The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 30, 1910, Image 6

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    -M-miiisiM-M.jg ii .'
iVllTTf 1 " ' ",kA- ""- '--a-lia-l..
.immnmi ninin i innmm
AT 9 o'clock on Alonday, December 5th, the doors of Bend's new store will open nnd business begins. You are In
vited to attend our opening, to come and see the many new things and the new store, and to receive one of the
handsome souvenirs which will be given to every lady attending. You are Invited to come whether you Intend making
any purchases or not.. v
For our opening day we have secured the services of Miss Veda Villianis and Miss Iva West, who will present,
during the entire day, a most pleasing program of piano and violin selections. l5oth ladles are accomplished musicians,
Miss Williams at the piano and Miss West with the violin. In addition to the regular music during the entire day, a
special program will be given from 2:30 to 3:30 p. m. Read the special program elsewhere (tfW"-), but do not forget that
there will be music all day -from 10 In the morning to 8:30 in the evening.
Wc wish to call your attention to the fact that our store is entirely different from any other store In Central
Oregon different in the manner of displaying the goods, and different in many other ways. Come and see something
new in merchandising.
In addition to the music and souvenirs, we offer three great big bargains that make it important that you
should attend our opening bargains that have never been duplicated in Bend. Of course you will want to attend, and
these bargains should make you more than ever determined to come. Don't miss the opening day!
50c Galvanized Pail 15c
The biggest galvanized pail bar
gain eycr offered in this part of
the country. A to quart water
pail made of good heavy material
wilh heavy wire ball, and fiitnly
riveted ears. Sells elsewhere at
50c each. If this pail we offer is
not as good as rtuy 50c pail nu have ever used,
return it and allow us the privilege
of refunding the 15c the pail
cost you. During our opening
day, one only to each family, at
Men's 25c Wool Hose 10c
An cxtrn henvy winter
wool hoie; good, fast
black wool; Hill seamless
spliced heel and toe, rib
top, extra heavy foot
Sells regularly at 25c
u pair, out during our
opening day j c
t pr. to a cus
tomer, per pr.
If you prefer, you mar have a silk ltle finitli lioc,
coinlX'l jrn, f'!il fieri; color, dark blue II f
ami buruu t a 35c article t ouly r jiair I VIC
Ladies' 35c Wool Hose 1 5c
A No. i quality, fust,
black, heavily fleeced
huse, with spliced heel
mid toe, clastic welt top,
htm knit. Yott will never
get another opportunity
to buy no good u at
.1 .so ridiculously low piicc
e no it ticcuiisc we want
you to come Into our Mori' ami wc nil
the other truly wonderful I rfrmuii we
mc ulfi riMK During uiir o ruing itay.
oue jmir only to a customer, mi cr jmr
niic wc wiiiii
There will he music during
thceutlic day from ion in.
to B.y) p in. In the nf
tutuuou n special
Musical Program
will be presented from a:jo
to 3:30 o'clock, consisting
ol violin 11 ml pjutio
Cupid's Gulden ...M. Ktigcnc
MISH wtwr
Villi Anibcsqiie I.iioli
Cavallcrln UiHllci'um Mascngul
Miaa WrttT
Annie T.atirlc
Mtftrt WIWT
WeddiiiK Day .....Grieg
lliiiiintcquc Dvorak
I.ririjo ...Huiulul
Spuuish D.iih'c No. I... Morekownkl
The Flatterer Clinminnilc
Air de llallet. CIiuiiiIiimIc
lUircctise Nrriula
Melodic in I' Kuliliisieln
Two Waltzes Chopin
Spanlsli I).iuce No. IV.f.Mostkowskl
Handsomo Souvenirs
Free to Every Lady.
Next Door to Postoffice, Bend.
Chas.D. Rowo, Propriotor.
Scliool Notes.
On account of the departure of foot
ball boy to Prineville. the number ol
papUl who attended High School last
Wednesday vat reduced to lis.
Some rery Interesting original stories
were read in . Miss Young' room
Wednesday afternoon, while stories,
garnet and Thanksgiving quotations
afforded amusement to the Seventh and
Eighth grade pupils.
The Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Ricbth
grade were entertained by the I'irt
grade last Wednesday.
Laldlaw News.
Miss Kellle James, who has been ill, U
W. F. Fryrear, of Desert Springs,
was a Laldlaw visitor Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Couch were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hall Saturday,
Sam Nichols mule a business trip to
Bead Friday.
