THE BEND BULLETIN ( f VOL. VIII IJJJNI), OKKOON, WHDNUSDAV, JAN 25, 1911. NO. 46 P I W MA liliND COAllMiRCIAl. CLUB SI5 LtiCTS J. !:. SAWIIIU. Many Committees Appointed, Otto To Assist Council Committee In Draft Ine City Charter. Club Now lias (luuil Membership. An adjourned rcittliir meeting of the Hend Coiumciciul Cluli was hclil Tluiriitnv evening. Thifly member were ptescnl. After considt ruble dlscuniou tlic iictloti of the Board of Directors. taken ut 11 meeting of thitt body t tic previous evening, In selecting J. It. Sawhill to k the salaried manager uud publicity worker of the mgauiz. ntlou, was approved by the meeting. Due to n luck .of exactness In the flection of the by-laws affecting the cisc there seemed to be some doubt ns to whether n matter nucli u the employing f u manager should be left entirely in the hnudit of the director or whctlcr the meeting should have the finnl de cision. A resolution waH paused confirming the ncttuu of the board, nud n committee appointed to amend the by-laws in such a way that the executive functions of the Hoard of Directors would be clearly defined, nuking it a governing body. M. S. I.attin, C. I. HomII nnd J. I,, Ilyrnc were apoiutcd. Manager Sawhill is to receive f too per mouth and to begin his work February ut. His position U to be front month to month, employment terminating 11 1 the pleasure of the organization. An informal report from the Secretary showed 32 members in arrears and about 100 in good standing. $140 was in the treasury at the date of the meeting. Dues previous to Jan. 1st were declared annulled, on motion, and the Secre tary Instructed to collect January dues and unpaid membership fees. In additiou to this work the Secre tary reported more than 100 letters of inquiry on hand requiring an swers. A committee of five, consisting of Messrs. Dorcll, Spencer, Hudson, Lawrence and Slcldl, was appointed to assist the City Council committee in drafting a city charter, an wete the following committees; Mqutt facturiug, Messrs. Lara, Lattitt ant! Putnam; Auditing, Messrs. Forbes, Byrne mid Sithcr; Grievance, Cald well, Holnling itud Stunts, A special committee to secure new Plant Your Tis the right season now and them grow. Put Not Your Trust In Money But Put Your Money In Trust Don't Ilorrow Money, but If you must, come and sec us. Don't Cairy Lurge Sums of Money, but If you must, do so only until ou can sec us, Wc combines absolute safety with satisfactory service. Give particular attention to the busiucss of farmers. Invite new accounts and new business upon our own met its for strength and superior facilities. Our policy and ample resources arc our guarantee for the future, We Want YOUR Business. . The ' Deschutes Banking & Trust Company Of Bend, Oregon Conservative Banking for Conservative People." I,. H. HAIIU), (President) J. W. MA8TKU8, (Vice President) ' 1', O. MINOR, (Secretary) I) 1 k it c T o r s; i n. nAinn, v. 0. minor, s. v. uaird. members whs appointed; Messrs Allen, Kcd field nud Kgglt-stnii. On motion it was decided that a special committee of three be ap pointed to inquire into (Impossibili ties of si-ciiriiin donations towards the support ol u publicity campaign. Messrs. I.uni, Untitling and Over turf were uptioitiled. The Secretary was instructed to take up the matter of securing the remaining funds, some $30, still in the treasury of the old com mcrciul club. MUSIC JttOUSE HERE Minneapolis Men Will Open In New Johnson Building. It. M. Thompson and L. I) Kennedy, both of Minneapolis, Minn., will open a furniture uud music store in the addition to tin Johnson building on Wall Street as soon as it is completed. They hud expected to put their stock in by February I, but tlic delay in gel ling the plate gluss for the windows will necessitate their waiting until nt least the middle of the month. Mr Thompson hits been here for some time, unci Mr Kennedy si now in Portland completing the) stock ordets Although their f urn-1 Ittirc line will Ik .larger than their j music stock, it is their intention to niaicc iiic uusiucis cxuiumvciv musical instruments, as soon as the business will warrant. This will be the first music house to open in Central Oregon. MIORATE TO BEND Up-Rlver Dwellers Move. Take Up Residence In Town. Mrs. and Mrs J. It Sawhill and family came down to llcnd Friday night from their homestead on Big River, staying at the Pilot Unite Inn, and on Saturday moving into the Miller cottage in Lava Road Addition, formerly occupied by 0 M. Patterson They will make their residence here. