The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 11, 1911, Image 6

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816 SING
The Bend Bulletin has
made arrangement with
the Portland Oregonian
for clubbing the two
papers at a great re
duction from the usual
prices. In addition to
such reduction, each
yearly subscriber will
receive free a set of the
well known Rogers sil
ver plated teaspoons,
which usually sell for
Dally Oregonian (regular price) per
year $6.00
The Dead Bulletin (regular price) per
jtt $1.50
Total $7.50
Both paper (through The Bulletin)
per year $6.52
Saving $1.52
Daily and Sunday Oregonian (regular
price) per year $8.00
The Bend Bulletin (regular price) per
year $1.50
Total $9.50
Both papers (through The Bulletin i
per year..... ........... ZpO.VlV
Saving $1.50
The illustration shows
the design of the tea
spoons, which are of
the popular Narcissus
pattern, French gray
finish and will last a
lifetime. There are six
of these spoons in a set
and -they go absolutely
free to yearly subscrib
ers at the rates above
quoted. Send orders,
accompanied by remit
tance to
Just try The Bulletin Job Priutery
Commercial Club Will Elect Officer
Tomorrow Uvenlng,
The Commercial Club will meet
trimnrrntv eveninir nt S o'clock ill
its room In the Johnston building.
Officers lor the ensuing year win uc
. kcied, and the plan lor publicity
,vwL- will be outlined. A lame
attendance is urged, as several int
portant matters will be brougnt up.
Secretary Socncer recently re
ceivetl a letter from W. H Wells,
manager of the Community rub
licity bureau of the Harriman ays
icm. in rcnlv to a letter the orcun
iz.ition instructed him to write tn
William McMurrav. in regard, to
obtaining the co-operation of tin
railroad m the issuing ot puuiicin
Mr. Wells outlined the variou
systems the railroad uses, and sen'
several specimens of circulars In
has aided in publishing. Tin
question oi the Club uniting witl
them in getting out literature wu
be taken up tomorrow evening
a Iris Athletic Association.
At a recent meeting the voting
ladles of the city framtd a tempo
'ary organiiation to be known a
he Girls Athletic Asscialiou m
Bend. In the near future the clul
vill meet and adopt by-laws, anr
perfect the organization. Basket
oall is the only work the Assoc!
tion has taken up, but it is the in
tentiou to include otbet activities
The use of Linster's Hall ha
been arranged for on Monday anr
Thursday evenings of each week
There ate-two teams for basket bal
now, and they arc playing twice i
week. It is the desire of tin
irganization to cure a scries oi
panics with the Prineville team
The officers elected at the first
meeting were:
President Anne Market.
Vice President Angeline Young
Secretary-Treasurer Gertrude
Shooting Affray at Madras.
J B. Harper and A. J. Weston.
two former night watchmen of
Madras, were the principals in r
hooting affray at Madras lasi
Wednesday, and each received twe
bullets. Seven shots were fired in
all. The altercation arose over
Horner's supoositou that Weston
had been implicated in securing 1m
lischarge recently as a uighi
watchman. Weston's injuries are
not thought to be serious, while
Harper is in a dangerous condition.
Complaints have been filed against
both narties for assault with a
deadly weapon with intent to kill.
Re-Elect Present Officers.
The annual stock-holders meet
ing of the First National Bank ol
Bend was held yesterday, and tin
old Board of Directors, consisting
of U. C. Coe, C. S. Hudson, E. A.
Satber, F. F. Smith and H. C.
KIlis, were re-elected. The Direct
ors re-elected the present officers
Mr. Hudson stated that during tbt
year iqio not a dollar was lost
through bad debts. He reported
that upon closing up the year's
business a very satisfactory record
was shown.
Odd Fellows Inatall.
The Odd Fellows met Monda
evening in their ball over tbepost-
office, and installed their otticer
for the ensuing year. The installs
tion was to have been held last
week, but owing to the inability o
the installing officers to be preseni
it was postponed until Monday eve
ning. After the installation cere
monies a banquet was held at thi
Star Restaurant. A delegation of
about 16, including the iustallinv
officers, were present from Laid
law. J. L. Overturf Paasea Away.
