The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 07, 1910, Image 5

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r. ii if i i.v
-U Jm
What Shall I Get Them for
Neckties, Mackluaws,
Shccp-Llnnl CoiiIh, Flannel HhirtH
Mulllers -Knife
1'oakct Hooks
lugcrsoll Watches
DtuHH Gloves, Fancy Hose
Holts, Arm Hinds
"Handy" Miililer
Scurf Plus
High T Hoot-.
Pujnmus, Watch, Fobs
Hose Supporter, Navajo HUuktti
Ash Trnyn
Fur Gloves
Warm Cap.
Silk Shirt
CiiiT Buttons
Tool Clients
Hooks, Games
Air Killer
Wind-tor 'Viet
Caps, Sweaters
Wool Gloves
luger.toll Watches
Toy Dogs
Unbreakable Dolls
Noah's Ark. Tops, Bibs
Knit Cups
This is the perplexing (pieslion thiil we nsk
ourselves each year at this time. What
ean I jive them that will he appropriate
and useful and at the same time fit my
poeket hook? As an attempt to help yon
solve the problem we have ventured to pub
lish here a list of Christmas suggestions.
It is necessarily brief and if you eannol
find in it anything .suitable we will be glad
to have you bring your troubles to us per
sunnily. Our stock is large and varied.
Our sales force will be glad to give you all
the help in their power. And last but not
least our prices are moderate considering
.lust think of it Christinas jslesstlian
three weeks away. Are you neglecting
your Christmas shopping?
Continues to be one of ilie most talked of features
of "the Store of Better Value " The two leud
cm in the content .seem to have out-distanced their
nciirc't rivals but we know that only n niiiuII kt
ceulage of the votes ii.iurd have b-en cast. Many
votes arc being licltl until the lost moment and
there is u chance for every one.
wSk's Friday Special
I Can Diamond W Crali rrfulur 40c
l Can Diamond W llxtcr-rrutar. yc
I Can Diamond W Claim -n'Kidar 7
I Can A. & I. Oytcr fcKM'ar ajc
I Can A. it I. Stimuli rrKuUr .joe
Total, rcj-uUr price f t.35
Couch Covers, Lace Curtains
Work Briskets
Gloves, New Dresses
lied Room Slipfwrs
Fancy Collars, Auto Scarfs
Tiss, Sweaters
Necklace and Ickcts
Indian UiskctS
Sofa Pillows
Fancy "China
Brass Candlesticks
Hat Fins, Felt Slippers
Silk Kimonos, Cloaks
Tea Sets
Japanese Baskets
Japanese China
Pierced Brass
Horn Made Rag Rugs
Dolls, Sets of Dishes
Doll Carriages
Boxes of Paints
' Picture Puzzles
Tains, Coats
Midget Watches
Rubler Dolls, Holy Polys
Teething Kings
Rubber Balls
Woolley Rabbits
Bootees, Hoods
There arc less
than 3 Weeks
left in which to
do your Christ
mas Shopping.
There are less
than 3 Weeks
left in which to
do your Christ
mas Shopping.
I Real rut glass, rich mid artistic,
nt I lie Patterson Drug Store. 39
Go lo Itiues & Davidson's mod
ern barber shop for your haircut
and hImvc.
Horn to Mr. nod Mrs, H. K
Allen, an H'i pound girl on Sun
day morning.
There was n brief memorial ser
vice for the late John SIciuorc at
the church last Sunday night, Mr
Slscmore had for many years affili
ated with the Methodist church
and contributed liberally to its sup
port. Postmaster Minor announces that
by a departmental ruling, effective
December 1, return receipt curds
'or registered matter are not to be
issued unless requested. The re
quest should be written across the
W. F. McNaught, W. K. Scott
and A. H. Horn have purchased
the Clarke sawmill and will op
erate it under the name of Bend
I.umlwr Co Mr. Clarke still re
tains the planer und will handle the
product of the sawmill.
Having lately settled in Oregon
would like to hear from owners of
farms, dry or irrigated; grazing or
limber lands. Want something
that will turn into money within
next three or four years. Only re
plies from owners considered. Ad
dress, XX, this paper. 38 39
Sawmill Change at (llt.
CrsT. Or., Dec. 4 Ceorxe II. Knapp
of Madrai hit bought half intereit in
the W. Ilurlchard lawmill. Ira A. Phil
1 1 1 who ha been general manager of
(hit mill has returned to hit home at
.cbation. He expect to move to Santa
Kota, Cat., and k Into the poultry
Kev. Mr. Wilton of Redmond preach
ed at the Gilt tclieot huute Thurtday
1H White it Ikiiy nowr-a-day herding
hi horte on the ran ye.
The Clover Dell neighborhood ha a
number of new tettlert which have built
new home thit fall.
CrooV County has been and it yet par
ing bounty on coyote tcalp. Why not
pay a bounty on jack ralibitt tcalps,
ato? The rule thould work both way.
