The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 08, 1911, Image 3

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I Now Have on Hand a Good Stock of
Slelghlng l flood In South Country
I'artyOoes to Creicenl Dance
Lumber IJelojf llrought
to Mend.
i a n r;
Why not Iinvc something all your
own -something different from
the usual forms used by others.
Besides the opportunities offered
in special forms, unique make-up
and attractive tinted papers, our
Will add tremendously to the ap
pearance of your stationery.
Let us show you some CLASSY
COMBINATIONS In' unique type
designs, unusual papers and at
tractive Inks. ' ''
The Bend Bulletin
V. y
,i t
1 vw I
Rosi.awd, Ore., Feb. 6. Mr. and
Mrf. I. M. Hurt euterlalned at dancim;
and can! I'riday ercninK. Thoie pre-
ent were Mr. and Mra. Melvin Howard,
Mr. and Mr. M. I'. Hawthorne. Mr.
and Mr. Kldgly and children, Mr. and
Mr. W. O. J'ordham, Mr. Nettle
Sliulti, Mie lilna fihulu, Udlth Mat
ten, Ilertha Carter, Mniri. Ivan Shultz,
Clint. Jackvm, Alfred Kliullz, Wetter
Wise nml Manuel Oiralday. An elabor
ate luncli wu cned at twelve. Muilc
wa rrtnlercJ by Meir facktnu ami
' I'ordham.
U. M Hurt N taking advantage of the
now to haul Iok to the mill. blrlKUliig
i Tine.
The mill clowl Thurtdav and will not
commence lawlng (or some time. Mr.
Johnton I to load 7'o or Vrj feet of
lumber Saturday for Ilend.
Mr. Strottt and Mlt Montgomery
will lake the teacher examination at
I'rlnevitle next week.
Cbria Anderton I gelling ready to
build on hi homrttead. He, i jmttliiK
a well down.
Will HvriiiKliaui made a buiinet trip
to He ml lal week.
frank llogtie and Will Holliruhrad
j have been suffering 'rom an attack of
tnc grip.
About thirty person, young and old,
formed a merry lelghing arty to attend
a dance at Crctccnl last Saturday night.
The CreKcnt eople arc royal entertain
cr and all cujjyed a pleaum evening.
Genevieve and I'ay Howard, who liavej
been Having at J. T. Carter', have cone
to ypeiul the remainder of the winter
with their uncle, Jake Howard at Long
Chat. Mead wit called to the Otburn
home lat Thursday by the crioui ill
net of hi daughter, Mary. Mr. Meade
took her to the hotel at I. Tine and he
it now rapidly recovering.
Hliner Hawlhoriie and wlfa of Bend
vUiled home folk latt week.
Mr. J. X. Matteu wa taken Ick at
the dance at Cretccnt and hat been con
fined to her bed luce. She i lowly
Combination Dtvlca For Whipping Dirt
Highway Into 8hap.
We recently Ttalted a model farm,
and one of the moat attractive fea
ture about It nrai the condition In
which the rood, both on the farm and
the, adjacent bleb way. were kept by
uso of the ipllt log drag. This Is a
matter of real economy, jib well at of
good looks, A visit to another farm
bowed a modified device which wa
bad never seen used elsowbere and
which Is tho Invention of the owner,
ays a writer In tho Kansas Parmer
It Is so effective that a drawing of ll
Is shown herewith. It Is rvally a com
bination of bnrrow and upllt log drag
Tho hnrrow I colli are nttnebed In such
a manner Hint tbey can be let down
and the Implement used as a harrow
only, or the teeth enn be mixed and
the Implement used as n drag only. It
the teeth are set level with tho bottom
of tbo dree It forms an oxcellcut clod
caxruL nirLttiKNT ron baiith ho ads.
crusher, and Its weight Is such that It
can bo nicely handled with nn ordinary
farm team. There aro certain roads
which require a Rood deal of whipping
Into shape before they become pood
dirt roads. This work enn be done by
a split log dniK If time Is taken for It.
It can bo done more readily by the
combination Implement herewith Illus
trated, as will be shown on n trlnl.
As this Implement has n value In the
Mold that Is equaled by that on t,he
road. It may bo considered a distinct
Improvement over both tho ordinary
split log drag and tho bnrrow. The
drawing Is sufficiently plalu to show
the method of construction, and the
cost for tho Iron attachments for hold
ing tho teeth need not be great. The
teeth, of course, can bo set In a wooden
frame, though thoy nro loss satisfactory
so because loss readily adjustable.
This Implement has been used on the
farm whore It was mado for n nura
ber of years and has been found equal
ly effective In tho field and on tho roud.
A Large Consignment of al' Kinds of
Is expected in from Sbaniko daily.
If you want a good drink try my pfece.
Bond nnd Oregon Streets.
WHEN we speak of Medicines we mean
everything in a drug store in the medic
inal line crude drugs, extracts, chemi
cals, and lastly but most important of all -prcscriptious.
It is iu this department that
ue ate of the greatest service to you. Our di
ploma guarantees that you get the same con
sideration and care when you have your pre
scriptions filled here just as your doctor's
diploma guarantees that you have the services
of a thoroughly qualified medical man. When
you want medicines of any kind or when you
have any prescriptions to fill we ask you to let
us fill them. We tell you here that they will
be filled rigbt.t . ZZZii IbHjmZ
Red Cross Drug Store
Beginning Feb 1st, and for 10 days
only I will sell any pair of Ladies'
or Men's shoes at
50cts LESS
than they are marked.
These goods still bear Mr. Turpin's
price mark (which was very reason
able). At the 50-cent reduction
every pair of shoes in my stock is
A Decided Bargain
W. C. Bredenhagen
lend jYachine hop
All Kinds of Saw Mill and Inarming
We Carry n Large Stock of
Auto Repairs and Supplies
Wall St., next to Opera House