H. J. Overturf received a mes
sage Thursday from St. Francis
Kansas, announcing the death o.
his father, J. L. Overturf, wbc
passed away on Thursday morning
The late Mr. Overturf was ac
quainted in Bend, having visiteo
his sons here in the summer ol
1905 Mr. Overturf had not beet
well for some time, and his son had
expected to ,leave for his old horai
the day he received the sad news
Prlneville Lino Incorporated.
Articles of incorporation of the
Prineville & Hasten) Railway, with
a capital stock of 100,000, were
filed at Prineville last week. The
incorporators are, T. M. Baldwin,
W. A. Booth. C. M. Kikins, An.
drew Noble, L. A. Booth, G. N,
Clifton. G M. Cornell, H J. Wil
son and H. A. Kelly. The rail
road projected is to be built from
the Oregon Trunk line, in N. E.
Sec. 9, 1413, which is near Hill
man, to Prineville.
No Spring Race Meeting.
At a meeting of the First Cen
tral Oregon Agriculture Associa
tion, held last week at Prineville,
, , " 'it
..-.,,.,, ,.-. n.a.wwi iii iiimi jji i a i nm 'i i i mm mjn N'"M"i. .ij 1 1 .. ' 1 1 ' I ' - - ." . , . . i k ,
in L4MJ-J- - aMlii. lA wM aw in wr r"i iT ii " -ssss1assiBs" iMjti ran Tkrir 1 Jfli I
vicinity Ck V nmnDQDaiziq.
,; 43j nr ii ii Inn Tt ft
' WC, I MT. jp J-
The Bend Townsite Company
North Addition Center Addition Lava Road Addition-Park Addition
it was decided lhat there should be
n mnre unrintr rncinir on the As
sociation grounds, ns such meet
ings only weaken the lan lair aim
the practicability of a good Foutth
of July Celebration.
Pilot Uutte Inn.
P. W. Chatitnatt. lohn Ootter. W
Pryrear. Sifter, Ore.; S A. l'rank. C
W. HulIiinKlon, I'urtUml. Ore ; J. A
Carinomly, J. A. I'earall, V. II. htcwart
II. llawlt, Seattle, Wah.; A. Scr.
Harvey J. Ilarna, C. I.. Ilranlon, Kw
mond; W. II. Saver, J. C. Kobinwii.
Madras; J. I. Sawhill, Jll Metdowi;
H. n. Robfnaou,; T. . Lal'ollette, Cr
cent. Motel Bend.
A. Maclnnea, A. W. Ilunhea. Shunlko;
Siuwii Carr, Helena, Mont ; I'.. I). I)ok,
C. II. I'orcl, Mri. J. It. btHtiley, ion
land; S. II. llryan, R. K. Ilryan, I.litd.
Wah ; II. Winter, Kverett, Waali ; I
Patrick, Madrai; Mr. (1il lUtnn, 10
Bar Ranch; J, Ryan, Seattle, U'aih.; 1'.
M. Smith and wife. Tacoma, Waili,,
Otto Leach, Alex Kitlilell, Keilinoml.
Application forOrazlnj: Permits,
Notice ii hereby given that all appli
cationi for permit! to uruze cattle. Iioraea
and sheep within the Dexchutea National
I'oreit ilurinx tho aeaion of 1911, mutt
be filed in my office at l'rinevillw, Ore
uon, on or before I'ehruiry 8, 1911 Pull
information in regard to the grazing lce
to be charged and blank form to Ik
uaeil in making application wlll be fum
iahed upon rcqueit. A. S. IRK(AND,
42-45 hiixrvlor
TnADt Marks
Anron n(tln ketnh anil description xaty
vSSiS culii oar .Hdioii fr wfctbr u
R?rr,U I. ?n.h.blr Jf'',Sk,An'?.,.u,1
I loiu ttrlctl r niiialcnt
BI1IKUIM. ll lii...n
HANOBOOlC on (Iran
nl IfM 1)1'
l'inti t
Ukan lErouih iiuno A Co. rcl
IKttU tUiU4, WIIIIOUI (muni
Scientific Jlitiericati.
