SEnLERS BUILD JUNIPER VALLEY IS RAPIDLY SETTLED UP. Lumber (or Five New Cabins Left Bend Saturday. Clearing of Land Progresses snd Mny will ttovo Spring Crops In. The country to the south east of Bend, often referred to as the "High Desert" is being settled up more rapidly than people realize. With in the past three months more than 30 Homesteader's cabius have been built within a radius of ten miles. Lait Saturday freighters left here with lumber for five more homes. The locality that is being settled most rapidly now is Juuipcr Valley, 13 miles cast of Millicatt's ranch and about 44 miles from Iktid. The lumber that was taken from Bend Saturday will be used in building cabius for Fred Schuck, Frunk Schuck, Christiana Schuck, Albert Couch and Ralph Jordan, each of whom has a 330 acre home stead. Louis Radcliffe formerly of Bend, is now digging n well on his place, 10 miles southeast of M tllieans. Stevenson, whose claim is 12 miles southeast of Millicau.s ranch and 3 miles beyond the Rudcliffc place, has the deepest well in that locality, 50 feet. . On the Edward Wade place a good supply of water was secured at 12 feet. Practically all of the homesteaders are making arrangements to sink wells in the near fnture. There has been but little clearing done, and consequently practically no winter wheat was put in. How ever many of the newcomers will have their land fn shape to put in spring crops. From every prom inent hill one can see the clearing work being carried on. FAMOUS STAR GROUP. n Ltgtnd nd Th ContUllatton Orion Literature. The constellation Orion Is mentioned In the literature of all ages. In Egypt It represented Horn, the young or ris ing sun. in a boat surmounted by stars, closely followerf by Elrlus. which was shown as a cow. It has also been found sculptured on the walls of Thebes 5.000 years ago. And on the men of that early time It shone down from the same position and with the same brightness as It does on us today, a striking example of the uncbange ableness of the heavens. Prom tho days of the early Illndu to the present the constellation has for some reason borne always a stormy character. Allusions to its direful In fluence are found every where among the claIc writers. Thus Milton wrote: When with fierce winds Orion arrived Hath vexed tbe Red aea coast. The los of tbe Roman squadron in the first Tunic war was ascribed to tbe fleets having salted Just after tbe ris ing of Orion. The group has also ben employed ns a calendar sign. Its morn ing rlslug Indicating tbe beginning of summer, its midnight rising tbe season of grape gathering and its early even lag rising tbe arrival of winter, with its attendant storms. In recent timon tbe group has always represented a great hunter or warrior. Its present title came Into Greek astronomy from the Euphrates and originally signified the light of heaven. BABY TURTLES. They Know Just What to Do and Do It Without Guidance. Just so soon as a baby turtle emerges from the egg off ho scuttles down to the sea. lie has no one to teach blm. no one to guide him. In his curhpus little brain there Is Implanted a streak of caution based upon the fact that until a certain period in his Ufa bin armor is soft and no defense against hungry fish, and bo at once seeks the shelter in tho tropical profusion of tho gulf weed, which holds within its branching fronds an astonishing abun dance of marine life. Here the young turtle feeds unmolested while bis ar mor undergoes