r Members of The BEND REALTY BOARD BEND TOWNSITK, CO. BEND REALTY EXCHANGE J. L. BYRNE CENTRAL, ORE. REALTY CO. CROOK COUNTY REALTY CO. DUSCHUTESflREALTY CO J. A. EASTES HOME LAND CO. O. C. HENKt.K HOMESEBKERS LAND CO. MERRILL-WILKINSON CO. W. R. RILEY W. W. Faulkner, D. M. D. DENTIST Bulletin Bulletin, Bend, Oregon ROBERT B. GOULD Civil Enginkkr and Surveyor. Bulletin Building Bend, - - Oregon. BEND LODGE No. 139 A. F. & A. 1.1. Meets on Thursday on 01 before the full moon of each month. Visiting brother always welcome. J.O. OAVI080N, B.C. U. O. COC. M.W, SAVE MONEY frtrfcJZ, WITH TIIR fcrtlcaltaral Fire Relief of Oregon (MUTUAL.) Home office, Salem, Ore. Let me explain. S. H. SNYDER Agent, Bend, Ore Mrs. E. J. Herring Facial Massage, Shampooing, Scalp Treatment, Manicuring Manicure Articles, Marcel Combs, Meal Brushes, Skin Pood, Sanitary Hair Roll. Dr. A. A. BURRIS, OTE,!, Heater. Dtaeaaea Succceafully Treated Without the Dk of Drug, or Surgery, by tb( Natural Method, of Healing. Chtoa Ic DUraaca a Specialty. Cooaulutloo Free Member of tat State and National Naturopath Society. Office In Hotallng Bldr.. Beod. Oregon Peter Lehrman GENERAL HLACKSMITHING. Horseshoeing a Specialty. Corner Bond and Oregon Streets. B. FERRELL Physician and Surgeon Office over Deschutes Banking and Trust Co. Wall street, Bend, Or. F. H. MAY CI VIL ENGINEER SURVEYOR Bend. Oregon. QEORQE S. YOUNG CIVIL AND AUNINQ ENOINEER UOTAUXO DdlLDIKO Bend, Oregon C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFKICR IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK lit DC. BEND, OREGON Vernon A, Forbes LAWYER FIRST NATIONAL BANK DLDG., IiKND, ...... OREGON U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OPFICB OVER FIRST NATIONAL BK. Office Hours; 10 to is a. ru.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. tu. Bknd, : Oregon 783$ F. 0. MINOR , POSTOTFICK BUILDIKO LIFE FIRE ACCIDENT INSURANCE Notary Public and Conveyancing All Legal Tapers Correctly Drawn. FIDELITY B0ND8 Crook County Abstract Co. iNCoaroaATitD. ABSTRACTS OP UTLB to all land and town lots In Crook county. B. P. VVyldb, Secy. Frlnevllle, Oregon. We photograph the records. L BIGGER TAX ROLL INCREASE OF $1,288,587 IN COUNTY ASSUSSAIENT. Unit a Million Dollars Lost by Leav ing D. I. A P. Co. Olf Less Livestock, but Worth Aloro Town Lota Advance. Crook county's taxable valuation this year is $9,199,008, as against S7.9to.4a1 lust year. The acres ol tillable laud increased from 70,986 to 96,015 und the value from $413 6S0 lo $395,510. Irrigation canal value shruuk from $397,500 ti $4,000, the works of the D. I & P. Co. being omitted this year be cause they arc deemed state prop erty nnd therefore not taxable Dot's and bee hives last year were valued at $1739. this year at $2494 All kinds of livestock decreased in number 30.515 but increased in value $77,143. The item 01 money, nule and accounts shows a decrease from $630,976 to $390, 320, due to elimination of the D. I & P. Co. Town and city lots went up from $134,926 to $408,679. The acreage of unimproved In mi fell off 2,500 but the value went up more than 600,000. Following is this ear's summary in full: Value Acrea cultivated aod. .. 96015 J tMMai Aercauneultiatrd......iaj.iei 5,iJ ou trap en deetled Und J41 pt rwu and city lata.. . wS4ou Imp on town aadefty lot 'ft.741 Imp snlaad not deeded Hi Af 00 Irrlcatmeieanala, I). 1 jk P Co. net Included... wi 00 Stationary eagiaea, manu faelurlnt machinery, etc. )t)ai w UeeehaniMw and atuck iu IraJe.... .'... .... ItU' o Farm tropleraenla, wag una. carrlagca, etc. ... IJ44H " Money. BaHea and aeewinta wsn ui Kharca at atock .... na.7M llauaehatd furniture, etc 64,114400 HocMa and mute . 4.o 3'4 74 Cattle . .. tjjfU 34 94 Sheep and ala .. . to. I5.l7i Swine - ... , j.il aw Bee blvea jij W IKiga.. .... -. li) I.B17 00 Total... .-.... ...... teiruxA co The tax levy last year was 1554 mills on the dollar of taxable valu ation. The year before it was the same. Probably the rate will not be changed this year, though it may be distributed differently to the various funds. There seems no special call for changing the rate of levy. However, now that the exiense of the new court house has been paid, the general fund will not need &o much money as it has used the past few years and it is likely that more money can be put into the road fund in the future. The official levy will not be made until January. DEND TAXABLG VALUATIONS. Large Increase Shown the Levies of I'ast Year. Bend was incorporated Jan. 4, 1905, since which time the taxable valuations witbiu the city and the annual special city levies, nave been as follows: Year. Ass'm't. Rate of Levy 1905 50,005 12 mills. 