The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 18, 1911, Image 5

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KWMtlMIWimillllllllil , -
This sale has been the most successful in our history and we are much pleased that our efforts have
been so well appreciated. Barring" our groceries and with a few other exceptions, our entire stock has
been placed on sale at substantial reductions. If you have not already taken advantage of the sale prices
you still have three days left in which to do so. We have the goods you really need at prices you cannot
buy them for again until next January. Is there any .reason why you should not save money? Remember
The Sale Closes at 1 0 O'CIock, Saturday, January 2 1 st.
Just try The llutlctlti Job I'rintcry
C II. Allen of The Meadows was
la Haul Monday.
I). D. France of Powell Iltittc
was in Itcnd tail week.
Prauk Robertson returned from
Portland Wednesday night.
Fifty cent cundy this week at
3jc at Red Crosi Drug Co.
Try the Peerless Piessery at the
R. M. Smith Clothing Co. 38K
Iliilioj) Paddock ptopnbly will be
lit Hend on Sunday, February 121I1,
Fou Runt Four-room house
In Lytic. Enquire of F. M.
Kay. 45tf
Peroxide at the Red Cross Drug
Store costs you only fifty cents a
G. P. Putnam returned from a
seven weeks visit to the Hast last
Florsheitn Shoes
Others from $3.50 to $6.00.
lhiy n Good Pair ot Shoes unci Keep Your Feet Dry.
$4.50 to
i....-1-.....i-. ,. ,.-,.i..
Try the Peerless Presscry at the
R M Smith Clothing Co. 381!
The Byrne Real Estate Exchange
has a bargain in a 160 acre Powell
Butte ranch. 42tf
A. Segal, of the Red Cross Drug
Co., left for Redmond and Madras
Wednesday night.
WANTitt Loggers with teams,
and man to clear laud and cut
wood. Ed IlALVOXSON. 44tf
It Is time to take that suit over
to The Peerless Pressing Parlors
and huvc It made new ngalu. 351 f
Fkick Lots of dry planer shav-
ings to lcd your horses with, at I
the Rend Lumber Co.'s mill. 4 Mi J
Fok Salic A few fine HulTi
Rock cockerels, also 2-year-old
cock. F. M. Ray, Hend, Or. 44tf
If you want 0320 acre home
stead in the hct wheat section in
Central Oregon see the Iiyrnc Rcul
Hstatc Exchange. 42tf
... ,. ,, - ..,...... .... ..h. ., .-......
H. E. Shipley an ultorucy 11 1
Redmond seut Sunday in Hend.
If you have any real estate to
sell see the Uyrtie Rcul Estulc Ex
chuuge. 42tf
W. R. Wilkinson was recently
apK)iutcd Deputy Sheriff by Sheriff
I)r Burris has returned from
Priiieville itntl can be found at his
old offices in the Motuliug Build
ing. 45-46
For Ricnt Two rooms opposite
Poitofficc; running water, elec
tric lights. Sec First National
Dunk. 40if
The Udics of the Catholic Church
will hold an all dav food sale next
Saturday in O' Doiiucll Iiros. meat
market. 45
For Sale Team of horses, wagon
and harness. Will sell separately
W. h SCOTT, at Hend Lumber
Co's. mill.
4 itf
Will xell So acres of timber land
near Hend 300,000 feet ol pine
also juniper. A. IIakkyman,
Hend, Ore. 44 45
Drop in now while you have the
time u:id get a fust-class hair-cut
utid shave at Iuucs & Davidson's
barb-r shop.
Will buy all fat cattle, calves and
hogs rrndy for market at highest
market prices ukovic 11. ualu
WKLLi Bend, Ore. tt
U'lllnr.l r.tllllnii Ttn.1 ,,,...
day, going to Kadmbul to join the
Lcniiui uicgon irrigutton 1.0
survey crew now oerutli from
mm point.
F. M. Ray and family moved
last week to their irrigated' fa"'
two and a half miles east of Bci
They expect to return to the city
ubotit three months after provi
up for their water right.