tho hardening process. vybatever the young sea turtle eats and wherever ho eats it facts not gen erally asccrtolncd-ono thing is cer tain, it agrees with 111 in Immensely. He leads a pleasant sort of life, busk ing la tbe tropical sun add cruising leisurely in the cool depths. Once he has attained the weight of twenty-five pounds, which usually oc curs within tho first year, the turtle is freo from all danger. After that 110 fish or mammal, however ravenous. however well armed with teeth, Intor. feres with tho turtle When once ho has withdrawn his bead from Its position of outlook into tho folds of his neck between tbo two shells Intending devourcra may strug gle In vain to mnko on impression upon blui. Harper! Weekly. " A GASTRONOMIC JOY. Old Engllah Raclpa For the. Fmout 8oup la Crtcy, In Hip "lllmtrnted London Cookery Nook." by l'mlorlck UImuop, Into cul alttcr to St. James palace, Karl Clrey, the MnniuU of Stafford, Huron Holla child. Karl Norbury. Captain Dun eoinlte and many of the first fnmtllen of (Irent Hrltnln (ISMi. wo find this recle fur noupe n In Crvcyt "Cut half a pound of lean limn In dice, three onion, four turnip, twehc carrots (the outer side red onlyl.n head of celery, n fnpit of sweet liorlm. two blades of mace, six cloven, a bny leaf and half a pound of salt butter. Fry all down In a stowpan until they pet n little brown: then add some second stock and stew until all the root aro quite tender; then rub It through a tammy sieve or tammy cloth with two lone spoon. If Tcry thick add more stock. Season with cayenne and black pepper and salt and a pood bit of sug ar. Send up on a napkin some nice fried bread cut In small dice and not creasy." Till I far less elaborate than It sound and Is. Indeed. In the main tho recognised recipe for tho royal soutv The spice I. If anything, a trltle over done, and the carrots want to be well ehoen. a. the slightest strlnglneis de stroys the homogeneity of the com pound. Tho broad dlco are Important and should be fried In the very best butter or superlatively good ollvo oil. rail Mall Garette. CORDITE. Mad of Two Powerful Expletlvss Kneaded Into Paite. Cordite is the outcome of tbe strange paradox that If you mix together two powerful explosives the result Is n moke!es slow bunting powder. Ni troglycerin and pun cotton mixed to gether wjth n little petroleum Jelly make cordite. It Is curious to seo the two deadly explosives being kneaded together into a paste by women with the same unconcern n dough la knead ed for bread. Indeed, machine simi tar to those used In bakorlc take up the work and knead tho buff colored cordite paste for seven hours. Then It U forced through molds and Isues la long cords hence the name cordite the thickness of which is varied ac cording to the weapon in which It Is to be used. For big guns cordite Is half an inch thick and cut into lengths of thirty seven Inches. Rather more than a thousand of these cordite sticks pack ed In two bundles make up the car trldge for n twelvo inch gun. For tho rifle cordite Is pressed Into a very thin string, like tbe finest macaroni, and sixty of these strands one inch and a balf long mnko the neat little bundle which Ilea inside the cartridge case. Kor some European armies cordite Is made in flat thin strips llko whale bone. Kept away from fire, cordite enn be handled with Impunity. Lon don Graphic. Mountains of Moab. Most travelers who visit tbe Holy Land content themselves with a visit