Ai THE BEND BULLETIN VOL. VIII UF.Nl), ORIJGON, WF.DNKSDAY, JAN. 4, 1911. NO. 43 .1 GQUNGL IS QUAUTI-R OPA AIII.U OF SIDI. WALKS TO llli MILT CompUlntK Against Pollution uf De adline Klver llnve llcoii Itecclvetl By Hints llcnllti Hoard- Saloon llntraneca Only on Bond. At the meeting of the Coinmon Council held Filduy cvt'iiiug I). M. Davis presided an Mayor pro tciu, in the ubseucc of Mayor Caldwell. A letter from C S White. Stale Health OHiccr, Mating thai com plaints hud been filed with the Health Board In icgard to the ollutlon of the Dcm-Iiiiici River, wus rcail. Uccoidcr Hills wits in structed to acknowledge receipt of hc letter, mid Mute to Mr. White that u n new Council would be lu office within n short time, the mutter would be left far it to take up. It I piotmhlc that Muynrdtcl Coe, who ! now lu Portland, will her Mr. White and tuke up with him the iietfou of 11 sewerage system for Mend Upon motion of Sellers the Re corder was Instructed to UMie legul notices for the construction of side walks 011 the north Aide of Ohio street 300 feet beyond the cud ol the present walk, the south side of Irouwood in block so, 350 feet 011 the north side of Iron wood m block at, 300 fret on the north aide of I ton wood lu block 'sound sou feet on the south side ot Iron wood in block 37. These sidewalks when built will Hive n continuous walk from the eaitcrn part of the city to the busi ness district. The owners will be wllowcd 30 days in which to have the walk built. Upon inotHm of Tiiplctt, second Vd by Seller, the Recorder wan in structed to issue legal notices to le served on jwrllcs ctltJoiilug for saloon licenses that no licenses will lc grunted to bar having entrance on any street other than llond, ex cept in the cusct of lotia fide hotels Till notice applies jurticularly to bar having entrance at a corner, onto two streets. KOTZMAN LATERAL. Water Will be Available for H20 Acre February I, Work on the Adam Koizumi lutcrul, which take writer out of the Swalley ditch about a mile north of the city limits, I progress ing very rapidly. This lateral which was started in July has been built a distance of one and 11 fourth tulles, niut is to be extended another half mile. It is eight feet wide at the bottom, nnd will carry three feet of water. The heaviest of the work lies been completed. There is a stretch of it which necessitated a cut of 16 feet Banking Service Banks are becoming more nnd more the custodi. nns of the funds of the people, of both large nnd small means. This is due to the wider appreci ation of the value of banking service ns its use fulness is extended and its methods become , better known. In the case of THE DESCHUTES BANKING & TRUST CO. TMU MUST service Is assured. This Bank aims lu every wny to protect the interests of its pat rons, milking use of every mentis of precaution. Its up-to-date system of accuracy, promptness mid the suut cateful attention to large or smnll depositors. Ills u safe bnnk. It is n bank for all the people rich nnd poor, men, women nnd children. If ' nve any banking business to transuct, come to us. The Deschutes Banking & Trust Company Of Bend, Oregon "Consorvativo Banking for Conservative Peoplo." 1,. II. 11AIR1), Pre J- W. MA8TKU8, Vice Pre. M. O. COB, Cashier. through rock. If tin ground does iHt freeze loo Intnl. the work w 11II he completed before tlie first of next month. There In now n force uf ten men mid four Icuiiin on the work Mr Kotmiiii estimates tliut the cost of gelling the wuter on the Innd will lc Ichi thnn $1 so per ncic The luleral will supply wuter for the following acreage: CballftUMyd C 14 llriiMii, , . , i'. n.M.r .. .. Axlilr I'alllr Nltlt Amlriwii . . W'.lttr DantcU. ... Adam Kbtiiuaii ... IHIHM , ..H.J " tw " Brt ' " !.... IJ " " SCHOOL BOARD MEETS Mis Id C. Young Appointed to Teach Young School. The School Hoard met at Chair man Triple-it's store Wednesday evening, and appointed Miss Ida C Von ni us teacher (or the Young school. C. H. Cutting was