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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1910)
fiH lm Ini dMaitol jAf ?fn'n i.iiiTimiA jtYit.h'm J I'lifnidi' iirifirf rii'T' yf-f-r- riyTrrAi7iii a 7 Shopping Days Shopping Days BEFORE CHRISTMAS You want what you want when you want It, don't you? You would like to have first choice of the Christmas goods "The Store of Better Values" has to offer, wouldn't you? Very well then get --- -.--- ,-- busy with your Christmas shopping. -.- DO IT NOW! FOR THE BOYS KINO AMI lUI'J.HS-kliinIptliot 1 7 C model J 1 .OO ,V tlinl moilrU $2 00 .SI, )S- l,ow down model; liravy tf- ? piliil lrrl imiiirK, ,U Hi. lung.. plXD HIrtU 4i In Iuiik $1.73 SAIL IIOATS-l'iiricit model of .omr il llic tlet cup drfeiider ever liillll, Tf at (nun 40c tit O,0J AIR SI lll'H The moat novel mid up-lo dale toy mi the market. Dupllratc In tniuatuieof the monoplane, hlplaiir ami dlHKlblc driven l,y Die world lainouU y j- j -j r-s dilril inrit" mi I iimii tPlo&i? lt O.OU RAKIWN' SHTS-.t plecc-lmvel. hoe mitt ;:vrr.vr,.:,."Ul 25c, 50c, 75c For The Tiny Tads HOLY I'OI.YK A loy.lbat will krrp Die Imby (Ulrt (or hour hI h lrrl,rli, round, ilotli-i-utcrcd IhhIv wrltthlrd ill the Ixitloin II run not lc tipped over. I'ubreiikalile 'It?-, hcl. I'rlre ZDC IIAI.I.S All klnilt anil tire j- 4-n 5Cr In ruhlwr ami cloth (rout.. . .OL LO OOC MDII.DIN'R IILOCKS-A iloeti d ff illKercnl kind l erct 25c lo.. P1.UU TOV ANIMALS l)K. cat, rabbit, ele phant mnl il, cloth coverril ami ran not he torn or broken, at tf f -y pj from 2.1c to PljO NOAM'S AKICS fillnl with animal., jit.t a. lutcrmtltiu ' the )jiiiikI:u now at whrn ou vourtclf were little, at tfj ""V (lomJ.lcto plUU FOR THE GIRLS DIU'.SSIU) DOLLS Ml !vM- of trinity nre repiex-Mrd in our Hiking t-ollt'Clion of hloudta mnl brunette. drcrd in tlothr Hint repretcnt the Iiet word from limlon him) rarl. no two Mull alike, at from $1. 30 to $3.00 DOLL DISIIHS In aeti of unbreakable enamel ware MJinethlnn entirely new, in white, hlor or K'' at per et (fi ET"a from $1.23 to Pv.OU TOV TAIILKS With folilltiK lent, top I5x In, height 17 in, tlning ami j ? durahle, price )l.uSD KXTI'.NSION TAflLHS, Imitation Mark wal mil, ) In 11111, 104 in wide, extend fA from 14 to 19 in, piice OyC For the Wife, Sister or Sweetheart Ik'itutiftil novelties in I'Ycneli Jewelry, exquisite designs in iinnoitt-d neckwear, jiiliots, laee collars, ete; kiinoims in dainty silk or warm llannels; eoat sweaters in a variety of styles and colors; beautiful Japanese baskets and Navajo baskets of genuine Indian manufacture; fancy Aus trian chiii'i; brass ware and hundreds of other practical and ornamental gifts. DO IT NOW! Otic word more Pnrdoti tin if 'c necm iiiHiitcttt but do your ChrlMinu .shopping early. It will be to your ad vantage at well a, our. Our line arc not broken ns yet, so make your clcctiom nml have tlicin to id nwny we will deliver litem uny time So again we recnt DO IT NOW ! For the Men Folks The always acceptable neckwear and this year we have an unusually attractive line; novelty scarf pins and link cuff buttons at $1.00 each; silk-lined mocha gloves at $2.25 per pair; silk mufllcrs nt $1.00 to $11.00 each; plain and fancy hose at H5c 50c and 75c per pair; 25 different kinds of belts at from 50e to $1.00. A trip through the store will suggest many other equally appropriate gifts. THE DOLL CONTEST Two little gitN urc going to be made very happy an Xinni live when we give them the beautiful prize doll. Even If you have no little girl your nelf you can help make Mime little girl glad who might otherwise fare but HMirly an ClirlMma. day. Ak lor the votes, cc that the name 11 clearly written and that they gel into the ballot box. W7V-!l'i'&li BEND, OREGON "The Store of Better Values" This Weeks Friday Special j lh. Tetlev'a Tea, Keytar Jjc S lh, Kunkle' Ocoa, Regular 35c S lh. Kunkle' Chocolate, Hetf. ...... 