Commencing next Sunday tt
services will be held at the Cutho
Church every Sabbath. Tht
will be communion at 8 and ma
at 10:30 a. in. Reverend Fr. Lul
Sheehuu will conduct the .set vice
Probibly the most traveled dc
In Central Oregon is "Pat," tl
white setter puppy, who has ji
become n Bend resident, havi
migrated here fmni the Atliiu
side of the continent, under 1
escort of G. P. Putnam,
G. F. Cyrus came to Bend M
day from his ranch near Siste
Mr. Cyrus has been n Crn
County resident for 39 years, it
says lie herded muny bands
sheep through the streets of pt
eut-day Bend long before tli
were either stieets or houses.
R W. Riley and W. V. C
came down from La Pine Mom
on n bob sled with the intention
taking back a large quantity of s
plies, Although there was n di
snow on the 1; round uutiltl
reached Wet Weuther SpringSj tl
had to come on into Hend on I
froren ground. They left, for
Pine yesterday with a much llgh
load thun they hud expected to U
,,, ,.,.,., . .t,. , if.,i.,T ri .-,i ,,,r
L. C. Caldwell of La Pine was
in Hend Sunday.
P W. Chapnnn of Sisters was
iu Hend Thursday.
"Merry Widow Kisses" at the
Patterson Drug Store.
The Patterson Drug Co. is in
business for our health.
A II. Osborn was in Bend Mon
day from his up-river home.
New Victor Records at the Pater
son Drug Store. Drop in and bear
Send us your orders for heavy
titular utid ship tup. Bend Lum
ber Co. 43tf
Frank Robertson left this morn
big for Portland, there to meet A.
M. Drake.
II. C. Ellis made a business trip
to Priuevilie Sunday, returning the
following day
The high wind last night pti'
alxiut to ltct telephone lines out
of commiiMinu.
Patterson's White Pine with Tar
and Cnleine will cure the niul
troublesome cough.
Frank Paul. It. E. Traver and
G F Cyrus uf Sisters were in the
city Thursday and Friday.
A. II. Horn suys that the Bend
Lumber Co has sold 150,000 feet
of lumber iu Hend during the last
D. Miller is building a lodging
tent 20x30 feet on lot tS of lot 2.
block 12. for Mike Rakieh. This
lot is back of the city jail.
O. C Ilenkle has placed an or
der with the Bend Lumber Co. feu
, - . ...I-. .-..., , ,'.i.. . i., -. .i.
It is reported that R C Bnrtlett.
who formerly woiked at Iuue-&
Davidson's barber .shop, is .suffer
ing from a severe strain caused by
pulling out a post on his home
stead in the Christmas Lake
V At Forbes is having a number
of new book shelves installed in his
office to accomodate 150 new low
volumes which he has purchased.
He says that with this addition his
will be the largest law library in
Crook County.
George Alexander of Redmond,
who referred the last Pnnevillc
Bend lootbslt game, en me up from
Redmond Saturday. He wus very
favorably impressed with Bend.
and before leaving Tuesday stated
that he would return soon.
Mrs. J S Innes has had the
liniUH nit tlit- in f.vlli
moved to her lots east of J 1. 1
!-.. 1.. ...... Tl.... ...o . .. !...
ci iiwuii:. 11.3 tvi lif nail;
dh done two weeks ago, but was
delated hv technicalities in the
drawing up of trie bill of sale for
the house.
rOR SAtH I.WMWIR We har in one
dry 4ted 8o.ouu feet of rSaiahed lumber
nil iae Hfl kinds from t to 14 inches
in width. Also door ami window jam,
window ttoolt, building ttiufl, ete.
V can make arraHe,emtit to deliver
atiy where. Soml u your order. J.N.
Mattcu Lumber Co., Rodand, tf
Will exchange for Bend .property
or laud under ditch in vicinity 01
Bend, 2 acres ol laud in Vancouver,
B. C. This 1-ind is cleared and
level, on Sp-maway car line Price
fiOoo Also n double corner
66x130 in South Vancouver Price
5600. For timber information see
owner. Jam 88 Ryan.
44tf Bend, Hotel.