If uot, why not?
We are having an abundance of rain.
If you wish to have your ex
press and light freight come in
alone with your letters and daily
I papers, have it come in on the mail
.line. Tint Coknktt Stack &
IStaulkCo. 25lf
Real Ustate Transfer.
(I'urnWi'il fijr Crook County Attract Cornpunjr )
jnrties M 1'altoii lo Neva D. I'atton,
'i ne'C, nwjf H "d nrj H .
l.t, 161 1, f
Alex Ilrown anil wile to Jai. i court'
riKht, east Yi of lot lj, 14, 15 mid 16,
blk 2$, Kedmond; f 1573
HeiliiioiHl Tnwnsite Co. to V. ft. l
kiimnt, lot t and 1, blk 67, Redmond;
01 e Hrlrkton to Ilend Tnwris'tc Co ,
rtxi-fo-it square in ne nt4 Sec. 31, 17
12; ft.
Levi I). Wiest and wife to Ilenj. II.
l'etertoii, lot 7 blk in, Wietteria; fan.
Annie Mating to Carl I!, Morris, lots
7 ami 8, blk to, Detchutet Addition,
Hend; lb).
V. Kulp to Marlon I!. Kulp, w
nwX ami nw ',( Sec, ir, 15-10; $10,
Arthur Templeton et l to Matt Ku
lech, lot 7, 8 mid 9, blk 47, Redmond;
M. J. Robert et al to Hdim Tliercsi
Rovrl, Tract Kx-fwl KUre in ne
neX See. 32, 17U; fw.
No Counterfeiter has ever
produced a perfect Dollar
No Imitator hjj s ever
equaled Lilly's and
Parke Davis & Co's.
' Divide men into classet DraK
Kittt, I'hyiiciant, I'reaaher, Maim
lacturert, etc. Would any man.
anywhere under the tun be guilty
of tayintl tbal all drugKitt are
alike, all phyiiciaiit alike, all
preacher alike, or that alt nianu
facturet are alike?
Jutt at tlure i a difference in
mm to there it a difference in the
medicine nude by different manu
facture. Remember in practically all our
prctcripliotit we have been ditpene
inii preparation manufactures! by
Lilly and I'-rkc Davit X Co., ack
nowledKed to have the Uret and
bet equipped laboratory in the
world for the tcirutlfic preparation
of luuh K'ade pliarmaceutical.
Tin i one of the many rcatont
why doctor prefer to have ut fill
their pretcription. becaute there
i no Kuet work about Lilly' and
pjrke Davi & Co', rruiedle.
Ther are alwayt the tame, alwas
the bett.
And the nice thing about it,
they cott no more than inferior
Try u once and yoo will come
Red Cross Drug
Where Quality Prevails
Santa Clatis will virlt liend. 39
Hoscoc Howard returned from
Portland last Monday.
Try the Peerless Presscry at the
H. M. Smith Clothing Co. j8tf
For RUNT Two furnished
rooms, nnquite ISullctln oflicc.
Try the Peerless, Prcsscry at the
K. M. Smith Clothing Co. 3tf
Hated rye hay for sale, cheap, by
J. II. Ueau, Powell Uuttc, Or. 35-39
Nyal's Heliable Household Rem
edies at the Patterson Drug Store.
Hay $1.35. and grain $2 50 per
100 pott ndi, nt Wcnnntly Mvcry
For SAUt Round, solid onk
extension dlnini; table. Mrs. F.
F. Smith. 36tf
A. 0. Tborsou moved into his
new house iu Deschutes Addition
oti Tuesday.
H. A, Ilerkman left for Helling
ham yesterday after upending two
weeks in Hend.
P. W. Urockctt is now working
with KtiRiueer Scott's party on the
Oregon Trunk line its a rodnmn.
Hriug the children to see Santa
Clatis next Saturday uftcrtioon aud
evening nt Rowc'h Hcouomy Store,
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Cal
. Katon, on Tuesday, December 1,
VJ at the Hend Hospital, n 9 pound
Will buy all fat cattle, calves and
hogs ready for market nt highest
inurket prices. -Guovic II. CAM)
Witi.I., Hend, Ore, tf
The Odd Fellows gave n banquet
, last Monday. Officers were nomi
nated to be voted for next Monday.
V, D. Harris was taken into the
An Kastmau kokuk, the Ideal
gift. For sale at Patterson Drug
Co. 39
I. C. Sisemnrc of Fort Klamath,
is iu Hend this week looking after
the affairs of his father, the Intc
John mo re.
The Union Market is building
an ice house, with n capacity of 75
tons, iifthe rear of its store-room
on Hood street.
