The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 30, 1910, Image 8

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How the Mtlllcan Neighborhood I
The country surrounding Mill!
cau's much, which is 30 miles
southeast of Hcnd, is being settled
very rapidly. Since last Mhrch
about 70 homesteads have been
taken there, uud of these 35 set
tlers have already bnilt cabins 011
their claims, the majority of them
being of one loom each. The
claims, with the exception of six
arc all taken up under. the 330-acre
homestead law.
W.J McConttell and' J. A. Ste
vens, who live about 3 mile
south of Millican's, tire the onh
homesteaders who have sunk a
well hs yet They put a well
d nvn 50 feet and have about 8 feci
o' water. Although this well sup
plus the liomeMeaticrs tor a large
atea, it has not yet been pumpeo
L. H. Radcliffe and II. C
Muhrs, who live 12 miles south
east of Millienu's, took out powdei
two weeks ago to use in staking &
well and are" working at it when
Ue weather permits. It i the gen bc'.iel of the in
tne vicinity that water will tx
lound uuder pructicall oil of theii
claims, as there is un extensive
Following arc the cttlers since
list March within a radius of 10
miles ol Millicau'iC L M. Tosier,
M. O. Adkius. W. J. McCou
nell, J A. Stevens, Thomas Gray.
C J. Code, R H. Reynolds, Mrs.
Ella Uuscy. Miss Kthel Robert;,
C C CardsvHI, W T. Wcdboard
Daniel BliKurd. C. R. Howard. C.
H. Rockuey, Jacob Schmidt. L- H.
Radcliffe, Joe Mullcunnerv. A. G
dams, Lc Wade, J. P. Wolf, C
K. Morris. G. W. Knapp, H. C
Muhrs, Mims Roberta Muhrs, W.
P. Smith and O. C Cardivell.
Your Patent .Missing?
Do you know the pateut to your
land is more .important than the
'deed you claim under?
Limitations run against individ
uals, but not against the United
States or the State of Oregon.
That's how it comes that cases
are not infrequent of a man living
on and cultivating a farm for ten,
twenty or thirty years and waking
up some morning to find he has no
Manv pitents are missing from
the records of this county.
You can never kuow the true
coudition of yourIand without in
vestigating. An abstract tells ii
Of course we would like to make
that abstract for you; but at an)
rate, dou't neglect your title.
Crook County Abstract ConpMv,(ac)
X Coal of Thata Mian Exeruetatlnn
Tortura to tha Victim.
People who rvmt of larrlinr mul
fcathcriug kuow that the punishment
la a very unpleasant one, but few Im
agine how terribly painful and dan
gerous It I. Hardened tar Is very
hard to remove from the skin, ami
when feathers are added tt forms a
kind of cement that sticks closer than
a brother. As soon as the tnr sets the.
victim's suffering begins. It eontraets
as It cools, ami every one of the little
veins on the body Is pulled, causing the
most oxmilsltc agony. The Hrsplra
tlon Is entirely Mopped, and uula tho
tar Is removed death Is certain to eu
ue. Hut the removal Is no easy task and
requires several days. The tnr vtuinot
be softened by the application of heat
and must l peeled off bit by bit.
tweet oil belli used to make the prtw
?s less pntnful. The Irritation to tho
jkln Is very great, as the halm cannot
In? disengaged, but must be pulled out
or cut off. No man can bo cleaned of
tnr In n single day. as tho palu of the
operation would be too cxinirlatlug
for endurance, nod until this Is done he
has to suffer from a pain IIVo that of
10.000 pin pricks. Milliliters of men
have died under the torture, and none
who have pun through It regard tar
nd feathering as anything but a most
fearful Intllctlon.
Rtsgurcs of Mtntrs Whan Thty Can
Nalthtr Chtw Noe Smoks.
"When the wind Is blowing thirty
miles an hour and the temperature Is
40 below It is some cold." said u man
from Alaska. "If a man used tobacco
In the ordinary way out of doors dur
ing such weather and got bis lips wet
through smoking a plpo or chewing he
would bo apt to get Into trouble. First
thins he knew he'd have his lips crack
ed, and they would bo raw all winter
"The regulars stationed at tho mili
tary posts up In Alaska found that If
they tied a tobacco leaf In their arm
pit previous to undcslrcd duty they
would becomo very sick and could pass
the post surgeon for hospital, petting
rid of detail work they wanted to
"The miners up there learned some
thing of this and found that tho tobac
co craving could bo satisfied by bind
ing a quantity of the leaf cither in the
armpit or against tho solar plexus.
