The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 25, 1911, Image 3

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    Spec'l Prices
Dig Reduction in
Conic soon and make
your selections.
goods will not last
long al the reduced
prices put on them.
TiTe Toggery
A. L. HtHNCII, I'rop.
Yourself Willi the Mule
Girl )i)ii ijuccrcd ytniclf
with the tither ilny There
Isjti't tine wuytii ionic buck
tliut'it the Whitman way.
If Whitman's
For fur'her iuforniHtloii
MrkK" iiroiiwl to tliut
Reddish Pill Plant
Drug SLore.
Solicits Inquiries
About Up-To-Datu
Call at office or phono u.
Phono No. 96
Wall Street, near Ohio.
eo YEAno
Tnoc Maiik
CopvniaHT Ac.
.tulnl mnlLrM.
scieiitiitc American.
A tiandriireir iimjirMM wee nr. i
ouUUoii jf r trleiiUl t"''"'!i '
rri four rmmtiii, II. Moldbrail fie clr
...... . m
lrll newtilealere.
. V Ul Wiahlnrlim II. O.
-I-envo-youi'-fiuhsorijitioiis foi1
All Magazines
nt the Library and let thnt
institution get the benefit.
Anyone tamllng ikalrh andj ilMortntlon nir
qnlaklr mrriiii imr (iiuiiIiih free wli.tUtr n
liiiciitlmi It I'mlixW iiiieiiiaMe, rouniunlra.
lV.m..lilcll-mliUiitUI. IIJtNObOOK ont'aleiaa
liil Ire lll.lo.l taeiirrrur sec-uiliig jwltMla.
l' ukn ihrnutli Muun. A tt. receive
wiihiiuLcbrii. Ml he
Dut That Wai No Excuse For Publloly
Intuiting Him.
Ahniil the yenr IHI7 Charles Webb
wim playing nl llii' nlil Cliiitlmin then
I cr. Now York, run) during tho en
gagement ho hcciitim hiilniiitu with n
young Huh dealer mimed Hlmplclgh,
doing I mix t im-V In Washington market.
Tin- llnh dealer wiiii it genius hi more
mi.vm iIiiiii one. In hi jnunger dnys
lie Imil belonged Id n Juvi'iillit drniiint
le company, iiml In till iiiiiiiIioimI, slneo
making Webb's nciiiiiilntiiiicc. Iin hml
boon Im'IiIikI tin? vnrlnlii during re
hnirxnf'iititl Iiml really fancied Iin would
"di'iirly love in appear Just oiicp,"
Welti) bceiimo Niiilsllcd Hint Htinp
lelgh cnuh, ml mid wits willing to
please ti 1 tit, mid li no happened Hist
mi niNiriniiliy presented Itself which
hud not liiM-n nntlelpnled, The night
nf Wi'hli'x benefit hud been fixed, on
whli'h imtiihIhii he wim to piny tho
character nf lliiiitlcl. Tim nrlor who
hml Im'i'H net npnrt fur lite clmrnrlpr
of I'olonlux was unexpectedly rnllnl
nwny. In whleh emergency Webb
sought his frlem) nl Washington mnr
kcl mid nxked lillil If hi) would help
hint. Hhiiplclgh wim mi ty ton glnfl lo
do II. Thi -i nl fill night ciinip. mid n
front box hml lieen reserved fur Hhap
lelgh'N wife mid little daughter mid
other relatives mid friends. Tim house
wiik packed, with every till of Nlnndlng
riHiiii iM'ciiplcd Tim piny eomumnei-d
mid nil went well, llm bcnollclory ri'
ii'IvIiik niiind nfler riinnd of npplnuoo
on IiIm tint ritlriinci'. mid It w the
miiim Willi tliu kind frlenil who hml
"mi iiiHcnnliltnoiKly voIihiIihtpiI hln
vnlnnlilr xcrvlciit " Tim flml net wr-nt
iilT miiiMiihly. In Urn xirond net. Kccim
'2. I'olnnhiH n un the ilnKr with
klint mnl ipiii'ii. when to ihvm ru
le r 1 1 mil let. rciidhiR from n hook.
