UTTi'l '""'- '"-ii1! n Tin- ' -,.i.-S..,o... it NEWSPAPERS The Bend Bulletin has made arrangement with the Portland Oregonian for clubbing the two papers at a great re duction from the usual prices. In addition to such reduction, each yearly subscriber will receive free a set of the well known Rogers sil ver plated teaspoons, which usually sell for $2.50. Daily Oregonian (regular price! per yr $6.00 Tbe Bend Dulletin (regular price) per Tr $1.50 Total $7.50 Both paper (through Tbe Dulletin) pery.ar $6.52 Saving $1.52 Dally and Sunday Oregonian (regular price) per) car $8.00 The Send Bulletin (regular price) per tear $1.50 Total $9.50 Doth papera (through The Bulletin) per year $8.00 Saving $1.50 The illustration shows the design of the tea spoons, which are of the popular Narcissus pattern, French gray finish and will last a lifetime. There are six of these spoons in a set and they go absolutely free to yearly subscrib ers at the rates above quoted. Send orders, accompanied by remit tance to THE BEND BULLETIN nimtr" '- 1 PLENTY OF CASH MILL GETS AILL10NS FOR RAIL ROAD DEVELOPA.fcNT. Qrccon Trunk .May Build Prom Bcnu" to Connect With Voern Pacific California Next Hill lnvalon Malheur Right High. Accnnlini! to the Portland Ore- noniut the Hill interests have ac quired .some $300,000,000 of new foreign capital for North westett' railtoml . developemcut Then teems to be much probability thul the lorn; expected invasion bv Iltli of California inbout to materialize .tud'thal the Ortgon Trunk road vill lc built southward from Bend, perhaps to AUuras, whence, via the N C & O., tl might connec at Doyle. Nevada, with the West em PuclGc. The Western Paeifi runs between San Frunci-co am Salt Lake City, Tite'uiast recent railroad Mate ments have emanated from W J Hnnley. of Burns, who is consdd ered as closely identified with the Hill iti'erests Mr. Huuley state that Hill received some $300.00 from the Harnman sstem lor hi-right-of-way in the Malheur Can yon. .Mr. Hanley sas the canyon was absolutely necessary lor tin Hurriman trans-state line, but that other routes are .open for the Hill ast-and-west road from Bend iThc Hill line will be built at an iarly date according to Mr. Han ley. HAND-BALL RESULTS Athletic Association Tournament Cre ates Enthusiasm. All of the preliminary games in the Athletic Association hand-ball tournament have been played, and the semi finals will be started to night. The majority of the games have been close, and the finals, which will be played upon the com pletion of the series which start to night, will undoubtedly prove to be a bard fought contest. The results of the preliminaries follow: Staats defeated Kelley st-Jo; 11-17; ai-ao Hunter defeated McReynolds. ....... ......... ........-.. o, 2111 Hotaling-won by default from Houston Whcclock defeated Salbcr....ai-j; 3ll8 Dorrit defeated Mmter.. 31-3; 31-15 Kelly defeated Datei..3t-3o; 31-19; 3I-3Q The wrestling mat has been put down, and tbe Association is now arranging for a wrestling tourna ment with the Prineville Atulctic Club. Tbe Association is planning to organize a gymnastic class trom the members of tbe Girls' Athletic Association. Retents Shanlko Star Article. The Bulletin is in receipt of a letter irom John Kellam of Shani ko, also well known in this vicin ity, calling attention to tbe fact that in a recent reference to him in this paper, based upon an article appearing in the Sbaniko Star, be has been done an injustice. The Star's story represented Mr Kel lam as plotting to burn bis Sbani ko property for its insurance. Mr. (Cellam declares, in tbe strongesi terms, that such a statement is ab solutely false and libelous, and that he intends to take legal action against the Sbaniko Star. For Sale Six ot the finest lots in Deschutes, level, water by ditch and with city water. Next to ne residence. Inquire Bulletin office THE BEND BULLETIN Solicits Inquiries About Up-To-Date JOB PRINTING MODERN TVPE, MODERN MACHINERY, MODERN - METHODS. Call at office or phone ut. Phone No. 56 Wall Street, near Ohio. , - - ii 1 -Hill I ' """"""" "IMMMMHIMHHHa r . 5 r yjOTMB i JSlSUSllSlif )WiqnqHffiQ I vicinity. 1 IV I niin d pn.'innQ, 1 , v l?w. r 11 "31 i n 1 h h lH ill Li i 81 s ,i si Sh a't' t" irfnclzirrfcrCi tuwvrf frffrfljij IxJ lft !J yJ U; '(7771 X LT-Il II II 1 qpqclq JXJpEn nnpn... T i nS pyMAsd Wrn n In M n ri n ." --' '-' - Mill f M III Ll"""l I ." 