The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 14, 1910, Image 2

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    "" 'T-ldWW
IfifaU UU 1 BiHW
ALREADY the advance guard of Christmas shoppers has reached our storo, and
each and every one of them has found it the most desirable place in which to do
Lheir Christmas buying. They find it fillled with many, many articles suituble
for gift purposes ranging from the finest hand painted imported China down to tho
tAVO-for-a-nickel toy. Each day sees more and more of theso busy people flocking our
way. The crowd steadily increases as the news spreads throughout tho community of
the many remarkable bargains to be found at Bend's youngest and newest store, tho
store that has created a sensation a sensation due partly to its artistic coloring end
arrangement, but most cf all a sensation due to tho surprising values to bo found hero
a such reasonable prices.
We offer below a few practical helps for Christmas buying, and in passing wo
would ask you if it is not more pleasant and profitable to shop in a place whi-re every
thing is absolutely brand new not a single shelf-worn article everything spic and
span and clean and new. ' The suggestions below are only a few of the scores of Christ
mas articles that you can see at our popular store spaco forbids a full enumeration.
We often hear it remarket! that it is so 'until to buy n Clms-uias gift
for a man To one tint bothered ivc suggest examination ol our
lletltlemeu's fine kid i! loves, each twir in u liiitid.snme holiv Imix u
vi'rv appro; nate g f U? also have s'Uie handsome Mlk uekiies in the latest shade. cmcIi tie ei ll in u
pretty gU box Or if citlicr of these do not MiUsly. what would be better than u fine pair of cutr buttons?
Other articles in our notions department that would make suitable presents are handsome I a k coiulw
and Iwrretts at from 2$e in 40c. Mocking cups at 351 and 40 . sweater coals ior the little lad. ;s , liutiil
sonie bearskin hofds for the da' ut 70c. and mti) . man other items.
Our line 0 Chinaware is the talk of the town. Re
yond question, in equal has neve before been seen
in Crook county. Kvcry piece is imp ried watc.
and includes Mime of the finest French. German
Austri.-yi. Bavarian and Japanese China We have
beautiful hand painted pieces with artist's name on
each; dauit Haviland cuds and saucer aud plates;
and dozens of other pieces that make the very finest
possible present for the wife or sweetheart.
Exquiite gin. plate, hand painted, full blown rocs
and rosebud design; gold
edce; artist's name on each
piece; a remarkable VHlue at
ituteu, tun mown rocs
Gold banded, hand painted, 7'4-in plate, beautiful
clusters of roses and rosebuos; artist's name on
each; elsewhere would cost ou rt 1 Q C
$2 50 to Sj.oo; here only Jra f ,"j
Six-in bread and butter plates; rose designs, pnld
bauded artist's name on each only $1.35
Pickle and olive trays, hand panted, poppv design;
a most appropriate present; $1.25 and $1.50
Salt and pepper shakes, band panned, each 50c
Ffandsome creation in Havilai d China, wreathes of
apple blossoms, gold edge, tet of
six cupt and saucers, only
Half dozen bread and butter plates to match above,
only $4.25
Six cups and saucrto, grape, cherry blossoms and
violet designs only $2.50
Kxquisite Japanese cups and saucers o n 1
each 45c
Laige tray o' "Royal Rudolta It" Prussian China,
beuutiluliy decorated in deli a e rf 1 v
colors , p 1 as3J
Smaller trays, equally as nice, from 15c to... 65c
SiX'inrh decorated Austrian China plates, rose and
holly designs, each only 55c
Large demr-tled vegetable dish, gold banded, rich
red und yellow lose designs, only $1.50
Shell hpe travs, delicate lillias of the valley and
rose designs, eacli only 60c
Handsome vegetable bowls imported China 45c
Sugar and creamer
set, oatmeal bowls
lrry ai.dc.tke sets
Vcinti.iti Iridescent
Ware und g o 1 d
hdiiued glassware,
Come and select a
I rest in redly fine.
Toys for the Little Folks
Since we opened our doors Monday, our toy department has been a Mecca
for the youngsters of the town, us well ns for the parents who are looking for
toys with which to make the Christmas time truly happy for the little oik's.
Our toys have gone soapi(Uyj--aiHlJlliepricesare so reasonable that ul
rendy n few of our lines are nearly exhausted. You should begin your shop
pingat once, before therush is on. We offer a few of the many toys we
have on hand. We know these values will appeal to the discerning buyer.
