The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 25, 1911, Image 5

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Wll'l ' i'I' HllllillilHI1 I liilfnuH I mxl.liTr ll lli I'l ninHlliii'li'. i I M, 1 1 'n ii
YjyE ARE OVERSTOCKED on tho loss oxponsivo blankets. These blankets
ore neither cotton or wool but a mixture of both, heavier than cotton
much cheaper than wool. At tho prices quoted thoy are tho best blanket you
you over bought. And remombor those prices arc good only until Feb. 1st.
((Oflff LI 11" A heavy, firm blanket in u so It brown, with black and red
J-U1U UUI border -full 11-1, .size 00x70 inches, art Qf
Special price, per pair ,. U & CaVts
'QiIra RaW A beautitul .silver gray blanket with red and white and
OllVei DGJU blue and white border, size full 11-i t 9 f
U0x7H inches. Special price, per pair B M
"Snow King
Special price, per pair
"ITaY XLacI"
F tl fVCal A
Special price, per pair.
f-IayrtTt" A light weight blanket in a dark tan color. ' Holders arc assorted,
IllAVsll Size 01x78 inches. An extra good bargain. f V (
Special price.
All of the above are double blankets with heavy stitched edge. We have 50 pairs of
each style that we will sell at the above prices until February 1st.
Bend, Oregon
S O. Dorr Is left fur Portland this
C. II. Foster of Powell Butte was
In Hcud Friday.
David llillof Harper was in town
Monday and Tuesday.
John Ryan and W. 1). Sellers
left for Portland Sunday.
That cold can be cured with
Patterson's Cold Tabled. 46
J. Burkhnrdt of Powell Unite
was in Bend last Monday.
J. W. Taggart returned from
Portland Thursday n in lit.
UIr reduction on all rubbers and
overshoes nt The Toggery. 46
Frank Kelly of Powell Butte was
in Do ml on business Friday.
Mis A. J Duprcy of Crescent
was a Hcud visitor last week.
MIm Naif' Fitzmaurlcc left for
her home in Condon Sunday.
Roy Poll and Fred Wright of
Fort Rock were in Hcud lait week
Patterson's Cold Tablets. best
remedy for colds and Ia Grippe. 46
Fok Rknt Four-room house
in Lytic. Enquire of F, M.
Ray. 45 V'
l)c sure to notice the windows of
the Patterson Drug Store this
week. 46
Send hi your orders for heavy
timber and ship-lap. Heud Lum
ber Co. 43tf
If you have any real estate to
sell see the Uyruc Rcul EMutc Ex
change. 4atf
The Byrne Renl Estate Exchange
has a bargain in it 160 acre Powell
Uuttc ranch. 42tf
C. O. Pollard of the Crook Co.
Abstract Co. nt Priueville, was in
Heud last week.
Paul Hagan was in town Monday
from his homesteud southeast of
Millicau'ti ranch.
Montana, is now manager of the
bar at Hotel Hcud.
Fon Sai.i' -A small tent with
floor and side wulls, all in the best
of condition.
T.F. Apply Bum.UTIN Office.
Is a dark iruv blanket with
is a 10-1 blanket, 5(lx7H
('ar oxor( Kr,l' blanket with red, white and black border.
medium weiuht 10-1 rlx78 in. blanket, tffr 1 1 ff
"The Store of Better Values."
Patterson is giving away a two-1
Ititely free a beautiful $100 chest of
Community Silver.
C. I) Brown and wife spent Sun
day and Monday at their homestead
near Powell Unties.
F. C. Robison aim E. G. Rourk,
of Crescent were in the city last
week for a few days.
W. II. Wilson and J. Johnson of
Fort Rock were in Uend Saturday
en route to Portland.
"The Wooing of Tokola" is the
title of a volume recently donated
to the Bend Library.
Tonight the Beagle Family will
present "The Deacon of New York"
ut Linstcr's Opera House.
Sheriff T. N, Balfour was in
town last week in connection with
the triul of Gus Kulaiucy.
WANTitn Loggers with teams,
and man to clcur land and cut
woikI.Ed HAI.V0KS0N. 44tf
The Patterson Drug Store will
give rtway absolutely free, u $100
chest of Community Silver. 46
, Myers & Wilkey arc building 0
50 ton ice house in the rear of their
new building on Bond Street.
