(Wa urniH LAW OF ESTRAYS POSTINQ, APPRAISAL, FILING, ADVERTISING, SULLINQ. Abstract of tho Oregon Statutes on tho Subject Heavy penalty for Taking up Animals and not Observing the Law. In view of the fnct that tnnnx people do not understand the pro cedure to clear title to ettr.iy mi itnals, the following abstract of tin Oregon statutes oti the subject art Klven: Householders nbout whoe prem ises any estray tnny be in the habit of running at large may tuke til the animal and shall immediately trust notices in three public place 10 the county giving a descrtpttoi of the animal. Only breachy m vicious animals can be thus taken up between April and December At the expiration of 10 days, it in owner appear, the uker-up shall mike a sworn statement to tht nearest Justice of the Peace, where tjpon the Justice shall appraise tht estray and send notice thereof to the County Clerk, who shall make J record of the same. If the ap praisment be more than $15 notice shall be published. Six mouths n'tter filing the notice with the County Clerk the estray shall be void at the request of the finder, b the sheriff or constable, at publu auction, alter notice posted in three public places for 10 days. The proceeds of the sale shall be ap plied to paying all lawful expenses and the balance deposited with the County Treasurer for the benefit ol the common school fund, though the owner may receive such bal ance upon submitting satisfactory proof of his claim within one year. Of course, if a claimant appear at any stage of the proceeding and submit satisfactory evidence of ownership and pay all legal claims be is entitled to the property. Vicious or diseased animals or those kept for breeding purposes do not ordinarily fall within the classification of estrays. Nor do an imals against which a lien for keep has accrued by authority of the reputed owner. In such cases a different procedure is provided. If any person shall take-up, keep or use any estray without complying with the provisions here outlined he shall be subject to a fine of $10 to $100 or imprison ment six months, and shall be liable to the owner in double the value of the estray. Settlers Near Rolyat. Rolyat, Or., Dec. I a In addition to the name of actual settlers in thU neighborhood recently given in Tbe Bulletin tbe following have homes here: AIlss May Hall, Mitt Clara B. Sidwell, MU Luella Sidwell, A. Frazer, V. Prater, B. Van Lake, Kenneth Thomp son, L. P. Ball, J. B. WbiUker, II. C. Miller, A. S. I'okr. M. L. Peck, L. C. Peck, P. E. Coon, J. Zeroll. We bave splendid weather now. There is about three inches of snow yet. It is KoingofJ gradually and makes travc. bard on account of tbe roads being soft. Up-Rlver Note. Tus Mbadows, Dec. 11 J. B. Saw. bill was in Bend last week making final proof on bit homestead 00 Big River. Mrs. C. W. Klrkbride and son left for Portland Saturday morning via Sban iko to spend the holidays with relatives. Mrs. M. J. Main entertained a number of her friends at a dinner party on vVritiicwIay. Aiuung thine present : Mr xud Mrs. Ralph Caldwell Jli. ami u. W. Shriller, Mr. and Mrs. Ucrt Calwell, Mrs. C. W. Kirkbride. Pred C. Huey and James Kirkbride. G. W. hrlner was In Bend last week. Two Sparring Uouta. The sparring exhibitions at Mins ter's Hall on Monday evening wen witnessed by a house of about 200 The pidiminary between "Stncb Kid" and "Scott'y" went foui rounds, and ended lira draw. The match between J. Utce and Eddie Cuff went the full 10 rounds and also ended in a draw. Arthur Seeley refereed both contests. Lost, Strayed or Stolen. On or about the 24th of Sept from off the range near tbe Milli can Ranch in Crook Co., Ore., an English (imported) bay Shire Stal lion, described as follows: Whitt strip in face, front feet white to knees, white spot behind left fore leg underneath body, heavy maue and docked tail.- $ioa.-ward-willbtJ paid for any information leading to the recovery of this horse. Ad dress Gkokgk Milucan, -j ,' Prineville, Ore. I'OR SALB Thoroughbred Buff - Rock rooster. Enquire at post-1 office. 