ap iMiintcil far the ositiou on Decern bem 34, but declined to accept be cause the term ol four months was longer than he cared to teach. The question of building a rear exit to the school building was dis cussed, uiid Messrs. Ruy and Mola lity were appointed u committee to look the mutter up. They were uuthoriA'tl to submit plans and ob tain bids for the work. The Hoard exjiects to have this work done Immediately. SOCIETY ORGANIZED Y. I. S. C. IL Ulecu Temporary Of (leers at MoethiK at Union Church, At a well attended meeting held ut the close of the evening services ut the Union Church Sunday, the Young Peoples Society of Christian Huttcuvor was temporarily organ ized, with the following officers; PresidentI!. J. Kgglcitou. Vice President Mrs. H. M. Thompson. Secretary Miss l'lorcncc Young. Cor. Secretary Julius Cortman. Treasurer C. I. Howl". Organist Miss Puuliuc Wicst. Assistant Organist Miss Marion I.awrcucc. Tomorrow evening there will be an open meeting al the church, to which everyone is invited, By la wit will be discussed, nnd adopt ed, anil the organization perfected. Committees for the various phases of work the organizers have in view will be appointed, uiid the plans of the Society will le out lined. Married New Year' Day. Miss Jessie Belle Douglas and Cicorge Cornwcll were murricd be fore Reverend J. Anthony Mitchell Sunday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Douglas, in Lytic. The couple will make their home iu Bend. Mr. Cornwcll, who has been here for some time, is a carpenter, work ing with J. 11. Montague. Just try The Bulletin Job Priutery man nnin III mill Lf I III II KOAI) Mil) RAPIDLY NEAR INU COA.PLHT.ON. All Hrldice and Trestle Between the Culuiulil nnd Crooked Rive Are In-Koad Bed Will All Be Ready for Track Layer. I'.. W. Monaliun, superintendent of construction for Henry & Mc Pee, the Oregon Trunk contractors, was in Bend Tuesday, and an nounced that all budge nnd trestle work beyond Crooked River is completed. Work ut the Crooked River bridge Is bciiu pushed, und it is the desire ot the builders to have all work in, and the concrete piers well set lu order to receive the steel as soon as the track is laid to the river. The isoo-foot trestle just south of the bridge will be completed this week. Tltat the truck-laying machine will not be tied up, by unfinished urudes now seejiis ccitaln. Prom Mudrus to a point three miles south .. . . ... . . -. .... 1 ol Redmond the road bed is com- plelcd, with the exception of one heavy :ut u mile south of ilillmau. Between Bend und Redmond stretches of the road bed urc being completed every few days. Joe Rock, who bus charge of the work u mile south of (he railroad crossing over the Pilot Butte canal, bus ull of the right-of-wuy cleared, und the gruding work is progress ing very rapidly. This is where the Y is to be located. TO PLAY HANDBALL Bend Athletic Association to Begin Tonight on Tournament. The Bend Athletic Association has iustullcd the larger part of its gymnasium apparatus, and regular class work will begin tonight under the direction of A. R. Dorris. The club will hold u meeting in its rooms over Muster's Hall Friday night, at which time the matter ol arranging various athletic teams will be taken up. The handball tournament which starts tonight is open to all mem-, bers of the association, but names- will havn to be turned iu by Satur day. The schedule of games to date follows: ' Carl Hunter vs. Guy McRey nolds, Wcducidny, Jan. 4, 7:30 p.m. Claude Kclley vs. Prince Stauts, Wednesday, Jan. 4, 8:30 p. m. Willaid Huston vs. Vcru Hota ling. Wednesday, Jan. 4, 9:3 P-n- Warren Whcelock vs. Leroy Hotaliug, Thursday, Jan. 5, 7:30 p. m. John Bates vs George Woods, Thursday, Jan. 5, 8:30 p. in. Alf Liustcr vs. A. K. Dorris, Thursday, Juu. 5, 9:30 p. in. Winner iu Iiuutcr-McRcynolds mutch will meet winner iu Kclley Staats match Priday, Jun. 6, 7:30 p, in.; winner of this match will meet the winner of the Huston Untitling mutch Priday, Juu. 6. 