THE BEND BOLLETIN VOL. VIII IIKNI). OKKGON, WKDNKSDAV, I'lill H, io;r. NO. 48 TRY OUT ENGINE FIRE FIQIITURS ELECT NEW OFFICERS Chemical liujclno Prove llfflclcnt Member nro Assigned to Various Apparatus, Which nro Located I Several Place. At the meeting of t lie Volunteer l'frc Department held 11 1 the hose house Friday evening the following officers were elected to scivc until (lie regular election In July:- President H H Allen Secretary C I) Hrowu Treasurer J I) Davidson Chief K A SiUhcr Asst. Chief H C Throne Foreman II J KkkIcsIoii Smithy uftcriioou the new chem ical engine was tnken to the south cud of Wall Street, and there n brush fire was put out. This was the first time the new np;inilu.i ha lccu ucd oud it wus found most efficient. Two taukn of the chemical solution were used 011 the Mure. The results would probably have Ikcii quicker had the fire been enclosed thus allowing the gun from the solution to Ik: confined. The member of the organization have been assigned at follow: Chemical Cit It J lfKulrstou's store. II J ItitKlrdoiii I'oreman K M Smith T M O'Donnell H I'nlndesler II It Allen 8 0 Caldwell C. HVotiiiK Clurlct Carroll ) T ThoWtrup II I' Klnncar M J Kelly I low Cart N. I at hoc house on Minnesota .Street. 1' II May. foreman 1' A llunnell C C Tripled Tom Triplet! ' J I) Davidson T Ktwrton M J Kuulsoii Arthur Proctor Clint Whittcd Charles Uoetien Prince Staata Host Cart No 1, downtown. N l .Smith, 1'omnau N I' Welder A M l.ara llrnry Wliltiett Rene writ C I NUwoiiKcr John l.lmter Martin Kuulson C U Throne Hlmer Nlswcmgcr C I) Drown The chemical engine will he kept nt KtiRlcston's store, hose cart No. 1 at the hose house and cart No. 2 nt some place on cither Uond or Wall Sticct. lUch tnemher is ex pected to rcort nt his apparatus tiou the rliiKitiK of the fire hell. Welder, Sathcr and KgKlcston were nppolntcd n committee to as certain what additional apparatus Is needed, nud appear before the Council with a statement of the necessary supplies, The election of K A. Sathcr at Chief will have to Ik ratified by the "Appreciation" This Dunk vulues the business it re ceives horn its customers uml tukes every opportunity of telling them so. Our customers, on the other hunt!, uppreeiute the fuet that the service ex tended to them is coupled with secur ity. Any business arrangement to be pertnn netit must be mutually satisfactory and profit able. Therefore, iu the selection of your Ilntik, have I'HRMANKNCY In view nnd establish ourself for your present mid future well being with a good sound Hank, like The Deschutes Banking & Trust Company Of Bend, Oregon "Conservative Banking for Conservative People." L. H. HAIKD, (President) J. W. MASTHHS, (Vice President) V, O. MINOR, (Secretary) DlRIICTORS! I,. 11, I1AIHD, lf. O. MINOR, S. V. I1AIKD. Council us the office curricH with il n iioiiiiuiil salary. The organization will meet to morrow evening nt H in the hose house. CLUBSTARTSCOMPANY Athletic Organize Plro Hrlfe-ado and Want lino of Hose. At a meet inn Monday evening of the Memlr Athletic Association a fire company was organized. A pet i tion will no at once from the Asscl ution to the City Council risking for the 11 hc of one of the hose carts for fire drill. It is the iutetitiau of the company to drill three times a week. The officers nud members of the company 111 c as follows: Steve Stctdl, Fire Chief; A. It Dorrl. Lieutenant; D. M Davis, Captain; Willard Houston. Claude Kcllv, John Sathcr, Warren Wheclock, l'rlncc Status, Carl Hunter, Alf I.inslcr, John Muster and Guy Mc-Reynolds. GAME WITH PRINEVJLLE llend llasket Hill Team At County Sent This week. The basket ball team of the llend Athletic Association will play the I'rincvillc Athletic Club's team two game, on the evenings of this Fri day nud Saturday, nt I'rincvillc. The local basket tossers have been practicing hard for the last three weeks nud are said to be a crack five. They have plenty of speed nnd enough weight to back it up nud stand the hard knocks. Warren Wheclock is Captain of the team, playing forward. The other players will be selected , from the following men: Steve' Stcidl, A. T. Hocch, C. G. Spring, cr. K. H. Hryau, Mux Richardson, I'rince Sluats, and John Sathcr. l'rlncc Slants will take the team to the county sent. The I'rincvillc team is paying oil expenses. In the latter part of February n boxing nud wrestling tournament will be held in Ilcnd. The local mat artists arc showing up excep tionally well. About eight candi dates nrc allowing up lor wrestling honors and the tryottts will see several more members taking up the mat game The tryouts will be held iu about two weeks. The weights iu the tournament will be, wrestling: 175 or over for heavy weight, 150, 145 nud 135; boxing: 133 and 145. Did you get one o those funny packages of Whitmans candy from the Red Cross Drug Store. 