The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 21, 1910, Image 5

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KEISER-BARETHEA TIES Wc have just rcalvid an
assortment of thi' well-known Ktiser Harc-thca Neckties. This is
nlxnlutcly the best line of neckwear on the nuirkct lodny mill is
sold by the lending hiibctdishcri nil over the country. Just the
thing to give him for Christ- .
urns. An excellent assort- J! 1 (f 4s C 1 V S
iiieut of shades nt from P W LJ 1 & Jf
SLIPPERS Coinfottiihle house slippers are nlwnvs n crept ii Mr
Vvr hnve them ut from $1.75 to $2.50
mighty instcliil unit appropriate presents. A tf 1 Offc
nice ii'sortiucnt nt ciieh tf I U
INCERSOLL is more sensible a n
gift for a muii than an lugcrsoll tvutch? They arc Kiiarnutt:cl
for it yeur, ut $1.00
Not much timo certainly, but enough to do a great
deal if you get at it right away. Don't wait until
Christmas Eve. Take our word for it that you will
regret it. Naturally our stock has been pretty well
picked over but wo bought heavily this year in an
ticipation of the demand and still have a nice assort
ment to select from. Its just as easy to do it now
as at the last moment. For the benefit of those
who cannot visit us during the day the store will be
open every evening this week until 9 o'clock.
STEAM ENGINES That icily run by Mcntn. Alcohol
lump, water gauge, Mtfcty vnlv, oil complete. Two varieties,
horizontal mid upright, at $5.00
AUTOMOBILES Pivc-passengcr touring cam, operated by
Iticlion wheel. Good hill climber. Strong ami tf l )l
durable Price. J I J
TOOL CHESTS Fitted wl h a complete outfit of good
loots that will lust mid do good woik. Jut the thing for the boy
who likes to "tinker urouud." One of the mot practical Christ
mas gifts we have at $5.00
Other Outfits at from $1 00 to 5J.00
ROCKING HORDES-Two fine iclmcii-onc Jl Incliet IiIkii
slid citvrrrd Willi irsl liali. I(I Milillr, at $.00.
The other id luetic liluli. nivrrnl with rml linlr. HiikIUIi Mitillr, can tie
liii'iiiilril rlllier on whrrW or riKker l $10.00
Olhrr Iwr.c. t $J 50 to JJ.73
BABY BUMPS You con't break him. Cloth body, movable
arms and legH, composition head t lint simply can't lc broken.
The cutest toy for the you-jgster ever invented. G? 1 ff
Price tP 1 JJ
TOY ANIMALS Something else that can't be broken all
made of cloth and excelsior rabbits, cats, dogs, elepha-jts, plus
-iiul monkeys, at from , 55c to $2.00
PICTURE BOOKS-A. H C. books, Cinderella, Mother
Goose, The Night licfore Christmas, Foxy Grandpa, Maud the
Mirthful Mule, and lots of others, in z?- f(
paper and linen, ut from JC lO Jl I vv
FREIGHTER'S OUTFIT-Regular freighter's wagon with
ixms and canvas cover, span of gray horses that move their lens.
Particularly appropriate toy for this country Price $1.00
AUTO SCARFS In Persian designs, solid colors and
shaded effects. She will "thank you J C a CO C
most to death" fur one of these, at V J vl tO p &)
FELT SLIPPERS In reds, greens, blues and browns
Mighty comfortable these cold morn
lugs. It will be hard to find any C 1 TC .. fcy T?f
thing more aci-nptnble, at from p J tJ p&,JK
HANDKERCHIEFS When in doubt give handkerchiefs
No woman has ever been known to acquire too many ol them
We have some beautiful linen ones at from 25c tO 40c
SHAWLS are especially pleasing to the more elderly ladles
We Have a good line in hootch plaids and cht-cks, solid colors
and pure white, at
$2.00 to $3.50
The Doll Contest Closes
Christmas Eve.
At io o'clock. the last votes will be count
cd and the dolts given away. There arc still a few days
left in which to cast your votes. Don't forget to ask
the clerks for them.