Horns& flutes
from 5c to
Siren Whistles
Pyramid blocks
Woolly dogs on wheels.....
Mary's lamb
lion tos, horses and carts of various
kinds ..
Iron fire engine
Iron hose cart
Toy bank
Humming tops
Little red rockers that will
1 rest the tired legs of the
busy little man and woman
substantially built only
A smaller one, only,....
Little red chairs, well
durable, only
I.arge. well made rockers, for child
from 6 to 12 cars only
Good sized red table only
Iron automobile
Iron bell los of various kinds
Trotting horse and rider
Columbia hygienic building bUxks.
Teddy bears .
Duster Brown on 'His Travels,
I We
and x
Iron locomotives
Happy Hool'gan and his hose and cart
Little iron range
with frving
and kettle..,,
Handsome set of
China dishes ...
Smaller set
Set decorated
Toy flat iron
Toy dresser .,.,
Toy withstand, wringer,
Coffee mill
tub und
Decorated China cups and saucers A
10c and.....!..., , 45JC
Aluminum cups , 15c
I'aiut xets 10c
Rubber return balls 10c
Rubber whistle balls UOc
Rubber decorated balls 25c
Mouth organs 10 and 15c
Set riugA '. 5c
Toy watches 10c
Toy lr.iim, 15c
ARC picture liooks
Picture story books
Picture story books
Picturcatory books
Linen picture books that wont tear
A-MC blocks
Dissected maps of the United States
Hnmlximr 20 uirh l..ll k'd UmI. patent joint..
11 it uimI hair. Snesl china head (T 7S
eves ocii and ilose only J AC J
IWiuitiMil 1. S inch doll, Iiimk-mI joints, kid I.mI.
natural hair, eyrs o'xmi mih! clow nothloir ik t
elsewhere at so I o' 11 tirke only $1.45
Pine 13 inch drrsrd dwll. IriininiHl lutt, handsome
dnss. full outfit. clsfvvhic 75c $1 J5.ul . 50c
Small dressed dulls, loo und 20c
Doll beds brass ldsteiN. inatlnss. pillows and
overs, only 40c
Doll heads. 15c and 20c
rrVli'tfi'.1 .'.''fy'ii-i.11 ,sU ''.''".
Pictures for the Home
Very handsome Urge panel pictures, gtlt framrs.
brown matting, caili ciicIommI hi hull) O C? r
box, only 0Jv
Small pastoral M:rnes brown wchmI frame, rarli
enclosed 111 holly box only 55c
Hcatitiftil brown etching, water scene only $1,25
Handsome panel pKture. winter sunset ami forest
scene, a remarkable value at $1.35
Numberless other pu lutes from 20c Up
Checker boards,.
Old Maid
Dr Husbv
O'Grndy's Goat .
Jack Straws
Game of Snap .
Ktc. Ktc.
Mirror, brush and . mib set same as cut $1,50
Sterling silver tooth mid finger brush set.. $1,25
Men's fine kid gloves, in holly box $1.75
Teddy lUsax mittens fur little folks, in holly Imix.
pcrpjir 75c
Neckties, from 150(0 75c
Hand painted pin cushions 35c
Perfumeries large bottle in holly box ()c
Perfumeries smaller Untie , 25c
Stationery in handsome holly boxtw 35a to .J()C
Art calendars 15c, locatid M)c
lieurskin child's caps, dainty Ikjivs and riblmus 70c
Slocking cot, .15c and -JOc
Sweater coats for the littl man, only... 75c
Neat dresses for the little girl, only SI 00
The latest in bark combs 15c unit 25c
Handsome harrcttcs, various styles 2.1c
Side combs , 15c
Holly ribbons, .sc n yard and 3 v.iiiIh for 15c
Cards to enclose with Christmas ckages
Santa Clans mid holly designs jnr pkg. 5c mid 10c
Set of Kogi r & Son's silver knife, fotk mid
spoon for the small !xy or girl, only... ,. ..... $1.25
Similar set of silver knife, fork and spoon, only $1 00
The above is only n few
of the many miscellane
ous articles wc have thut
would make excellent
gifts for Christmas time,
Come Early
lr ok over our Mock, and
muke your choke.
Christmas time comes but once a year. Help to make it the happiest of the year by good cheer and gift giving
CHAS. D. ROWE, Prop.
CHAS. D. ROWE, Prop.