KltiK mid ipiii'ii nro nnreretnonluiixlj
IiiiiIh1 nut nf llm wny. "Do you
know nm. my Ion! J" I'lilonlim nxkii,
"Cieellenl well, Vnu nrc n IIhIiiikui
ifcr." Ilniiilcl rrpllcM. nrcnnlliiK to llm
Icit. Thlx Mniimed the ludlviinllon of
Klmpli'lKh' wife. mid. furuellliiK nil
rlKt Inn llm illrt-et Innlllt offered lo
her huxhmiil. lm xclnliniil loud
eninich to lm Imnrd In every pnrt of
tin hotixc; "Well. It nln'l rrry nlco of
you. Mr. WVIiti, nflrr Tom Iin Imcu
xd kimhI In you lo (,' xhowliiK him up
In puhllc In I hut fnxhlon! I'd hnve
you know l hnl n nxliimuiKrr. nx you
rnll him. In nx rimhI nx an nctor nuy
duy!" I'ur n inoinenl n wonderltiK xl
Iriirp fell llin Mm Imiixp. Thnl mo
lllent whn riitliilit hy Shiiplelnh. whoxc
nllx hud mil fnrxiiken him. mid. look
Inc up lownrd hlx wife' Ikij. he Raid
with nu nHxurtiiK nul: "ll'x nil rluht
llexxlr. It'N no III llm Ixxik!" And
limn, tho ecre( out, the hoiixo "cnnic
A Man of Llttta Faith.
A colored prencher ioik xunm enn
dldnira for Iniinerxlon down to it river
In Mulxlutin. HrrlliR miinp nlllpttorx
In llm Ntrrnm. mm of them nhjcctetl.
"Why. Imitlivr." r;pd tho paator.
"enn't you tnit tlm I.ord? lie took
rare of Jonnh. didn't het'
"Y-aa-p." ndmlltnl ttir dnrky. "tml
a wIihIp'n different. A whnlp'a Kt
nmin'ry. but If oim o' dptn 'jrnlont wux
tcr Nwnllpr dl ulKCPr Im'd Jim' co to
leep dur lii I ho nun nu' fort It all
about It."
Hit Flrtt Wordt.
"1 kucox." rcuinrked xlnipleottl Farm
pr Hoc. "Ilint we'd Imlter huve An
drew Hop Ntudylu' no hard. Talu'l
KihkI for lil mind."
"I tmvrn't notice! anylhlnRonuiunl,"
nnvcrrd hit wife.
"No? Hut I hnve. When !m coiiipn
homo from ncIiooI for IiU holiday, aft-
'"TAtK'TOOOD mil llllt MIND."
rr trnvelln' itcoreii nnd seon'H of tnllpa.
whnt do yo think hlx fuxt wurda
"I d'na"
"Ho niiyn. 'Well, father, I'm half,
buck now.'
"I looked nt Mm. nnd I nnya. 'What
do ye nieiinr
"Juxt what I ny. I'm hnlflmck.'
"I Hiiyai 'Andrew, don't yo renlbm
whnre ye nre? Ye nln't hnlf buck.
Yo'rc oil tho wuy buck, nnd I'm plnd
to bco yo too.' An nil he done wim
to JeV hiupli mid Hiiy he'd tell me nil
nbotit It borne tltnc."-Onmlm World
Herald. Pattor'a Dad Examplt.
Tho intemperate clllcen Iiml prom
ised the cIcrKymnn thnt he would Hint
nlfiht take Juki another drink and
co mo to bcrvlco on the morrow.
On Monday tho clergyman ehlded the
clllipu for not liavlin? kept lil word.
"You promised mo you'd take Just an
other drink; neo how tunny you've had
"Yes," retorted tho man astutely,
"yesterday morning you anld, 'Now,
Just another word.' nnd seo how many
uioro you gavo us uf tor that" Widow,
Scrap Book
III Tlmtd DrualnU'
All Irlxhinnii mid Ueriniiti were alt
thiK on n pier llxhlnu. Nolllier kiivp
Ihv other nuy concurn. Tin Irlxhliiiui
oNoplilciilly nt til
elny, wlillo tlm
(lerinntl PCOtlleil
nliNorhcd In
lliotiulit 'or wiin
xllelilly cxiMTtliiK
n hlle. Niiddciily
Ihu Oeriimn fell
Into tlm wnler
TlmapliiNh rii'iill
cd tlm Irlxhtnnn
from hlx preoecu
pnllou. Th nt wnx
nil It did. how
ever, lie never
iimdo n move to
offer nld to llm
mini NiruuulluRlu
the M renin.
"I cm n't Nwltn!"
anld the (lernuin nx he emne up. "I
en n't xwlni.'" lie nIioiiIh) louder na he
eiinie in llie auriice for tho Neeouil
An he wiin nlwiul In dlxitpienr for the
llilnl lime thuUeriuiin cried beiirtrend
"I rnn'l w-I-iii!"
