immifc niiiimmu man jiii"- .. ...-. ,-.., ALL HELPS BEND LOCAL MERCHANT TALKS CEN TRAL OREQON IN SEATTLE. A.M. Lntt Oct lloostlnj: lnterlev In Sound City Paper nnJ Ua Se attle Special StnrtcU for UenJ Depot. "When the Oregon Trunk Railway U finlthetl to Bcntl, In Crook County, Ccn tral Oregon, the people of Iteml want special twin run from Seattle to cele brate the opening to trartic of the great undeveloped empire to be tappcl by the Hill line," ay A. M. Ura, of Hetul. son of M. Lara, well known local cap. italut Mr. Lara i in Seattle on a iiit to his paremt. "The llelict bunch lon In Central Oregon It marie up largely of Seattle people," Mid Mr. Lara. "McOraw, Kit tinger& Caie, haa a townstte enter prise at Crater, lixty mile south of Iteml and other Seattle men are interested in Crook County and in general in the open ing up of the vast resource of Ceutial Oregon " "We expect to tee the firat train ocr the Oregon Trunk system pull into Beud June I. Bend It the center of activity and interest in that section. It will be the terminus of the new Hill road for tome years to come. After reaching Bend, the Oregon Trunk will be extend ed gradually eastward opening up a Cue country between Bend and the western boundary of Idaho." Mr. Lara said that the Beud Commer cial Club list advanced the proposition that the first train to run into that city cv.t the Ote cn Tmnk be compoted of an excursion from Seattle and he hopes to awaken Interest in the project while in this city. Evary Cit at Qsod. At a German watering plare some years ago an American with his wife and flf teen-yea r-old son was staying at a bote! where a ficrrnan nobleman appeared at dinner one evening with Jbls coat liberally sprinkled with dec- vS.ONT.5 "J BEX TOO WEAR DlCOn.4TIO.fH ALSO.' orations of various size. The boy. who had often soken to the man. asked. "What are those things for?" and received the sneering answer. "Thoso are decorations not for Amer leans." Next evening the boy came to din ner wearing several medals on bit Jacket and succeeded In having them noticed by tho man of the orders, who asked: "I see you wear decora tions also. What are they?" "This one." be said. "Is a bicycle prize, this one our school pin. this one our ball club, and they're Just ns good as your Dutch kind." New York Tribune. Everybody Ata Royal Hamt. "The most successful 'swindles," said James II. Kcene at a dinner at Saratoga during tho races, "are those that bare a basis of honesty. It's like tho story of King Edward's pigs. "At Sandrlngham you know. King Edward raised prized swine, prize bul locks and all manner of fancy lire stock. Well, there was a fashionable west end butcher who bought all the king's fat swine every year at a sim ply enormous price, and a reporter said to this butcher one day: "flow can you afford to pay such prices for the royal swine? "Well, you see.' said tho butcher, with a wink of the eye. Mho king's pigs hare such a lot of legs!" H Was Losing Money. A pair of preliminary tighter. Mar ty Allen and Tltr. Morrissey by nntne. met at one of the clubs not long ago Mr. Morrbwey had hurdly swung ut Mr. Allen before he lauded flunh on the Jaw. A pivot