If you wish to have your ex.
press and light fteitjht come in
along with your letters and dailv
papers, have it come iu 011 the mail
line. Thk Coknktt Stack &
Stahlk Co. 251'
Notlceof Application for Saloon License
P the Uoaorabtc Myor atd Cominoii
Council of the Cily of Bend,
Gentlemen: The uuderaiicued, J. II.
Slpliiiahaint:MibM.'rilied mid aworn to
UicftftiUvil hereto attache!, respecifull)
taailer you Iwrewith the treviptofthe
Cilv Treaaurer for One Hundrcl Sixty
dx'aud Seeiit)--oiie lluiidretlth l)ollr
tad annliea for a lioeuae fruui the Oty )f
Heud to wine, aumiuou and malt
iMiuor and fermented enlar a a retail
liquiir dealer in the buildiag situated on
lot to uf block 11, of Hand, Oregon, lor
the jieriod of one jeur from the t da
of I'obttwry, 101 1.
Keauactlully auhwitted,
rfute of Oraxw )
County of Crook $ "
1, J. II Stephen, bolnic flrat duly
iworn, ileixwauiid ay, tlwt I am the
.tpnlicuiit in the forenome apulictwu
lor retail liquor license, that I am an
Ainerlciin uitiMii, that 1 have uever been
cw icted of alloMiuK female or miiiote
. l.,u..r ill nr hIjiiiI h tlluL't.' U litre illtOX-
iea.MUI MVm W wld, tliaJLLlwvc,
5versbTu IiitoxIceitlTri; liquor to a
,,,,"0r, J.II.STHPIIRNS.
c.iK.rrllul nml n'.inm to before 1HC
thUtlUlay of jauuar, l9U,ui Beud,
, ' I S, J. SPttNCUR,
. Notary l'ublle for OieKon.
- HJf - - j -- i.-n.-", 'HillilMllllllIMlliW
I herebr announce that the interest of
It. Ji. Post in the company known by the
firm name of The f femeteekers Land Co.
bat been purchatcd by me and that 1 wilt
continue to tnnsact business under the
Company name.
45 C. M. Davis.
Applications for draxlng Permit.
Notice U hereby gleen that all application! for
jwf 10 f re cattle taorata and ibtrpwllbiu
th .National Form daring the araaoa at
1911. matt I filed In ray oOce at Kueene Ore
eua.on or before Vcbruarv 15, 1911 Full In
formation id regard to the grariar free lobe
eargrM and blank forma to be oard In maklns
anplkatiaaa aril be furnUhrd upon rraueat.
CLYDH a. SKlrz
JS Superrlaor
XJICKELS and dimes and
' quarters and dollars buy
bURer values in Bend since
Rowc's Economy Store started
than they ever bought before
That is what everyone tells us
that our price are very,
very fair and reasonable. Tbut
the public is learning of the
opportunity to save money by
trading at our new store, has
been amply demonstrated sime
we started our Homb Goods
Sauc, with so many uselul
articles goiun at 5c, toe, 15c,
20c and 25c. Many have vis
ited our store to take advan
tage of the Big OrroKTUNrrv.
Last week we gave a partial
list of the useful articles tbut
you can buy here at toe, 20c
and 25c. This week we tell you
What 15fts "will Buy.
UOOD, iJTRONa. 11- m mma
Deep Krantte pudding "M
All linen haudker- III
chief 7
Handsome embroider
ed Swlas liaudkerclrieft; warranted
all-liueti towclliiR; fringed white
tuuel; boy'a sutpender; IiikIi
Krade v158 tumbles; milk pitch
er; Klaia alt aud pepper; gradu
ated cooking cup; hamlaome gold
bamlwl class toothpick bolder,
dect rated china aucedishet; china
bouciliahes; china piir tray; uran
ite hidle; steel frying pant; deep
pudding pans; milk pans; bucult
and bread pain; gem tin; long
handled fire shovel; granite soap
dish: large cup utid saucers; large
bowLs; embroidery rings: iron drip
pans; stove pokers; dust pans,
scrub brushes; finger brushes; toilet
ap; thermometer and dozens
of other uteful article.
Reduce Your Cost of Living
byJTradlnff With Us