a nnrt ilm M m U taukittxuisauatmttta MMESMH BYRNE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE ""a iSPStyxsn vmmr&&a&&war REALTY Of All Kinds Bought, Sold and Exchanged. Wc linvc a very cxtcuttlvc list of DKSCIIUTIiS VAM.KY IKKIGATKU I.ANU.H. We bring the Property Owucrn nud the Outside Uuvcm together. BYRNE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE HutnliiiK $!()., Wall St.Ucml, Ore. WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Tabic alwayi tuppllad with the bail that tha tuwn affords. Neat and Cumfortntilo Rooms. Ih(Ni), OxitGON Hotel Bend Corntr Dond and Oregon Stt. AMERICAN PLAN Rates $2 and $2.50 n Day HUGH O'KANE, Manager Hotel Dalles You arc eor.llallr Invited to nukeTHK ItOTIU. DAI.I.HS your rcttlnu ulace while waitliiil over lielweeii trnlntoti your May to ami from I'urtlanil. New. tliuniulily ciiliil, iiiixlcrii hotel; tlram heat, elevator; (1111(1 and loowa with In til I. l'lrit claaa cafe. Kate ft and upward. tdent Stopping Plnco Going to nnd from Central Oregon. PETER KUEHNLING, Manager. III! Illl IIHIIII III I Bend Steam Laundry FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRY WORK nt Moderate Prices. If You Have a Bundle Phone Us MRS. MAZO LOCKWOOD. BEND HOSPITAL AUcndlwc Phyaiclani-U. C. COB, II. FKRRKI.L M. HULKN KUKSUAW, Supcrintcndant. Graduate of St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago. MRS. A. M. LOTUS, As.lxtaut, Graduate of Columbus (Ohio) Training School. Terras: $18 to $25 a Week, Payable Weekly. There U n Nurse on duty at nit titne.i. No extra charge made for night duty, miles in extreme canes, when a special nurse is requited jrf? N O W. - IS THE TIME TO X3ET OUT THAT ADVERTISING ' LEAFLET We Have New Type, New Stock, New Ideas and All Are At Your Service. The Bend Bulletin. NEW RANC1ER STATION l.iurilier Has Uoen Ordered for Iltilld Inic Nmir Creacent. Chkhckmt, Or, Jan, aj Arrange mciita me now hehiK made for a dance to lie (Iven here on Haturdwy evening. January jH, It. (. Kteven of Ilrnd wan In town lnt week looking for n twiiilll llit. lie wai vrry well jilemcil with the oi llilllllc of a mill nt till place. Itdille Hun try returned I'rbtay from Item!, where he went idler frelxht- W. J. NlrhoU, forent mner at thla place, returned 1'riiUy evening from rorllaud and Die Willamette Valley where he tient the holiday with hi family. Mr. NlchoU ordered the liiiu her for a rather atallon which li to be built juat aoiilh of town. J. I.. KlnKo'a two children who have been III with the meailei nave fully re covered. Oco. Oottlleb patted through here the other ilay on hit way to lilt ranch about teven inilea aouth. lie hat juat returned from Silver Lake where he apeut the holiday. 1'rauk Hauuier returtird Monday from Silver Lake where he went to file on a piece of laud. I'. M, Lewi, who recently purchaard two lot at the curlier of Joue and Kail, road avenue I erectltiK a tuiall building In which he will rcilde for the pretent. C. I!. I.al'ollettelelt lat week for Maillton, Wit., where he wa called on account of the aerlout llltirtt of hi mother. 1'. C. Koliluton who acrom. panlcd him a far a llcud returned Thurtday. O. W. Woodward of Winona. Minn., wa ill tonrn latt week, He la lookili; over the Central Oregon country and prrillctaa ureal future for Croccut and Central Oregon. I'. C Koblnaon left Tuctday for Itend where he went to meet H. C. Kourk, who hat returned from Portland, where he haa been oil liutluett for the patt two week. Ml A. J. Duprey who ha been in Seattle on a vltlt I exacted back the Utter wrt of thi week. OFFICERS ELECTED to Powell Itutto Orange I'lannlnt; Uullii a Large Mall. 1'owkli. IlUTTtt, Oregon., Jan j. At Ita latt meeting the I'owell Untie Grange elected the following officer for the en- utitK year: Mailer, C. II, I'otte r, Over teer, N. II. Gohlru; Treasurer, Melvlu 1'otter; Secretary, Mr. I'aultou; Lecturer, Mr. Grace Ilayu; Steward, Allen Will- coon; A. S., A. W. Ilayn; I.. A. S., Mr. Nell IUiteli; Chaplain, W. S. Cooke; Gate Keeper, Henry Tweet; Cere. Mr. May Muttard; I'omona, Mm. I'ulkerwn; Cere, Mr. Artie Wlllcoxon, The Granite I laying plan fur building a large hall In the near future. Mr' I'rank Ilayn entertained at dinner latt I'ililay. Cover were laid for nine and a limit enjoyable time I reported. ' Real Uatato Iriiifer. (I' nlflml liy Hie (rook Cwjiily Alutract Co.) David Wiavrrrl ux to On'ral Ore gon Irrigation Co , rlj.ht-of.wny acroa part of iie ec. 38, M-l.,.' , Marlon I'. Oiik el at 10 I'rank Mliiarl, lot o, 7, H, 9, 10, blk .