The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 04, 1911, Image 2

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One j-fr.... -.. .....-..... ll
Is nonlniiHiMiitiHiiiiHiiitiMttMtiiMii)t fc
Thrtc tnonlhi............. ......., .y
(tnrsrisMr In dirnc.)
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 4, 1911.
With the signal victory for com
rnitsion government in Spokntit
recently another city of the otu
hundred thousand population cln
g-tincd the ranks ol the. American
municipalities to substitute thi
moderu busiuess rule for the old
ward plan.
Des Moines and Houston have
fully demonstrated the advnntagc
of the new rule for large Allies, nitd
it was the evidence furnished from
the records of these cities that in
fluenced the people of Spokaue to
adopt commission government.
Smaller cities have iuund in tlu
commission plan the remedy foi
the waste and neglect that character
ize the ward system everywhere,
bat the pronounced benefits ol
business rule have been all tht
more noticeable in the larger cities.
The free citizens of every cit
are beginning to understand that
commission rule means free govern
ment for them, and the Spokant
victory is merely another evideuct
that twilight lias come for the old
political brokerage system.
start him in a bowling alley in
Dend. Wc arc pleased to learn
that his plans failed, for wc do not
care to have any such business men
The long talked of postal savings
banks arc at last in operation.
About 50 0ciH-d for busiuess in
XMrious parts of the country yester
day, Ktnmath Palls being the only
city in Oregon having one. The
number will be increased as soon
as Congress makes the necessary
Less than 40 per cent of the
women in Spokaue voted at the
recent municipal election. Still we
hear the suffragists desiring the
right tj vote.
What has happened to the arcs
that were to be put up soon after
the Council authorized the signing
of the light contract?
When is u cit charter going to
be drawn up by the Council?
In another column of this issue
is a communication upon a ver
timely subject. The Council has
been notified that complaints bae
been made against the sewage sys
tem in use in Bend, and it is but a
question of time until a change will
have to be made, and why not be
gin planning for it nov.
It is claimed that the Deschutes
River, as the natural drain, will
have to receive all sewage from the
city. The Bulletin believes that a
sewer can be built down the river,
crossing the hog-back ridge, about
a mile and a half north of town, to
carry the pipe out onto the sage
brush land. A septic system would
dispose of all matter, and the over
flow, chemically pure, could be
used for irrigation, as is done with
many septic systems iu the middle
Such a system would be expen
sive, but it would be far better to
begin the preliminary work now,
and by the time the council decides
on a system means for building it
could be secured.
Of the $14,000,000 expended by
the Hill System in Oregon in 1910,
over $9,000,000 was used in the
construction of the Oregon Trunk
line up the Deschutes.
There are six tunnels through
solid rock, aggregating 3550 feet in
length, in the no miles between
the Columbia and Madras. The
elevations above sea level are 140
feet at the Columbia and 3316 feet
at Madras, yet the ruling grade be
tween these pointsis six tenths of
one per cent, or 31.6 feet per mile.
The maximum curvature is six de
grees. If the Oregon Trunk line re
ceives the same proportion of
money in 191 1 as in 1910, consider
ing the lighter work, the $15,000,
000 to be expended by the Hill
System iu Oregon in 191 1 will
build more mileage than the in
ventive reporters built in 1910.
Crescent News.
CRKSCRNT, Ore., Dec. 31 At recent
meeting the Cretcent Commercial Club
was reorganized with the following offi
cers: President, P. C. Robinson; Secre
tary. K. C. Rourk: Treasurer, J. L.
Ringo; Directors, G. V. Anderson,
Charles Thomas William Nichols. A
committee on by-laws was apuiiitctl,
composed of G. K. LaPollrtte, Charles
Thomas and William Nichols, and an
other committee J. U Ringo, G. W
Anderson and H. G. Rourk Mas selected
to arrange (or the opening of a new road
through the Cusack estate north of town
as the present road is to be abandoned
about Pebruary I. The club became a
member of the Oregon Development
League and is now actively engaged in
pushing the claims of the Walber IUslu its towns.
Crescent's first Christmas was fittingly
celebrated at the Crescent Inn where
two Urge trees loaded with prrsents
formed the center of attraction, P. C.
Robinson, landlord of the Inn, officiated.
