The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 25, 1911, Image 6

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    - mu.1.
Malti'itTir' --Hifci iiiti iiiitii innmsaaaatii
Settlers File Articles of Association nt
' Prlncvlllc and Issue Leaflet.
Articles of nssocliitlon of llio Control Oroj.'on
Irrigation Comjwny Wntur Us.rV Ablution, of
He A have lnen Med nt Prlnrvlllo, b. K. .
Rlc)mrdwn, C. A. llilliln and I .'. Younjr, dlrvot
or. Tho imrK)M of thi ortfimlKUlon, iw col forth,
Into protect tliV Interests of owners of land re
claimed by C. O. I. Co.
The Association Ims Just issued n leaflet con
taining lo articles of association mid by-laws, for
distribution ntnonif Iw member. lh by-law of
the organization art pulilislird below.
Fees, Cortltleato, When Membership' shall
cease, Unpaid Av-ossmenw.
Section 1. Any peon above tho nifo of
eighteen years who Is the owner of lands reclaimed
bv tho Central Oregon Irrrlgatton Company or Its
predecessors In Interest; or who Is a tenant In tho
possession of such lands, Is eligible to membership
in this Avsotiatlon o long as his said interest in
such lands shall continue When the' Interest of
any member In ucl lands shall cense, he there
ujwn ceases to bo n member of this Association.
Any eligible person may U'conu a mumlier of this
Association bv Ming the memltershlp fee of One
Dollar and suWrlblng the Hy-lnws; thereupon the
Hoard of Directors shall issue to lilm a certificate
of membership executeil by It, under the Avsocl
atlon Seal which sold certificate min only lw trans
ferred with the consent of tho Hoard of Directors
and upon the books of the Avsoclation.
Section 2. Membership In this Association
shall cease upon the death or resignation of tho
member; uwn bis ceasing to jonscss tho quallll
catlons of membership as preci Hied by Section 1
of this Article; nnd uiwn a transfer of his Certifi
cate of Membership ith the consent of the Hoard
of Directors: Provided, how ever, that nil unpaid
Assessments duly levied against any person while
he is a member of this Association shall contlnuo
to bo a charge against him or his logal representa
tives until the same Is paid.
Terms, Qualifications, When Klected, Vacan
cies, How Killed, Duties, KemovHl.
Section 1. The onicets of this Association
shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary.
Treasurer and Hoard of Directors eonsistlug of
three members. Tho President, Vlco President,
Secretory and Treasurer shall be elected by lallot
from tho members of the Association and shall
hold ofUce for one year and until their successors
are elected. The Hoaid of Directors shall always
consist of One member chosen b and from mem
ben of tho Association representing lands under
the Pilot Hutto Canal; of Ono n.ember chosen by
and from members) of tho Association representing
lands under tho Central Oregon Canal; of Ono
member chosen by and from all the member of
the Association; the out-going member of the
Board shall always bo the Chairman thereof.
Section 2. The Annual Meeting for tho Elec
tion of Officers shall be held at such place in tho
City of Bend as may be designated by the Board
of Directors on the First Satuiday of October of
each year, not a holiday at tl e hour of 1 p. m.
Vacancies arising in tho Board of Directors from
any cause except a recall, shall be filled by the re
maining Directors from the members of tho
Association, until tho next Regular Meeting of tho
Association, when an election si. all lo held to 1111
the unexpired terra of the vacating oftlcer. A
vacancy, except by recall, In nn.v elective otllco of
the Association shall be tilled by the Board of
Directors until the next Regular Meeting of tho
Association, when an election shall be held to fill
the unexpired term of the vacating oOlcer.
Section 3. The President snail preside at all
meetings of the Association. Tho Vice President
shall perform tho duties of the President in the
letters absence. Tho Secretary shall take notes of
all proceedings of the Association, which notes ex
tended, shall be submitted at the next regular
meeting for correction and approval, and shall
then be preserved among the Records of tho
Association. He shall attend to all correspondence
of the Association and act as the Secretary of tho
Board of Directors. He shall draw and sign all
checks for the payment of indebtedness of the
Association uiwn the oider of the Board of Direct
ors, which check must be countersigned by tho
Chairman thoreof. The Treasurer shall be tho
Custodian of tho Funds of the Association and shall
give a Surety Company Bond for the faithful per
formance of his duties in such sum as the Boatu of
Directors shall determine, the premium of which
bond shall bo paid by the Association, and he shall
uiwn reasonable notice, furnish to the Board of
Directors or the Association such information as he
may have as to tho financial affairs of tho Associ
ation. Tho exercise of the powers of tho Association
and tho management of Its alTaiis shall be vested
In tho Board of Directors and ut least a majority
of said Board shall bo necessary to exercise tho
powers thereof. The Board of Director shall In
vestigate and make iw decision uiwn the grievance
of any member when a written statement of such
frrlevance shall be submitted to it signed by at
east seven members of the Association. Any per
son signing said statement shall have tho right to
appeal from the decision of the Hoard therein, to
the Association which shall review said decision
at any regular meeting and to make such final de
cision as it seems lust in the premisos. The Chair
man of the Board of Directors shall prosent a de
tailed statement In writing of the receipts and
disbursements of the Association for tho previous
year at the Annual Meeting for the Election of
Otllcors in Octolx-r which stutement shall bo veri
fied by him and filed In the Records of the Associ
ation; Provided, that the Association by a majority
vote of nil member may demand that tv statement
of receipts and disbursements of the Association
arising since the submission of tho last statement
shall bo furnished by tho Chairman ut any Regular
Meeting of tho Association.