to that restricted part west of Jordan. The mountainous regions of Moab as seen by them from Jerusalem are lost In a purple haze that constantly hangs over them, and the great stretches be yond are covered In mystery. This Is truo partly because of tbe fewer historical Incidents connected with the eastern regions, but mainly on account of tho great abyss of the Jordan val ley that has always acted as a barrier. Few who descend into the valley 1,300 feet below sea level undertake to climb tbe hills beyond, which rise to a height of 3,000 feeL Though its glory is far outshone by that of western Palestine, still, both in tbo old and tbe new dUpematlons, it has a history of Its own and from an economic stand point will always enter very largely Into the life of Palestine. Christian Herald. Victor Hugo's Double, Victor Hugo had a real double In fleih and blood, who exploited bis physical resemblance to tho man of genius. He cut bis beard like Hugo's, copied tho master's uress in its small est details and so for eighteen years divided with the master tbo admira tion of tbe public. His especial de light was to pose In a poetical attitude in front of a Punch and Judy show. Ho did this at a particular spot every Thursday afternoon for year, thor oughly enjoying tho murmurs of curi osity and applause proceeding from the gaphig crowd which he deceived. We do not bear that be reaped any other reward but his pleasure. Didn't Like the Suit, "Sir," said tho young man as he en tered the library for tho purpose of In terviewing the father of tbe only girl. "I am In lore with your daughter. llave you any objection to my suit?" Tbe old man looked the y. ro. over from head to foot. "I sure have," bo replied. "Why. I wouldn't wear a misfit suit like that to a dog fight. Why don't you try some other tailor?" Chicago News From His Pa's 8lde, "She doesn't know where tho baby gets his bad temper," "That's strange. Most young moth ers can place that sort of responsibil ity lu a Jiffy." Louisville Courier Journal. Another Definition. Utile Wllllo Hnv. ra. what is a eo- fraette? Pa A coquette, my son, is a girl who gets uioro admiration tnan proposals. Exchange. Anger begins In folly and ends in repentance. Pythagoras. NOTICR FOU PUBLICATION. Department of the liiltilur, U tt ORW al The Dallca, Oregon, IH-eelubel lyllt, ivtA NutUe U ntttnv Kit' it thai loi li, lluutton, ul nil. Okkvii, who, 011 lMter afuti, i$H, made hotneateail eiilrjr, No. oijuj fut nH ur, atnlntU ""U, Hecllon I), luniithlpi; Hoiiln, Unit 11 Knit, lltfimelte Mttkllan, ha Bled notice of inleiitlou lu make t'tnat Oiiminutallon ITwir, to eatahlWh claim lu the Unit atw Or .illd, twlore II v. Hill. V S Couimlaaloner, t hit otter, t Uend, Oregon, on ihe jlil il.y of January, W't. Clalmaui niitinii irltntMt. totinV Vuimi;, AlUilll tiyiuan, Klmer J Mcillll. ami W Hmj Wilktnaoit, alt or llend, Oregon 41-47 C W, MOOHIt.Rrglaler, NOTICK FOU PUBLICATION. IWlMittinrnl of the liitnlor. II, S. Umii.I tunc al The tfcillee, Or inc. ti, uio. Notice leherrliy given that Cheater II Market, wlioat iioalufflrv addteaa la Three !' Ik., Moli lalia, Olil in lh tl.t Jay ut Novtmtwi, tto, hit In Ihla ince ewutii aialemtnt ami aiipllka. lion, No om, lu tmtchaae the acM neirW: J, T. ITS.H. 11 If, V M , ami thetimtMt thrltua umlcrlhe l.rovlalone ut the act of uue j, U7. end lue act. amendatory, knuwnaalhe TluiNr anil rUoiie Law," at null value e might be hid by aiiiai.mcnt. ami that, ur