At the home of K. G. Rourk another
tree claimed the attection of the children
of the town. Mr. Rourke distributed
the presents. A bob sleigh ride finished
the evening.
C. L. Sweet and Prank Uamner, who
recently undertook a trip to Klamath
Palls to appear as witnesses in a murder
case before the grand jury, were forced
to return after spending five days at
tempting to get over the summit of the
mountais. They were compelled to
abandon their team at the home of a'
rancher near Klamath Marsh, and re-
turned on snow shoes to Crescent. They j
have been summoned as witnesses in the
trial which begins January 10, and will
likely have to make the trip around by
David Lynes, who is trapping near
Odell Lake, narrowly escaped death by
exhaustion and exposure while crossing
the mountains from Eugene, whither be
went in response to an unfounded rumor
that bis daughter Gladys bad died
suddenly at Springfield. The young
woman was in good health.
J. J. Ellinger, a real estate man of
Redmond brought,two investor, Messrs.
Wyatt and Lewis, to Crescent last week.
The trip was made in an automobile.
Mr. Lewis expects to cxgage In the
furniture business and will likely build a
two-story building on Railroad Avenue.
G. W. Anderson, of Helsson, Oregon,
who recently became a resident of Cres
cent, bss practically completed his two
story building on Main Street. Early in
the spring his son will open a drug store.
La Pine Notes.
La Pink, Ore., Dec. 30 II. II. Ram-
bord of Portland completed his contract
of laying 1200 feet of 10-foot sidewalk
and returned to Portland for the holidays.
Owing to the extreme bad condition of
tbe roads near Sbaniko, the Deschutes
Land Co. failed to get in some very
much needed machinery, consequently
they closed down their operations on
their ditch for the winter. They have
about 14 miles of ditch right-of-way
cleared ready for tbe excavators, and
work is expected to be resumed in tbe
Notice to Stockholders.
All stockholders of the Pine Kor
est Irrigation Company are hereby
notified that the tegular iiuuual
stockholders' meeting will be huhl
iu the McGitlvrny school house,
seven mites south-east of Hetul on
Saturday, January 7, for the put
poe of electing directors fot the en
suing vear mid transacting such
other busiuess as may properly
come before the meeting. It is
highly important that nil interested
lie present if possible, as the further
construction and early Completion
of the ditch depends 011 action
taken at this meeting.
E G.vkrktt. Secretary
If you wish to have your ex
press and light ficicht come iu
along with your letters uud dully
papers, have it come iu on the mail
line Tint Coknktt Stajk &
Sta nut Co. 2Jtf
Real Hstnte Transfers.
(Fur nlh! by Crook County AttiU ComtwNy )
William V. linker mid wife lo I'lotviice
W. Drake, n,4 lie! 5-18.11. t( '.( 31
nml aw V aw,', see. 33 17 II. ft
C. II. Hiirrow ct ux to Alt-xitnilrr M
Drake, awtf ev. i,, S iicV nil
self sw.U' sec. 36-17-11, fi.
C. II. llurrowsciux to I'lorciiee V
Drake, 4 V see. 6 ami w4 uw'4
sec. 7-lS 11. $1
Edward H. Perrin et ux to Pilot Unite
Dev. Co., e4 nel nml 114 self sec. 14,
iwjf iiw.V fc. 13, seX X see. a6, T.
17, R. It, lot 3 and np swtf sec 30-17-W,
Allwrt N. Johnson to Deschutes l.uitt.
In-r Co., n) sw'f mid i mv.'f sec. trial-u,
delimit W. Stone to Deschutes l.tiitt
Iter Co , c4 He'4 mid lie 1 e,U sec. 13
nml U v( sec. l-3i'i),f3iioo.
Albert N Johnson tn Deschutes Linn
ler Co , eon. f 50,43a 11 '$ nwV see. .1
114 11C4 see. 4: u4 see, 10; se, lie '4
mid ueU cl see. It; 11,4 svj see, w;
set sej-t see. 11; sw)( w,(fsec. Ii; 11 w '4
nwV sec 13; ncV( nctf see, t.; 4"4
see ti; se'V 1111 V, sjf ue' nml ue'i
tie 4 ee. 13, T. it, R. it. x 4 mvtf, tie '4
nw'V mid nw.'f aw.V see. if, elj lie '4.
w'4 tie V mid' ne tl ne,U' see 35;nUos4
llv', lielf n mid nwV ne'4 see. H
nudrlfnwU mid wj nc'i see, 36, T.