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Ileyburtiand their children also have become llcnd residents, migrating from their homestead up-river to an apartment in Frank May's recently completed building. Both Mr. I ley burn nud Mr. Sawhill have recently proved up on their homesteads. DID NOT PAY LICENSE Bowling Alley Fined for Tardiness In Obeying Ordinance. On Friday morning the case of the City of Hend vs. Karl Ladewig was heard before Recorder Itllis Plaintiff brought action against Ladewig on the grounds of a mis demeanor In operating a bowling alley without first paying the licenses ns specified in Ordinance No. 17. The date of the ullegcd violation was January 18th, hs set forth in the complaint. The quar terly license fee of $to wits due January 1st. Ladewig pleaded guilty, firsl tendering the Recorder the f,to license fee. Recorder Itllis imposed the minimum fine of $5. Dollars Here wc will help you to make COUNCIL IETSSTORE GOOD ICE APPLICATIONS FOR LICENSES LAID OVER. Sewage System for Hend Is Discussed and Committee Appointed to In vestljcate Mew Police Ordi nance to Do Drawn Up. Tlic city council met Inst night and laid over until the next regular meeting nil applications for saloon llccnus. This was dune In order to allow the necessary time for the amendments to the liquor ordinance to lake eiTrct. Mayor Coe vetoed the amendment prohibiting saloons on all streets other than lloiiil, his reasons being that hotel bats arc well conducted, ami that, In at leant one ee, the amendment would b: unjust. The special committee appointed to rcute a 'icruiaiieiit meeting place for the Council reported that the offer of the Commercial Club to use Its room fur f-io per mouth vs not lavurcd. After much Anne and Allen were appoint ed to see the Hend Townslte Co, about tecurliiir. a lot for a proposed city hall. The Commlllre oil Public l'iOxrty was authuriied to repair ami enlarge the Jail, Alter a long dlicussluu, the peti tion for an extension of city bnuudaircs laid otcr until the next meeting. Allen, Sellers and Caldwell were ap pointed as a sclal committee to report iikii sewage mattera alter the Council had heard an informal reKrt from K. II, Could. City Attorney 1'orbeswas instructed to draw up an ordinance licensing dray wagons at fS a quarter, as well as one ilcifylng the salaries air duties of the police. A proposed ordinance allowing saloons on streets other than Ilotid, where there is no property restriction, waa read for the first lime. It was decided to allow locked storerooms in the rear of bar rooms. The Council adjourned to l'ebrusry DIDN'T SCARE HIM Bulgarian Homesteader Takes tils Claim Despite Wintry Winds. L. W. Nelson returned Monday from a trip to the southeast, be yond Milliciin's ranch. He took nut a Uulgatlati homesteader, Pete Benson, and 011 Sutiduy night left him, with lumber for his cabin, provisions and blankets, on his claim 13 miles beyond Millicans. The thermometer registered a couple below mo, says Mr. Nelson, and the wind was blowing a gale. Vet Benson would not listen to any advice to go back, "I stay by it Mr. Nelson," he said, and forthwith made himself more or less at home in the middle of the sagebrush, with the nearest cabin several miles distant. Bend Construction Company. ARCHITECTS Contractors Builders All Kinds of Furniture and Cabinet Work. All Work Fully Guaranteed SEE US BEFORE YOU J. A. HAZUKA ART PROCTOR W. m. McOREOOR wmmmmmmmmmmmamKKummmmummm L LFOX II SLAKQI2 SUPPLY NEAR LAVA ISLAND. Ice Mouse Built end SOU Tons Stored- Also Cut Above Power Station Price Next Summer Will Do Much Lower. The Bcud Livery Stable u cetttly completed on ice house on the west bank of the Deschutes, neat Lava Island, about six miles south of Hend. Last week the men finished putting up about 5co tons ol 12-inch ice, uud would have put too totis more had the weather re mained cold, O'Donnell Brothers uud Williams lirothcrs put up about 25 tons of seven inch ice on the river just above the power stutiou. In order to secure a suitable (wild to cut ice from near Lava Island it was necessary to build a small dam. Thin lucked the water up over the lule swamp, and dlfoidtd a comparatively easy place to haudle the tee. The sawdust to pack the ice in was hauled from the Pilot ilutte mill. There is a large supply of it at the Clarke mill, which cut the lumber ior the Arnold flume. Al though in sight of the uew ice house, this suwdusl could not be used, as there is' no safe bridge over the river betweeu Bend and Lava Isluud. . A crew ol 17 men and tt teams were at work constructing the building for about three weeks. The ice house cost $350 and is 30x60 lect and 12 feet high in the clear. Besides puttiug the 500 tons in the ice house, 100 tons were hauled to Bcnd Smith & Holmes, the Patterson Drug. Co., the Hotel Ucnd aud Dave HtggcrstatT storing it for their summer use. Last summer ice sold here for 40 a ton. The larger part of it was hauled from the Ice Cave, 12 miles southeast of Ucnd. The price uext summer will be much lower, as the largest consumers have stored a supply that will last most of the summer. They paid 5 per ton for the ice delivered ut their storehouses. , L. L. Fox, who had charge ol putting up the ice stated that the price next summer would be not less than $30 per ton. BUILD. J RAILROAD MEN HERE. Hill Freight A Rent Corroborate March first Statement. It. II. Crozier, Advertising Agent of the North Dank and Ore gon Trunk roads and V. C