tooth Unit Mr Allen had Just paid $12 to have set In place was knocked loose. Mr. Allen swallowed It. "Oo easy on that side, cull," snld Mr. Allen honmely. " just puld $.v for brldgenolk on me Jowr." Mr. Morrlssey grinned viciously and came In swinging like a gate. Ills mltla found Mr. Allen'K valuable Jaw und lotweni'd that fifty Ave dollar bridge. Mr. AUeu slipped to the floor and begun to take the count. "Hit up, you pup!" shrieked his man ager "Ytittse nln't holt." "I know I nln't holt." said Mr. Al len, beginning lo untie bis gloves. "Out I stand to loose $55 wort' of tcet' and I only get 'J12 for go In' on dls bout. Ik dst business?" Cincinnati Times-Star.- & ft (Sjpj' The Scrap Book Ha ObiarvVl. "He observing, my mm," anld n fa ther to hi boy. ''Cultivate the Imblt of swing, ninl you will bo n mteccwfttl runn. Don't go through tin world bloiully. I.enrn to 110 your vyv Hoys who tire observant know n grvnt deal more than those who nrv not." Willie ll-Mrmil In alienee. Several days later when the entre family, collating of hlsi mother, it and uncle, wvro preacnt his father aul: "Well, WMIe, have you kept utrinc your eye, tta I rulvltM you to do?" Willie nodded and after a moment's hesitation anld: "I've seen a few things about the house. Uncle Jlm'a trot a bottle of hair dye hid under his bed. Aunt Jen nle'i gut an extra ret of teeth In her dresser, ma's got some lota of false hair In her bureau drawer, and you'vo got o pack of cards, a box of poker chips and a box of dleo behind the books In tho bookcase." At Parting. Until ws meet again! That Is tho mean ing Of tha familiar worJa that men repcM At partlnc In th atreoU Ah. yes. till thrn. but whtn death. Inter vfiilnr, nenda ut aaundor with what caielraa pain Wa wait tor thra acalnl Tha friends who leave ut do not feel tha orrow Of partlnc aa w feel It who mutt atay, Lamenting day by day And knowing whan wa wax upon tho morrow Wa shall not find tn Ita accustomed place) Tha one loved face. Loncfellow. Knew What to Do. "I bopo It will be a long time before I hare such another test applied to my honesty." a downtown merchant re marked ns be returned from waiting on n customer. "What was the troublo!" asked his partner. "Those near wool suits. An old fel low came In Just now and asked mo the price of one. " 'Seven dollars.' I told htm. " 'Speak louder." he said, holding his hand behind his ear. So I yelled. Seven dollarsr "'Eleven dollars! Too much! I'll give you 5t)r ho replied. Ills partner looked at the speaker In alarm. "You-er-of course you did tho right thlngr "I guess you can depend on mo to do the right thing," was the haughty retort. Then bo paused. "Tou'd bet ter get some dollar bills when you go to the bank." ho remarked. "I Just gavo an old fellow our last ono tor changer' llarpcr's Magazine. Easily Plaatsd. A young Lithuanian called at the marriage license offlce In Chicago with bis bride recently, but a llcenso was refused on account of the bride's ten der years, she being only fifteen. The lover was crestfallen for a Jew mo ments; then bis faco cleared, and be left with the remark that bo would return shortly. The clerk supposed that be would show up