8:30 p. in.; winner of this match will nicer, the winner of the Whee- i lock-Hutnliug mutch Priday, Juu. 6, 9:30 p.m.; winner of this mutch will meet the winner ot the Hates-woous match Saturday, Jan. 7, 7:30 p.m ; winner of this mutch will meet the winner of the Linster-Dorris match Saturday, Jan. 7, 8:30 p.m. Pioneer UJIior Passes Away. The Bulletin received a card to day nniioitiiciug the death of Wil liam Holder, editor of the Silver Luke Leader. He died lust Satur day, und was buried at Paisley, ueur his much. Mr. Holder was 56 years old, nnd hud been actively engaged iu newspaper work for many years. (list Notes. Gist, Or., Jan. i, igu-Oeotgc McCallltler it It now very lmy bulling lilt rye hay. Louis McCallltler Is mating a butlueta trip to lilt former placer mine. ltvrtt Cute lias returned home to apcud Hie holUUyt, and lake a little test as he hat been working steadily for the Dctchutca Irrigation ft Power Co. and the Central Oregon Irrigation Co, for the past eight months, Walter Case Is Imty grubbing aagebruth for I'. M, Phillips. Mrs. I'uttlnm gave a arty laat l'rtday night ami all had a good lime. C C Cooper it inuklug efforts to trap coyotes, The New Year hat been uthcrrd In with very ptrutenl eve. "Bo let time tin und folly tlee, but lei me rruialu with those that arc kind and true tome." iimmli nrrnnii mwirl WMA HtlUIIN bMIt FOOTBALL SATURDAY AFTER NOON AT PR1NCV1LLU. Team That Played lie (lame Here to Settle Championship Honors Bend Team Practicing Regularly-New 'Officials. The Prlncvillc and Hcnd "All Star" football teams, which played n 0-0 game on the Bend field a week ago Monday, will meet again on the Prineville grounds next Saturday afternoon ut 'two. The Bend team will leave here Priday morning, and drive to Prineville in wagons, returning Sunday after noon. Although the details of the game have not all been arranged, Arthur Seeley of Bend, ond J. M. Alex ander of Redmond will probably officiate us referee and umnire. As I each of them played on the team of the Multnomah Athletic Club ol Portland two years ago, such un satisfactory decisions as marred the 'recent game should not lie given. The line-up of the Bend team will be somewhat changed. Captain Pringle, who strained a ligament in his leg while playing in the last game, will go with the team, nnd will play, ut least until his leg gives way. I.. Main will play right .tackle in place of Clinton Vatidc- vert, who has returned to Salem. J. D. Rice will probably play a guard. Ray Deyarmond is'practic ing with the squad, and will play iu the game. If Dr. Coe returns (rota Portland iu time for the gome he will go in at full-back-Signal practice was held at Litis ter's Hall Sunday night, and will be held again tonight. Last night the squad met at Ray Wilkinson's office und discussed the rules of. the game. Tomorrow afternoon the squad will have a scrimmage prac tice on the old baseball field. The liueup of the Prineville team will be practically the same as before The probable line-up of the Bend team follows: H. B. Kiunear, c ; R. Wilkinson, 1 g; J. D. Rice, r g; R. M. Connors, I t; L. Main, r t; L. Metke, 1 c; N. Welder, r c; II F, Kepple, quarter; A. M. Pringle, 1 h; W Houston, r h; and S. Sleidl, f b. R. Deurmond, M. Richard son, P. W. Brackett and A. R. Dorris, will accompany the team as substitutes. BUILDON BONDSTREET C. I!. Myers and P. J. Wllkey to Con struct Two-story Building C. Ii. Myers und F. J. Wilkey recently bought lot it, blook 11, Bend, from the Bend Towusite Co This property is on the west side ol Bond street, opposite the We nntidy barn. J, B. Montague now has a force of men constructing n two-story building 24x60 feet, the lower floor of which wilt be used for a saloon. The building will be constructed as rapidly as possible as the owners desire to Have tt completed by February I. L,. li. uuira tins least-a 10 j. k. Williams the lot adjoining the J R. Williams saloon on bond and Oregon streets. The Bend