3oc 3 k Itiinkle'a Sweet Chocolate, Keg toe I Jar I'reL Stock Jam, Regular .ysc Total Keitular Trice y a Special $ l .00 Beginning Monday, Dec. 1 9th SSIf0K!"wniE 9 o'clock BITS ABOUT TOWN. Jtint try the Hultctin Job Printer)'. Oeoriie Cynii of Sutcrs was in Ilcud Monday. Try the !'ccrlc.i, Prcvscry nt the K. M. Smith Clotnim; Co. 3f Iluy $1.35, nntl Rruin $i 50 per 100 pounds, nt Wcnuudy 1,1 very Slnhlc. Ralls on the OieRon Trunk nre now laid to witliin 35 uuleH of Mud run. Por Salic Uotttid, solid oak extension dining tuble. Mks. V. V. Smith. 3f'tr Owen Klne wns In IJcnd Tues day from his homestead on the hiKh "deHert." Innes cc Davidson's modern and well-equipped butber shop should be your shop. 40 II. HiookiiiKS wni in town over Sunday from his homchteud in the Million! locality. O'Donnell Ilroi. nre buildhiK n 75. ton icehouse in the rear of their Wall street market, The Hulletln and Portland live ning Telegram for a full year f,. 35 before next Wednesday. L, D Stephenson and Alfred A Aya of I.a Pine were in Heud Sun day ou'thelr way to Portland. Will buy all fnt cntt'le, calves and hogs ready for market at highest market prices Gno(VK II. CAM Witi.i,, Uend, Ore, tf J. P. Johnson i9 bitllding a istory store-room 33x50 feet, adjoining the Jolnuoii building on Wall street on the south, The wood that makes heat is that bought of V, M. Carter, who gives full measure, and you only pay for what you get. I cun de liver on short notice. Leave word ut A. M,'s. V, M. CAimtR. Juniper poMs and dry wood for ale. lfKltl HUNNltl.l.. 40-43 Try the J'ecrless Prcssery at the K. M. Smith Clothing Co. 38tf WantiU) Team tohnttl lumber. Pilot Uutth Duvjjloi'mknt Co. The line of Mexican goods thnt the Ladies' Guild ordered will be on sale Thursday ut the llnznnr. A. N. Wakefield and G. K. I.a Pnllette of Crescent were in Uend Sunday and Monday attending to Christmas shopping, Wantku One team of young mules, well-broke, wcighlngnbotii 1300 pounds each Chntkai. Ok koon Irrigation Co., Uend, Ore gon. 40 The Uend Lumber Company, composed of A. II, Horn, A. I McNaught, and W, Scott, bought the planer at the Sig Clarke mil on Monday, and now own the en tire plant, A. A. Harris and Robert List o Twin Halls, Idaho, Gco-ge Kinus berry of Seattle and W. C Me Culston of Memphis, Tcnn , have taken up homesteads about 15 miles cast of Milllcan's. On account of the recent disturb ances in Mexico, the Southern Pa cific Company's excursion adver tised to leave Portland December 11th nud 1 3th for Mexico has been postponed. 40 W. R. Wilkinson and K. Merrill are having G. S, Young plat 40 acres of their laud along the Ueur Creek road itito acre tracts. The land is the north half of lots 1 and 3 in section 3, 18-12. Prank Uogtie af La Pine left Uend for his home Tuesday morn ing with n load of freighw When he came down he had expected to go through to Shauiko, but on ac count of the bad roads, only went as far as Prineville, returning with a load of grain. Subscribe for The Uullctin. Mother nf Pcnrl manicure sets at Patterson Drug Store. 