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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1910)
BYRNE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE ",S(lMpp REALTY Of All Kinds Bought, Sold and Exchanged. We have a very extensive list of DESCHUTES VALLEY IRRIGATKO LANDS. Vc bring the Property Owners nud tbe Outside Huvers together, BYRNE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Hotaling UUJk., Wall St., Betid, Ore. ill WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Table always supplied with the bust that the town affords. Neat and Comfortable Rooms. Bkkd, Orugon Hotel Bend Corner Bond and Oregon Sts. AA1ERICAN PLAN Rates $2 and $2.50 n Day HUGH O'KANEjManager Hotel Dalles The Dalles, Oregon You are cordially Invited to make TUB 1IOTBL DALLES your resting place while waiting over betwren trains on your way to and from Portland. New, thoroughly equipped, modern hotel; steam heat, elevator; suites and rooms with baths. First class cafe. Rates ranging from 50c and $1 upward. Ideal Stopping Place Going to and from Central Oregon. N. K. CLARKE, Manager. BEND LIVERY, FEED & STABLE CO. J. If. WENANDY, Prop. All kinds of light and heavy Livery. FEED FOR SALE. HORSES FOR SALE. Bond Street Bend, Oregon. Bend Steam Laundry The Very Best Modern Laundry Work at Moderate Prices. LADIES' and CHILDREN'S GARMENTS, ROUGH DRY, 40 CTS. A DOZ. MRS. MAZO LOCKWOOD. BEND HOSPITAL Attending Physicians U. C. COE, B. FERRELL M. ELLEN KERSHAW, Superintendant. Graduate of St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago. MRS. A. M. LUTES, Assistant, Graduate of Columbus (Ohio) Training School. Terms: $10 to $25 a Week, Payable Weekly. There is a Nurse on duty at all times. No extra charge made for night duty, unless in extreme cases, when a special nurse is required THE STORE OF QUALITY S. C. CALDWELL, Prop. Good Goods at the Price of the Other Kind Hardware and Groceries, Stoves and Ranges, Windows, Doors and Glass, Roofing, Paints and Oils, Studebaker Wagons, Gasoline and Auto Oils' of the Best. Come'andsee us. ier Aiune sis ttiiun ri- No Confidence In the Wiley UrooMyn Uxplorcr. O'DONNELL BROTHERS The reappearance of Dr. Fred erick A. Cook, the North Pole faker, in a magazine article seeking to excuse himself lor his giiMtiilic swindle, and also the recent devel opment of the fact that Cook tlid not make the usee nt of Mount Mc Kinley, lit Alaska, as he repre sented, recalls Unit a lie nil tiitin was one of Cook's' party on the Mount McKinley expedition. This was John Dokkcu, who formerly hud u homestead on the Tuuiiilo. after completing which he spent three years in Alaska, returning in tqoS and last spring buying u ranch between Sitters and Cliue Falls, where he now lives. Cook's article, "The Conquest of Mount McKinley." in Harper's Monthly for May, 1907, (the Mime matter appearing subsequently in book form) contained the following reiereuce to Dokkcu: As we crossed the river and jumped the crevasses Dolcltiti detcloiwd (nine a (ear ol the bottomless pits ami astit that he would prefer nut to UUJt his life to the security of his fooling. Dolckiu was not needed ami Was sent back. Dokken regarded this statement as detamutory and at one time con templated u damage suit against the faker. He afterwards atcer taiued (hat a judgment would be barren and abandoned the idea. John Dokken accompanied the Cook party up the Susitua and Cbulitua rivers as camp cook. As the party struck off into the inte rior toward Mount McKinley Dok ken was sent back to maintain a supply and reliel camp, with in structions to resume the march ut the end ol 10 days and meet the re turning party at a designated pluce He followed instructions, but the Cook party was ahead of schedule and met Dokken a day earlier than had been calculated. Cook claimed to have ascended to the summit of Mount McKinley, but there was not much open talk about it around camp. Cook paid Don ken lor ins service by leaving him a lot of pro visions at a lonely hut on the bank of the Chulitna, where Dokkeu spctit the winter of 10067, seeing no human lace tor live motuu.