Jeff Blue has been arrested by
Deputy Gome Warden Dorris 011
the charge of trapping beaver.
0. C. Ilcnkle returned Friday
from a three day's trip to Juniper
Vulley, cast of Millicau's ranch.
Fkk Lots of dry planer shav
ings to bed your horses with, at
the Bend Lumber'Co.'s mill, 431!
Perry Smith and family left an
Monday for their homestead, ia
miles cast of The Millicun Ranch
For Saui A few fine Buff
Rock cockerels, also a-ycar-old
cock. F. M. RAY, Beud, Or. 44U
Dr. Uurris has returned from
Prineville and can be found nt his
old offices in the Hotaliug Build
ing. 4546
For Runt T. wo rooms opposite
Postoffice: running water, clec
:ricJlgUU. See First Nat ionar-
llank. aotf
For Sale Team of horses, wngon
nnd harness. Will sell separately
W. IS. Scott, at Bend Lumber
Co's. mill. 4itf
Just try The Uulletlu Job Priutery.
III .fn t '- - )'--., -j.... , ..-...
red and blue border.
q i .uj
IJciid, Oregon
If you want a shave or haircut,
drop in ut Innes & Davidson's
modern and well equipped barber
shop, 46
Don't fail to learn how you can
get absolutely free a $100 chest of
Community Silver ut Patterson's
Drug Store. 46
A 10)4 pound girl was born
to Mr. and Mrs. George Cyrus of
Sisters at the Bend Hospital Fri
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hobbs came
in from their Powell Butte ranch
yesterday, nnd will remain in Beud
several days.
Did you know that the
TIN job shop can print your visiting
curds, on the best stock with hand
some script type. T.F.
Will buy all fat cattle, calves and
hogs ready for market at highest
market prices Gkovk II Caud
wkm,, Bend, Ore. tf
If you want 0320 acre home
stead in the best wheat section in
Central Oregon sec the Byrne Real
Estate Exchange. 4stf
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lara and
Moris Lara left for Portland and
Seattle last Thursday, to be absent
probably two week.
For the first time this winter a
large amount of slush ice has ac
emulated just above the bridge
uear the lower station.
Rent books, with receipts nnd
stub for a year, on sale at the Bui.
t.KTiN office. Suits tenant and
luudlord. No mistakes and no
Charles RutclifTe, an employee of
the Star Bakery, was fined $7 50
by Recorder Ellis, the charge
ngaiust him being drunk and dis
orderly. Barnhard Winters, of Everett,
Wiuli , and G. W. Woodward, n
former resident of Minnesota, have
filed on 330 acre homesteads in Jun
iper Valley. ,
Will exchange for Bend proptrty
or land under ditch in vicinity of
-BcntrrTTicrcs-onmia in Vancouver,
B. C. This land is cleared and
level, on Spnnawny car line. Price
$1600. Also n double corner
66x130 in South Vuncouver. Price
$600. For further Information see
owner. Jamms Ryan,
44U' Beud, Hotel,
...of '"""'- - '-
The Ladies Aid Society will hold
a food sale next Saturday, begin
tilng nt 11 A. M. nt R M Smith's
Clothing Store. Buy your Sunday
cnucs there.
John Liuster, C C. Werner, II
F. Kepplc uud John Usher left yes
terdny morning for n three days
hunting party at the tatter's up
river homestead.
Frank Johnson of La Pine is
hauling lumber from the Masteu
mill west of La Pine to Redmond
and Bend, He brought down 11
lorn I'riday night.
Last week several men and a
rouple of teams were cugugid in
repairing a sink hole in the Central
Oregon Canal near the Pierce place,
.it about mile four.
E. C. Parks, a real estate man ol
Loiigmout, Col , is in Bend, and
reports that a large number of pco
pic in his locality expect to come
to Bend this summer.
About all the salvage recovered
from the Pilot Bultc Barn lire Is a
dozen bales of parti illy burned lny
ind 15 or more sacks of oats prett
well spoiled by smoke and water.
R B Gould returned Sunda)
evening from a three week's visit to
Seattle. He expects to remain here
permanently now and will again
open up an office in the Bulletin
W. C. Bredcnhagen, of St. Paul,
Minn , arrived last Wcdncsdu)
evening and has become proprietor
of the Turpin Gents' Furnishine
Store. Mrs. Bredeuhagen will comr
to Uend soon.