That you may have health, happiness and a full measure
of the good things of the Christmas Season
is the sincere wish of
DOLL BEDS Imitation Iron beds, with canopy, 12x24 inches
complete with mattress and pillow $2.00
Same thing toxt8 inches $1.50
KOLOR. KITS Complete outfit of dry and moist colors in
cukes and tubes, cra oils, and pictures for coloring, q 1 fZ(
Just the thing for developing latent artistic talent... P JU
FURNITURE Rockers and straight backed chairs in white
enamel, 12 inches high, seats 12x12 inches. Well made and
durable. Rockers $1.50
Straight backs SI 25
DOLL TR.UNKS Inside measurements 10x17x8 inches
Cloth covered and have tray with hat box tf f
Fitted with lock and key tp jSrJsJSJ
'jfjr -y-y.7i
1 lb White Fig- regular 15
t pkg Currants regular 20
1 pkg. Raisins regular 15
5 lbs. Fresh Apples regular 30
t qt. Mince Meat regular 50
Total regular price Si 30
SPECIAL p I .01)
Subscribe for The Bulletin.
The Patterson Drug Co. is in
business for your health.
The Hend Hultctin and Portland
livening Telegram . 75.
Juniper posts and dry wood for
sale. Fkud HuNNKt.t.. 4043
Try the Peerless Prcsscry at the
R. M. Smith Clothing Co. 381!
K. L. Kirk left Saturday for his
homestead in Gluss lluttc Valley.
Lost A Yale Key. Finder
please return to The liullctin office.
J, II. Wenandy lias bought the
CaMyle Triplclt property, in Lytic
Wanthij Men with teams to
haul logs. Ht Hai.vokson. .toil
Xmas number of Patterson's Ore
gonian now out. He sure to get
Foil Sai.K Round, solid oak
extension diulug table. Mkh. F.
F. Smith. 3"tf
W. R. Riley and family of La
Pine came down yesterday to buy
Solemn Mass at midnight at
Catholic church Saturday night.
Kvcrybody welcome.
The Pilot Jlutte Development
Company's sawmill wus closed down
Saturday for an Indefinite time.
It is time to take that suit over
to The Peerless Pressing Purlors
anil hnve it made new again. 3,1 tf
A. M. Lara & Co. arc erecting
nn addition 8x20 feet, on the north
side of their store on Wall street.
Fok RitNT Two rooms opposite
Postoffice; running wuter, elec
tric lights, Sec First National
Hank. 40tf
Will buy all fat cattle, calves and
hogs ready for market nt highest
market prices Gxovit II. Cai.d
WM.i Hend, Ore, tf
P. A. Woolley of Tumalo, was
in Hend Monday, He has moved
from his ranch to the F. F. Smith
building in Tumalo.
The Church Hazaar will be open
every afternoon this week, Come
and sec the new articles that have
been placed 011 exhibition.
Get a Parker Lucky Curve foun
tain pen for the Xtnas gilt at Pat
terson's Drug Store,
Artistic Hend souvenirs at the
Patterson Drug Store.
The Mexican goods will be on
exhibition at The Haaar Thursday
He sure to attend the Christmas
Hall to be given Friday, Dcccmbtr
23, nt Linker's Hall by the Hend
Concert Hand.
Rev. Fr. Luke Sheehan, one of
the Capuchin llrothcrs who visited
Hend early last spring, has returned
to this place to remain permanently.
Iivcryone should make it a point
to attend the school entertainment
to be given at Linstcr's Hall Fri
day afternoon between two and
Wanthij Job work of any
kind, by contract or day's labor;
nlso light tcumiug. Call on Wal
ter Taylor, McGillvray house,
Lytic Addition. 39tf
Rawc's Kconomy Store has n
very attractively arranged Christ
mas window. It is a winter scene,
with the buildings and ground
covered with snow.
An Iullson phonograph or Victor
talking machine would make an
excellent talking machine. Drop
into Patterson's Drug Store and
hear the new records,
We want contracts for pulling
juniper trees new outfit, experi
enced men and right prices. Call
on or write II. A. Raudenbush,
Priuevllle, Ore., II. Wilson ranch.
39 41
C. K. Morris is building a five
room house, with bath, on lot 7,
block 5, Deschutes Addition. He
expects to hnve the house finished,
and ready to move into by the first
of the year.
T. K. Duffy came over from
Prineville today to spend Christmus
here with V. A. Forbes He re
ports that quite n crowd will come
over with the football team for the
game, next Monday.
Construction work on the ditches
for the Deschutes Laud Co., above
La Pine, closed down last week for
the winter, but will be resumed
again in the spring as early as the
weather will permit.
The wood that makes heat is
that bought of F, M. Carter, who
gives full measure, and you only
pay for what you get, I can cle
liver on short notice. Leave word
at A. M, Lara's. F, M. Cautmk.
Roscoe Howard left for Portland
William Kveriuguam of Rostand,
wot in Hend Monday.
Mother of Pearl manicure sets at
Patterson Drug Store.
Try the Peerless Prcsscry at the
R. M. Smith Clothing Co. 3tf
Ralph J. Legat, son of John Le
gal, has gone to Portland to work.