T. M. Post had the misfortune to let a
team of young horses get away from him
last week. ' They were gone two day!
with the harness on but were found in
Squaw Creek Basin, both horses and har
ness in good condition.
At the meeting of the Farmers' &
Merchants' Telephone, Co., held in
Laidlaw, Saturday, it was voted to raise
the salary of the "Hello Girl."
Georite Couch, who bat gone.lo Shan
iko for freight, is expected in soon.
Miss May Wilsou, of Upper Rye
Grass, spent Tlinuksgiving with her
lister, Mrt. Bart Nichols.
The Thanksgiving dinner given by
the members of the G ranee was held at
the home of Mrs. F. It. Dayton, and a
very enjoyable time is reported.
From Our Mall Bag,
Ontario, Cab, Nov. 19 The
Bend bulletin, Iknd, Oregon:
Gentlemen: Enclosed please find
check to cover subscription to your
paper. It is a bright, newsy paper
and very welcome each week.
Very truly,
Fkank TlSDAUJ.
Defeats Thompson ln 12 Minutes
Boxing Match also.
v The wrestling match between A.
R. Dorris and Phil Thompson, at
Litister's Hall last Wednesday eve
ning, was preceeded by an interest
ing five-round boxing match be
tween "Kid" Roe and Lloyd Gert
son. Roc had the best of the go
until the fifth round, when Gertson
landed an upper-cut under the jaw,
and was given the decision.
A. R. Dorris was given the de
cisin over Phil Thompson after
about 12 minutes of wrestling
Thompson was the aggressor at
first, and stated that he bad been
injured internally, when Dorris hud
him on his back. As Thompson
failed to appear for the second fall,
the match was given to Dorris.
Dorris afterwards gave an exhibi
tion ol the different holds in catch
as'catch-can wrestling.
Pilot Butte Inn.
R. W. Revell, Raymond, Wash ; F.
W. Clark. St. Louis: O. Swauson. Rtl-
mom!; Chas. Gordon, Mexico Cltv,
Mex.; W. II. Sayer. Madras; G. V. An
derson, lierson, Wasli.
Hotel Uem).
Dr. Wm. Brady. Weebawken. N. I.
C. M. Cwtiley, Redmond, John Peterson,
I'orllaiid: 11 Jllnlscll, Portland; J U
Wimer, Tumalo; J. II. Green, Redmond,
W. T. Conefonl, Siher Lake; R. W,
Davenport, Portland.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Koike Is hereby given by the underilgned thai
he has mad- and filed with the CKik of Ihr
County inurtof Crook County, Oregon, hlitnal
account a Adallol.tratoc otitic ll.llte of llllen
rcutt. decerned, raking that said Bail aeeuuwl
be sctllco. anil allowed and .that the Adrfllui-
rater ami lit boadtmen b released, and aald
County Court his set MoeUay, the iml day of
January. 1911, UN gtcsock n ra ai in louniy
Court room In IlliievlUe. Orrgon, lhclln.c
aadptace at which any Vcraon Intcfraied in
oild ett DMy appear and object tu the aeltlr
mcut aud allowance ufukl Baal aceoual.
Ailmlnl.trilerortbelMatcor ISUn Oreull, De-
CH1. )t-4l
Departiurpt eflht Iuttilor,
U. 8. Un.l OftVcc st The Dallra, Or.,
Sptrbtr ttb, lM.
Notice Is ttircby iWrn that
Albert HsrrjriiMn
wlae petA iMtm It Bid, Orgn, dM
m the jrd day K ftbriMry. li. ik to. Iki
ufltee Swnh WaUOJCBt aM Abtwcatton, No.
0445. to tmrdun the eH nW tit. IS T. IJ S ,
R- nit. W M, and Ibc tlnibcr Ihciran. under
the tnMloBi of the ad of June J. Ir, and art
ancodalory, Laowa as the "Timber and hteur
Law." at lush vslu at tuUhl h risrd byap
uralMtucnl. and Out. uortoant to toch pDlk-
two. Ih land ami timber thereon hatrbceti
aupMlard, the Umber e.llmalcd umj M board
fetatti0 M M, and 'the land fwn; thai aahl
appUcafcl will offer final ptfcof is upitt oflil.