This avoided broken and bleeding lips
daring the winter, and they weren't
prevented from smoking Indoors as
well If they wanted to. It was the out
door smoking or chewing that inado all
the trouble.' New York Sun.
(We Photograph the Records.)
Tha Friction of tha Boat Marfa
Ocean Almost Boll.
The steamship was speeding over
seas with a record breaking list of
passengers wbon one of the gay, young
and Inquiring girls who are found on
every trip skipped up to the captain
and asked:
"Captain, are we really going fast?
It seems as If we were Just crawling."
"Fast," answered the captain gruff
ly, "of course we're going fast With
nothing to see but water and sky you
can't Judge our speed, but. my dear
young lady, the friction of tho boat Is
so great It mskus tho water hot aft."
"I don't believe It." giggled the girl,
and tbe captain, with u great show of
Indignation, oalicd for a rope and
bucket to prove bis wordi. These
brought, he slung the pall down aft of
the vifwel directly under the drainpipe
of the galley, where hot water runs
all day, and brought It up smoking, to
the astonishment of tho awstruck girl.
A long, lean Yankee who hud been
watrhlng the wfonnancQ,-tbcn camo
forward nnd drawled, "Soy, cap, that
must make you change your course
mighty ofteu."
"Change my courser" blustered th
captain. "What would I change my
course for?"
"Well," said tho Yankco slowly, "so
darn much friction as that must wear
the ocean out mighjy quick." Phila
delphia Times.
Way to Traat Vsnlton.
The sportsman was explaining to a
few of his uninitiated friends.
"If yon don't like venison," he said.
"It Is because It lias not been prepared
properly. I think I know the kind you
havo tried to cat, nnd 1 agreu with
you It Is not fit. After the deer has
been shot the carcass probably has
been allowed to lie around uutll the
blood has discolored tho meat and
really has almost tainted It. Few
hunters dress their gamo carefully
enough. As soon as a deer Is killed
tho carcass should be thoroughly bled,
skinned, the entrails removed and tbe
meat hung up In the dry air for some
bpurs. Thorough and prompt bleeding
Is of tho utmost Importance. Venlsou
prepared In this way U comparatively
light in color that Is, It Is a clear,
bright red, and the fat Is white and
clean. There Is no strong, rank taste."
New York Press.
Otfr word "sujwf" Is said to be de
rived from the Arabic "sukkar," the
article ltsmf) having got Into Kuropo
through I ho Arabian Mohaminedsus,
who overrun u great part of the world
in thu seventh, eighth mid ninth cen
turies. According to Dr. Van Mpp
man, Dutch writer, as a result of tho
Arab Invasion of Persia sugaf found
lis way Into Arabia, whence again
its culture was curried to Cyprus,
Jtboilw. Blelly and Kgypt. In tho last
named country the preparation of sug
ar was greatly Improved, and tho
Jjgyptlau product becamo widely fa
mous. From Egypt tho Industry
wprwid flloug the northern coasts of
Africa uud w witored Bpuln, where,
about tho year 1150, some fourteen re
fineries wero In operation. Columbus
Introduced sugar eano Into tho new
".Stop!" The brakes of the motor
were suddenly applied, a pandemonium
of whirling wheels ensued, and tbo mo
torist camo face to faco with Consta
ble Coppem, who had been biding In
tbe hedge,
"Excuse me, sir," said the portly po
liceman, taking out bis notebook and
pencil, "but you exceeded the speed
limit by two miles over a measured
piece of road."
"I bare done nothing of the kind,"
retorted tbo motorist, "and, besides"
"Well, If you don't believe me I'll
call tbe sergeant, beln as It was 'lm
as took the time. lie's In the pigsty
"Don't trouble, Itobcrt," tbo other
hastened to reply. "I would sooner
pay fifty fines than disturb tho ser
geant at bis meals!" London Answers.
Fslthful Woman.