For Saui Forty acres of ditch
land six miles from Bend. Tfairt.
acres irrigable. Contract and
water rent fully paid A barg.iiu
tf taken nt once. Address Box 40.
Bend, Oregon. 421!
Services at Catholic church on
next Sunday, Jan 29th Hoi)
Communion nt 8 o'clock, Solemn
Mass at 10:30. The Mass will be
ung by the newly organized choir.
Everyone welcome.
The Hotel Bend has a new ten
foot electric sign, with 100 two can
die power incandescent bulbs. The
work of remodeling the hotel has
tecn started and will be completed
s rapidly as possible.
The telephone directories, with
all Bend numbers revised and cor
rected, have been distributed
Hereafter Central will require the
use of numbers in calling parties
and not names as heretofore.
I'OR Salk I.UUDRr We hve in one
dry hed Ho.ouo (ret of finlhcl lumber
all titct and kinds (ram I to 34 tnebet
in wnil ih. Alto door and window jam,
window stoolt, building thinglet, etc
We can make arrangcmcnti to deliver
anywhere. Send us vour order. J.N.
Mattcn Lumber Co., Koilauil, tf
OliverThorbjornsen is completing
his building on Bond Street, near
Miunesotn. Work on this building
was stopped about two months ago
but it is now Mr. Thorbjornsou's
intention to complete it as soon as
W. R Sayler, who has bought
an interest in the John Edwards
ranch, declares that he has lived
in 38 different states and .that the
winter climate of Bend is by all
odds the most pleasant he has yet
C. S Benson returned .Saturday
night from a brief trip to
Fort Rock. Mr. Benson says that
from Lava Butte southward more
than two feel nf snow remains on
ihe ground even after the rains en
tirely cleared it off here at Bend.
The high wind last Wednesday
night broke the minimum thermom
eter in the U S Weather Bureau
apparatus behind The Bulletin
office. Until a new one is procured
from Portland the daily roimimum
record will have to be abandoned.
L. M. Black and J. F. Pollock
of Hofibrd, Kans.; J. S. Blount
and Mrs. K Blount of Oregon
City; A. II. and S 0. Olmstead of
Linton Oregon, ' passed through
Bend last week on their way to
contiguous homesteads iu the Fort
Rock country.
The Bend Athletic Association
will give a Grand Masquerade Ball
in Linsters Hall, Feb. 14th. Val
uable prizes will be offered for best
and most grotesque costumes worn
by each sex. Knapp's Orchestra
will furnish the music. A goJd
time is assured to all.
The Rev. Dr. Walton Skipworth,
superintendent of The Dalles dis
trict, will conduct services Sunday
in the Baptist Church, both mom
ing and evening with special music.
Dr. Skipworth is reckoned an ex
ceptionally interesting speaker and
a lurge atteudeuce is expected.
If you wish to have your ex
press and light freight come in
along with your letters and daily
papers, have it come in on the mail
line. Tun Cornktt Staok &
STAM.W Co, 25tf
1 miTfiin iiii. irw"in rnv wui"-
Pilot llutle Inn.
MIm A. J. Duprey, It. C. Kourk, V. C.
ItoblMii, Crt-iril, Ore; C. W. Kirk-
untie, w. 11, ur cv, ciiiie L'arollirrs.
Clyde MrKny, rortUiid, Ore ; II. It.
Atliertnn, Roy flraiitoii. Redmond, Ore.;
A. 8, Htokke, Vancouver. II, C; Q. J
lloener, T. N IIlfonr, I'rlnevllle, Ore.;
. It. Snwlilll and (amity, The M'aduws;
C. U. Mycrt, New York; A O. Huiiler,
Uend; S. Ilrooka, Miunearoli; Waller
O'Nell. Slmulko. Ore.; O. I'. Zimmer
man, Klamath I'hIU, Ore.
Hotel Uend.
C. O. I'ollard, I'rlnevllle, Ore.; Joe
Denolr, Milwaukee, Wla.; J, M. Wilton,
Chicago, III.; Dan I'elerKin. II. W. Mou
ahan, It, Si rami, Redmond, Ore,; Hot
I'olu, I't. Rock, Oie ; J. K. Ryan and
wife, The TiiIm; P. Weal, C. M. Youiik.