Wilkes, Atst. General Freight and fasscnger Agent, arrived last night on a tour of inspection of the O. T. country, leaving at noon today for Sisters, wLeuce they proceed to Prineville. y Mr. Wilkes slates positively that the Oregon Trunk will receive freight to Madras March rst. Rates will be announced in a few weeks. Through tickets, probably with special settlers rates will Ix sold from all eastern points to Bend in the spring. He is particular!) gathering tounage date and investi gating warehouse sites aud arrang ing for the leasing of such. Mr. Crozier is making his first Central Oregon trip to gather publicity am munition. WRESTLING CONTESTS Athletic Club of I'rlneville to hold Tournament Here. The Prineville Athletic Club has accepted the cbjlleiige of the Bend Athletic Association and a tourna ment will be held in Bend about the latter part of February. The tournament will consist of one boxing and four wrestling bouts The entrant in each event must tx in amateur and never have taken pirt in any professional boxing or wrestling bout or tournament. A cross country run has also been trrauged and will be held either at Bend or Prineville some time in April. The course will be six miles. TO OPPOSE BUILDING Complaint Filed In the Circuit Court Against Oregon Trunk. Mary E. Kellv and A. A. An thony recently filed a complaint in the Circuit Court at Prineville igainst tie Oregon Trunk Railway to prevent the railroad building across part of Sec. 32. This action may again tie up the construction of the Oregon Trunk spur from the main line to the power station. Until this matter is settled, the building of the- manufacturing plants near the dam may be post poned. Bound Over to Orand Jury. The case of Ous Zulaney, ac cused oi shooting Adolpu Snyder tn the leg January 16th was heard before Justice Orcutt iu the Com mercial Club rooms Thursday after noon. The defendent waived a hearing and was bound over to the May term of the Grand Jury under $1000 bail. George L. Bernier, of Priueville, represented the state as Special Deputy Prosecuting Attor ney. Just try The Bulletin Job Printery. Jl M . Kf w the Riirs?. ifliionai Danft. Sft OF BEND. BEND. OREGON yP Or. U. O. COe, HrtiUi.nt I A. 8ATHCR. Vic President O.8. HUD80N, Chl.r Capital fully paid - t2S,000 8tockhold.iV liability 35.000 8urplua - - . . 8S.00O 1 r si KJ Was a Prosperous Year. 111 Should Be More So. Are you prepared to take advantage f of the opportunities which will come f to the man with a Hank Account. 9 If not, start an account today, with the First National Hank of Hend. This Hank is under the superislon of the United States Government, lust as much a part of the Government as the i'ost Offices, All our loans, investments and our Tclicy are subject to Government supervision TmrtppTOvafc VeTrylo run iiielUnk so thai all matters will rnert with the full sanction of the Government, ami aolicit your busiucss 011 that basis. pg u. c. cou ID ON WILL RECOIVU FREMHT AT THAT POINT MARCH FIRST. South of Crooked River Orade Pract ically Completed to Bend. Work Ine Capacity to North Increas ed. Plenty of Outlets. The Oregon Trunk will be open to traffic to Madras by February 15th and will be receiving freight by the first of March. Such is the assurance contained in a letter to M. P. Smith of Bend from Mar shall Wells Co, of Portland, from whose transportation manager ema nates the foregoing statement, he having been so advised by tbeO.T. Thus far the Deschutes railroad hs given out nothing definite iu re gard to its accepting freight. According to C. W. Monohan. superintendent of construction for Henry & McFce, 90 per cent of the grpdc between Crooked River and Bend is completed; and about 300 men are finishing up the balance. The power machinery at Crooked River, for crushing rock, etc., is being doubled in capacity. The capacity of the trains bringing con structiou material up the Deschutes Canyon nbo has been doubled, sight engines now- being employed n this work instead of four as pre viously. B In regard to the sale of Ma'heur Canyon rights to Harriman interests interfering with the construction of a southeastern line from Bend, Mr. Stevens, who has just returned from the Hast, was most outspoken iu his declaration that this rou'c was but one of several and that "when the Hill interests were ready to en ter that field the way will not be lacking." The consolidation of all Hill lines, electric and steam, radiating from Portland, with Mr. Stevens at iu head, seems a probable develope ment. Y. P.S.CO. Hold SunJay Meeting. The Young Peoples Society of Christian Eueavor held their regu lar meeting at the Baptist Church Sunday evening. More than 51 were present, enjoying to the lull the interesting program. Among the speakers of the evening were Mrs C P. Niswouger and Prot Herrington. The subject was "Prayer." H. J. Eggleston pre sided. F. R. Barbour and W. H. Court nay of Laidlaw were in town to day. . V 9 WM) .V.&WX. DIRECTORS: JM K. A. SATIU'R C. S. HUDSON V. SMITH H. C. KLUS rT$,j '