"Ii'h h d d funny lime lo !onl
nlHitii II," replied Iho inoknr of llm
-Ml0ht Haval"
I Iixvp llvfl my I Iff. and I far tha tni.
Ilul lll otfr III I rnllit navt m
Wlirr Uy ilia load, anil who wai U
Ami what th ol wbn III year
wcro (iMir
Wliprplay Hip rnoil? t)M I mlx Hit turn?
Tha Irlriwl unxiiowiif Our (rrttinna un-
Ami Ilia coal unsought? Hholl I ntvtr
What Hat that Ufa I might havt IrdT
At Ilia tprlna'a latt limk for onr drar dty
I'ihih aula aulumnal on earth may
li it.
Ha luira ln Htal olhr life but. nay!
1 hava llvvd my lift, and I far tha and
-IMlth U. TlKJinat.
Hit Mark.
Oim dny n lilj: city bnnk rreplvpd the
fiillowlm; inewKiice fmm mm of Itx
country rorrcxMindeniN- "1'ny $'i lo
John Smtlti, who will call today " The
(Hxtilera curlox
Ity iMvnum nun
pii'loti when n
eiibumn nxxlxtci!
Into the bnnk n
drunken "fiire"
who Ntiouted Hint
he wua J o h li
Smith nnd want
ed Nome money
Two clerkx puxii
ed. pulled mid
piloted tlm bolxt
enu Imllvldunl
Into a prlvato
room away from
Hie aliiht nnd
henrlnic of n-Kular depositors. The
enxhler wired the country bnnk:
"Mut clnlmliiK to tm John Smith U
lmn. HlKhly lutoilenled. Shall we
uwult Idoutlllcntlonr
The auawer rend: "Idenllflcatlon
complete. I'ny tho money." Sacceu
Avtrtlng a Panlo.
On one oecailou John 1'Ulllp Souio
by lilt promptness wai the direct
mean of itopplni; n paulc which mlcht
hnve had the moat disastrous results.
Whllo his baud was playtui; before 12.
OUO H-ople lu St. 1a)uIs the electric
IlKhtM In I he hall went out suddetily.
I'eople begun to move uneasily lu their
Xenix, and tiiiim even began to make a
ruili for the doors. Coolly tupping
with his luiton, Suusa gave a signal,
nnd Immediately tils baud began play,
lug "Oh, Dear, What Can the Matter
He)" A tiny ripple of laughter that
went round the nudletme xhowi-d that
contlile'icv bad Ihtu partially nwlore-l.
When the bum! hegau to play "Wall
Till the Clouds (toll Hy" the laughter
deepened Into u roar of merriment that
; ended only wheu the lights werw turn
ed uangaln.
A Favortd Congragatlon.
A fiimmiH North Carolina elergyman
while preaching frutn the text, "lie
gltelh till beloved idcep," Ntoped lu
the middle of hlx dlu-oursi, gaxl Ukiii
his sluuiberlug eongregallou and said,
"llr.'lhren. It Ix hurtl to realUo the un
iKiuudiHl lore which Ihe Lord appears
to luivo for n large ortlou of tuy uu
dltory." A Polnttd Qutttlon.
There Is mi nmuslug story told of
ICmperor I'nincU Joneph of Auxtrlu
uml the famous old soldier Onlgotzy;
"After the occupation by AuHtro-IIun-giirluu
forces of Hoxuln-Horxeguvlnn
(lalgotzy was set lo build a military
nmd. Funds, wero short, mid the sum
available for the purpose seemed hope
Ictody liiHUlllclent. Hy dim of hard
work niul lugeuully (llgotr.y Niuieed.
cd nevertheless lu performing his tnsk
and thereupon reported, 'Itoad built;
'.'.YUOO tlurlus rwelved. 'JO-OOO tlorlus
spent; romnlns, noHilug.'"
