THE BEND BULLETIN VOL, VIII JJHNI), OKKOON, WEDNESDAY, IJKC 21, 1910. NO. 41 I LIQUOR NO LIMIT PLACED ON TI1I2 NUMBER OP SALOONS. Council Restricts Location and He (ulroa Clear (Unit Window, No Screen or Partitions Library Hoard Receives $S per Month At the meeting of the Common Council held taut evening. I). M. Davis ww appointed Mnyor pro tern, In the absence of Mayor Cald well. The liquor llceiuc committee, ap pointed ut the lust meeting, sub milled a draft of 11 promised ordi nance, which wan read for the first time. On the motion of Seller, seconded by Hunter, the rule were suspended and the ordinance wan read the Rccoud time. After u brief discussion, the ordinance wus passed, Onclll, Hunter, Seller, Ovcrturf unit Triplctt voting in favor of it, and Kclley against it. The ordinance follow the recom mendations made nt u previous meeting; the license in placed at $1000, and the licensee must give a Mircty bond for $1000; no license will be granted fur saloons on any Ntrcct other than Hand, except In liona fide hotel having 30 or more sleeping rooms; all saloon must have open front, with clear gluss window, which must not be more than five feet above the sidewalk; no screens or partitions which would obstruct a clear view of the interior are to be allowed. Sunday doting and the prohibition of gam bling are also embodied in the new ordinance. After much discussion in regard .to the course that should be taken, Hugh O'Kotic was granted a near- beer license to January 1, 1911, for the bar in The Hotel Haul. The Recorder was authorized to draw a warrant the first of each month, beginning January i, 191 1, for $5, payable to the Library Hoard. This was done in lieu of the fact that no library tax was levied, a the application to the Council for financial support wa not received in time to be included in the general levy assessed December I. The Council adjourned to De cember 27. Redmond Consider Saloons. At the meeting of the city coun cil at Redmond several recommcu- CHRISTMAS Pounds Sterling for Great Britain and Ireland; Francs for France, Belgium and Switzerland; Kroner for Sweden, Norway and Denmark; Roubles for Russia and Poland; Kronen for Austria Hungary; Fintnarks for Finland; Marks for Germany; Rupee for India; t Lire for liy, Yen for Japan; And last, but not least, THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR We Sell Exchange For Them All The Deschutes Banking & Trust Company Of Bend,, Oregon "Conservative Banking fop Conservative Poople;" h. II, 11AIKI), I'res. J. W. MASTltRS, Vice I'rcs. M, O, COR, Cashier, datlous to lc Incorporated into n new ll(uor license ordinance were iniide. The number of saloons Ik to lc limited to three nt the present time, mid If) to k nllowcd to in acinic nt the rule o( one for euch iiddltlonul 350 imputation after Jiiuuiiry, 1911; the license wus rccouimctidcd to le $Hoo, with it ft 000 bond. .Sunday closing and the prohibition or all gambling in suloons, except shaking dice or playing curds for drinks or cigars, urc alio to be embodied in the new ordinance. A10NKY1NHOG RAISINO I. V. Chapman Receives Largo Re turns Veal Calves Alarkct Well, I. V. Chapman, of Chapman tiros., rancher in the Sister lo cality, lust week sold to the Union Market, in Ikud, six hog for f l J7 95- Mr- Chapman staled that the actual cash outluv to market these hoi! was onlv 21 40. ex pended for the grain used to fallen tlicm. The additional cost of raising the Ikk's wis suml!, as they were pas lured on allulfa and fed rutabagas and carrot. Mr. Ctiamnan also brought in two young veal calves, belonging to Fred Wclsc of Sister, which brought a fancy price, $29.50. PRINEVILLE ELECTION Dullness Administration Candldatea for Mayor and Council lilected The city election at Princvillc, Monday, resulted in the selection of Dr. Charles S. Edwards an mayor, and 0. W. Noble, I. W. Ward anil C. I. Winnck as council men. There was but one ticket in the field for the ubove office. Toseoh KeUo wa elected marshal by is votes, the other two candi date being Al Yancey and John urceuing. k. w. weese ucicatcu Frank liarue for recorder. Club Directors Meet. The directors of the Commercial Club met in President Forlca' office last night, all of the directors being present. Secretary Spencer was in structed to correspond with William Mc.Murray, general passenger agent o( the Hurrimati lines ut 1'ortlaud, ill regard to the railway company and the Commercial Club uniting in the publishing of advertising matter ubout the llend