40 I .. miiiiiiimniMJ CYCLONEJORMATION. Th Msehanleal Laws Aw tha 8am as In n Whirlpool. Any oin can mnist the ox net counter part "of n cyclone If lit tu dealrv. Of couroo n cyclone Is canned by the nlr over a 1Ir area KettliiK warm nnd light with nmall prvaniirv. ThU nlr ronnrMUcntly trior to rlo alumni In body and lenxcn a partial vacuum be hind, but the otitnlde cold air runhet In from nil sides. Now, It l n nclen tine and mechanical tnith that when 11 'uld runs In frmi all nlden toward n (Oiitrnl point It ciiunen n whirlpool or rotation of the fluid. The 'ajt mini opy of a cyclone, then, iilthotiih with the fluid water Instead of air. In seen when the stopper Is pulled out of the bottom of n basin full of water. An almost perfect vacuum, an far as the water In concerned, Is en 11 mil by the water Immediately over the stopper ni mi 1 11s out. The rent of the water rushes. In front nil directions, and 1 whirlpool In the result. There In one difference hero from the air cyclone. In the air the force with which It nishen toward the center ureatly com presses the nlr whirling at that point and make It very dense no dense, in fact, thnt a straw carried In tho cen tnl whirl can be driven Into a bis block of wood without bending. Of course In a whirlpool the water In not compressed, remaining practically the name In dennlty nil tho time. That In one highly Importnut property of water; It In practically Incompressible. Nevertheless It Is very Interesting to sec the whirl form In a baaln and know that the mechanical lawn are tbe name as In the formation vf a cy clone many miles wide. Harper's Weekly. NEW JERSEY TEA. R.d Root, That Did Good S.rvlca In Revolutionary Days. You housekeepers of tmlay whosefa vorlte brands of Orange I'okoe. Ung llsh Breakfast. India and Ceylon, etc., diffuse their fragrance oer your tea table would hardly suppose that tea. or, rather, a fairly good substitute for It, was onco made from tbe leaves of one of our prettiest New Jersey wild flowers. Vet so It wan In tbe old tur bulent days of tbe American Revolu tion, when they bad so much trouble over tbe Imported article and used various beverage as substitutes for that to which they bad become accus tomed. New Jersey tea, or red root, as It In also called. Is a low growing ahrub with many branches, seldom over three feet high, and la fouud from Canada to Florida, growing usually In dry wooded sections. It Is very abun dant In New Jersey, for which It Is named. It blooms profusely In July and Is so showy, with Its many pan Icled white blossoms, as to be quite worth a place In tbo gardens as an ornamental shrub. It ban a dark ret root, with leaves downy beneath an very much veined, by which It Is ensll distinguished from tbe pure tea. At Infusion of tho leaves prepared In tin sanio manner as the genuine artlcli kss somewhat tbe taste of ordluar) grade of tbe tea of the orient, but b sot supposed to possess any of lt stimulating properties. Exchange. Bulwar Lytton and HIa Chorus. Tbe Princess Ton RacowlUa met Bulwer Lytton In the Riviera toward tbe end of the fifties. He was then she says In her autobiography, "pant bis first youtb; his fame was at Its teulth. lie seemed to me antedilu vian, with hi long dyed curia and his old fashioned dress. He drenscd exact ly In the fashion of tbe twenties, with long coats reaching to the ankles, knee breeches and long colored waistcoats Also he appeared always with a youag lady who adored blm and who was followed by a manservant carrying a harp. She sat at his feet and ap peared, as bo did. In tbe costume of 1S30, wltb long flowing curls, called Anglalses. He read aloud from bis own works, and In especially poetic passage his 'Alice accompanied bins with arpeggios on the harp." A Tr.. Climbing Dog. A government official 111 IUrarlacoa nected with tbe forestry department has a wonderful dog. which Is as clev er at climbing trees as a cat. If bis master fastens a handkerchief up la tbo treetops the animal will clauitxr up after It lu the nimblest way and never falls to