Con struction Co. is now erecting ior Mr. Williams a buiuliug 50x60 feet 011 this lot. It will be one story and arranged for a lodging house of 38 rooms. The contractors ex pect to finish their work within a mouth. Pollution of Deschutes llKNn, Ore., Jun. 3 To the Rdltor ol The Item! UtiUetin: As It is probable that within the year the city of Ilcnd will hnve the sewage problem to solve, would it not be well to consider the re sults which would ensue slipuld the sewers be permitted to discharge into the Dcscculcs River, as some propose? The Deschutes has been aptly called the "River of Gold," for like mutt) other streams of the west, It Is the very life of the country through which it flows, the fountain head upon which de pends all agricultural wealth and pros perity and 011 this agricultural founda tion must be bulU the permanent and final prosperity of tlie towns which will sprlttK up along Its course, I'or tweuty miles east and thirty miles north of lleutl, oil account of the coloic for mation o( the country, surface water cutiuot be obtained ntul the settler must depend absolutely upon the Deschutes River for his supply for domestic and all other uses. Would it uot be the height of folly to (Kjlluie llilt I eatttlfiil stream and thus scatter dleae to llioumnils of people who will dwell along it banks? The purity of till stream hat always been 1 R'tvertiicd as one of the greatest assets 1 of this country and any act which would J destroy tltat reputation could only react to the tasting Injury of the entire country. With the mining of the railroad will also eome annually thousands of tourists and fishermen to the hanks of the stream to praise its beauties and fish in Its waters. Destroy its purity anil you drive the trout from its depths and the tfslierinail from its shores, and with their departure no small source of revenue will end. There is n better and more modern way for Hcnd to liie of her sewage, namely to run it out on to some of the waste lauds of the desert, there treat it, and dispose of It where it will harm 110 one. I am satisfied that when the people of Ilcud give this subject their serious consideration they will decide that they cannot alTord to contaminate this beauti ful river but lund it down to posterity as pure as when they received it fresh from the hand of creation. C. A. STANDURROUGH. Turn a to News. TUMALO.Or, Jan. I, 1911 Chit. U. Winter itudf Ui.Idcm ritit t UtdaMKiJ Uit wrck. He trpurts rauth building sod Improvements (olog on. C. U. HrsHton, the rest estate mn. Ultrd with 13. W. yimtr k. fioos latt week. sir. Brsu ln It to &Mtliutr In tbex tU. He it at ttfewtit located at Redmond. He urs tbete It net moth activity lu the real estate bbiet al preteut u uBt f the bad eea4tm of the read, I'reple are Ht aMe la get In from Sbanl kw, bwt he tspeelt IMt thete wtM be a big tu.h Jutl at mm at the loadt Impure. Mr. Brantea hat been tpendlng wme time la bpekane htetjr. There tt qole an aernge uf gtwund be4Bg ctvartd betwea tblt pUee and UUUiW. I'eepte are taking advantage uf the eym winter and clearing prep4ratry to putt tug In eras neat tetn. Cattle about here are iMng fine. A great BitByarcoti the nnge and toeVtng at well at .loelt that arc red. John II. WImcr of this place It at pretental Medfutd, Oregon. He reportt esld fuggy and dittgreeable weather there with considerable rain. Where .could we go to enjojf tuch a de lightful climate at Centrat Oregon Itbteaued wllhP Here we have tunthlnc, pure frcthair, good water, wood In abundance and a toll which cannot be turpaued. livervbody who trlea 1 dulng well, and a man who dors not try It a bur den no matter where you 6nd blm. ho let ut alt be boottca for Central Oregon. With the coming uf the railroad, we will no longer be cut off from the maketa of the world. We will toon eapect to hear of tomethlng using with the O. W.J. Finance Co.whKhlook over the Columbia bVMitbern segregation. They ea pert ts begin work on the reservoir early In in