country. He was also instructed to learn the approximate cost of getting out an advertising pamphlet. The club will meet again as MXn as tne Sec retary receives a reply from Mr. Mc.Murray. Austrlans Are Pined. Spa&e Vukitia wus fined $15 yes terday afternoon for passing liquor to a prisoner confined in the city jail. This is the maximum fine that can be imposed according to the state statute, which is the same us is imposed by the city ordinance. Mike Levich wa lined wo, ttie charge against him being drunk and disorderly. Both case were tried before Judge Hills. GREETING CHRISTMAS PLAY OPERETTA "TABLES TURNED" TO HI; PRESENTED. Bend Public School to (live Christmas Party I'rlday Afternoon at Lin ater'a llall-Cubllc Is Invited to Attend. The public is cordially invited to attend a Chifstmas party to be given in Muster's Hall, Friday afternoon, from two to four by the Iieuil Public School. Admission will l? free, Among the amusements provided, an ofwretta entitled "Tables Turned," will be rendered by the school children. Tlie pluy tells the story o( two children who, wander iug about and finding Santa Clans discouraged and disheartened from over-work, decide to give him a royul Christmas party. To aid in this festivity, the children of nil nations assemble. Jack Frost with his sprites and a snow ilakc chorus urc also there. Santa enjoys a de lightful time and is presented with a huge slocking containing Christ mas Joy, a present from the chil dren. The operetta closes with a pretty star tableau, telling the sweet old story of "The Child of Bethlehem." The cust of the play is as fol lows: Two mortal children who have sought out Santa Claus, Norman Calvin Smith; Dorothy Marie Bro-Jtcrhaus. Sanra Claus. Christmas Joy. Jack Frost Karl Culp. The White Cat Howard Young. Chorus of Frost Sprites Minnie Muster, Marion Sather, I-ois Trip lctt, Leonora Matheson, Mamie Chirk, Grucc Robinson, Inez Hates, lilva Fleming, Dorris Pattic, Bessie Smith. Chorus of Snow Flakes Viola llrowu, Edna Moc, I.a Nora Morris, Louise Triplctt, Claudic Triplctt. Gladys Sather, Elsie Horn, Helen Downing, Ida Niswouger, Myrtle Johnson. Chorus of the Children of the Nations Hu7.en Grant, Kenneth Lane, Lawrence Keisdorfer, Doyle Syudcr, Kutn Fleming, Mary Bo zell, Hdith Vinyard, Coral Hates. Pages for Santa's Stocking Francis Kedficld, Roland Sellers, Hugh Kelly, Lester Smith. The citizens of Bend have been very generous with their help in connection with this party. Henry Liustcr has kindly given them the use of his hall free. Through Frank Robertson, the Uend water, Light & Power Co. has generouly consented to supply light for the afternoon. Mrs. Z W. Ltndborg. who has been faithfully playing the accompaniments, will aid in the playing and sinking. New Teacher Appointed. At the meeting of the School Hoard held at Chairman Triplett's store Saturday-evening, C, U. Cutt ing was chseii as teacher of the Young school, This school, which wus authorized by the voters of the district on December to, is to be located about five miles from Bend on the Priuevitle road, The new school will open on Monday, Junuary 2, or on January 9, and is to continue for four months. The salary of the teacher will be $60 per month, but the district docs not have to incur any expense for house rent, fuel or janitor service. Max McGillvray was allowed 2.50 per month for janitor work at the Arnold school. The following bills weie appro ved, and ordered paid: Warren Wltcelock, lalior f 1. 00 N, 1', Smith, hardware supplies... 9.74 H. A- Hfttlier, hardware supplies,, 4.00 llftul Hardware Co., I room 3.75 I'attcrroii Drug Co., Nov, bill i.vao M Iho Freight Trouble. Mnny of the merchants in Hcnd are lamenting the fact that they have Christmus supplies at Skanlko or stuck in the mud on the road to llend. Several loads of height which are known to have left Shnnlko before the middle of lani month have not yet been received in Uend. That some of the loaded wagons have been abandoned, and the con tents appropriated by passers-by, seem to be accepted facts by the merchants. TO EXTEND LI HILL ANNOUNCES 0REC10N TRUNK WILL BUILD SOUTH. Route Ueyond Bend Not Yet Certain Announces That Hallway Publicity Work Carried on lias Been Very Successful. Encouraged by the business con ditions in Orrgou, James J. Hill, the railroad builder, who arrived in Portland Wednesday night, an nounced the eventual extension of the Oregon Trunk Line from the present proponed terminus at Bend; the extension of the United