-. Game was scarce and as the arctic winter wore on Dokken became aware of the fact that scurvey was creeping upon mm, tue cured meats and vegetables not being suf ficient to sustain health. After as stduous hunting a ptarmigan was shot, and it gave small relief. One day, on returning from a hunting expedition, Dokken found the trail of a moose near 11 is camp He followed it eagerly and after proceeding some distance overtook the beast and succeeded in killing it. This gave him a supply ol fresh meat and drove from camp the spectre of scurvey, which Dok ken had been facing for weeks. The object of his stay in that re mote spot was to prospect for gold, but nothing worth while wus dis covered aud he returned to civiliza tion. Dokken says that Cook's record in Alaska did not commend him to the people with whom he had deal ings. One packer, after a rancor ous dispute, sued Cook for several hundred dollars and succeeded in collecting his full claim, the outfit sent by Cook's backer being suf ficient to make the party financially responsible. Dokken never had confidence in either Cook's word or his acts. Nothing about him was definite and frank. The (list Neighborhood. Gist, Or., Dec, J Thanksgiving was ushered in with a snowfall of about one and a half inches in depth and It's try ing hard to'increase that depth, Sam Weil of Sisters killed a large cougar within a short distance of his house w Idle it was in the act of feeding its young with porcupine, but the young made their place of safety among the cllfls before it was too late. V. M. Phillips has sold blifarm to a man from the Willanetto" valley, fJut lie intends to remain ou the place until spring'. The Gibson family of The Dalles ore visiting at W. IJ. Cafe's. The Peterson brother! are grabbing for Henry Fcliumacuer, When they get through with .they will have grubbed about 3G acres oil hi home stead and desert laud. JOTIOK FOR I'UHMOATION. yMitmcul ufltif liilttlur, ' ll. 8. Laiul OllU-r at The ImIIm, Or , i hrimtcr 14. iviu. I Jolloe i htuhy ttln Uial . Aim II Maikel. I oar lwlontt-c mIiIicm l ttrmt. lr turn, illd, mi Mttilav of I'ftuiiaiy. iuit, tile (u lliltuilltc vm Ninitiiicnl ami Alicnluii. No ojtoM.tu r lime the lin (' ' W. T I? H K II H . ,M.,aiitl Itir liuitirt, limit, Itir lu- lilt act or lutir J l? mul act nmtml- i), kmmii at llir "Tmilwr ami tttuur Law," null N.liif a. 111 In lit I IUrt liy aiialr- lit, ami that. innaiil to am It application, Inn. I ami timber lliritHiiitiatr twit aiialil llmttrr r.llmatril n IxmhI Irtt al i a M, ami the Uml fll i. that ald ntn it will llt Ileal tti in u'"'l f hn nitl .-..Ion ami twuill aWlelurtit ui. the fill itay ot Drvriiitwr, igiu, larlutr II I' HUH. l S Coin tul.tioner, at hl.ollU-r at Until oitli"" Ally petiMtii l al UUlly lo Hul?.t lhl ir l'twc twhr rMlty. ut Intitule a nmtrtt al any time IwltHe tuttriit Ittura, tiy III mi; ntwiula tatnl altUlavll ttithtaullter lVlni; facta whkli woulilttrlcat tlietiitry I jW C W. MUOMK. Krslttrt. NOTICE KOU I'UIII.ICATIUN. tetliiirnl unite Inteiloe, I' 8 Laiul Dltke al t.aVririew. llr . Nov 11, iviu Nulke la hcieliy Rlteit thai Atla II Mllli,aii. whiwe uatolnre aiMir. I. I'llnetltle, Ciwi IMiiilv ill r ton tIM, "ii Hie 1MI1 la ui iHgu.t im hie ill tTtlaolhtr Snntti stalrmriil ami A (titration. No uttu? tumchaw iltetwi, hc .11. I" 11 it K is Ii , W M atHllhr tnnb 1 Ihrtron under the (nutlcton of the ail ( ititir i. lit;. ml acta amemlatoiy, Viiokh a. lite Tliitlwi tut Munr Law, al .ua'Ii lur a. hi 1 n i I 1m titnl tir aialieut, aiit that pniaii'M IohIi I'tlealion the Uml ami liml-et ihmoo have irrll al a total ul n- m th. Ilmlr t.llMijtnl 61; ww iKMitt feet al I 1SVM H ami the lmlij n 'hat aiktapplleanl nilloltr, Anal pfvuf tit HpMHt of htt applk-atiuH ani .nuin lilrmeut on the wth lay of Januaty, lull l-e fete CwuiHiMkrtiei V J linlly, al ISIHcllk, tite- Any peiMin t al lilwity to mHM Ihl. wr iha. IxNiienitl), or inlitate a funle.1 at any lime txCutr Hlenl tMiie., by IMIh a iwmlo iateitalti.lalt In Ihl. ullice. alltiiim UeUwhKh wuulil defeat the eHtiy 17 46 AKTill'KW (1MTI1S. KfiUler NOTICK FOR PIUHjICATION. Hepattnieiilfthe liiUtlor. f S Laud UllWe al The IMlte. Or . Nue. 14, iviuw Nolle It heieby len that Halph A Doun. ur.tvinc tm.baml of Tina Dunn, fornteily Tina SfcaWotk. tteceatetl. of Heud. iHeiiini who. on Novemlr t. lv"5 maile home lend entry N. UJN (ftetlal No ojm. ' hcU twU. nl. Hi, See I. T IS H K. 11 U. kmtlolj S T H,H oil W M hat Bled nolke of InleHlkMi to make Snal flte-year Irol, la etuMt.h ctalm to the land atwvtiletctibni. teffe II. C Kiln, V H Com mlukiaer. at HenJ, l)ieoii, 041 the olhiUyW December. tlo CUtmant uimii at wltnetwt lltl M Ar nM ao.l John fefiUMin o( I'llneeilte Otttvtt. and lllto H WiImhi and Cota A Ulutleihoot. of Hem, Ofeuou. 