A nwBr"wj ","fl,Tr- "7'V
V-a f m lllaf A araAlla.
f iriiaif fir.
caution .Mwrtnius.wwft ltU:i?'r
Truit. 11 a
7ft foorrooni,fu -nw vwi ."-"p.-.
IlltUllf r 00 YEARS'
Notice of Application (or Saloon License
To the Honorable Mayor ami Common
Council ol Hie City of Ilcnd.
Gentlemen. The umleriigneil A. C.
Sceley anil Mike McGralh having ul-tcrilx-il
and iworu to thcafficlnvil hereto
attached, retpectfully tender you here
with, the receipt of the City Trcaturer
for One Hundred Sixty lx and 70-Hxj
dollar and aiiplir for a liceute from the
City of llend to sell wine, ipitituou and
malt llouor and fcrmetiled elder a
retail liquor dealer in the liuildiuv
aituateoii IM Seven of Illock Thlrterti
of llend, Oregon, for the period of lilcveu
month from the ut day of Pcbruary,
Reipcctfully mtliruilled,
Dated at llend, Oregon, thi lo'.h day of
Jan., 1911.
Slate of Oiegon J
v.ounty 01 v-rooic )
I, A, C. Sceley and Mike McCrath be
The Bullctiu f 1 50 a year.
t nrenared exnreailv for the needs
of horsemen and ranchmen. It U
a ifewerful and peuelrntlng lini
ment, a remedy for ctnerKencIe,
A aoothlne embrocation for the relief
of pain, and the best liniment for
sprain nud soreness. Unequalled
lor neaiing wound nnu injuries
caused by I1ARUHD WIRIJ and
for all cut and bniUes. Pacific Home
Liniment Is fully guaranteed. No
other is so good or helpful in so many
ways. If it fails to satitfy, we author
ise all dealers to refund the purchase
price. Extra large bottles Of) cents.
Hovt Chkmicai, Co., Portland, Ore,
JEW Rf HhBiv
ing first dul)wnm, depote and tay,
each for liltiuclf, that I am the
applicant in the foregoing application
fur llquot llceute retail, that I am an
American citizen, that I have never been
convicted of allowing female or minor
to loiter tn or about a place where Intoxi
cating liquor were mid, that I have
never Mild Intoxicating liquor to a
A. C SlillUlV
Sutncrihcd and iwnru tn before me
thi loth day of January, 1911, at llend,
SKAt, Notary Public for Oregon.
Notice of Application for Liquor License
To the Honorable Mayor and Common
Council of the City of llend:
Gentlemen- The undersigned, 1'. C
I'ltli, having lubtcrlbed ami swum to the
affidavit hereto attached, reipcctfully
lender you herewith, the receipt of the
City Trenmrcr for Two Hundred Thirty
ihrcc nud 31-lou dollar andapplieafor
I am now
First Class
in mysoft drink establish
mentatjthe corner of
BondLand.Oregon Streets.
If you want something
good to eat try my place.
a license from the City of llend, to sell
winr, spltltuou and malt liquor and
fermented rider a a retail liquor dealer
(11 the building situate on Lot Thrtf of
lllock one (Pilot Uutte Inn Holtl) of
llend, Oregon, for the period of Iitivtu
mouth and twenty five day from the
6th day of January, 1911.
Ilesttcctfully submitted,
l'.C I'ISII.
Hated at Ilcnd, Oregon, thi 9U1 day of
January. 191 1.
State of Oregon )
Comity of Crook j
I, I'. C. i'lih. Iwlug first duly
worn, denote anil say lhat I am the
applicant 111 the foregoing application
fur retail liquor license, lhat I am an
American citizen, that I have never been
convicted of allowing female pr minora
In loiter In or about a place whet In
tuxlcatlng liquor were sold, that I hate
never sold Intoxicating liquor to
1' C. I'ISII.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
tht 9II1 day of January, 191 1, at llend,
ska!. Notary Public for Oregon,
running a