40 Wantku Tc misters to haul logs at my place. Jin Hm.vor SON. .jotf V. C. Pish of the Pilot Iluttc Inn left yesterday fir Milllcan's ranch He expects t6 be away about three days. The Church Uazaar will lie open from day to day until Friday eve ning, when the remaining articles will be sold at auction, 40 An Hdison Phonograph or Vic tor Talking Machine would make an excellent Xmas gift. Drop into Patterson's Drug Store and hear the new records, 40 Takkx uv MiSTAKK A black rain coat, from Liuster's Hall lust Saturday evening. Owner of situ ilur coat can exchange by cilling at The Hulk-tin office. O. II. Urcwster, af the engineer ing firm of Urewster it Urewster, was over from Urinevtlle Monday and made arruni;emetits for open ing an office in Uend. Henry Tweet has leased the J II. lleati ranch near Powell Unite for three years. Mr. Ikau expects to leave the first of next month for at) extrusive trip in the Iiast. C J, Kelly. L- V. Davis mid L W. Nelson, all of Seattle, left Tues day morning for the country south of Millicau's ranch. They expect to locate on 3so-acre homesteads. The D. R. Huut,er Realty Co. has leased to J. S. Parminter the 1 Co-acre Teugmau ranch near Pow ell Hutte, Mr. Purmiuter has three jeams plowing the landnnd exect.s to put ioo acres in wheat and 30 acres in potatoes. Get a Parker Luckv Curve Pountain Pen for that Xmas gift ut Patterson's Drug Store. 40 Artistic Uend souvenirs at tht Patterson Drug Store. 40 U N. HofTinau of Vancouver, U C, arrived in Heud Sunday. Ik drove in from The Dalles, hnviuv left on November 30. He leii Uend Tuesday for his homestead south of Millicau's ranch. The magnificent pond which every wet spell produced in Wa I street between the First National Hank and the office of the P. Ii. 1). Co. has been destroyed. The bank and the Pilot Hutte Co, joined forces this week and filled the street to the nroner erode so water will not herealter pile up there. inciuentaiiy a way was provided for the surplus surface water 10 run off to the river. Xmas number of Patterson's Or egouiuu now out. Ue sure to get one. 40 It is time to take that suit over to The Peerless Pressing Parlors uud have it made new again. 35U For Runt Two rooms opposite Postoffice; running water, elec tric lights. Sec First National Hunk. 4Dtf The visit of Santa Clutts to Rowe's Hcouomy Store last Satur day ufterjioon and evening was mi interesting event for the children 01 the town, and dozens of the younv sters, many of them with their pureuts, were on hand bright and early to welcome St. Nick. The boy nud girl who first brought the news to the store of Soma's arrivul -and thus won the pnze$ were Fred Hussett and Cora Hates, u two bluded juck-knife for Master Fred, and a set of china doll dishes for Miss Cora. Many of the little lQlkaVr-)! earnestly told Santrrr what they wanted him to brini: them for Christinas presents and they should dot be disappointed. The Patterson Drug Co. are in business for your health. 40 For Sai.K Six ol the finest lols In Deschutes, level, water by ditch and with city water. Next to new residence. Inquire Hulletln office WANTitl) Job work of nnv kind, by contract or dn's tabor; 1 No light teaming Call on Wul icr Taylor.- McGillvray house, Lytic Addition. 3otf Rend in December Sunset Mag azine, San Francisco The IJxKsi Hon City. Superbly illustrated in Tour colon, Now on sale nt all iii'ws stands, 15 cents. 38 40 Wc want contracts for pulling juniper trees new outfit, experi enced men nud right prices. ,Cull on or write II. A. RnuiU-nbush, Prineville, Ore., H. Wilson ranch. 