(, Kenwood; .(( II. N. Lnwrle et nl lo Mra Kuueuia Ifouter, lot II In blk al, CtiUcr; f l.j jo. I.nlillaw Towtinlte lo to A. Htrwub, lot 5, blk H, Liiilhiw; f 100, , I'llot Untie Development Co to llertie IIhcii Grant, lot I and 1, blk al, Henri; " I I'. C. Kowlrc, 11) nw ec. 34. 17- J 1 a, except H.41 acre; fxoi, , jouatliau (I (irrkltiK, ; t',i ami aef'wW er. 9, On; f.uy Levi l Wlt et nx lo Arthur I'roetor, lot Mill blk 10, Wietlorla; fl, Harry A. IVIIIle-r to Arthur Proctor, lot 4, blk a, Lava Ktmil AddlMou Html; y. Laldlaw Towntfte Co. to Julia II. Miller, lot 4, blk id, Luidlaw; fluo. fame D. Daviilori et ux to I'. I' lllxou, lot 7, tec. 19 am! lot I wc. 30, T. ao. H. 1 a; fio. Itediuouil Towutlle Co. lo Herman I'atjeu, lot 1, blk 6j Kediuoud; f-liy I. R. Whitney et ux to (', M. Hull man, lot 4, hlk 33, Heduioud; ftoo, Kediuoud Towiitlte Co. to I'lord De inelit, lota 1 and a, blk 6H; lot II, blk 63; weM yi of lot at, 2J, iy H blk 47 ami wett U of lol 13, 14 15, 16, blk 37, Kcd liinnif; 65 I'llot Ilutlc Developement Co. to Ore Kon Trunk Ky.. rl;hl ol way fur It, K. 30 feet wide over nw" ne'4' wrc.'AJ, 17.1a. , Uciid Towntlle Co., Lytic Towntlte Co. and C K HuiImu: to Oregon Trunk Ky , right of way acrom hucc1 in ne ueV ec 3. 17-13 Northwett Trut & Sifr Depotlt Co. to IMward McDuuagli, -i tec 16, to- 30. foHo, , Jee IJ Hall In W. II Anderson, Lot 31, blk 36, Kedmoud, f lun. Geo. W. Gerlnon, et al to John It. Ud ward, or,'' eV, eX "e anil lot I of ec 3. 1417. f 1000. . Mailra Towntlle Co. to A L. Canon. ' Iit lo. blk 3 of Railway Ground, Mai). I rat. J 1 700. I Lytic Towiulte Co. to Peter Kelwlor-' fer. Lot tool blk 13, Ltlc fiau. ! Peter K. Kciidortcr to Itmily Kel! doifer, U '( tec 13; wj ue and X ne!. tee 13-17 it and lui 10 of blk 1 15. Lytle ft. A C. Ltica, et ux to John White. IJt 13 of blk 11, Ileiid. fjyi, , Maggie Wliiltelt to Jului SUemore. 1 SeK of lot is blk 16, Ilend. 'fiyi. I'red A. Huuucll, et ux to J. J. llixler. Nj nwV wX e!4 ee 4-18 13 5 aere. ! fioo- California & Oregon Land Co. to Geo 1 Vlllleaii. Sw.'neJ and nwj( cj4" c 30, 19-18. f 1. Jame llreen to C. S. HuiImu, Two tract, one 300 feet njunrc and one loox auj feet In uej ne.U' ec 33, 17 la Lytle Acreage, fl. Crook Countv Iiiv. Co, to C. II. Clow Lot Hand 9 blk 36. Ilillman. fjo. I II. N Lawrie et al to Virginia Collver. IoU i, 5 and 6 blk 10, CuUrr. Patent from United State a follow: 1 To Peter R KleMlurfer. w e( ec J 13. wtf mcH and c nc If cc 13, 17-11. Tln. J. I'ryrear, ne'4 ec32, 3-io I Jame P. Read, lot 4, 3, la and 13 of ' tec 13. 13-13. I Je.te S Newbill, c' C 34, 13-IJ. Certificate of proof to Minnie Moeh ring, for eji ej, vt( of c and ej S ec 18 II.13. To John It. M, Thompton, nej ne ec 33. 17; I Just try The Bulletin Job Priutery. j Fok SAI.K Six ot the finest lots 1 In Deschutes, level, water by ditch I and with city water. Next to new I residence. Inquire Bulletin office, SQUAW CRUtiK WATUR RIOMTS. Out Corretpondent Itclleve Intuf flclcnt Supply Allowed. Gist, Oregon., Jan. 33. Jt I reported that the Hoard of Control ha decided upon the water right near here and that only 37ico of an luch per acre or 40 luetic for every 70 acre w allowed Thi amount i coukldered too ainall and we tec no benefit from the decitiou be caiue the water right arc ure to came more litigation before the people are Mllificd. Mott of the people who ap plied (or water at Sitter wanted one inch per acre, but would likely have been MlUGed with 3-4 of an Inch. Jkck Ilowmau and thirl 1 1 oil