with the bride's parents. In an bdur he again presented himself at the counter with another glrL Metropolitan Magazine. In an Awful Hurry. "Uncle Chet" Thomas was driving a particularly fine looking horse down the street one day. It was n deep bay, bad lots of action, carried n high bead and wns nn all around "good looker." A friend watched the horse for quite rwhlle and When Uncle Chet got closeenough to near him said: 'That's a mighty nice looking horse you got there. L'ucle Chet. Want to sell him?" "Well." said Uncle Chet. "I haln'l huntln' a buyer, but I would tako two fifty fer him." "How fast can he trot?" was asked. "Well, he can trot a mile In three minutes without any trouble." said Undo Chef. Bo tho fel low bought blni. The next morning tho raow owner rame back to Unite Cbet anil told him that he had tried the horse out thor oughly, hud taken him out to tho fair ground, had warmed blm up and cooled hint down u half dozen- times, and the best ho could get out of blm wns a mile In four minutes. Uncle Chet thought for n moment and then suld. "Well, you must be In an awful burry If you can't wait a minute." Kunsas City Journal. Ha Cam by Freight. Big Dill Edwards was bom In Lisle, au upstate town In A'ew York. When big I1IJI was llttlo Hill a vil lage character ran amuck through tho place one afternoon, and the vlllacu constable arrested him. There was no caluboose In Lisle, and the constable locked his prisoner In a convenient freight car that stood on tho aiding. When the man awoko next mornlni? ho was halfway through t'cnnsylranla n bis way to New York. It wns a through freight, and ho never did get out until be landed In the yards in Jersey City, nor did ho ever return to Lisle. Tho Incident made a deep impres sion on mil's mind, and be decided to travel himself some day. Ho did, and eventually he landed ns boss of ha street cleaning department in New York, Tho first man wbo applied t him for a Job was tho hero of tho freight car adventure. "Hollo. Illll!" said he. "now did you get awuy from Lisle?" Did Uiey lock you In a freight car too?" Satur day Evening Post. i NOTICK FOR PUlUilCATlON. miMMKimt of e Inttilor. I' 8 Uiul Tltt DAllr. tlttgoll, DtMiutxr wth, 191a. Nutli-v l tilcl III- Hint ttatt tl IttHiatoii, ur Html. DrrKun, who, mi iKIubtr mil, twS, mail tmmr.trail rutty. Nil uiyi.1 for liH HtHi nilil ur'i in'( HtilUMl Ij, limn.lilii ij (oUi, Halitit If Kail, Wtlamctlr MtllOMtt, hat tltol miller uf uildtlloti to make I'liiat CummiitalUm I'luof. In lallll claim t thr land aliir if ctilir.1, txtiitc II v. Wlla I' 8 CtinimlMlimtr, I hi. older, at ll ml, titrgvu, nil Ihr.tlttiU) ut January. Wl. CMmmil namnn. wltn.... John)' Young, MIkU II ti)iiMHi, ttlnitr J Mcttill, nml W H) WilkliiMtti, nil ut ilttnl, uiruoii (JIT t. W MOOHtt. RruMar. NOTICK VOW. 1'UULICATION. lKttii.riit tr thr IntrtUtr. II ,H Uiul Otmv at Thr Hallta, Or IKv. 11 110. Nntttt U hrirliy t lini thul II Maikrl, whtM. tHxtothfraiKlKM l llilrr 1'iiLn, Moti tnmt.UM mi Ihr 41. 