UiHtUH and sworn Halemeut o lhe6thd)
of OowHtUr, tlo, before II. C. lilu. V- H. Com
aluUHier. at hit oAkw at Bewl. Orecon.
AoyvMa It ' liberty to peelrX IbUpor
ihase before entry, or Initiate a sutileet at an)
time beTorc poteai !. by filing a corrutMfMO
nidaTlt in Ibla otnear, elleKlliK facta whkli
wttukl deleat the entry.
jyit u. w. iuukii, Kej.ier
In the Juttice Court far Dewriutr rrrclnrt No,
l, rrvukCouniy, ui(ou.
J R. Vllllama, rtalntlir, )
V. as.
Jeba I'. Verne, nefrntlanl)
To John K. rrne,thealjrr rtnmnl IXfrndanl.
n mt name 01 me Piair or rre(n, u ale
hereby rruuircd to afiprar anil amwer thrnw.
lrtalul nieu aaainn You in lue auoee emilir.1 at
tbmoner before fan. ilh. lyii and If too fad
sutoanawrr, fur waul thereat the ("UlnlllTwiil
apply to Ihc Coorl lor the rrllef therein demand.!,
to-nil. for Ju.tjuimt In the amount ofolHi)
e-rrn dollar and aiaty-flr criil. IhtW to
gether with hla euats and dUburaeinenla ollhl.
art luu.
Tula aumraena Is aerred upon you by Ibe puV
lleallon thereof In The lieul llHltetlu. a new.
paper of general circulation within Crook
County, Oregon, publtahod weekly at HchI. ih
sahlcMUBly and Mate, for the period ol ! two
eeutlfc weeks romHiendng with Ihr Imu of
November 16. Ial. aihl euaiiitf with thrlaaucof
Jan. 4th, mi, lu puiauinc of an otd.r ofi
uic jiunoeaoie w w. timiii. jutiieo or iwr
I'caccotthcaboteautllled Court. bMi aatdae
dr wa taadc a.l eHleretl October inl. losa.
Iiateuf hr pubtMallvo Nov. , low, D.teof
laat puWkatiou lau 4,1111.
Ju.tlec ef the I'cate af Dexhotea rrectnet No li.
Crook County, Urrgau. 3A41
Bend's New
Harness Store
A Dollar Directory of Mth City.
Town uod Vitiligo (a Oregon and
Waeulngtoa, glrlog linerrlptleo
Nkalrh ot earli place), JUmtloD,
rihliipbir racUltlc and a CUsal
fled Directors' of cadi lituloc
aid l'rofcaalon.
jt, u 1-or.rc co
ttcallle, Waab.
Good Goods at the Price of the Other Kind
Hardware and Groceries, Stoves and.
Ranges, Windows, Doors and Glass,
Roofing, Paints and Oils,. Studebaker
yagons, Gasoline and Auto Oils of the
Best. Comejandsee us.
Department of the fulcrlor,
U. It. Land Office at tUkevlrw, Or.,
NaT. 11, tyUM.
Nolle I hereby (tern thai-
Ada II Millie n.
whose poelofflee aoMtcat U ITlnctltlc, Crook
County. Oregon, dM, on Ihr lUh day ofAuguit
i'jo. rile in till office Sworn matcuiciit ami Ap
pUvall'in, Nu. w7, lopuicbsacUiaawK becii.
1 II R. H.. W M. and Ibc tltHb-r thereon
under the protlitoua of the act f Juuci, kt,
ind acta amendatory. Icuown aa tlie'Tlmbri
and htone Law," at auch value aa might If died
ov appraisement, aim irui. purauaui 10 sun ap
n lac 11 IXJ ana iimurr increon narc
sn appraised al a taul ol eM77. th Umber
eaUiuaied 17000 board feet at l.Jl Mr M, arm
ihc tuud lit.) ihlt uldappllcaul will offer final
ihc laud JiSa)" 'hat uiaappltcaui win oner nm
pioof lu support of her appllcnttftti and awor
utemtnt on the day of January, tail. U
fore CommUaioncr T. . Huffy, at rrlocvlUc, Ore
Any person I
t llbrrlr lo proleat III la pui
uas beiorceniry. or iniiHira conical ei any
lioic before pate ill laauaa. by filing a corrobo
rated affidavit In Ihia office, allcglug facta tcliUh
J7 4
w..uld defeat the entry
AKTfil'K W. OKTON, Kcglilcr
All kinds of Furniture
and Cabinet Work.