39 41 For Salic- My fenced and im proved i6o-ucrc ranch one mile vvest of Madras on Little Plain; 525 per acre, one-half down, bel .nice long term, ut 6 per cent Will trade for business in fiend or l.nidlaw. J. Sciili'i'KR, 568 'A Second St., Portland, Ore. tf The regular subscription rate to the evening Telegram is $5 n year flic Heud Hulletln will give you subscriptions from date to January 1, 1913, for ?3 50. New subscrib rs cm get The Hulletln and the Telegram for 4 75 for a year. Get 11 on this while it lasts. tf Notea from Laluinw. I.AIOLAW, Or.. Dec. 11 IMrt N'lchoK auite terioualy injured )eterdny hy falling from the top of a building and l rik IriK upon a larc iplke nail,. The iiail penetrated (the tnutclei of hi lev; to audi an extent at to make a ery ttnful wound. Quite a number of the I.a Id In w ou"K lieople attended the batkel MK-ial idveii 4t Vine llurat achool houte, and report a tpleildid tiuie. G. W. Updike, who hat been quite ill of eryilpelai, it much improved. I. K. Couch and Wife returned Satur day, from.Itaitern WathhiKton, where they spent ceral weeks vUltiun relt- tiveii. At the ltt mettiiiK of the Social!,! Local, J. W. l'eteraon w elected oruau- iier, to Gil the unexpired term of C V Allen. New General Merchandise Store. J. S. Parminter lias lca-cd to Clifford McCutston, formerly of Nashville. Teun.. a itore room 24x60 feet which he will build on the west side of Uond street, nearly opposite the AVenandy livery barn. 1 he building is to be completed by April 1. Mr. McCuIston lias gone to Portland to buy liii stock of goods, nnd will have it in Hend to install ns soon as the building is com pleted. Allllincry and Dressmaking, We wish to announce to the ladies of Hend nnd vicinity that we have opened a millinery and dress making establishment in the Kg glcston building. Wc now have n small stock ofwintcr millinery, and have ordered n large stock of spring nnd summer hats Wc do first-class work in the making and trimming of huts. Mks Chaulim Saltmarsh, 40 Maiiicl Gkrtsjon. The Heud Hulletin and Portland livening Telegram $. 25. THERE'S A DIFFERENCE No Counterfeiter has ever produced a perfect Dollar Hill No Imitator has ever equaled Lilly's and Harke Davis & Co's. Quality Divide men Into cIimcs Dnij glut, I'liyticisnt, Preacher, Manu facturer, eic. Would any man. anywhere under the un be Kul'ty of ayluu thai all druxKt are alike, 'all physician alike, all readier alike, or that all maiiu acure are alike? Jutl a tlu-ie i a difference In ini-n o there I difference in the medicine made by d.flerent manu facture. Remember in practically all our fireieriptlou we have been dltpeu iiU preparation manufacture!! by Lilly and I'-rke Davi & Co., ack nowledged lo have the lar-ett anil bet equipped laboratories in the world for the acientlric preparation of htuh K'de pharmaceutical. Till i one of the many reaton why doctor prefer to have us fill their procriptiou. because there i no KueM wprk about Lilly' and Parke Davis & Co', remedle. They are always the stmt, always the best. Anil the nice thing ,about it, they cott no more than inferior makes. Try u once and you will come aKaiu. Red Cross Drug Company Where Quality Prevails FULL LINE OF Builders' Supplies Doors, Sashes, Paints, Glass, Uuildefs' Hardware, Roofing. Everything you need for your new House or new Store. N. P. SMITH Wall Street, Walt Street DESCHUTES Addition Adjoins Bend on the south. Most beautiful residential sec tion in Bend. REASONABLE PRICES Also Some Choice Business Lois. Timber Lands Bought nnd Sold. HUNTER & STAATS WALL, STREET, BEND, OR.