R L. DeCourcy and wife from
The Meadows, were in Hend over
Dr. U. C. Coe, J. M. Lawrence
and Frank Robertson left for Port
laud Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Miller left
for Columbus, Ohio. Friday, They
will seud some time in California
en route.
For Sale Team of horses, wogon
ami harness. Will sell separately.
V. I5. Scott, nt Hend Lumber
Co's. mill. 4Mf
He sure to nttend the Christmas
Hall to be given Friday, December
23, at Liuster's Hall by the Heml
Concert Hand.
A sidewalk from the corner of
Ohio and Wall streets, south to the
Public Library, was built during
the past week.
The building on Ohio street used
by Frank Robertson us a garage,
has been moved to the rear of the
Library building.
Wanted Men to cut wood, $2 00
and 2 50 jer cord. Write or see
Wilson & Uddell at Wilson runch,
Powell Duties, Ore. 41-44
Luther Metke wns in Betid over
Sunday. He left Monday for the
Deschutes Canyon, where he ex
pects to do bridge work.
The Bend Steam Luundry will
make n special price for laundering
blankets of 350 n pair, for one
week, beginning Monday.
Stephen Steidl returned Tuesday
evening from Kugeue, where he
has been attending school, to spend
the holidays with Ills parents.
The Pilot Butte Inn has been
wired for electric lights, There
urc three lights on the porch and
a large light over the sidewalk.
S. C. Caldwell, O. C. Heukle
and C. M. Davis left for Portland
Snturdny morninc. They drove
the luater's team as far as Shaniko,
Harr) Turpin is now sole owner
of the Gents' Furnishing Store in I
the Davics building, having pur
chased Henry G Whitsett's inter
est in the business.
The Bend Concert Hand gave an
open-air concert in trout of the
Pilot Utittc Inn Sunday. A cli
mate that will crmit out door con
certs on December 18 is a good
advertisement for Hend.
The Oregon & Western Coloni
zation Company of St. Paul, Minn.,
has issued a neat booklet, describ
ing the resources of the country in
cluded iu the military road grant
from Albany to Ontario, which it
purchased last summer.
C. I. Bozell has bought lots 7
and 8, block 30, Park Addition,
from the Bend Townsite Co. He
also boucht the buildings on the
railroad nght-of way iu block 29,
Hend, and is now hnving the build
ings moved to the lots just acquired.
Bundles received ut Bend Steam
Laundry on Monday before noon
will be ready tor delivery Thurs
day a m; Wednesday before noon
ready for delivery Siturdav a m
Bundles after Wednesday noon will
not be delivered until the next
The regular subscription rate to
the evening Telegram is $5 n year
The Bern! Bulletin will give you
subscriptions from date to January
t, 1912, for 5350. New subscrib
ers can get The Bulletin and the
Telegram for 4 75 for a year. Get
in on this while it lasts. tf
I'or Sai.k I.umhur We have In our
dry "lied 80,000 feet of finUhed lumber,
all lze tuiil kinds from 1 to 34 iuclira
In width, AIho door and window jam.,
window stools, building iIiIiikIcs, etc.
We can make arrangements to deliver
anywhere. Send u your orders. J. N.
Mujtcu Lumber Co., Kolaml, tf
Fifty dollars will be paid for in
formation leading to the arrest and
conviction of anyone illegally cut
ting juniper trees on lands within
the Pilot Butte, Oregon Irrigation
or Hetiham Fulls segregations.
Junler wood is n vnlunble ap
purtenance to these lands and must
be preserved lor prospective settlers
who intend to file thereon.
40-43 Bend, Oregou.
Library Club meets.
The Ladies' Library Club held
a regular meeting Tuesday after
noon, and made preliminary ar
rangements for a dance to be given
1 at Liuster's Hall on January 14
The order fcr the books to be placed
on the pay-shelf was sent Tuesday.
The next meeting of the Club will
be held on Tuesday, January 3
Wishes You a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
NLY three more days until Christmus will be
ushered in, when the spirit of goodwill and
goodfellowship will rule over all the land for at
least one short day. It Is our sincere wish that it
will indeed be a Merry and Joyous Christmas for
all those living in this vicinity. Our section is
about to enjoy n great development und may
Peace, Happiness and Prosperity knock often it
each one's door during the New Year of 1011.
Next Door to Postoffice
Builders' Supplies
Doors, Sashes, Paints, Glass, Builders' .
Hardware, Roofing. Everything you
need for your new House or new Store.
Wall Street, Wall Street