See us before you bulkf
rncaartment of lb Interior.
U. S. UdI Office at The Dalles, Or.,
September as, l)M,
Nolle Is derby given lll
rudic A, Nlawouger.
who tKjatoffice addresa la lleii'l.Orrron. dM.
outhcalhday of June. Hiu. file In litis oflstr
sworn nuiewrni aitd Apiwiw, no. nHt, lo
Burcna.e me 11 ij, n miiMC. n, I n .
. ! It. W. M .aud the limber thereon uulit
Ihc provlatonaoflbr actof June J. 17. aud aeia
aaicuuaiory, xuown a m tumoci ami anon
Law." at such value aa might be Aard by
appraisement, ami that, purauant lo aiatn
apptwalion, Ihc land and umber Ibeieyti
have Ixell aplaiied. the tiuthcr raltmaleal
LHjtm board fart al 71 mite ie' If, ami the
ind iyj that aald ap4Kaul will bff.r flirt I
prowl lu support of her application and
eworn talemeut 00 Ihr Mb day 0 liecawibaf.
lui. before II. C. MIL, U H. Cowmltiloacr, at
Inaoffiic at beny, trrcgoii.
Any person laat liberty lo proleat this pur
chaa befur eillry, or Inlllale a ooutcai at any
lime before intent Itiun, by hllug a currubur
sled affidavit lu this ofhe, alleging facta which
would defeat the entry,
ytf C. W. MOOKIf, Kcglilcr.
DeMrtmnitof the Interior. '
U. 6. Mud Office si The Dalles, Or.,
I HepleMlicr sMb, ijl.
Nolle Is hereby given llist 1
ILari II. Iluu.loii.
whoa poatofCfc addreas i. licml, Oregon, tIM,
jn III mil day of January, 1710. file In this of-
Manufacturers of Harness
Repairing: of all Kinds
A Big Stock of
Saddles, Blankets, Robes
Michigan Buggies
, Genuine Mandt Wagons
Farm' Implements
H. J. Eggleston
Bend, Oregon
10 purdia.e (ik! iu hcc.j, T I7H.,K.i
K., W. M., and Hi Umber tlieicuu, under llu
provision of llieact of June 1. ism. aud acts
-uiendaloiy, known a 111 "Tliubcr and Htone
Uw," al mill vnliiv as might bcfUcd by
pralaemviil, and that, pursaul to atuli applka
lion, Ihc la ml aud timber llwreoii have lwu ap.
Jiralacd, the llinlwr estimated ou,uk IdsiiI feel at
l,M ier l. and Ihc Unci yi. that aald applUlint
will offer filial pioof In upnl of hiiapplfM
lion aud aworu iialeuitiu 011 the 1st clay ol
December, 1910, before It. C Mils, U,H. Cum.
mlailoucr, al his olAcc at Item, Oregon.
Any Person Is al liberty 10 moieal this imr.
cbas Ufor entry, or liilllap! a rontcalal any
lime before patent iMuti, by filing a currob-
oraicu aiiKiani in init omcr, SllCglOa; 11
wblcb would defeat the entry.
C, W, SIOOKK, Kcglilcr.
Dcpsrlmcnt of Ihc Interior,
U.H. Land OlSce at The Dalles, Ot'gon,
October atlti, loio.
Notice Is hereby given that-
lamea II. riawhlll,
ofiJend, Oregon, who, on April attli, Ipoy.ruadr
lioaicitcad, No, 047v. lor Iia j, and 4 and t',i
awUn&7 and uc) 11 w (4" Hec, 18, T, oH.,H.
II I'.., W. M., )iaa Med notice of intriilloii lu
make final commulAlloii proof, lo otahlltli
claim lo the land above describe., before II. C.
Kills, 0. o. Coininlasioiicr, at hi Office al llcud,
Oregon, oil the 61 li day ol December, 1910,
Claimant uameaas wltnesK;
C.ll.Alleu, W. I'. Vaiidcvcrt, J. II. Jlryburn,
Lutlw r Mctk. all of Ilcnd, Oregon.
34-y C. W. MOOKtt, Kcglilcr.
. 1 , "
saaw,y u 'U Jiinj"rwwwe 1 11 1 1 1 nTwiiww
-. '