DlHHtiilHlled wlih ho summnry nn ne
couut, tho audit oltlclalH applied for u
detailed Rtatemeut of - expenditure.,
Oalgotzy IgnoiiHl the npllentlon,
which wnn presently renewinl lu per
emptory form. Imimtleut of red tape.
receive!, '.'0.000 tlnrlns spent; remains,
nothing, Whoever doubts It Is an
Shocked by stmh Impropriety, a nob
cum olllclnl nubmltlcd Oalgntzy'a ac
count to the emperor, who blnndly In
quired, "Do you, then, doubt ltt"
Dlrtetlont For Admlnltttrlnu Mtdlolnt
to tha Animal
Tlm holllo moxi eoimiioiily employed
find the best glnxx hot tie un nKHr(l
ahnpi- mid streiiglli. Is n ipnirt elmm
pnglie, hut ll belter nppllsliee Mill I
tlm tin drenching hoitle noli! hy ih
ngrlculliiml xiipply xtnrex. II hiiii'.
ho broken and Is provided with tin ah
hole which Neeurew n xtettilj- nnd even
flow of medicine from the nwk.
In ndmtulxterlng Hie tlum the emu
moil practice Ix lo Ntralgliien uml
"lightly elevate Hie liititl iy wrNxplm
the iioxn with the forefinger uml thumb
nt the left hand, but Ihla la cumulated
to Interfere with rexplriilloii nnd Is un
necoNNiiry except lu the cnnc of veri
rough nnltnnlx. whbb are rertnli
rendcrrx! more ninennhle lo rewooti b
this graxplng of tho muzxle.
A much belter plan with Hie (pilcl
nnltnnl Is for llm perxon giving Hie
medicine to atnnd with hi tnrk
ngnlnxt tlm right xhonlder of Ihe cow
allghtly fix the Imnd to tlm right nnd.
pnxxlng Hie left nrm over the face
plnce llm him! In the left utile of th"
mouth with tlm fliu-erx ngnluxt Ihe pil
ule, nnd giro tho doxp with the Nittle
held In the right hand, Introduclng
nnly tlm nozzle nnd allowing the ron
tents to run out with n continuous
ntcnrty flow.
Where nn ntxlxtnnt la necpaxnry to
llm holding of the nnlmit he xliotild
atnnd on the left side nnd graxp both
horns, or If llm beast Is very unruly
take the right horn In tlm right hand
and group the nnxnl septum (Irmly
with the left, turning the held In the
direction of tho ndmlnlxlrntor on tlm
right side of the nnlinnl nnd avoiding
too much elpvntlon.
With very rough or wild cat lie an In
strument for grasping the nasal sep
tum, called "bulldogs." Is employed
but a couple of determined men can
generally give llm drink while thlN In
trinnent Is being fixed. Generally
what may lm cnlled Ihe julct method
Is tlm eaxlcxt and nioxt expeditious,
and tlm expert manipulator rarely
npedN any nsxlstance In the donlng.
Amerlcnu Cultivator.
Economy demandi that wc mvc
everything that ha been produced
if it has any value as a food (or man
or animalt. The fact that it it not
salable need not deter u. Many
product! that are not uUble have
utility on the farm.
Eaty Way of Vattrlng Chlekt.
It Is generally very hard to keep
enough water In small pans for the lit
tle chicks to drink. If n large pan Ix
used they are apt to fall in and drown.
So I have Invented this drinking ves
sel, which I find most useful. Take
Krom Farm and Fireside.)
milk crocks, rattier shallow wooden
buckets or anything that is smaller
toward the bottom than at the top
Then mnko a lid or "float" of pine
board that will go down about halfway
lu the vessel wheu empty, llore the
lid full of holes and by Its flontlug on
tho top the chicks enn hop on to It nud
drink. As the water li consumed the
"float" settles deeper In the vessel, nnd
If enough chicks should get on it nnd
sink It nny the lid wouldn't go down
deep enough to drown any of them.
Farm ami Fireside.
Begin now to lay plans for a
better rotation of crops next year.
Dttt Kind of Potato.
Investigation Into tho uutrltlvo val
ue of the red, white, yellow and violet
vnrletlua of potatoes buows that the
violet fleshed potatoes stand highest.
Live Stock Notes.
He careful not to overheat mnres
that are suckling colts.
A team that works In tho field all
week should bo allowed to rust ou
Tho farmer who has not tlmo to fuss
with a youux colt had better go Into
some other business.
Mnny of tho dltncultlcs experienced
In handling tho spring Utters may be
avoided If tho liVood sows are properly
fed nud cared for In Hie winter,
Tho value of mpo ns n food foi
calves Is not well understood. If ll
were much tuoru would bo sown.
Make friends with your horses. They
will enjoy your sociability us well u
you will. Sensible horses llko to be
talked to by people.
All sheep lovo alfalfa, cither green
or dry. The very uuturo of tho animal
mnkos nlfnlfa n aultnblo food for It.