bring It down. He was taught by his mother, who wan famous as a tree climber. Tho clever animal has won sereral medals by his ex traordlnary talent and takes particular delight In climbing silver birchen, not tbo easiest tree In the world to Male, for tbe trunk is particularly smooth and slippery. Wide World Magazine. KfndntM W Antmals. "What I believe In," said Mr. Bras tus Pinkly, "is kindness to dumb aui ranls." "Yes," replied Miss Miami Drown. "I bos byubed dat some folks kin llf a chicken off de roos' so gentle an' tender dat he won't bave bis sleep disturbed ska'sely none." Washington Star. Tha Alternative. Flag My wife want a new silk dress. Fogg Are you going to let her bare It? Flgg-Ycs. It's a caso of ellks or ulks. Boston-Transcript.- Unreasonable. Mrs. Bbarpo (severely)-Norah, I can And only seven of these plates. Where are the Other Ave? Cook fin anrnriul Sure, muni, don't ye make no allew. once for ordinary wear an' tear I .JUteM, 1 MEN'S TOGGERY Has a Full tine of Warm Winter CLOTHING for Men RUBBERS OVERSHOES and i: iT Rubber BootsjJ Merchant Tailoring a B&Specialty. ttafib. R1QHT PRICES RIGHT QUALITY A. L. FRENCH EPKSi Liniment is prepared expressly for the needs of horsemen and ranchmen. It is a powerful and penetrating lini ment, a remedy for emergencies A soothim embrocation for the relief of pain, and the best liniment for sprains and soreness. Unequalled for healing wounds and injuries caused by nAUHI'.D WIRH and for all cuts and bruises, racific Horse Liniment is fully guaranteed. No other is so good or helpful in no many ways. If it fails to natisfr, we author iie all dealers to refund the purcba.se price. Extra large bottles 30 cents. HoVT CHKUiCAt. to , ronianu, ure. M CALIBER MODEL 1910 Self-Loading Rifle It Strikes ABkwof2038lbs. 'Thia new Winchester shoots a heavier bullet and hits a harder blow than any other recoil operated rifle made. ' It is more powerful than the .30 Army, of big game hunting fame. The loading and firing of Ihis nfle are controlled by the trigger finger. It rluTS-UKE-THB IMMHEROP TIIOR-L Stud for lltuitrattd circular tally iif-ilbmt IAi m tllli vhuh hat Urittlh ant power ptui. WiCItESTFB BrJEATIMI Ami co 1 New lb ten, Conn., 0, S. A. - i ,t i,tT, TfrttiMTr, MMIWMtadMMAlMMLMrfa IsLLLBLvAbsBsJsjJB BaBaattCEflHtaMBkVtvL ssafa . LiTurst-cuvm1 flC llOKOfcW, , WP -- wimmsm m NOTICK FOR MiMGATION. In the County Cuml for Cuwk Comity, Oirsou- Niillcr of ll "I l.srnl ty AOmlultllsllU In llir mlltr or lli tltUtr ul Ann It HlrfU, llfWlKll Nnlli U hrrtfliv ulvvll that I. ItVA Ktrrlf . ilmtn( ulilt ul 'lit KaUlc of Ann It Mctlr. ltovrMil, vlll nil l inlvulv ! si my nl .IHK nrr NMMta, triHik vuiiniy. iiirnn, nrr Drvemticr lltl, Uli), III lolluwlnrl liltKtlll irortly, to wit ih iwulli linir ul Hit uuillf i-mUHlnttrr ml the oiilh lull I'f llir imttliHral ivmitt urtrvtlim lylil IS). In luwimlili llilrltrii ii)a.iiilli, iiit lcm til) It."' Mi 'l Hi oiilh linff ul llir nurihwiM iiiilrr sinl llir mlliwrtlqiuilirtit 111" illinium! iiltr( ami Ihr nuiltiil quallrr uf llir uiitlinrt inllrl I .lion iwrniv uliir (wl. Inluwntlilii lutir lull I4), Kiiilli, mnur ten tlu) It , W M In rAiiiiilUnr Willi mi outer r llir Cuniit) Cuulliircruok Ciiiinly, Dirmui, niailr mnt n tritil un ul ulutil Niivriiilirt Jill, Iviu HVA A hTKKI.lt, . nimlnlittiiUli ir the llttr ur Alum K Mcrir, Iikhiilakii (t rMK. Atloinrj Tor ltllt I lt iiIjIIctIIuii .Sue lis lyiu 4 CONTKST NOTICK." lieimilmciilurilie Inlnlui. U.H Un.Uimve. The IUllr, Ocrnini, Nur 17, into. A iiltitlrnlmiitrtl MtnUvii lmliit lirrn hint in (tilt uitire hy Isinr tl Keniinly, Cumc.nnt igalml huiiitilrail rntry, Nn urulj me Mmcli i. win furuwu nil U nwu h' 4 l'H 1 4- u Hee J, r l?,K 11 H , W M ,by Ull inn 1, MWri, Cunlnltr, In which II allrgiil llutHhl William L VMIilrr haa wh, lly ulwu liineil Hlit liart ami haa tirvrr ralaliluhritiral Irncelhrirun nut iiilllialril the Mine In an way whatever Ihal Mill Kllriiril aliaeiKV waa n 1 luetu In riiipluvtiKiil In lite army navy in marine ruf ul llir I'lillnl Hlalia In lltnr