Electric Railways to the coast, and the ulti mate consolidation of nil the Hill roads radiating out of Portland into one large corporation similar to that formed by the Harrimun lines a few weeks ago. Mr. Hill arrived on a special train that operated through from St. Paul, starting there Monday afternoon. He is accompanied by George U. Harris, chairman of the board of directors of the Uurlington system; W. P. Dean, director of Great Northern; W. H. Dunn woody and E. C. Cooke, capitalists of Minneapolis; Samuel Hill, his son-in-law, who continued his trip to Seattle, and M. R. Browne, his private secretary. Itend Line to Uo llxtended. "We will extend the line beyond Bend," said Mr. Hill, "as fast as the country develops and justifies us in the expenditure. Whether we will build directly south or whether we will strike out in another direction depends largcl) upon the future development of that portion of the state. "We arc trying to call attention to Central Oregon and to help build up the country. We have brouuht in a great many people in the last few years and expect to bring in more All of this will help the business of the railroads and will ciiuhlc us to do the improvement work that we count Uou doing. Thus far we have been encouraged with the success that has followed our efforts to exploit Oregon." On Friday the members of the Hill party took a trip of inspection over the Oregon Trunk Railway up the Deschutes Canyon as far ns Shearer's bridge. They travelled over nbout 46 miles of the new road-bed, mid everyone was well pleased with the construction work that they saw. The road-bed they travelled over imptessed all as being of the best construction, very simi lar to that along the North Bunk Road. TO BUILD TO CRESCENT Construction ol Remaining Section lias Been Authorized by Director. Julius Kruttschnitt, director of operation and maintenance of the Union Pacific and Southern Pucifk systems, has announced that the directors of the company have authorized the road from Redmond to Odell. This line, when con structed, will give the Deschutes road a southern connection with the Klamath Falls-Natron cut-off "The directors of the company have authorized the road from Red mond to Odell," said Mr. Krutsch uitt in Portluud a few days ni;o. "but it is impossible to determine when work will commence. The road will ultimately be built; that is certain. It will open a rich country that at present has no rail road facilities," The road which has b;en author ized will have to pass through the Bend country, and in all probability will parallel the trucks of the Ore gon Trunk Railway. Odell is the old name for the postofllce nt the newly platted town of Creseut, and is ubout 51 miles south of Uend. TO EXTEND RAILROAD Nevadn-Callfornla-Orcgon Railway to Amend Incorporation. A notice of the stockholder' meetinir of the Nevuda-Culifornia - Oregon Railway Avas-publUhed at Reno, Nev., on uec. 14. me notice states that the object of the meeting is to amend the original articles of incorporation of the Nevuda-Californiu-Oregon Railway and to provide tor the extension of the roud a dlstauce of some 500 miles northwesterly from Reno in- t stead of 300 miles ns formerly, I This road is now operating trains from Kcuo to Alturns, in Northern California. It was constructed as 11 narrow gauge road, but the com pany recently completed standard izing the line. At present much of the traffic to Lnkeview is via this line, it being closer than Klamath Falls. Recommends lixcurilon. Seattle, Wash , Dec. 13. 1910. (To the Editor of The Bend Bulle tinsIn talking with several friends in Seattle who are interested in Bend arid the vicinity, I find that without exception, everyone with whom I have spoken is going down to Bend on the hrst train. Don't you think it would be well to celebrate the first train arrival" in Bend in some wa? The cele bration would be comparatively inexpensive as most of the visitors would come to sec the country rather than be entertained. No doubt the railroad could lie induced to run an excursion from Seattle, Spokane, Portland and intermediate points. There would be little questiuu about our train being lilted. If this has already been con sidered it woutd be well to an nounce it very early for in that way it insures an open field for the town which is progressive enough to anticipate this event. Yours very truly, John R. Booth. TO CELEBRATE XMAS Tree at The Baptist Church Satur day Evening. Over $75 has been pledged for the Christmas