1 , ! l-" " fH 1 mm XL wllJnnnnn , f NabLi ! t. B j L 1 ,' ' i ' ' .. I The Bend Townsite Company OWNERS OF THE ORIGINAL TOWNSITE AND ADDITIONS. North Addition Center Addition Lava Road Addition-Park Addition ALL STKJCTLY INSIDE PROPERTY. PRICES AND TERMS ATTRACTIVE. LICENSE $800. (Continued from page t ) of the platted additions to Bend The proposed boundaries follow legal sub-division lines in all places, with tbe exception of the west line, which follows along the east bank of the Deschutes. The Oregon Trunk Railway was given permission to grade Fifth Street to correspond with the grade EH of the proposed station at Green wood Avenue. Upon the suggestion of Mayor Coe several committees were ap pointed, by motion of the Council, to take up needed reforms in the city government. ScllerH, Alleu J and V.UIUWCW, uic u luiiiiuiuc;' i" draft a city charter. The Mayor and Sellers are to act ns a com mittee to look up water supply mat ters for Hctid, with the idea of pro vidir i for a permanent supply of pu.e water. The mteition of police rules and regulations will be handled by Kelly, Aune and Oneil. This com mittee will aluo report at the next meeting on a suitable place to hold Council meetings. The Council udjourucd to Tuesday, January 34. Ordinance No. 4V. An ordinance ameiidlnu ordinance No, j8. entitled "Ail ordinance to prot Me for 'llceiuiiiK, regulating ami retraining re tall liquor dealer; tu prohibit the nile ol lliuor without a Itccnae; to provide pen altleaand piiuUliineiit for the violation at anv uroviiiona of tin ordinance and to repeal all ordinances and tmrls of or I'dliiancci in conflict herewith. " lie it Ordained by the Common Council of the City of lien. I: Sue t That tecuon (even of nid ordinance Ko. 4H he and the imic i hereby ameiidtd by ndding thereto the following words: ''or to permit the iim of mutlcal instrument of any detcrip lion therein, or iiermil any alnglng or other loud and liol.tcroiu noltei in hi. or their aaid barroom; or to conduct or permit to be conducted any lunch count er, n-itaurant, eating room or free lunch counter In connection with hla or their .aid b.rroom, or permit any audi lunch counter, retuuraiit, eating 100m or five lunch-counter to be connected by uiij door, window, or any eutruhce whatever with aaid barroom." Skc 7, That iectlon five of old or dinance No, 48 be and the mine I hereby amended by intertlng after the v.otd. "Now If the laid ahull keep uu orderly house and in all thing comply with the provisions of said ordiuunce No. 48" tlie following words "und all other legal city ordiuunce now 111 effect," Site. 3. That section eleven of said ordinance No. 48 be and the same In hereby amended to read a follows; "Any person violating any provision ol I this ordinance K1I, upon conviction theiefor, le ptiulthod by fine of not ! than ten dollars nor mote than filtv dollars, or bv Imprisonment not excrtd Ing twenty days, or by boih such fine and imprisonment." Head first time January 14, 1911. Rules sutpeniled, read tecum! time and pjsced January 14, 'loll. Approved: U C. COK, Mayor, Attest; II. C. IU.I.IS. Kceordcr. Ordinance No. SO. An ordinance amending ordinance No. 48, entitled "An ordinance to pro vide for IIccihIiil', regulating nud re training retail liquor dealers; to pro. hlliit the sale of liquor without a license; to pruvulr eiillie and puiilshmeiit for the violation of any provMum of tills oriliiiauce and to reieul all ordinances ami parts of ordinance In conflict here with." lie It Ordained by the Common Couuoil of the City of fiend: Sue 1. That section one of said or dinance No 48 be and the same U hereby amended to read n follows: "No per son or crsoiis shall, within the corpo I am now First Class in mysoft drink establish ment, at the corner of Bond and Oregon Streets. If you want something good to eat try my place. J. R. WILLIAMS rate limits ot tin city, iiirtctlr or rectly, In person or by auotber, sell, barter, gltc away, deliver or In any manner dispose of any wine, spirituous or malt liquors or fermented ciders, without first obtaining a license thrrtfor In the manner hereinafter provided, and every person to whom such license shU be granted shall pay Into the city treas ury the sum of eight hundred dollar (fSoo)jxr annum, payable semi-annually in advance, prior to dale Int same is due, and In case of failure to par tald llcen-r, as herein specified, the license of said applicant shall I revoked. , All llreusea granted under the provisions of thl ordinance shall expire December Jt of each year." .Sl'.C. 1, That said ordinance No. 48 he and the same Is hereby amended by adding thereto a section which shall read as follows; "Not more than twelve llcciics shall lie granted under this ordin ance." Head first time January 14, 191 1. Rules sumlcd, read second time and (Mi.icd January 14, 1911. Approved: U. C. COIt, Mayor, Attest: II, C. KI.MS, Recorder. running a Restaurant fc Just try The Bulletin Job Priutery.