Section 4. Any Director or Olllcor of hel
Association may bo remued by u three-fomths
vote of all tho members of tho Association ut u
meeting cnlled for that purpose. In ease of re
moval ivs aforesaid, tho Association shall nt tho
same meeting elect some eligible person to till tho
unexpired term of the person removed.
Section ft. Tho President and Vice President
shall servo without compensation. Tho Secretary
nndTreasuier shall receive such compensation as
tho Board of Directors shall detetmlne. Tho
members of the Hoard of Directors shall receive
(1.(10) er day for time actually spent In. tho ser
vice of the Association and shall bo reimbursed
for expenses Incurred for tho benefit of the Associ
ation. '
Place, Time, Notice, Conduct of Meetings,
Voting,' Quorum.
Section 1. Regular meetings of the Associ
ation shall bo held nt the City oi ueiui, or at suen
dace within tho segregation o'tiiovoniraiurogun
Irr-it-nilnn t'omunnv as miiv lie dosliMinted by tho
ii.x.h.1 t m-...iisi. mi tin, Ut Kuttmliiv In Jan
uary, April, July and October, not a holiday, til I
o'clock p. m., on tliut day for tho transaction of
any business of the Association.
Section 2. Special meetings of the Association
shall be called bv tho President Uhu request of
tho Hoard of Dlieetors or of nt least ten members
of tho Association, In, wilting.
Section 3. Notice of all inoetluws shall Im
given by postal card, addressed to each me mtier
nt his ad'drevs of record with tho Association.
Section 4. Robot Us' Rules of Older shall bo
the guide for the conduct of till meetings.
Section C. All elections shall lw by written,
secret Imllot, cast by the member In person, and
no voting by proxy or agent or otherwise than by
the member In person shall lw Htmlsuhle at any
meeting or election and each memlwr shall 1h en
titled to ono vote and no more.
Section 0. Ten inemlwr of the Association
shall constitute a quorum to transact business at
any meeting, of which number a majority shall
exercise the power of the Association; nil officers
shall -be elected by a majority ote.
Indebtedness. AssessinenW, Collection Thereof.
Section 1. The entire Indebtedness of the
Association in any year shall never exceed the sum
represented bv an assessment of fifty cents ( .GO)
per acre on all tho land represented by the mem
bership of the Association as provided bv Section
(1) of Article (1) of these Hv-Ijiws and no Indebted
ness exceeding fifty cent I .SO) per acre shall Ut
an obligation of tho Association or any member
thereof; Provided, that those member of the
Board of Directors authorizing such excess in
debtedness shall be jiersonally liable therefor.
Section 2. All funds, in the judgment of the
Board of Dlrectots, necessary to carry out the ol
Jects of this Association, shall Iks raised by assess
ments levied by said Board by a majority vote
thereof, ujwn all the member of the Association,
equally, according to the number of Irrigable acres
of land, represented by each member according1 to
Section (1) of Article (l) horeof, as shown by the
record of the Central Oregon Irrigation Comjwiny.
Pull written record of all nssossmenW levied shall
bo preserved by the Board of Directors and tho
aggregate of tho assessments levied In any year
shall never exceed fifty cents ( .SO) per acre for
each aero represented by any member.
Section 3. At tho time of becoming mem
ber of this Association, eacli member shall furnish
to the Board of Directors a true stutement of tho
number of Irrigable acres of land represented by
him as provldedln Section (1) of Article (l)of thoso
By-Laws: and If tho holdings of such lands of any
member increase or diminish, ho shall report tho
fact to the Board of Director who may verify tho
statement from other sources. The lionrd of Di
rectors shall lovy all assessments ujwn tho acreago
so ascertained.