tin of Sitter both circulated petition for Road Supcrvltorof the black Unite dis trict. Mr. Ilowmau received aluut loo ignature and Mr. Hodtou I to, but neither wa favored by the County Court, John Wilt of Sitter received the ap pointment. C. I.. Gitt of Sitter I having hit tlm- ber cut and logged from hi ranch. Merrill VanTatiel i having hi timber cut by Prank Arnold and Letter Gitt for the Three Creek Lumber Company, Laldlaw Localettes. Laidlaw, Oregon., Jau. 34. John Style, who recently arrived from Port land, 1 putting lu n line of merchandUe in the building formerly occupied by Mr, Hullard. The bUckimith work will now be done In the old Deblilg Iluildlug. The Grunge ia planning a aoclal for the near future. Mr. 1'. M, Murk ha gone to Portland to receive medical treatment. Mr. C It NlchoU and ou Jay, went to Redmond on buiiue, the firtt of the week, 1 Hob Sturgeon haa rented the Couch Livery and feed barn. NOTICE FOIl PUBLICATION IXpartmtnt orthe Interior, U. B. Una office, at The tulle, Or., Juury 11, lyii. Notice It htreby given Hint I, Kalnli A. Ilium, urvivlnx huibatul ot llua Dunn, formerly Tina DliauMuck, of UciiJ Oregon, who, on November 9II1, ISwJ. luaile lionictleait entry No. M7a(itil al No. oj74). for nU wW, i tlf , Sec . T III 8., H. 11 it , and lot t, Sec yt, r. 18 ti , K. 11 It., W. M ha filed notice of ImcuUou lo mke flutl flvc-year pioof, to cttabllili claim lu the land above detcrlbed. before II. C. Kill.. II. s ICouiniluloner.al ItuoMce, at Ueud. Oiegou, uu f the itlhday of l'cbniaiy. igil Viaunaui name a wuneue: Lora A. Urotlcr houaaud Mllo W, Wiltou, both of Ucml. Or, 30 jo C, W. MOOKK, KegWr, wmcmsTBR tfOI CALIBER MODEL 1910 Self-Loading Rifle It Strikes ABlowof2038ib3. iThin new Winchester ahoota a heavier bullet and hits a harder blow than any other recoil operated rifle made. It is more powerful than the .30 Army, of bic gamc hunting fame. The loading and firing of this rifle are controlled by the trlfjccr finccr. It JIITS URE TOE UAUMEB OP THOR S4 for (IluilrolJ circular fully itwrfMr IM iuw tltU vaka JI ilreIA oaj fO-r Jiai. VtlCUESTEB HETEATLVQ AKMS CO. New Haven, Coniu, U, S. A. 60 YEARa EXPERIENCE ijjjjijra Trade MaKkb nrsiflNfl CQPYniOHTS AC Anvnna tandtna a tkelfh and datcrlpllon nity i"T ??',iB.w' mmxM'.-zsx, y.? in allium vi truai rti w..-.ii .1 -.- ".- ii,.,;..irlcl reonadaittUl. HaNODOOK. on I'ataula mimuiilca .f.,11.. teit nt Iraa. Olilatt aaaner.lof aacurlna gai l'lnt Ulan through Muim A Co. IMtLUIWIK, wnnou urp, m ,w Scientific Jlmcricdti A hinrtatmalr llluitrattd tittilr. 1rtt els - r. , a :.- ..Jmlil.i t.ttriMl -r 111. 11 luiaiiviitM muw .r?:,."M v.'vrri :.7r:rr ri iour raumuiaffk dwiw mi ii H"iia. jw rourmonihtj 'emit. IJ a .38tBrod..y, nrw York y u WaaiUilou, li, C SATHER THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY. 0 OFF We are now holding a sale on all our Heavy Winter Clothing in order to make room for our large con signment of Spring and Summer Gods. Twenty per cent off on all Fur Coats anJ Corduroy Suits. Come early and make your selections, for the stock will be sold very rapidly. E. A. SATHER GENERAL MERCHANDISE BEND, OREGON STAR BAKERY jSf HgssiGfcjJB I FRESH BREAD Pastries, Rolls, etc. MEALS At Regular Hours Furnished Rooms MRS. NELLIE WRIGHT FULL LINE OF 1 Builders9 Supplies Doors, Sashes, Paints, Glass, Builders' Hardware, Roofing. Everything you need for your new House or new Store. N. P. SMITH Wall Street, Wall Street tmmmmmmmmmmwmm0mmmajMimmmeKvmi9mmMmmmmlL' M. S. Lattin b Co. 5-room Bungalow house, mahogany finish inside. Fire place, neat den with window .scat, ro ceeding bed and book cases. Large veranda. Price $ 1 500. One-third down, balance easy payments. Owners. We have an elegant house and lot in one of Michigan's best towns, value $2500. Will exchange for Bend property or farm prop erty. Owners. ForSnle 1 60 acres of good farm land on which there is over 2,000,000 feet of good pine timber. Price $2400. Set of silver teaspoons free. See clubbing offer on lost page, I