January and later build caualt, prepara tory Utcempteting the contract with with the ute as outHnad by the Columbia Southern company. C. K. Shaffer owner of the Clo ver Leaf ranch at Ft. Rock was in Bend the last week purchasing sup plies. He secured a number of olooded chickens at Prineville, and about 500 worth supplies here iu betid, including a Schuttler wagon bought from A. M. Lara & Co. Library Club Meets. The Ladies' Library Club met in the library room yesterday alter noon and made arrangements for the programme dance to be giveu at Lmster's Hall Saturday evening, Junuury 14. The ladies of the club will serve refreshments. It ts the desire of the members to begin the dance promptly at 8:30 'VPi7 JtMlAii 6sMXls30X$ The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND. OREGON Dr. U. O. OOE, President E. A. 8ATHCH, Vic Preildent O. S. HU08ON. Oathlar Capital full paid ... S2S.000 SIKkholders' liability 25.000 Surplut .... . S5.000 r7)S ANOTHER. NEW LEAF- Last year, perhaps, you turned over a nice, clean sheet and headed it "More money saved in 1910." How did you come out? If not as well as you expected, try it again iu 191 1, If you are satisfied with your profits, why not head the new leaf for 191 1 "Keep up the record for 1910"? We do not have to tell you that we will assist you iu every way possible in your banking busi ness in the New Year our new leaf is headed, "More aud better banking service for 191 1." DIRRCTO It. A. SATHKR u. c. cow IN SMITH p. jnrrw ifw r-rr sttvx jfrv rrrv. ttjy rmrr rKrr ttjvx W'M &'M p.'M PM y ,'M i&'M PjM jfyjk PniM$Jl 0 L066N0 COUNT TO DECIDE TODAY ON USE OF DESCHUTES. J. 0. Ryan of Dcifchutcf Lumber Co. Appears Before County Court at Prineville to Secure Privilege of Driving Loz In Deschutes Attorney V. A. Forbes lef: for Prineville yesterday to appear be fore the County Court today to remonstrate against the granting of n contract to The Deschutes Lumber Co,, and other companies owning timber south of Bend, for driving logs in the Deschutes River from the north line of Township 19 to the head of Big River. At a meeting held September 13, the County Court made an order declaring the Deschutes River a highway for the Moating of logs, lumber and timber between the points mentioned above. A con tract giving The Deschutes Lumber Co. ttie right of improving the channel and charging a certain specified toll (or handling traffic upon it, is what John E. Ryan, of The Deschutes Lumber Co., will endeavor to secure from the County Court today. Soon after the matter was before the County Court at the SeptemUr term, Mr. Ryan appeared before the Commercial Club of Bend, and arttued for his proposition, desiring the support of the organization t J help him secure the contract. At that time the question canted a great deal of discussion, as many expressed the opinion that if the large lumber interests secured a monopoly of the use of the river for driving logs it would result ttt some of the larger mills being built above Benham Falls on Tue Aletdows. Injunction Dissolved. On a motion of V. A. Forbes, in behalf of the plaintiff", the injunc tion granted September 26, 1910, in the case of C. C. Triplett v. Oregon Trunk. Railway Co., was dissolved on December 28. This injunction caused the work on tht railway spur from the main line to the power house to be stopped. Mr. Triplett1 has sold his cottage in Lytic, near which the spur passed, and therefore obtained a dissolu tion of the. injunction. It is prob able that work on the spur will soou be resumed. Water System for Redmond. Members of the city council of Redmoud are working on a plun 10 install a gravity water system lit their city. Thetr idea is to buili two concrete reservoirs 100 leet square: on a hill about three miles south of town, aud near the cuimI from which it is proposed to take the water. The cost of such a sj s tern is estimated at $10,000. R S: c. s. HUDSON It c. : ! SEcSScS&c iNr S5r 5C3Cc j?fc?CTSSC Thr 3ii?2p fbtHW2