11, R II; 111 U see. Ao-ii-lu.
I.ytlr Town. lie Co. to Lena Wood
wnnl, lot 3, blk. 15 l.ytle f in.
Patents from the V S. ns follows
Ahrnhntu Zrll, eV wj see. 311-13
Clmtlrt D. Kirk, seV mi' 51-10-15.
Inlin W. linker, w' see t-1 6-1 1 .
Illigh I Gee, uetf sec. 13-15 16,
l'lin N Teiivjiimn, sw'f see. 3-l5-l5.
Thomas U. I.oxcluer, netf ice. 17-13-13-
Drrdi from the Mate of Oregon, ns
A A. Harris, nwtf see. 3 i7-i-
Minim Gotldmd, (eorrectioh of record
oulv )
(feorge Koekhill, swtf nwV see. 3.-
14 IV
II I. Pivll set sec HlS-14
Willis A. Miller, swtf nc.V ami U4
eU sec 51-M 13
I. It Knotts, V "e' c- 5-IH-I3-
Hi fly dollats will be paid for In
formation leading to the artt'st uud
conviction of anyone illegally cut
ting juniper trees on lands within
the Pilot Ilutte, Oiegon Itilgatlon
or llviihaiu Falls segregations.
Juniper wood Is 11 valuable ap
purtenance to these IiiiiiIh and must
lie preserved lor prospective dcttlcrN
who iulcuil to lilo thereon.
Ckntkai.Oukoon IhhioationCo.,
.10-43 lieud, Oregon.
Application fortlrruliiK Permits.
Notiee is hvtrby ghoii llist all itppll
eutliiiis fur penults 10 grnre cattle, horses
and sheep within the lleseliiitrs National
1'oic.t ilurlllg the season id 1911, llltlt
le filed in myollleent I'tlncMlU, Oir
Mini, on or Ih-ioic I'rbrtmiv H, lyli. Pull
Information in rrgnrd to tlie gisilng fees
to I elMiged and liUuk loiius lo be
used In making appllentlniis will lie furii
Ulinl liuli reiilett. A. S. I Kill. A NO.
41-45 hupcrvlMir
Jutt try The Iliilletln Job I'rlnteiv
The Hitlletlu ft 50 a ear.
lKHiiliiiriit of Hit liilrilor,
I'lillrtl Mlslet l.sml linicr
I sktvlrw, Oin-iii, lire. i. lym
A iiiini'lriil ctinlrit RiriUvll IisvIiik Weil (llnl
11 llili i.ilu liy lisilisis llikkry, iHiiilrtUnt.
mslioi iimiiirsil Hniiy N11 uMy mU iki
m. 11. 1'nr l.nlt 1 I. J. 4
11,111 1 liiniitlilli H isnur
lilt t
)) li r
tH llfli )4 llwM
11, in 1 iiiwiitn m tin. ipimr ..i 1, , t.intr
M-iI.Hkii lir WlllUin h HUnton Cnnlrtlrc. m
wlilfhlllt sllKl Hist sslil lias Hlmlly
AtMWlMiiHl tills Isml.llisl iiriitvti rsiai.litiitii
HltlUY llltl.lill m'l iMmiv ..iiiiypl'.'ii n
itny iPMHirn
tint ifiiiniitx
1 1111 Ism f
lull licHll L1MIIIIIIMWIIII ..".. """
uirKMii. (sii
... a'liMk
... .,...-.- - -- .,.!
Hrslilrr sml Hficiirisi iwi
IwiiiIiH by Isw. "I'l "illsl ll'l
IiiIim-si. imniiiil,aiiilBlTr evlilri
hII llsslliii si i u'sliwk. s. in
tsllt lii "" """TV" ., ' 7 ilis" I s a .
iMfKMii. (litl uwi niminmiiMi whiit nniini
HI wii in' jt T,, "" "
tnrliri t Uir liiUrtl HUlfi I.ftn!
itA.u lis I ssLssvlaW tltrtfllll
lhrMliI wiilftlsnl MSYliiir, III s litiif t sm
un flii in 1 ". '",1'' 'v" v"c;
tliiiwIlislslltrOiisillllSiiii iistiiislllir r
this nll n nl I '! ! l"l'r v",,, !