1 day ill Nuttmlwi, win, tilt III (hi. w unotM ilatcmntt ami ai)iHa lion, No of?ti. to (Hiuhsw Hie 4 nrii Wc ). r ITS.K it It . W M , ami llirtimlHrr lliettou, uixltl tlir itiirliUHi of th .t of Iiihc I, i-i nml thr vL mttiltit)r. t,HOHMtht Vlliilxt unit Muur liw, ' it kikIi Iii Hillihl tx 6kl It) M'lwM.tMflit, ami tlut (Hit uut loKHilt lirttoii tin: lml aiulllmlHt liurroit natc ikiii puim.cii, inc iiniiMrr r.11 malfUltuwu IikI lt nl iy)wrM nml thr I Unit ww. II at W i'iIUnl tilll 01U' Iliinl louf 111 ttiMt uf hl ni!!ivUoti mut woin .utrmrnl on Ihr ijth liny of Mnli, iii, t lotr Ihr Krnlt ihI NuiHH ut ihr U h l.lul IHlKv. M I nt IWII, oukuii Any iirirwii I. at llbtt ta mttt tltt mf khK'tnft mil) or iKittstc nwlnt at it) I lime (Mlcnl lours ly flll a cottirn Maml mitUm 111 thi oMivt, alii vls fcvl 1 whKh ivtwluililriii lh rtitty 44 VI C W Ml HI Kit. Kr,tlttrr Slew PALACE MARKET Cttarlos Iloyd, I'rop. MEATS Vegetables, etc. O. C. HEtNKLE HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS Real Estate Exchanges of all Kinds A U reat Clubbing Offer The liend Bulletin, pcryr.Sl.50 The Sem-Vckly Oregon Journal, per year $1.50 Total SJ.00 otli Papers One Year $2.00 This ofTer applies only to N'HW Bulletin subscription. Thww'; Oregon Journal Publishes the latest ami most complete telegraphic news of the world; gives reliable market re ports, ns it is published at Port land, where the market news can be and Is corrected to date for each issue. It utso has n page of special matter for the farm and home, an cntertainiue, story pii',e ntid n page or more of comic each week, and it goe to the subscriber twice every week 104 times a year. The Bend Bulletin - - Gives all thelocal news and hap penings and should be in every home in this vicinity. The two papers make a splen did combination and you save $1 by bending your subscription to THE BEND BULLETIN We can give our subscribers good clubbing ofler for the Dail) and Sunday, oy Sunday Journal, in connection witlt THE BEND BULLETIN 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE rint Ukon tbrouah Aluuu A to. MclM tpitUU notlti, without cfaarvo. la tif Scientific fltMicmu A hiKmlr llhiilrlr we.klr. M"t Sr. cuUtloti jf nr rlnlldfl journal. Tornu. 13 Tniri fnur moritlia, II. Bold brail nawadaalerj. Pfl 30IDroadir, 'frlTiV CnnvniaitTI A.C Anrona ndlnir s skatrfa and ducTlr.tlou out qulcklr urorialu our oplnlun fr wlmlur ui tlmn.trlctlrivmddimtf.!. HANDBOOK on 'tut SU hi Y St. WaifcUvtoo. D. For Sai.k A snmll tent with lloor vittl title walls, till in the of contlldnu. r if a .,..! iim , t,i.,u rtn A, A', lriHJ llUlthllllll WIMW l.'strnv Notice, . ... ...I- ..l-. .I...I.... .!. ....... i.i. & IHllir III III). 'ini-v MlllliiH inr .munid, vur tilt lunar, wrlght RtxHil vi iln "I'll whilt )wl In luirlimJi IikihImI Cll 011 left stllle. Cvinlim 4 )nt olit. ..... unr can nave lanir ny pay inn urn um mm Jnti I), nl.olur Hilt ilitlriiiritl Tunialo, Oirimi, Jan, j, lyll. 4M NOTICK i-)l. PUIHilCATlON. lrMttiiriil ut tlir ttilcrlur, V 8. Uml Ulfivf at Th Dallra, (It , llrtvmWr j, wio .....iit: iinvi'f hi, v., tiii.. ,.viT . .mi-i uf l',hiflU,iliri!un, wliu, mi iktiibr H Ivi;, riinLa a.Tl tll.iiid Bu,aa alalaitiaiii Ni. Ill ISM V !' l!IM tlVMH "Mill ninillllTIM I"' 4u(rttU) No, oiSO. fiir i UrH.tVi , Iwi J..V iii,H UK W M , lilliil l.otlv uflu Itltlluii luuiakr Aiul