R. W. Davrutxjrl. I', I!. Itl.lioti. I'ori.
Uud Ore ; C. K. Illaml, Hermltton, Ore.
TaKscsrt'a Hotel.
8, C. Hadley. Republic.; I,. M.
Illaek. J, . I'ollork, Stafford, Kant.,
J, I'. Mount, MIm Mount, Oreiroii Cily,
Ore ; A II OlmMeaii, KOOImtlean, I'ort
land; J Ilurkhardt. Powell Ilutte; N J
l.uthead, W I) Cherry, W A Swely.
Sea I lie. Wath.; I'rauk Johnton and wife,
Urine; John llunte, I'orUmouth, Va ;
0 W Syaon, Ne Perce, Ida.; A Rlotli,
Oarfield, Wali ; J ! Kinney and wife,
Culver; 1'rcd Wright. I't. Rock. Ore.
Turpin Announces Sale.
I wish to announce to my patrons
and the puhlic at large the sale of
my gent's furnishing establishment
on Wall Street, formerly known as
Turpin & Whitsett's, to W. C.
Brcdcnbagen, of St. Paul, Minn.
Mr. Bredeuhagen has taken over
my store, entire stock and good
will. I take pleasure in recom
mending him to all my old cus
tomers, and requesting that they
ontiuuc to patronize the store in
the future as they have in the past
I want to take this, opportunity
'o thank all those who have dealt
vith me for their generous patron
jge and my friends for the substant
ial backing they have given my
business sin e its start
(Signed) H E. TURPIN.
Save Your Dimes s Nickels
ANY number of Bend ladies have taken advantage of
.our Home Goods Sale to supply their kitchens with
needed pans, kettles, mixing bowls, towel racks, towels,
etc., etc, After looking over our extensive showing of
Home Goods, they have been greatly surprised at the
reasonableness of our prices and the many remarkable
bargains found in our store. It is Bend's Economy
This sale is still in progress and this week we call
your attention to another genuine money saver.
Large Serai-Porcelain Cup and Saucer
Good quality blue-white ware baked extra hfcrd
with a clean, bright glaze This is a gnuiue
bargain and its equat cannot be found elsewhere
Sold in any amount. Per cup and saucer.
Ask to see our glass GRADUATED COOKINd
CUPS. Shows 1-4 cup, 1-2 cup, 3-4 cup. Just
the thing for the kitchen.
Rowe's Economy Store
"The Same Goods
to the peoplo of Bond and
surrounding country that
I have purchased the stock
of Men's Shoes jmd Men's
Furnishing Goods of H. .
Turpin, on Wall Street.
Come in and see me. I
will bo pleased to meet
you and show you what
I have. Come in anyway
and say hello; you will ke
just as welcome whether
you buy or not, and I
want to meet you.
Next week I will have
something jo say in this
space that, will surely in
teresl you, Watch for
my ndvertfsement.
School Notes.
A new achednle hat been arranged for
the IIIkIi School which la expected to be
followed out for the last half of the year,
.Several new branches have been ettab
IIMtrd, one of which It Advanced Arith
metic. Tillle Wood nnd Charlie floyd have
returned to school afler teveral week
I.att Thursday the Hllitll Grade Clu 1
met at the school building and after n
short program the members of ihe club
au until time to adjourn.
Charles Triplett and Lawrence Rets
dorter have been abtcnt 011 account of
Most of the mid-year examlnatloi
have been completed and now the pupils
are starling on the last half of the school
Vancey Clark hat dropped out of (he
eighth grade.
Tumalo Items.
Tumalo, Oregon,, Jan. aj. O. W.
and Chat. I.. Weimer were Uend visitors
J. W. Ilaker has returned from Rote
burg. Mrt. Uaker and daughter will re
turn in a (ew days and will take up their
residence in Redmond.
The wind a (ew days ago blew many
treet acrott the road between Tumalo
and Uend and the people of these part
are hoping that they will be cleared out
The people of this neighborhood net
at the Pineburst School house Friday
night and organized a Literary Society
and wound up with a basket supper.
' I'red Weiitng of Cloverdale arrived
here Saturday on his way to Bend with
a load of dressed beef. Mr. Wclslog re
ports that he bat butcbered 24 beevea
and has ten more to butcher this winter,
lie alto has 36 hogs which he will make
bacon of.
Just try The Bulletin Job Printery.
for Less Money.'