Hhwp need foods rich 111 protein
Haw cabbage makes an excellent
feed for tattle, but It canuot be safely
fed to horses. Mangels, carrots, beets
nud turnips' will, howuver, bo found
good for both horses nnd cnttlo If fed
Lruw. They nro uamed hero in order
of their value, . .
Dlrtctont For Ptrformlng This Vf
f ul Optratlon on Fruit Trtta.
I Cleft grafting Is pructlced on tho
lops of'trew which tire more or less
nm lured. Wild npple trees of rikm!
size nre ofleu unified, so Hint they
will produce desirable" fruit. It should
be practiced on brant-he not over two
hmhcN hi (I U meter, II Is best lo graft
only oue-thlid or one-hnlf of n tree lu
: a single season, so us to hnve enough
top lo I'-flVe (Hit well. A saw, n print-
jlng hook, n knife nnd n linummr nro
' neceiMiry, nn well hs nrUnm nnd graft
ing wax. The process Is thus dewrllt-
setting a ci.zrr an A IT.
Frnm li-ft to right: A "tub with grafting
tool In iriar when tpllt. rroily to Inaart
acton. Tha asm (tub with ckn In
elett. A aide view of same after Uttng
waxed. From American Cultivator.)
ed by II. D. Hcmenwoy of Ilnmp
thlre county. Mass.. for tho state
board of agriculture:
With a clean, sharp saw remove the
end of the branch to be grafted at a
point where the stub wilt not bo over
two Inches In diameter. Much care
should bo token to prevent the bark
from splitting down on one side when
tho branch Is cut off.
I'laco the grafting hook so that the
chisel part U over Ihe center of the
cut nnd drive It down with the ham
mer, spllttlug the rtub Into two (Hirts
through the tenter. Itomove the tool
and drive the wedge part Into the end
of the split itnb, so as to bold the
edges open. Select n Helen and make
a double wedge shaped cut on Hie low
er end of It. Make It wedge shaped
lengthwise, so hs to fit Into the cleft.
and wedge shaped horizontally, so
thnt the Inside of the scion Inserted
lu tho cleft r almost cut away, white
the outside which com lu contact
with the cambium layer of the stub
forms an arc of the original circle of
the twig.
When the stub is more than two
Inches In diameter place a scion ou
each edge of Ihe cleft, so that the In
ner bark of the hclou nud of the stock
will coincide. Ilemove the grafting
hook. When the stub springs back It
will hold the scions firmly In place.
All exiKMed surfaces should be well
cavern! with grafting wax to prevent
evaporation. Let the war cover the
upturned bark below where the scion
to Inserted, as well aji the top of the
cut. When the stub Is one Inch or
less across but one scion should be In
serted. In the second season one of
the branches should be removed If
both scions grow, if both were al
lowed to grow n fork would be form
ed, which would weaken the tree. The
iclous should be wrapcd In moiit
cloths to prevent them from drying
out. Cleft grafting la successfully
done In the spring when the buds arc
twelllng. It Is most successful on
bright, warm days, free from cold or
drying winds.
Our Farm Machinery Abroad.
Scarcity of labor lu many couutrlea
Is forcing the farmers to adopt labor
saving machinery, according to the bu
reau of manufactures. A bulletin it
has Issued shows that nearly fCO.lKK),
000 worth of agricultural machinery
was exported from this country In the
flhcnl year recently ended, itussla and
Argentina being tho best markets.
Prosperity note from the Sedg
wick (Kan.) Pantagraph: "It takes
only four bushels of alfalfa seed to
buy a new tire for the auto."
Dairy Doings.
Good pasturo la tho cheapest cow
food, and green soiling crops aro next.
Don't expect n dairy cow to give
satisfactory results on half rations.
Tho half fed cow uever pays.
With the dairy farmer It should not
bo a question of building one silo, but
whether or not two should bo built.
A mixture of salt, two parts, and
ashes, one pnrt, Bhould bo put lu the
salting box ut least once each week.
Tho ashes should bo rich lu charcoal.
The cows require a groat deal of
charcoal and cannot do tbolr best
without It.
1'romUcuous crosa breeding never
leads to desirable results. It Is only
by perslstvut clinging to tho charac
teristics of nny of the dairy breeds
nud by careful breeding to tlx those
characteristics that the herd Is mate
rially built up.
llo uot opposo tho cow's appetite.