Miulillinlnlllisl tiirh iiullt-e l.f lil ilue sml
liflltl iWIllH,
Httttiil atlthrM nils yinsiii Ailtls, lltr
AHriitiHw uitniN.Kfitifi
41 it I'Kltll I' CKii.NUMII.I.KH. Mf-lir.f
Leave your subscriptions for
All Magazines
nt tlic Library and let that
institution get Die liei.elU.
Hosiery and Mittens
We httvejust received a fullline
of Men's, Ladies', Children's and
Infants' wool and eottou hose, and
wool gloves and mittens. We of
fer them at prices that wilt mean
money saved to you. Uelow are two
or three representative numbers
space forbids a full enumeration.
others charge 300; here, OfV.
Ladies' heavy fleeee lined cotton hose; spliced heel mil toe, j r
elastic welt top. I'er pair O OL
Ladles' wool hose, worsted finish; an exceptionally fine hose; f -
others charge 55c an J 60c; here only HOC
Kxtra bargains in children's wool ami cotton hose.
Men's, Ladies', Children's and Misses' Wool Gloves
and Mittens at Economy Prices.
Men's mixed wool hose full seamless;
per air onlv
Men's extra heavy winter wool hoe; heavy foot; sells elsewhere
at 55c per (Mir; here only, per jmlr
Men's wool hose, extra heavy foot, superior stock, soft finish;
only per pair
Good hc-nvy black cotton half-hose, white foot, an extra good
value at per pair
Men's finest cashmere hslf.hose, natural worsted, per pair.
Next Door to Postoffice
Bend's New
Harness Shop
The matter of allowing one cor
porotiou or individual to own the Mt,y Pr'tlB
monopoly of using the Deschutes A ,Jtt" Kivtn on Christmas Kve in the
River for floating logs will come up ','nin,gIroot"! ot tbe "ew 81liioa e
before the County Court at Prine-1"", i'" w" ',,em,e,, ahoul
... .- ir.ln . f..
vine loaay, 11 ine louri sees iu 10
grant thii privilege it appears cer
tain that tbe lumber interests will
build their mills at some point on
Tbe Meadows,, above. Bend. The
Jlulletin does not believe tbe County
Court should grant such a monopoly.
C. L. Jackson of I'rcemont and Clias,
V. Carmichael of the . N. Masters Luui
ber Co. are spending the holidays in La
In a 40 yard rifle match last Saturday,
C. V. Carmichael of La Pine, and C. ii.
Shaffer of I'ort Hock, carried on the
honors as well as a good quarter of beef
Royal Davenport of I'ortlaud is regis
tered at the Hotel La Fine.
Manufacturers of Harness
Repairing of All Kinds
A Big Stock of SADDLES, BLAN
Sale of Buggies
115 Michigan Buggies
$100 Michigan Uuggics
Genuine Mandt Wagons
Farm Implements
Uend, Oregon.
John Kellain, who conducts a
lodi?intr house in Shaniko, recently
conspired to set fire to his building lilhlt
In order to collect the insurance 1 horse, wtixiii about u pounds, 'mi hor
" .. !. ,!, CI,M. Sni" m? " J- V.Wallace, of KUki
money, utvutuiuj, iu . wmu,v
Star. He figured that tbe mouey
thus secured would be enough to
ly care by J. V. Wallace, or Ulikituii.
Ore., ou juue 13, 1910, lo be pnaturrd for two
uuuwit. 1 mi hic m 10 cover uiy urn 01 exMu
scs for keep since Juue rj, 19m.
Dated Ucc. id, 1910,
M4 C I). AttUN.
TTe E. F. Pitman Real Estate Co.
Farm andStock Ranches forsaIe.
Wo handle La Pino Townsito Lots.
Tell Us Your Wants.
La Pinti, Oregon.
Despite Freight Troubles
Our Stock of
Is Almost Complete.
Prices and Quality
Bend Hardware Co.
Adjoins Bend on the south.
Most beautiful residential sec
tion in Bend.
Also Some Choice Business Lois.
Timber Lands Bought and Sold.