celebration to be held at the Baptist Church, Saturday evening, December 24. J. I. West is securing the subscriptions, and hopes to have over $100 to spend in making an enjoyable Christmas Eve for all of the children in aud about Bend. This is to be a celebration for all, and those in charge desire that every child in the vicinity attend, as there will be presents for all Mrs. Charles Niswonger has charge of the entertainment for the eve ning, which promUcs to be as inter esting to the old folks us to the younger generation. Water User's Ateetlng. The Water Uer's Association will hold a regular meeting Satur day afternoon, January 7, at oue o clock at the Hall over the Bend postoffiec. W. E. SCOTT, 41 42 Secretary. Masons lilect Officer. The Bend Lodge A. F. & A. M. 139, met Thursday night, and elected the following officers: C M. Redfield, W. M.; C M. Trip lctt, S W.; J. D. Davidson, J. W.; W. B. Sellers, Treasurer aud H. C. Ellis, Secretary. The installation of officers will be held on December 27, at the Masonic Hall. All Masons and their families are in vited to be preseut at the install ation ceremonies. TWELVE j The First National Bank j y& OF BEND. BEND. OREGON (jjp 5&C Or U. O. 00e, fr-ldnl E A. SATHER. Vlc Prtlldont tfC If O. 8. HU080N, ChUr If J VLSi' Capital fullr paid ".5.000 VLgLi 8-ockholcUrf llabllltr 826.000 JtS? fTON 8urolut as.OOO 'l OF PROSPERITY 1Wc confidently believe that the head ing of this column will be literally real ized in 191 1. It will come in varied degrees to all of us, but each will have the making of his share in his own hands. Prosperity is what we net from the re sult of each day's work. The degree of prosperity enjoyed is measured by our ability to spend les than we earn and accumulate the balanc in a bank account a certain amoun from each day's earnings. lIThis wants to go on record as be iug willing to aid and ttbet every effort of its customers to share in the prosperity which we feel sure the New Year will bring. 11 Open an account now. Make larger deposits if you already have au account. - It - will - prove - very - DIRECTORS: U. C. COIt It. A. SATHl'K C. S, HUDSON P. 1'. SMITH II. C. ULUS fogrVJfo.y'Jfojpyfojii MyjMl FOOTBALL ME PRINEVILLE VS. BEND ON BASEBALL 0 ROUNDS. Many Old Players to Participate Team Holds Signal Practice To night Football Squad to Give Dance Monday Night. That Bend will ee a football game next week, is now assured. R. L. Brewster of Princville, has accepted a challenge to briiit over the best team that he can secure to inset an "all-star" aggregation of Bend player. The game will be played on the baseball field Mon day afternoon at 2. Ralph Poindexter has been choseu manager of the Uend team, and M. S Latin will serve as coach. As the Bend manager has to pay the traveling expenses of the Princ ville team, an admission fee of it. cents will be charged. A dance lias been arranged by the football squad for Monday nieht. nt I. in. ster'a Hall, the music to be fur nished by Knapp's Orchestra. The personal of the team has not been arranged as yet. A signal practice was held Sunday afternoon, and A. M. Prinzle was elected captain. Another signal practice will be held at Linster's Hall to night. As several of the Bend nlavers arc old-time "stars," it is probable mat me game Monday will prove very interesting. The line-up of the team will be chosen from the followine: P.W. Brackett. R. H. Gould, U. C Coc, Ray Wilkinson. w. w. Iaullcner, H. F. Kcpple, Fred Van Matre, Willard Houston, Max Richardson. T. T. Thnl-irnn. A. R. Dorris, Jay Holcomb, A. M. Prinsrle. Ivan McGillvrav. Arthur Seeley, F. M. Connor and N. P. welder. JNcw "Exciter" Arrives. The Bend Water, Light & Power Compauy received a new 14 kilo watt "exciter" generator last Fri day. It was made by the General ulectric Company, and will replace the 30 kilowatt 'exciter" now in use at the power Mation. Some time ago an armature coil bunu-d out of the one now in use, and the city was without lights while it was being repaired. A large quantity of wire was aNo received. The wiring of severnl buildings will now be resumed, The supply of wire was exhausted some time ago and all wiring had to be stopped. Band to dive Danco. The Bend Concert Band will give a dance at Linster's Hull next Friday night. As this will be the first dance at which the band has played for several months, a larne crowd is expected. Knapp'n orchestra will play part of ths evening. MONTHS satisfactoi "KKI III -iH.JP III J jfetyjy vi tPj)k $$