llmKt il aliiiir ptiHil, t . ildl.Uat, lilm tn ll lallt.l alu.iu alakau alaaaal . lu ssaalll in nia in hi w--i ii-i -. Lite Wartrn llrtiwn. Cuililly Cletk, at lilultii, al liliirlllc. IMtsun. mi the IMh day uf filiiu aty. . V.UUIUHI names wltutawa Wltllam t.l ftiiH, 0oit M Cudittt ami Unity A IV.U. uf l'tliirlll, Uitnuu, ami ) II Hiamauf liliai. IftU, ,JTKlli 4-4V V W 9KHIHII KIRI.IH Memtcrs of 'I lie BEND REALTY BOARD HKNR TOWN'SITH CO. IJHNM) KKAI.TY KXCIIANCU J I.. UVKNK CKNTRAI. ORK. RKAITY CO. CROOK COUNTY RUAt.TY CO. DHSCHUTHS RKAI.TV CO J. A. KASTKS HOMK LAND CO. O. C. 1IUNKI.K HOMKSKKKKRS LAND CO. MHRRM.I.-WU.KINSON CO. V. R. RII.KY OFFICIAL I3IRKCTORY. UNITHII STATUS . . William II Tafi fltaklftit Vk-t'ltldt , STttaf y ut Mil. Srctalaiy el Tlratury laiy uf Inlrilur . htrUlr uf War JaniMH hhrlliMH PhltaixUr C Kiii. . I'tauklln MaiVr- M It Mut A lUlliHiii J M IwklnM liiM.t Mm L Mttti Srvttlaiyol Nay iictaty of Cmuhiiick and toUw-ClHiilw Nai rwinKt ixntrai. . . .i-ianan iimmn. Attuiucy lncfal -.Uruigc W. WMkH.lua. StcrtUiyof Asticultutc. - James Wilaon v s. 1H.1.M jd.. . ... j siE,,'1 w:r "" 0 S, Allornry .... . Jhn MiCwtit V Mar.baf .... ,K. B Cww. tt INMtniaiUT at llvtKl .. ..........l O. Ml U. li. Cuuiiululoucr at !lil...-ll .. IWt. UTATU r.ovtmer ... O w tvreittaiy ut Stale . . . V. W. Mn. H Traurr ... - -.. -.- "' Atluruty f.eoetal A. M. Ctawlasd abt. IMWtc luttiiuttoa. . .. . AMcfnH Mall rtlntn . . W. S iwi""! talry and fowl CommlMloinr - -J. W lull, y CuniralMloBcrof Labur blallill . I Hurt tTINM K fcpitljuli Clyde U Allihlavtt Miller I'.ame and Kotetttjr Waiden.. U. O. enBi rtlate Idilueer lohM II Uia u . . IC.fttfie It Chamlietlalii U..rnaton . -- ;BU"nn iiounie. Jr W. C. llawUy CunjitMintu. A. w. T A. XU 1114 ' A llMt Supreme Judges . W. T. Staler STATIC iMlASIIOr C1tOL tWATHH.) luhn II. t.ewla, Hlate K)i(lter ... ... Salem, Of it T ItoUale, huft lHi.Su I -IkMMHra, 'I r. t. haitoii, huot, lltv. No. 1 .. lUkl Cl.y.Of Statk Uami nuni-0fiiirt, heeritary of Alale and Male Tieaiurer. HTATK IlMkar l.axii tMMkti-Uoi'einer, Male Ticaauier and Attorney Oeneeal. HHVKNTII JUtllUIAU DISTRICT Ite. Altotucy .. W I, Hia4.lMK . -I'led W. UiIm CKOOK COUNTY Judge . . Cteia. .. . . ShetllT Tieaauter ..- Aaacaaof school buieliitendeut Sutreyer . .- CemmUtloneia . . II. C I(Um ..-..Watteu lliuok . ... I'laHk liUtn. . W. I'. KIn . .J. It. U IMtelU H. A. fofU 1'ird A. MUi IK. II itailrl Jaiuea Kite TIIK COURTS. i Ciacvir Couar I'lrit Uunday In May; llilft Monday III IMtolier I'aokATK Ctrtjar-rl'liat Mouday In each miilh CoHMiaaioxaaa' Covar K1MI WedHtwU) III January, Maicli, May, July, hepleiulwi and Noemlr. likNUriciioot. UiaraicT No. li. M Tr )) II I ( C 1.1 iM Trlf'etl Olrectora Cleik.... Kay Hm1Ih .1.. I) WIeal f J C. I' llaiilnatuu mi.. Aline ii iikei Ml Ada llrfter .Ml.. Harriet IIoIhii rea Jet Mlaa I'toreut C Younn Mlta 14 M AUOetaao MlMKalberlue llaiklm )Ha N'una Rlahanlwn I Mia Olenit ll.blatk CITY Of IIIINII U. C Coe . It C Itllla . ..... H J.tielKl Mayor itewifderm . rreourer.... H C Caldwell J II Ou.lll II It Allen A AUHf J II Krtlcy W 11 helleia tdermen . ..... The Pioneer Call on or telephone us for all kinds