Section 4. Tho Board of Directors shall with
in flvo days of thu levying of uny assessment causo
written notice thereof to be sent by mall to nil
persons against whom such assessment has been
lovied, stating the amount and date thereof and
the person to whom the same Is pujuble. If any
member shall neglect or refuse to pay uny assess
ment duly lexied ngnlnst him by the Board of Di
rectors for a iieiiod of 30 days uftor written notice
thereof has been sent to his address, thon the
Board of Directors shall have the right to proceed
to collect tho same by p rocoss of law. And every
person signing these By-Laws expressly agree to
pay all assessment duly levied against him in
accordance with tho provision theiefor of any
amendment thereto and expressly agree that suoli
assessments, together with reasonable eosW of col
lection thereof shall bo a personal obligation
against him and against his property and shall
constitute a Hen on all lands purchased or con
tracted for by him under thu provisions of tho
Carey Act In the segregation of tho Con t nil Ore
gon Irrigation Company. And said Hen may I hi
enforced according to the law governing tho en
forcement of Ileus upon real estate In the Stale of
Amendment of By-Laws, Obligation of Sign
ers, Inspection of Books.
Section 1. These By-Law can he amended
only by a majority vote of all the inemlwr of the
Association at a ineeung caneu ior mm purjtusu.
Section 2. All ersons sutMcrlblng those By
rn oxnrosslv airreo to bo bound by the pro
visions thoreof and by tho provisions of all amend-
menu thereto dulv adonted.
Section 3. The Books and Records of tho
Association shall always ho open to thu Inspection
and examination of all member of the Association.
In testimony of our adoption and ratification
of tho foregoing By-Law of the Central Oregon
Irrigation Company Wator Use r' Association, wo
the undersigned persons being a majority of tho
associates of said Association liavo tills 7th day of
January, 1011, sulMcribcd our names hereto.
BUND ts (Halted la the rtrjr hurt ot
the IXschulrs Vsllcjr,ou the bsuks
cftbcDcschuirs River where the
vast pine timber belt mrett the
Irrigated land. No other town In all
Central Oreon 1 so well located for
economic development, no other can ap
proach It In the beauty and hcallbful
ueM of It urroundinKi, and none will
lie lis if so much benefitted by the coming"
of the railroad.
A great Irrigation tegregatlon haaita
headquartera at Bend. At least tweuty
billion feet of limber li tributary to the
town, whose milling In itself assure a
great future. The Deschutes rlrcr la the
Immediate vicinity offer tame 13,009
nd plants of the future. No town in the
Porthwcat baa the opculuga for manu
facturers, small and large, that llend haa.
The Oregon Trunk Railroad la build
tag lo Bend. Practically aU the grading
from the Columbia Hirer l completed,
and cars wUl be ruanlug early in 19".
Beod will be the terminus of thU road for
a conilderable period. The Uarriman
Detcbule Koad already ( -building
Into the Bend country. The east-and-weat
Hoc of the Hill road branchea
off from the Columbia-Klamath line at
Vend. Bend, then, It alluatcd at what
will be the moat Important juuctlon point
In Oregon,
Immediately adjacent lo llend are
some three hundred thousand acrca 0
irrigated land under the Carey Act aggre
gation of the Central Orctfou Irrigation
Company. Tbla laud ia FKl'.It. Per
petual water right coat J40 an acre,
forty acres mean independence, eighty
acre biinga wealth, Kvery product
adapted lo the temperate aonc thrive In
the rich volcanic Mil. The land I catlly
worked and watered. It ofiVr the great
ct irrlgllonit'a opportunity to be found
In the Northwest. A great amount ol
coutlructiou 1 being conducted by the
1'rout Bend aclllera are located on jw
age bomeatcada on the vat reaol"ge
bruh landa to the aouthcatt. Here ia
found the bigget and Ibe lat big chance
for the land hungry lo get free Govern,
meat land that ia worth the having
Bend ia the moil beautiful and health
ful town In Central Oregon. It ha a pub
lic water eyttetn, with absolutely pure
water. It haa cUctilc light, splendid
achoola, churche, a free library, hotel,
banks, etc
The railroad are coinlug. Hurry
and gel lo on the ground floor. Central
Oregon 1 the greatest hoincteekera' and
Investor' proposition In all the West to.
day. llend U the pivot point of Central
Oregon, It Is dettlned lo make a mag.
nlficenl city. Those who come lo Bend
now aud lo the country arouud Iteud,
will win wonderful reward fur their
We want you to come to Bend. Write
us for Information we shall be glad to
help you In every puulble way.
36en& Club
tfenD, Orcflon
lTnosliieM nireetorr of each Clrj
I Town and Village (a Oregon and
Washington, gmn uckhipuio
Aketih of each pUee. Location,
Shipping Facilities and Classi
fied Directory of each Uuelaces
and Profession.
U, I I'OMC ft CO., In.
Seattle, Wash.
Construction and Methods ol
Using a Plank Drag.