14 V W MIKIHK. Meil.let. Notice of I'lnnl Settlement. N'olke It hereby len by the uJrtli(Mrl thai he hat made ami Bird with the Clelk of the I Ceonly vihiiI of Civuk Cvwuly, (HegoM. hit RimI arciunt at Admlnl.iralvr ut the Kwale of IIII.M I "tcull, ilntiwl r.klnn lhal mM Anal aeeuonl be Mttie.1 and allownl and that the Admlnl. : tralor ami hit tHtdtmen be itlrl. ami taMt CouHly Court bat aet MotKtay. the iml day of January, lull, at l octoik a m , at the County toult roam In I'rlueville. IHejon. at the tlMe and place at whkh any irwu lntere.te.l In i tald etlale may appear and olrret lotbetettle nent and allowance of takl Rnal aevouHl I WII.UIAM W OkCUTT, I Admlnlitraloroflhe It.taieut Ittleu Oreutt.lie- ceatetl. -! I NOTICK FOR riJMIilCATION. Department of Ihe Interior. , V. 8. fcaud OOke at The Ilallet. Or . October t), luia. J Notice It hereby lenlhat- I Oeorse W hhrmer, ' of llend, Oregon, who, on Mtreh lh, ivt, made HotnctlcadNo afc,i,for.w mV. "Vi twl Hec. IS and e(sn Me io.T h.K 11 It . W SI . hat flint notice of Intention to make anal Com mutation proof, to otaMl.h etalm to the land ; t,..Yrilr-iltrl Ltfotr II C Kill., t' S I'lHaWI. loner, at liltorhee. at llud, Oregon, on the 1 jib day of December, Iota. Claimant name a. wltnetwt. Jimet l hawhlll, Mllllaml' Vamleverl. Ct II. Allen, Diet T. Thol.irnp. all of Hewl, Oieicon. jift C. W WllOKK, Ke(i.ler. NOTICK FOR I'UlililCATlON. Deoaitment ol tht Inlerwr U S. Land OS al The Dalle. Or.. 1 Oetebef Jl, llo. Ntke la hereby len that- (.curse w t.aiet, 1 f Head. Orcfon, who, on Notember ijth. !. made No 147V (fcettal No tut.) lor teja twj .w4 h "w w .rn M, T w H . K It It , W M . hat ftU.t noslceof In tentlofltomake final Ate year woof, to etlaMlth claim to the land above dltUd, before II C. Iftllt.U S. Commltakmcr, at hit elfcte at liend, Urrjon, on the IJIh day ol December, lM. r.tlmaul name, at wltneuet fred A. Hheiwul.t, Hkrharil Klor. Sr , I. An thony Mitchell. V. O. Minor, all of Heml. re- on. IMJj C W. MOOKK, Krgltter. NOTICK FOR PUI1LICATION. Department of the Interior, U S Land Olbcc at l.akeeiew. r., Nttke It hereby steen that Nell Nov J, lvl. Hie hhuili. of Holland, Oreyou, lo. nu March Ji. IV7. maue liome.ieau eniry, nt 017.J ivnnvjM, w HeK. te awK M I, T iiH.H 10 It M , hat hlMl notice of Intention to make I'ltttl eommutatlon proof, to r.laull.h claim to Ike land above devtlbnl, before Commtloner II C Klllt, at liend, Oresou, ou the IJIh lUyoi December, lia. Cl.luiaut uHflll wllne.. n. W Tllplelt and William Vamleyert, ol I Heml, Oreuon, awl William KerlnnhaHi and W, I O I'ordhaui of Kotand, lireicon JS-4D AKrilL'K W. IIHTON. Kenliter, Members of The BEND REALTY BOARD HEND TOWNSITK CO. BEND REALTY EXCHANGE J. h. HYUNE CENTRAL ORE. KKALTY CO. CROOK COUNTY REALTY CO. DESCHUTESflREAI.TY CO J. A. EASTES HOME LAND CO. O. C. IIENKLE HOMESEEKERS LAND CO. MERRILL-WILKINSON CO. ; W. R. RILEY UNION MARKET It is time to take that suit over to The Peerless; Pressing Parlors and have it made new again, stf BKND LODGE No. 139 A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thursday 011 01 before the full moon of each mouth, Visiting brothers always welcome. J, O. DAVIDSON, Sacy. U.O.OOE, M.W. ttS? Leave your subscriptions for All Magazines ut tbe Library and let tbat institution get tbe benefit. SATHER THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY. We have all the SUPPLIES You will need for the winter ORDER. YOUR Christmas Supplies now, while tho roads aro passable. HEAVY SHOES CLOTHING AND COATS. E. A. SATHER GENERAL MERCHANDISE BEND, OKIEOON $50.00 Down $50.00 Down Choice Residence Lots in Aubrey Heights $50.00 NOW BALANCE LIKE RENT Tho Future Residcnco District of Greater Bend. Contracts are let for several houses to bo built immediately. Deschutes Realty Co. STAR BAKERY FRESH BREAD Pastries, Rolls, etc. MEALS At ReK"lr Hours Furnished Rooms MRS. NELLIE WRIGHT CANDY, FRUIT, M. J. KELLY r" TOBACCO Dnvics Building, Wnll St., UI2ND, OKQUQN I ( I