of WOOD 1.UL ar" We Haw Cord Wood ami l.imli Wood on short notice. Orders l'romptly Filled. W. P. DOWNING, Proprietors. The Home Land Company ReallEstateand Insurance. Timber Lands, Irrigated ROBERT B. QOULD Civu. Kniunkkh and Souvhvok. lhillctiti lltiiltllng Demi, Oregon, Brewster & Brewster SURVEYORS and Civil Engineers. I'rltieviltu uml IK' ml, Otegou. VV. W. Faulkner, D. M. D. DENTIST llilllrtln Ihill.llllH, II a n tl. O t e ! nil SAVE MONEY !', i't your lltlllUC lire Relief of OrcRon (MirrUAI. ) Home (illicc. Siileiu, Ote. I.t't me vxpluiii S. U. SNYUKR Agent, licml, Ore Dr. A. A. l3UKRIS,r;ra.! llmler. IiIwami htKs.mlly Tiiall WIIIhhiI the Vt IMum HHUefy. ly the Natuial MtlluoW ot llralliia I'luuii' l I)mm a Sirt.lly i..itluiliw l'ie MeinUlurih Male ami Mammal NaluiotMlh twwtcly. Ofttfe III llaUlliig . I'cnd. thigwi Peter Lehrinnn OKNHRAI. liLACKSNUTI UNO. Horseshoeing n Specialty. Corner lloiid ntid Oregon Sttccls 1). FF.RRKM, Physician and Surgeon Office over Deschutes Huiikiiig nml Trust Co. Wull street, llctid, Or. F. H. MAY CIVU. H N 0 I N 15 K R SURVF.YOH I) c ii tl , Oregon. C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW OfflCIt IN HIRST NATIONAl. IIANK IILtKl, I1KNI). OHIIOON Vernon A. Forbes LAWYER FIRST NATIONAL HANK 111.1X1., IIIINt), IIMHC.ON U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Ol'I'IClt OVHR I'lH.ST NATIONAL Ilk. Offiec lluuia: lu In 11 a. in.; I to ami 7 tu H p. in. DitNi), : Okiioon F. 0. MINOR rosToi'ricit nuu.DiNo MFU FIRH ACCIDF.NT 1NSU R A N C 15 Notary I'iiMIc ami Coin e)nelii All I.ciil rAxirCnrrrtly Drawn. FIDELITY BONDS Crook County Abstract Co. INCoRrORATHtl. AIISTKACTS Ol' to nil lit ii.l anil town Iota In Crook cmiiity. II. F. Wvuiil, Secy. I'rineville, Oickoii, We plintoKtaph the records. IJF.N1) 1.01)015 No. 139 A. F. & A. M. MuetH on ThtiriMlay on 01 iKiforo tin full moon of eiicli mouth. Visiting brolheih always welcome. M. O, CUIS. Beer O. M MCOFIELO, W. M Wood Yard HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS. and Dry Farm Lands. Palace Restaurant Rooms for Rent Confcctlnncty, t-rn It I'lcitlc Siippllctt, ClKtira J. F, Taggart & Co. I(tlitinti' on Ilill01llull Wall l'aier at I'ortlaiiil I'rU'ca N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger Cliraiicat ami Ileal Wll l'aiei Sam- la III the? I'dlliny. llct My I'llcca. Ilox 39. licml, Otrn)li CITY DRAY eilAHI.IiH OOHTJItN, I'HOI- iS r Aiit-tewa, .Mfi.ifeJfl51AJ''J $X rfw jri jS amr Wll IIANDI.I! HVimVIIIINd. I.ravc yiinr uiilrr v. till SltW WallM Heml The Buckley Express . Co. Direct I5xrc. Service lictwcen Slutiiko and licml. Two Rin-t Itacli wny every week Cutcful Attention. (lend odlcc nt Pilot llutte llarn l'honc orders to Redmond. No u,,vr' Sutherland (8b Mcintosh CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS JOBBING Promptly Attended to SIIOF ON ORKUON SI Wood! Wood! Now N the time to order your u inter wootl, for the cold uIkIiIh demand u lure pile of dry wood. Cuti he bought of F. M, Cnrler nt it retihonable price, tlelivtted ut inn llim Leave oiilvts l A M 1.miu' F. Al. CARTER JOHN LEOAT DltAMtU IN Hnrness and Saddlery Trunks und VnlUes Repaired 7nHIWliLrllSSaflHrin I I