auauttu.uvh apullcalluii the land ami Umber Ihtreon hate liven appralaed, the timber e.ll mated luusoo tuard Ittt at l u r M, ami the land wi that aald apllvnt Mill oil.' Anal pruufiu aupporl of hi. application ami emnu autemeul on the ijlli day of Matvh, HH.Iw lor the Krkl.ier and Heveleer ofihe l) a land riw IMllea, Oregon Any priaon u taiKii) to piotret Hilt nur chacUfolr entry, or Initiate a ruute.1 at li time belurv iwlmt li.urt. by Allng a currol otalil amdavlt In Una utm.r, alli,lng favla which wuulu defeat Ihr entry t-M W MDUHIt. Krkl.ltr NOTICK FOU IMMUilCATION liepaittntnt of the Interior, if H. Land lilnve at Uakielew, Or., Nve it, lylo. Notice It hereby given thai Ada II Mllilco. whoe pvalofAcc addttu I. Ittnrvlllr, Clonk L'uuiily, Oreaou, did, un the !5lh day of Augu.l lyuy rue lu thlaulhce timirii Maltment ami a IHuatl'iii, No oijn7 tu ulUiae the ( h Jl. r Jl H K. It It . W M ami the tlcnli i thereon, under the oiuvliton. ol thr ail of iiiue J, lJ, lad acta amendatory, known at the'ltiulnr and hlone Law." at aiich value a. inlkht be A.ed brapmalKiiieul, and that miaunil IumhIi ap plication the land and timber thetevu have oevii appralaeU at a tutal ol mj 7. lb timber ealiraated .ijoou buard feet al I ;j per M, ami the land i5l, hat aaldapplkaut wnl offer final I uiuui in tuppoii 01 ner appncniiuu ami.wuru ut merit un the ruth day of January, wu.l-e fore CouiuiMloucr T J Duttr at I'llnrrille, Urr- I Any ron la at liberty tu prutrtt l hit pur I chat before entiy, or luiliatca vuute.t at an) 1 time bifutc pati ul U.ue, by hi In a- a corrobo rated allidavu In thl.olhre, allKtnK (act. whlth wuuiu u.h.i 1 ne enir lie entry .iKlhVxw uVldN t-iliter 17-V New PALACE MARKET Charles Uoyd, Prop. MEATS Vegetables, etc. 0. C. HENKLE HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS Real Estate Exchanges of all Kinds A Great Clubbing: Offer The Bend Bulletin, per yr. $1.50 The Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal, per year SI.50 ToUl $3.00 loth Papers One Year $2.00 This olTer applies only to NEW iiulletlu sutacrlptloiiB. Thwuy Oregon Journal Publishes the latent and most complete telegraphic nuwi of the world; gives reliable market re ports, as it is published at Port land, where the market newb cau be and is corrected to date for each issue. It also has a page of special matter for the farm and home, an entertaining story page and a pa;e or more of comic each week, ond it goes to the subscriber twice ever) week 104 times a year, The Bend Bulletin - - Gives all thelocal news and hap penings aud should be in every home in this vicinity, The two papers make a splen did combination and you save $1 by sending your subscription to THE BEND BULLETIN veTJairgivfronrsTibscribcr3-Tr good clubbing offer for the Daily and Sunday, or Sunday Journal, in connection with THE BEND BULLETIN 1 OKI im immm ii 1 ilini. mm. NOTfCB FOU PUlUilCATION. lttlmiil of Hie InUiliir, V H LamlORUealTliriiallee, Or,, ln mlier j, lyltf, Nullce U hetetijr len that neurit I' Heaina, of l"liillle, iHeaoii, who, un (uiulitr n ly7i made rimlier aim tttutie twurii nUlrmriil No 4! No. UIIMI), for tM nrl(, tH V(, Hn 11. T foH.K iilt.w M . Ii (llil uulUeufln Icutlmi to mke ftiinl llmlxr eml mone ineol, lo rtlHtt Onlm lullie Uml alxive ilrMllitil. Iw loir Waneii llumii, Comily Clink, al lil oilier, al If iiieviiie, oitaoii, 00 (lie imh uy ui renin ary, igii CUIinmit nmini wlliiemrei fbrt,(liorgc M Cornell ami llrmy A I'mlri ol I'lliieville, Ultatui, ami J II mmmul Hliaii 1W0, Oreifuu. 