I tell you that women, as a rule, are
more faithful than meu ten times
more faithful. I novcr saw a man
pursue his wife Into the very ditch and
dust of degradation and take her In
bis arms. I never saw a man stand at
the shore whero she was wrecked,
waiting for tho wares to bring back
her corpse to his arms, but I havo seen
a woman with her white arms lift a
man from the mire of degradation and
bold him to her bosotn as If bo were
an angcL Ingersoll.
OREGON tfJPIaggfa .
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The Bend Townsite Company
North Addition Center Addition Lava Road Addition.
Scott After Ills Money Thanksgiving
Festivities Local Notes
Sisters, Ore., Nov. 27 George Scott
Marled for Krilmoml this morning where
Me will talk like a good fellow to gtt the
money back that was taken from him
UtLtteck by a robber.
Mr. and Mr. Powtnan are vliitlng
with their dsuebter. Mr. Minnie How
ell, of .Sitters.
Print VaiiTaucll'a little bor ha been
quite sick but U getting liclter now.
The piano couteit at the W, N. Cobb
Just try tbe Bulletin Job Pripteryt
A noUM ntrMferr of tth CUT,
Town aad VIIUc. la Orcioo and
Waahloctoo, fltlar a UrKrlpllv.
Town aad VUUc
HktUti of rh place, Ittlao,
tiblpplnr YmtlUtUi and a Claul.
flrd Directory ol cadi UiulotM
sad lTuftMloo.
. U 1'OI.K A CO.,
alll, Wub.
In ft.
atore 1 under gootl headway, icvcrsl are
trying haul to gel it.
Arthur Templeton and family came
over from Redmond to the Thanksgiv
ing dance, a did Mr and Mr. Miller
and Mr. anil Mr. Lew Zumwalt.
The (hootin match on Tlinnkijjlvliig
waioutof Ik1iI, or at leat the turkey
did not come in light.
A fine time wa had at the ball on I'rl
day night; good mutlc and a good
The Wilton mill, a short dlttaure from
Sitters. ha commenced tawing and will
oon1c able to fuinlh the people with
The Kolierta Pros, are sawing right
along. The atorm doe not bother
them. Tram are luilllny from there
every day.
John Dennlt ha built a blacksmith
hopatthe upper end of town and we
will hear the auvllt ring from both
Joe Vincent came scroti the mountain
to vitit with hi brother and look after
his ranch. He has made two attempt
to get back but Cud too much mow to
get through.
The school children have been havini!
great time on the Ice the pat wecWr
The deep mow ha tpoilcd the Ice fo,
them to-day,
Mr. and Mr. Duffy of Kcdtnoml, are
'here vititing friend, Mr. and Mrt.
1 Dciiiilt.
HI Way of Doing.
"Could tho cashier of that company
explain tho muddle In the hooks"
"He said bo would clear It all up,"
"Hid he?"
"No, ho didn't cleiir It up. II
cleared out." Hultlmoro American.
nenderson Bver met with any seri
ous accident while traveling? Hen
peck Did 17 I met my wlfo while
traveling abroad.
Troublo springs from Idleness and
grievous toll from needless case.
Builders' Supplies
Doors, Sashes, Puints, Gluss, 'Builders'
Hardware, Roofing. Everything you
need for your new House or new Store.
Wall Street, Wall Street
To Open Store Monday
C. D. Howe's Kconomy Store,
located next door to the postofficc
on Oregon Street, will ppeu next
Monday, An extensive tntisical
program lias been arranged fori he
day, and every ladv attcndliii; will
Ih.- given 11 souvenir.
IJuys Interest in mill
13. G. SleuvciiH Inis sold n one
hair interest in his shingle mill in
Wiestorin to R. W. Itevell of Kny
motid. Wash. Mr. Uevcll is an
experienced sliiiiKle mill hum, huv;
iti; liccn connected with borne of
the large mills in Washington. He
expects to move to Html with his
family, in the near future.
Two Fast Preliminaries.
The MerrillWilkinson Co.
Every Location Quarnntccd. Aiitoinobllo Service.
Garage and Repair Shop
nl lowest rotes possible with good service.
the way you wish it done, Givctts a trial,
.) .
Ul ' ' ' "1
THIS UUWJTIN is die leading newspapr of ClSTltAL OKUOON