She knows whnt It takes to muko a
balauccd ration better than any feed
ing standard. If she does not llko
brau and corn giro oats and.corn. If
she Is tired of fodder by all means try
n.llttlo clover hav
Tho thermometer should bo used
whllo churulng nnd tho temperature
Uept down to from S3 to CO degrees.
It conditions nro favorable tho butter
should bo gnmulnr nnd should require
uot moro thau from twenty to thirty
mluutcs for churning.
I .
i( arm and
ArgumtaHa Fv ard Agtjlnet P'cnllrg
In the Or chars).
The Inrf," itii.e.rlM- of rnt"'.rnl I
fruit (rruwrrx Uo iW'l grow inurx'-tnl.
cron between tlm trow, says a raven I
bulletin or the United States di-pm I
meut of agriculture. Tlmy bellcto li
;lean culture, except where Icgum.
nous crojM are used to raiiorate an I
fertilise the soli. From tho stanilMUit
of the large commercial orchard nul
the well to do prufirletor Uls pra ti .
has much to recommend It The plan'
lug of xui-li an orchard la regarded us
a long time' Investment. Mttle If any
returns are expected for the first few
years, but when the trees apptoie li
uiMturJty and nre In full bearing In
nntHMted rroHts arc supposed t
compensate Ihe owner for all the lei I
years. Any treatment, therefor-,
which tends to rob the sell of Its plant
food when the trt-i are young or to
rclanl their growth la pretty ccrta .i
to leaxen the ylalds and tho conM--quent
profits In later years. I'rofess r
B. J. WJekson. director of the Califor
nia cxrlment station, says:
"All liiten-ulturea are a loan ma''e
by the trees to the orcbnnllst. Tho
term may be long nnd the rate of In
terest low. but sooner or later tha
trees will need restitution to the so.!
of tho plant food removed by Inter
cropping." Notwithstanding all this, the poor
man mint needs make tho loan or his
children may starve, says the bulletin.
The settler on n small tract set ont to
yoyng treei cannot nffoni. If his means
nre limited, to wait four or Ave years
for Hie flrt returns. Ho mnst produce
crops between the rows, and the quel
Hon for him to consider Is how thU
can be done with the least polhle In
lury to tho trees. A plentiful supply
of water and a deep, rich sol! are tho
essential of Intercropping. In districts
that depend on a meager rainfall of 11
to 20 Inches per annum, or where Irri
gation water is both scarce and costly,
the practice becomes of doubtful vntno
under any circumstances. In moit o
the frnlt districts of the west water for
Irrigation Is stilt reasonably low In
price, and the extra amount required
for Intercropping represents but n
small part of the net gains from such
Latter Proving Profitable For Those
Able to Prime Their Tobacco Crops.
The Illustration reproduced from tho
Now England Homestead shows two
types of tobacco grown on F. M. Ar
nold's farm In Southwlck, Mass. Ono
Is tho Ualladay tobacco; tho other U
Uavana. The Halladay type of tobac
co, which was originated only a few
years ago. Is holding true to type and
proving a profitable tobacco for tbosa
who are In position to prime their crop.
It will bo remembered that the Ha"
laday typo of tobacco was first found
on Edmond Hnlladay's farm in Suf
fleld, Conn. Tho presenco of tblsspoit
cr new variety was due to tho break
Ing up In tho third generation of a
cross between Havana and Sumatri
tobacco. The plant was saved, self
pollinated and guarded.
Tho result of several years' selection
Is as pictured here, a broad, rather
short, round, pointed leaf, which In
closely set on the stalk. The veins aro
rather small, and the tobacco Is pr
nouueed by those who aro growing It
this year to be a marked success.
Depth to Cultivate.
At tho WUcouslu experiment station
cultivation three Inches deep left tha
ground more moist below the cult I
vated layer than culUvatton one an I
ono-half inches deep, and thoso rosult
bavo In tho main been confirmed ly
similar experiments at tho Utah sta
tion. In experiment stations farmer; are
afforded (rue the best information
agricultural scientists know. It is ex
pected of farmers to make use of
these stations when any farm prob
lems arise, and they should do so
for their own and their neighbors'
More mowers nre knocked out In en
ting weeds than lu cuttlug grass In tho
meadows. It U n good plan to gut ti
now mower before tho old ono is en
tlrcly out of cojuml&sloti, then the old
one can bo used' 'oa weed cutter ex
clusively. "
r, ggBajaVag. StneMEaBazflvr
i ELjajMHjSHE IbsVsaflssaKiHBVY