48 Just try The Ilulletin Job I'rintcry. KEEPS ON SOUTH DESCHUTES ROAD TO BUILD TO CRESCENT Second Railroad Will Pass Through liend Connecting With Natron Cut off llarrlman Line I'nr Be hind Oregon Trunk. On February and Judge I.ovctt, head of the Hurrimau system, an nounced in New York that the Deschutes railroad will be continued south of Redmond, through Hem! to Crescent, where it will connect with the Natron Cut-olTnud with the proposed Ontario-Natron line. Nothing was said concerning the time when the proposed extensions would be undertaken. It is sup posed the work south of Redmond will be commenced us soon as the rails reach that point. List night Oregon Trunk rails were 9 miles north of Madras. It is expected they will reach that town by February 14th, on which date n celebration will be he'd According to those who have come up the Deschutes Canyon during the last week the Hurriinun line is from two to five mouths behind its Hill rival as regards its stage ol completion. The Hnrrimnu system is to cxend $15,000,000 iu double truck ing its northwestern lines. BUILDINGS GO UP. Plrst Uulldlng On Drake Lawn to be Constructed. Hrostcrhous Urothcrs ore erecting a 16x30 foot building on the north side of Oregon Street, between the Cornell Stage office nud J. R. Wil liams place. It will be completed by the end of the week, and will be occupied by W. Adair's restaurant, now located in the Williams build ing. C. S. Benson has given a con tract 10 Sutherland & Mcintosh to build a one-story office building on lot 19, block 4 on Wall Street. Work will begin immediately, and the two offices will be ready for occupancy by the end of next week. R. 11. Gould will occupy quarters iu the building. Work has started upon the two story building being erected for J S. Parmintcr on lot 10 of block 11 on Bond Street. Buy your valentines now at the Patterson Drug Co. 48 Bend Construction Company. ARCHITECTS Contractors Builders All Kinds of Furniture nnd Cabinet Work. AH Work Fully Guaranteed SEE US BEFORE YOU BUILD. J. A. HAZUKA W. M. TETOB STAOE, AUTO AND MAIL LINE PROJECTED. Cornell Company Wants liend and (turns to Co-operato In Improving Rood Through Homestead Land Project Progresses Well. Just ns soon as the road between the two points can be put iu good condition the Coructt Stage and Auto Co. will operate stage and automobile lines between Bend and Hums. Such is the announcement made by G. M. Cornell, liend of the big Central Oregon stage com pany. It is also almost certain that with the allotment of the new mail con tracts in March, and the reorganiz ation of the mail service of the In terior that will follow the arrival of the railroads and the discontinuance ofthco'd Shauiko routes, a mail route will be inaugurated from Bend to the Harney county scut. Mr, Cornett is so interested in the scheme and so desirious of get ting it into immediate oeraton that he has taken it up with the Bend Commercial Club. He de sires that the local organization get into touch with the Burns boosters for the purpose of cooperating iu the work of improving the Bend Burns road. Manager Sawhill has received Mr. Cornell's assurance that hc will furnish an auto to take a committee from the Bend Com mercial Club to Burns to take up this matter. t With two unimportant exceptions 1 the Bend-Burns road is an excellent one. The first of these is at a point I some seven miles from Bend, where a new road passes about, the ,Mc-i Gillvrny ranch; here there is of snort mil sicep uiu. n nine wort: conld change the road's route and eliminate the hill. There is anoth er double hill some 'six mile west of Millican's which can be done away with very easily. Tne proposed route encounters no hills worth mcutiou-ng, passing through a level or slightly rolling country. Practically all the terri tory traversed is free from rock and there is little or no adobe. Those familiar with the route declare an almost perfect road can be mad. and maintained at 'very slight ex pense. On the map appearing on page six the dotted line of the east and ART PROCTOR ". McQREGOR ROii MS west railroad survey from Bend to Vnle practically is followed by the proposed stage route. The only ; exception is thai the stage road passes to the south of Hampton Butte, thence running north cast ward to Burns. This mail route would serve the proposed postoOlce of Millican. Rolyat, Held, nnd nil the homestead country in the .Millican, River Bed, Juniper Valley and Hampton Val ley districts as welt as furnishing direct communication with Burns and the southeast. It would great ly hasten the development of this large territory, and assi-it this sum mer's settlers who will take up tkc last of the remaining 320 acre homesteads. For it is estimated that the big rush of land seekrs ac companying the coming of the rail road will gobble up the couple of hundred thousand acres of free land that still remain before autumn. TO VIEW OUT ROAD. Party Will (Jo From Bend to Prospect Proposed Route. Yesterday's