtbr riita that all BDDllcaliont far permits to grate tatlte. hortcs and thtcp withtu iheCttcadr Nallentl Corttt during the scttou ol 1911, mml be tied In lay office at liuuciic. Ore- eon, on or before February is, 1911 full in. lurmttlon In regan! to the vmlng fees to be be utnl lu miking url. charged tuj blank forms to applications will be furnitheH upon r 45-4 TQU f .... u 1.11W. bupervlsor. Mnnufucturcrs of I larnes Hcpairin of All Kinds including SHOK and HOOT A Big Stock of SADDLES, BLAN KETS, ROBES. Sale of Buggies $115 Michifrun UiiKKies (tQ5 CA $100 Michignn HiiffK CQGj HA Builders1 Hardware Stoves Cooking: Utensils Guns and Ammunition Sporting: Goods Farm Implements. Barb Wire at Cost. in Bend Hardware Co. Mhuel, the depoted king ot Portugal, receives a monthly pen sion of 3000 from his native laud. Which goes to show that It pays to be even an ex-kinir. A dollar spent "on tue outside" is a dollar gone from Bend. A dol lar spent here remains in local cir clrcuhulon; the spender has another chance nt it. In bowing to the public on its fiftieth birthday the Portland Ore gonian does itself proud. fssasaaMPsgasyBW WW JsM W I 'Wstsbjsjju, 9 11! I fMMiw i! Mhm&9m lBaaaaaaK7?HT' tULaW 7f V fe ran Genuine Mandt Wagons Farm Implements H. J. EGGLESTON Bend, Oregon. pkctitetivm ivimnivix 1 is prepared expressly for the needs of horsemen and ranchmen. It U a powerful and peuetraUng Hnl tnent. a remedy lor emergencies, A soothing embrocation for the relief of pain, mid the best liniment for sprains and soreness. Unequalled for healing wounds and injuries causea ny iiakiscu wjiwv aim for all cuts and bruises. Pacific Horse Liniment is fully cuaranteed. No other is so good or helpful in so many ways. H it fails to satisfy, we author ize alt dealers to refund the purchrse price. Extra largo bottles 5 0 cents. IIOVT ClfKMICAJ, CO., I'Ortland, UTC.i TiTe E. F. Pitman Real Estate Co. IRRIGATED LANDS IN THE WALKER BASIN Farm andStock Ranches for'solo. We handlo La Pine Townsite Lots. Tell Us Your Wants. La Pine, Oregon. DESCHUTES Addition Adjoins Bend on the south. Most beautiful residential sec tion in Bend. O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET REASONABLE PRICES Also Some Choice Business Lots. Timber Lands Bought and Sold. HUNTER & STAATS WALL STKUIJT, HHND, OR. Sit of silver teaspoons free. See flubbing offer on last pnge POLK'S GAZETTEER A Ylailnnts Dlrerlorr of earh Cllr, Town unil Villas lu Orrgun arid Wunhlnglon, uhlag n Dmcrlpllvo Nkrtrli ol eurli pluic, Jxirutlun, Hlilpplnr I'urllillr mill Clai.l. flrl Dlrirtiirr Ot cacti MutloeM anil 1'rofr.ilun. It. U ror.ic ft CO., Inc. Hultl, Wanli. Leave your subscriptions for All Magazines lit the Library and let that institution get the benefit. Try The Utilletiii job prlntery. 1 E . 1 . ' 1 1