Datter Rnults Achltvid by Flrit
Crowning Roadway With a Dlads
Qrader How to Opsrat the Machine
How to construct nnd ue one of tin
iiioxt tiaeful and linuily ilevtcvtt for Im
proving earth roiulu l described In th
Krecder'i (laiette by I'rufeaior U W.
Chnae of the Ncbrackn experiment itu
Mntlon, who sura:
The upllt !og drag. or. n It U com
monly cnlh-d, tho King drug, li with
nut doubt the Witt Implement for keep
ing nmln lu atiitpv nnd In many In
ntmiecM In tin rttlrlent nn any other Im
pleniuut In the construction of earth
Thu King drag ran be constructed
of oltliir n upllt log or a plnuU, but lu
Nvbniskn the plunk Is much tsinlur to
iihtitlu I tm 11 the log; hciire tliln brief
ileaerlptlou -rtnlns to tin- construction
from plnnkit.
8lect 11 gool yollow plnr, nah or oak
plnuk two liivlha thick, twelve IucIim
wide? mill fourteen foot longv Cut till
In tuu nt nil angle no tlmt ono edge
of tsich piece In auven feet "U liieliea
long and tho other edg" la atx feet at
Inchest loug. Kplko to the back nnd
nlonu the renter of each of thene
planks a two Inch by alx Inch piece,
which re-eiiforcen the plan, lloro the
holra for the crowi atnkos nlHjtit tvrcn
ty-lx Inrhe apart and four Inches
fnini each end with n two and one-half
luch aucer, ualngcnru to keep the auger
penendlcular to the plank. Tho two
Inch by four Inch brnco nt the front
ml should atari from tho middle of
the rear plnnk and drop to the bottom
part of tho front plnuk. The blade,
which In generally mnde of itock cutter
ateel. should bo given tho proper cut
Ing slop by placing a wrdgu abaped
strip between it nnd tho plnuk. One
end of tho chnln In fastened to cross
atnke. and the other pntutert through 11
hole In the plnnk nnd Is held In posi
tion by means of a pin.
Tho uso of tho drag U more satis
factory If the rond ha first been
crowned with a blndo grader, but
whenever this Is not convenient aud
tho traillo Is not too henry tho rond
nmy be gradually brought to a crown
by means of the droit.
Tho surface of the nvcrnce country
rond should bo covered In ono round
with thu drni;. One horse nhould be
driven on the lnldo of tho wheel
track nnd tho other on tho outside, the
ilrng be I UK set by mean of tho clulti
so that It I runnlnit nt nn ancle of
forty-flvo decreets with the wheel track
nnd working tho enrth toward the
center of tho rond. In tho sprlnc
when tho rond nro more likely to iw
rutty nnd noft, It I Kent-rally better to
go over the road twice und In tome
place) oftuuer,
Tho drag nhould be floored with
bonrd which nre neparntisl by open
apace of nuillcont Mldlh xu that the
dirt which 'full over will rattle
through, nnd yet they Nhould bo close
enough so that the driver can tuou
about upon the drug ipilte freely.
To liiHtiru the Mici'CKMful operation
of the drag It U neeesHury for the
driver to line earn fill Judgment. Home
times It I fiHOiitliil that the blnde he
held down no that thu drug will cut
roots nnd weed, while nt other time
the front edge should not bear too
heavily upon the surface, as It will
dig out a soft plnre which would be
better If left undUturhtd. This regu
Intlnu of the cutting edge, can be ac
complished by the driver moving bmk
nnd forth or to tho right nnd left on
tho drng.
If the rond Is to ho crowned with
the tlrng It is often well to plow n
light furrow along tho side and work
this looNcned dirt to tho center. On
roads with heavy trndle tho drng
should bo lined much of tetier nnd with
mo,o euro than on roads with llehl
Tho distance from tho drng nt whlrh
tho tenm Is hitched ntTects the cutting.
A long hitch permlts the blndo to cut
deeper than n short hitch; llkowlto n
henvy doublctrco will causo the cut-
S. C, CALDWUM.. Prop.
We carry anything you
want in these lines. All
kinds of building: mater
ial. The only place to
get a guaranteed Stude
baker Wagon.
Our Prices Save You
j J
I Now Havo on Hand a Good Stock of
A Largo Consignment of all Kinds of
Is expected in from Shaniko daily.
If you want a good drink try my pfaco.
Bond and Oregon Streets.
I Am Now Conducting n First Clnss
In J. K. Wllllnms' barroom nt Uond and Oregon
atrccts, Try My Place
Mike Dragich
Horn! Street, between Oregon 11 nil Minnesota.
J. II. WI1NANDY, Prop.
All kinds of light and heavy Livery.
lioiKl Street Htiid, OrcKon.
to malic tlie wet wood burn.
Tukc a loud nnd try it. Drop
mu a curd in tho 1' O. box Gi
nnd Wagon Work.
ore my Hpfclultlcs.
Mltincaotit Street,