il ar. aalil iMtrllra Me hrithy nullflr.l loaiirar rranuiiit ami ulTrr evltlrnveloiivtilnic Ml.t aurna lion al 10 uilovk a in un January 0 tyli lriir II C lltlls, a U ft Cuniiiiluliiucr al hl oilic- lu lirml, Hrrsmi (ml Dial tlual hrarina will I1 ka 111 un January 11 1411. iw oicillie HrnUUr anil Kmmi at llir l'nllr.1 suira Lauil OrfUT In Thr IMlIrr lirrmin The aM mulra.aul haviuf lu a ,rurrarh llt. tint Nmrmlvr 7, Wl. wt lurlh lail 4huh ahuw Ihal after One ilillurnce eruiial wMlreuf lhl notlcr ran nut I mailr, II I iienliy uutririt and illrrrlrtt Ihal uthuutlieb. (vrii liyiltir anil lumirr rtiMUatlun 41 I.OUIN II AKNMMIS. Hrrrlvrl NUTIUK KUlt I'UlililUATlUN IXiiartinrnl ufthr Intrtlur I V H lanJIrUlceatThr llallri. Or .Vovemlxr v ll a. Notice la arte by rlrru thnt - I lllle luira. if Iteml, Orraun, whu, un July II, lu7. madi Drxti I auj rnlrr Nu fuu (tVrul No wo), M irW irK Sec U T la H . H II It . W M . ha Jlnl nutlcr ul luleullun to make I'lnat I'iihi( oealabllth claim luthr taml above ilerilatl rfure II C Kill. V K CiunmlMioiirt.at Hri.il Ileum, on the lyth ilar uf llecetittirr. lulu Clalmaul namraaa wllnratra Charlrall bwal try, au.l Jamr K Iknhain uf IjMllaw. Or A4u t w MiHiKIt, Hrulrr California Is the place to vlnlt. Omngc groveit in full lilootn, tropical flowen, fntnmii lioleN, hhtoric Old Mlv ..10111, attractive walering places, (Icliglitful climate, making that favored itctimi the Nution'i limit iopti lar retreat. You can .sec it at its best via the Shasta Route and "The Road of a Thousand Wonders." Southern Pacific Company Up-to date Irnins, firnt-clint in every respect, ttticx edited dining-car service, quirk time and dltfct con ncctions to all points south. SPECIAL ROUND TRIP FAIR OF $55.00 Willi corresponding low fares front all other sections of the Northwest. I.IUrul stop-overs in each ilircc tion nnd lony limit. IntrrcstitiK and attractive liter attire on the various rtMirts anil attractions of Cali fornia can be hud 011 u plication lo any S. 1'. or O. R & N. Agent, or Ironi WA1. McMURRAY flencral I'nsscngcr Aj(cnt f Portland, Ore. Speedwell THE CAR THAT DOES THINGS Power, Speed, Durability, Appearance, Economy. A. C. LUCAS, The Pioneer Cull on or telephone us for all kinds of Wood and First Class Shingles. We saw Cord Wood nnd I.inili Wood on short notice. ' Orders Promptly I'illed. DOWNING POWELL, Proprietors. IrjTHBtVHslMaMalBMnHalllMHaHB The Home Land ompany ReEsteantT J HOMESTEAD I Insurance. LOCATIONS. I . I I II I Timber Lands, Irrigated and Dry Farm Lands. il NOTICK K0U PiU.i.KWTION. tlrialtmrul nfllir Inlfllnr. V H Lam! tllhit l.Krlr,ttr . Nov J, ll None i "",,)r1'I" ; uf HiMlsml. Oirsun who, un 'ljy ' ..".'Vlj KaWMkWjft. llunflll W.W llrml, lrriMi, vl the lint il ' IX'"" Win vra.JT'o.?:.n:,;;f.l.vn...;...' New PALACE MARKET Lharlcs lloyd, l'pi. MEATS Vegetables, etc. O. C. IIIHNKLI: HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS Real IHstnte I2xcl.ni.KUS of all Kinds Bend Agent. Wood Yard Palace Restaurant Rooms for Rent Confectionery, I'rult Picnic SuppllcM, Clgarrt J. 1 Taggarl & Co. Ittlllilr nil niitl'IKm Wall ruH-r al I'iiiIUihI 1'iUra N. P. WEIDER PAINTER 5: Paperlianger Clteniirat anil Ural Will I'ttiei 84111 ilo III the iiPillliy. (ict My 1'ltCca llox $) llrml, OrrKon. CITY DRAY CIIAKI.KH nOUTJICN, I'KOI' CITY DttfiY - - ' winiANiiii. 1 vi imiiiMi l.ene your rinlrrs Willi Suk Mintl WallM , IW-lnl mo . Buckley Express Co. Direct I'.xprciw Service tjctuctn Shaniko ami llcntl. Two KIki Kncli way every week Careful Attention. llcnd office nt ('Hot lluttc Unrn l'lionc orders lo Kcdtuoml. No ""J"" CONTRACTING CARPENTERS AND JOBBERS Sutherland (8b Mcintosh 1'IRSr-CI.ASS WORK (1UAKAN1UI.I) USTIAA1HS lUKNISH!.l ON ALU KINDS OIJ WORK Wood! Wood! Now is the time lo order jour winter wood, for the cold nights demand 11 luruc pile of dry wood. Can he honlit of I'. M. Carter nt n rcnsonahle price, tlvlivernl nt any lime Leave orilcis at A M Lara's F. M. CARTER 333 JOHN LEOAT DltAI.HU IN Harness and Saddlery Trunks nnd VjiIIscs Repaired r-ny ii 5. J