development in re gard to the proposed Bend-Burns road is that a committee will go part way over the route the latter part of this week to view out the best road and discuss the matter with settlers in the affected territory preparatory to getting up a petition and taking the matter up with the Burns Commercial Club. A C. Lucas has donated the use of his car for this work. Road Supervisor Richardson will be a member of the party: other mem bers may be W. H. Staats, S. C. Caldwell and one or two of the lo cutcrs familiar with the territory. LIKE PROPOSED ROUTE Held District, on Bend Burns Road Wont Mall From Here. The following letter from Held. Ore., has lcen received by Mana ger Sawhill of the Bend Commer cial Club.. It shows the support. the proposed Bcnd-uurns postal route will receive from the inhab itants of the territory traversed. HKLD, Oregon. Jan. aj, I wti told by tome one that Bend wa trjlujj to opt n a ataf;e and mail route from there to Ilurut. We ore trying for a mall route here ami the Prineville Commercial Club have been doing aomethhig toward tbe mail route. But hearing that you were trying to put on a stage to Burns we would prefer to put our tllorts toward four alni a it would be a permanent thing for tome time to come, a naturally mail route will operate only from railroad point. There it a large settlement hce that It too far south and west for any route Irotn I'rineville to touch, and anv local route would bt only weekly at bet. We are on the main line from Bend to Dunn ami will endeavor, if tbe stage goet that way to open a postoffice. Any information ou can gvc me concerning the matter will be appreciated. I will do anything 1 can to help and thank you for the information. Mrs Alma Kims. SSS The First National Bank OF BEND. BEND. OREGON Or. U. O. COB, Prldnt E A. SATHCII. Vie Prldnt 0. 8. HUDSON, CathUr Oapltal rullr paid ... $38,000 8tockholdrf liability Sas.000 8urplu lQIfi 1 7 A Was 1 I 1 Should Be More So. 0 Are you prepared to take advantage f of the opportunities which will come f to the man with tsTtl t Nt If not, start an account today, with the First National Uauk of llend. This Bank is under the supervision of the United States Government. Just as uiueh a pari of the Government as the Post Offices, All our loans, investments and our Policy are tubjtct lo Government supervision am) approval. We try to run the Hank so that all matters will meet with the full sanction of the Government, ud solicit your business on that basis. DIRECTORS: U,. C. COK U. A. SATHPR C. S. H0D5QN v. v. smith h. c. LEI SETTLERS LAND BOARD ORDER INTERESTS ALL. Representatives of Settlers May At- tend Land Board Meeting When Matters of Importance to Them Are Considered. Prom Slate Engineer Lewis is obtained the following order of the State Land Board, which provides that at meetings where matters of importance to settlers arc to bo taken xtp representatives of thi settlers shall be notified that they may be on band to present the r side of the It appearing advisable that the Desert Land Board tbould have regular dale of meeting, ar.d that it would be ad visable to have auch meeting held on tbe Mine date that the State Land Board mtets, It was therefore Ordered, that regular meetings of the Oetert Land Board will be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month and it was further Ordered, that whenever any Company operating under the Carey Act, detlrr tbe Hoard to lake action on any request, tueh request must be submitted in writ ing to tbe Secretary of the Board nut let than three day prior to the ret regular meeting of the Board, and if auch request appears to affect the inter est of the settlers on the segregation of tbe said company, tbe Secretary it here by instructed to notify the proper rep resentative of the settler of such re quest and no action will be taken by the Board on any requett which appears It) affect the interest ol settlers until the settler, through their proper represent' alive, have been given an opportunity to be heard. The Secretary it hereby inttructed to write to the several settlers associations on the Central Oregon 1 -rlcation Co, project far information m to whom communication relative to the mtcrcstt of settler rhall be addressed. PUMP CUT-OFF PUT IN. Each Pump Station Can Now B Used Independent of Other. A cut-off valve has been installed, on the supply main leading from the pump stations, and hereafter a break at either station will not necessitate tbe shutting oil of tbe water. Last week the -ater was shut off several tiroes due to the breaking of the pipe just inside of the power station. This was due to the in creased pressure, but it is believed that the connection made Saturday will bold Yesterday 12 large lockers were installed in the rooms of tbe Beud Athletic Association. Mrs. Claude Smith of Prinevi le is visiting Mrs. F. V, Smith - a Prosperous Year, (fjg'i a Bank Account. I Shi