40-IV C. V MOOHIt, Hlttr. NOTICK KOK PUBLICATION. !HVatlmenl ol the Intel lor, U. rt. t,aml (Idle at The Dalle, Dr. Nor. , lym. Notice U hrrrliy iilvrn llial-- Chatlra W KilkliiMr, of lleml. Iirrgim, who, on Manh 4, Win, maili homratrad vtitrv. No trm,k. lur iiri nrU H- la ami Ml, Kl( Hw ), T NH K II l , W M , haa mm notive 01 imriiiiou 10 inave nnai ruiiumita lion itoof, lo tlaliii lo Ihe laml almu .i..ii.i 11. i. ,. ,,,ii i, .. ... i- aiourr athlauilice al lliml iirtKuit, on ihe Mill oayuijan , igu Claimant iiamra at wlllnraara lolm II llrt tiiirii, lamra It rUwhill, I'lnl II hhuii.Ual awl I.UIRVT t .iitiae,mi oi neiiii, iir yr C w MiMHIt, KfwlUrr Members uf The DEND REALTY IIOARll HKNB TOWNSITK CO. BBNU RHALTY KXC1IANCU J I HVRNIJ CKNTKAIaOKH. K1,AITY CO. CROOK COUNTY RUAI.TY CO. UKSCI1UTKS RKAI.TV CO J. A. If ASTKS ho:.:k LAND CO. 0. C. HHNKI.H HOMKSK15KKRS LAND CO. MKRRll.I.-Wll.KINSON CO. V. R. RII.KY OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. UNITHll I'rral.lent - Vke-lleahlcul Snidary ol Male. .. .. necreurjr ol Treatory Hevtelary of lulcrlor . Seerclary f War Vttttary ul ay . .. Ikvictary uf Coimnrtee lulinaater (lrntal. Attorney Uencral.. .. .. - Mvtetary ot Acrlcullurc U S. Dlitrlct Ju.l' V 8. Altorury U. It. Mar.hal . . ... STATUS William II. Tan JatnetM (t)itriwii. riillatxlct C Kkwi .I'ranklin MaeVtaah -KMhanl A IUIIIhj.i .J. M Iwklui .(lwrke m L. lr)ti ml I A twf-Clia ilea Sagil .Prank II IIIUIikMa .Ufwrge W, WUkd.baM, -Jalllt Wllaull I Chat It Wulrtrtirti I kdwii it man ... Juhii McCaHiil -K. II S,,,,' If (liUlttfe l-oalmailrr at IkuU ... L' b, Cooiialaaloucr at IkuJ II. C. lUI.e STATU Uorernor - ... Mrertury ol blale Trraturtr . . .. Aturney (tcneral Itapt 1'ubllc lnttutluu. .. . Mate rtlntcr . . . ... . II Wel f. W. Ilrnx u .. -K Kay . A. M.Ciaoleol AMtrmo W H. Iiuul"-, ..I. W. lullry Dairy ami Pood ComiulMioner Cummlaaloncrof Latur hlallatie ... . I' IW iTnoa k. vanipmii Cliile 11 Aliehlauii Mlll.r Oamt an.l l'ortilry WaiUru.. a O. Mrno Stale Itniiaeer John II Lewie .. u i Illeoree It ChainbelUlii w.o .m.w,. j Jonathan rtaurnc. Jr Coniteaamcu .. 1 W. C. llawliy A. V. Uaffcrlir T. A. MCliriM I' A. Moore Sulirtmr Jodf r ,.. W.T. Staler ftrata noaau or CoraoL (War ) loan II. Lewlt. Stale lliif Inter, ll T. Ilolfale, Supl Mr No I r. M. iMilon, uit, Ditf. No, i M. falem, Or . .Ilottanra, r liakcrCl.y.Or HTATM Land Ikiaati (lerernor. heerctarv uf ilale ami Male Tieaiurer. hrata liaaaaT Imnii !loar Ooreruor, Mate Tliaaurer ami Attorney llcaeial. SKVKNTII JUDIL'IAU DIHTKICT jUilge Ulorncy . . ...... W 1, Hiailahata - .l'l4 W. UUavm CHOOK COUNTY uJe - . . . C IBM. Clcr..... . vtarreu iiiowh aherirf.. ........ Prank l.lkiiia Treasurer ....... .... . W. H. King Aeaeeor..... . . ............. ..J. I). M folllllr Khool huberlulinJcul... ....... M. A, Kortl Hurve)ror..... .......... ....l'rrl A. KU CooimLalon,,....-, ftXtfM? TIIKCOUKTh, CiacVIT Couar flrat alomlay In May; IhlM Mouday In Iktuter. I'aoaar a Couar Flrat Momtay In earn month CoUMiaaiuNaaa' Couar Flrai WeliiraU) In January, March, May, July, betJleuibrt and Novrmber. llano School Uiaraicr No, n, M Trlp'ell J II Hay (C U lloiallng . U. 1). Wiral I. C. I'. Harrington MlaaAnuell Market Directors. Cttrk, Mlai Aila roller MIm Harriet IXilarn Miaa Florence C. Vouua reacberi.. Mltatila M. Amlcraou Mlaa Kalhcrlnc llaaklna Mlaa Nona Klchanlaou IMra tilenu II rilaclt CITV