Miss Veda Williams, who has
been .spending the past year with
her sister, Mrs, J M. Lawrence,
left Tuesday morning for Oregou
Read iu Decerning Siaisct Mag
azine, Sun Fruncisco The Kxtmsi
tlon City. Superbly illuntrated in
four colors, Now on s.ilc nt all
news stands, 15 cents. 38-40
Santa Clatts will visit. Rowe'n
Hcouomy Store next Saturday
afternoon and cvetilug, fr om 3 to 5
and 7 to 9 p. m. Come out and
make his acquaintance. 39
We want contracts, for nulling
juniper trees new outfit, experi
enced men and right pric e. Call
on or write II, A. Ran det.'btish,
Princvillc, Ore, II. Wilsi )ti ranch.
For Salh A splendid six-year-old
fresh cow, at my ranch, 13
miles north of Hend, i ,ml 7 miles
south of Redmond. Pho rreou (anu
Frud Shkrwooi), Rr xSmond, Or
CB' 38-391
Wanted a trunk r orcd some
where in Hend by R.of rt Durfey;
"Uallcy" painted oti s' ltie Owner
will pay storage ou sx mc if notified.
II A Randenbush, o 0f n, Wilson,
Princvillc, Ore. 19.41
Robert Usfc nntl Andrew Harris
of Twin Fulls, Ida 1,0, nre itiHcnd.
They expect to 8end about n
month here look' ,,,K 0Vcr the re
sources of the cd- umry with the In
tention of locntiu s,
Just try the Uulletin Job Printcry.
A. O. Hunter left for Portland
last Friday.
Hohemiau Sterling vases at the
Patterson Drug Store. 39
Frank Robertson returned Irom
Portland last Wednesday evening
John Linster and Oscar Sletto
left Hend last week for Portland in
the Muster car. They will equip
the car with spring tires, invented
by the latter.
Mr. aud Mrs. Kd H-ostcrhous re
turned last week after nu absence
of some months iu Portland. They
verc three days getting from the
railroad to Hend.
For Sauk My fenced and im
proved i6o-acre ranch one mile
west of Madras ou Little Plain;
25 per acre, one-half down, bal
ance long term, ut b per cent
Will trade for business in Hend or
I.aidlavv. J. Samu'itR, 568
Second St.. Portland, Ore. tf
All who arc preparing articles
for the Union Church Huzaar are
requested to mark the actual cos
on the same aud bring them to the
Commercial Club room Friday
afternoon next, if possible, The
Hasaar will open Saturday morning.
The public is invited. 39 t
For Salk Lumuhr We have In one
dry hed 80,000 feet of flnUhcd lumber,
all lti- mid kind from I to 34 Inches
iu width. Alto door and window jams,
window (tools, building shingles, etc.
We can mske arrangements to deliver
.Miywhcre. Send ns your orders. J.N.
Mutten Lumber Co., Roslaml, tf
Seward & Campbell, the pho
tographers, expect to leave Hend
Friday, i hey will go to I'ortianu,
and open a postal card store, using
the pictures they have secured
since their arrival here nnd a collec
tion of views of the Crater Lake
country, taken before they reached
Hend. I
Mr. and Mrs J. A. Silvcrtooth
were in Hend luKt week and left ior
Silver Lake Saturday.
W. II. Scott and family were in
Hend last week from their home
stead on the high "desert" road.
T C. Robinson of Crescent wos
iu Hend last week. He says build
ing operations at Crescent are very
A A. Aldrich, Orie Poin.lexter
and Ralph Poiudexter spent Sun
day duck-shooting along the river
above Minor's ranch.
John Usher was in town Satur
day from his up-river homestead.
He reported that ducks arc very
plentiful on Fall River.
Mr and Mrs. Charles Snltmarsh
have moved into the rooms above
Kggleston's store. They came to
Hend from Almira, Wash.
Joe Wornstaff received a 2-inch
gash in his left arm Saturday
night. In running over John
Steidl's wood pile he stumbled nnd
fell ou an axe.
The wood that makes heat is
that bought of F. M. Carter, who
gives full measure, and you only
pay for what you get. I can de
liver on short notice. Leave word
at A, M. Lara's. F. M. Cakthk.
C B. Allen was in Bend this
week from his up-river ranch, on
his way to Powell Butte for a load
of grain, He reported snow nt the
ranch to be eight inches deep.
The temperature is frosty aud the
roads comparatively good.
The regular subscription rate to
the evening Telegram is $5 a year.
The Bend Bulletin will give you
subscriptions from date to January
t, 1913, for 3 50. New subscrib
ers can get The Bulletin and the
Telegram for 4 75 for a year. Get
iu on this while it lasts. tf
Builders' Supplies
Doors, Sashes, Paints, Glass, Builders'
Hardware, Roofing. Everything you
need for your new House or new Store.
Wall Street,
Wall Street
Adjoins Bend on the south,
Most beautiful residential sec
tion in Bend.
Also Some Choice Business Lots.
Timber Lands Bought and Sold.