OF II UN I) Mayor- - . . U, C. CO ii. c. mil. S.J.Heucer fH.C Cat.lvrell Keeoriter. frraiurrr,. I II iln.lll 11. It Allen A Aune I. II. Killry W II, halUra MJtrraen. The Pioneer Cull on or telephone us for all kinds of WOOD We saw Cord Wood and I.imh Wood 011 short notice. Ordcra I'romntly Filled. W. P. DOWNING, Proprietors'. The Home Land Company RealTEstate-and Insurance. Timber Lands, Irrigated ROBERT 13. GOULD ClVll. HNOINUHK AMI Sl'KVICYl'H. llllllctill IlltlllllllK lleml, Oti'KOti. Brewster & Brewster SURVEYORS and Civil Engineers. I'rliievlllo iitid lleml, OrcK"". W. W. Faulkner, D. M. D. DENTIST Iiulletlu llnllillliK, II end, Otf0 ll sAvii money !?"Msi;r witn tna Horticultural lire Relief of Oregon (Ml'TUAl.) Home nllicc, Sulcm, Ore. Let me rxpLilu. S. II. SNYDKR AKcnt, lleml, Ore. Dr. A. A. IiUIRiS,I,?,,'Sffilr Heater. lliraar HueMaafully Tiralrtl wiihoulllic llMof iniiiiior Huitrry. 1 the Naliitat MclhwUuf lleallna. fhron. Ic tMaraara a Hr(laHy Coiiauttatlun I'lre MtlilUr of tlir Male ami National Natuiatrt Mwrlrly. lllTire In lldlallna IIMa . femt. Oian Peter Lchrmnn GKNHRAL III.ACKSMITIUNG. tlorscshoclnj; a Scclnlty. Corner limul nuil OrcKtv StrccH. 11. FHRRIU.L Physician and Surgeon Qflicc over Dcscliutcs UitiikiiiK and Truit Co. Wall street, lleml, Or. F. H. MAY CIVIL HNCIN It K R SURVKVOR U c u d , O r c u o n . C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW OKFICK IN I'IKHT NATIONAL HANK UUX1. llltNI), OKItGON Vernon A. Forbes LAWYER FIRST NATION A I. HANK II 1. 1X1., llltNI), OKKGON U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OFFICII OVKH 1MK8T NATIONAL UK. OlTicc I lour a: lo tu ll a." in.; I lo J ami 7 to H p. ut, Ukno, : Okhoon F. 0. MINOR FosroFFiCK auatiiNii LI VHVl R I'. ACCI MINT INSURANCIS Notary I'lilillc anil Coiivcyanclni! All I.CKal I'uivr Correctly Drawn, FIDELITY BONDS Crook County Abstract Co. INCOUFOHATKt). A1ISTKACT8 Ul' TITI.K to all taint ami town lota in Crook county, U. !'. WYI.UU, Secy. I'rlncvllle, Oregon. V7c photoj-rnph the record)". UKND LODOH No. 139 A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thursday 011 01 before the full" moon of eucb month. Vinltinir brotlicih .1 1 ways wclcniue. H. O, KLLIB. 8acy. O. M. lieoriCLO. W. M Wood Yard HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS. and Dry Farm Lands. SSSe palace Restauant Rooms foi Rent Confection! , fruit Picnic Snp 11, ClK'im J. F, Trjnrt & Co. ! Itillllini oil Willi l'rtKT Ml rorllniiil 1'rU'c ii'filliili N. P. WEIDER PAINTER .& Paperhanger lct ami Heat Wall Iti ei Sum- I'ica 111 inr tTi'iiir ,v llox y). llcml CITY DRAY CHAKI.IIrt (lOltTJltN, t'HOl'. r ' 'j ,sr A Pjcr-Vtiy-saTr" t"xrz:.rj-?rri. V.I I Ulill ' r Wll MANDI.II nvii'vrniN(i. l.raNc yoiil ntilrla Mllll .Silk hmltli Wallht llrml JU18 Buckley Express Co. Direct Hxprcki Service hctuecu Sluniko and llcml. Two Rli Knch way every week Curcful Attcutiuti, Bend olllcc nt Pilot Huttc Horn I'lionc ortlcr.s to Rcdtnond, No 5.tnnct WfeVftJ. Sutherland Mcintosh CONTRACTORS -AND BUILDERS JOBBING Promptly Attended to SHOP ON ORIJCON ST. Wood! Wood! Now is the time lo order your tititcr wood, for the cold iilljlits demand n large pile of dry wood. Can he hotiKht of V M. Cnrler nt n rt'iihonablc price, delivered nt nuy time i.vnve niuefH nt A M Lnru's, F. M. CARTER JOHN LEQAT t. I)ltAI,l(U IN u . .. it m ,u1IAlX "MHMkaMMMaaHHkaaMaMaaS' V W'ai aTtanJ,, , ,, m "" Wf i-iT " aft .uirne&s nnu MtUdieo Trunks und Vnllscu Ucpalrcd I