1906 90,213 7 " 1907 72,376 10 1908 70.882 15 1909 298,782 10 " i9'o I9.524 15 " Of the large valuation last year about $200,000 was in money, notes and accounts of the D. I. & P. Co , the tax upon which has so lar been uncollectible. That item does not appear in this year's as sessment, which, in view of this fact, shows on increase of nearly 100 per cent in Bend's taxable val uation. THE BEND BULLETIN Solicits Inquiries About Up-To-Date JOB PRINTING MODERN TYPE. MODERN MACHINERY, MODERN METHODS, t Call at office or phone us, Phone No, 56 Wall Street, near Ohio. Notice of Ulcctlon. Notice U hereby riven that ail election will I held lot thr City ol lleud. at the Itotv llouaettt aatt city, on the Mh day of December, luiu, be tween the hour, vr a o'clock a.m. and 7 o'clock l, 111. lo chooac ulUcera a follow.! Mayor Tor 1 year, to Ml the nucatilred term of C. W .Merttlt. Marahaltor t year, to All the uiieatlrcxt term uCOLu Hyte. AMcrmatt for I ) rata, to aurceeil M. J Kelley Alderman for 1 )eula, to .m-cced T, tt.Tril" Ittl. , Alderman for 1 yeara, to aiuvecit J. N lluhter The following Jmlgea.nd Clelka for ald elec tion hale been appointed by the Honorable Common Council ul lleud Judge.-V A. rorbee, II. It Allen ami I'. C Clerka-ll.l'.J. McDonald and 1. I.. Uyrne. Hy order of the Common Council Dated Nov. Jj, wi II. C. HI. MS, . Kecotdcr. CONTEST NOTICE. Department af Ihe Interior, U." Latnlomce. , The Daltea, Oregon, Nov IJ, tm. A .uftlctenl contcet ntndaeii having been filial In thta orrne by Inmea o Kennedy, Conteatanl agatnt homeVteatd entry, No ptaai (H"e .March is, tuitt. (or hrU ivV. w nwlf 4, loll aeV neS ! V T IJ ., R I. It , W M ,by Wit lUiu L Wilder, CcHiteatce, In which It l alleged thataald Ullllani I. Wlhler lue wholly alun doucd uM tract ami hat never c-at.bUehad teal Uenve thereuti nr cultivated Ihe vime In any way whatever, that aald alleged absence mi not ilueto tin einoloymenl In the army, navy, ot marine curpi id the Untied Male In lime ( war. aid panic are ttcrtny twittied 10 appear, reepond ami oner evidence touching td allcita Hon at o'chk a m on January Wit b lure II C Kllia, at.' r CummiMWHir at till otrie in Itend, Oregon, land tint final heating will be held at Igo'chxk a m mi January ijl 1911, he tore) the Kcgldcr awl Receiver ai tae I'll I tea Stale. Land Other In The Dalle., Otrvu The4id cunteaiaut having, in a ieopernih davll tiled November 7 lvi. et hntli hut. which aho that alter due dilhrciKe ucraunal arrvlce uf thle notice ran hoi r mad. It l hereby ordered ami directed that uch notice be given oy due and ir tier publication jS-41 I.Ol'isll AKNKMIN, Krcrtrel M-O- 1 MEN'S TOGGERY Has a Full Line of Warm . Winter CLOTHING for Men RUBBERS OVERSHOES and Rubber Boots 'Merchant Tailoring a Specialty. RIGHT PRICES RIGHT QUALITY A. L. FRENCH Your Patronage is Always Appreciated Patterson Drug Co. Let us show you an EASTMAN KODAK A nice shipment of Community Silver just received. PATTERSON h DRUG CO.g We are in business for your health. Leave your subscriptions for All Magazines at the Library and let that institution get the benefit. NOTICK KOE PUHIjIOATIUN. In the Comity Comt for Crook Ctmiily, Otcgon Notice or Sale ol t.auil by AilmtnlaMaltU. In the matter of the Kalalc ol Anna It. Steele, Notice la hereby given thai I, ltvii A, Steele, Ailmtiial altU ol ihe Katate of Anna It turtle, lieceaaed, will cll at ptlvnlr aalc it my nal ileticc near M.lela, Ctook County. Oteuini. after December flat, uio, the lothmlng; Sleacrllinl iiruneriv. to wit The aotttli half 01 the luiclll al quarter ami the aouth hall of lltr noiltuvr.t vatler of Milton eight (). In townahip lliltlteii (ij)atith, latiBC eleven tit) It . V M and Ihe 011II1 half of Ihe iiuilhw.it quarter and Ihe outhwraUUatttr iif lh notllieaai iiuitar ami me nonneai iiianertii ine amiiiwei iiianvi ol aretlon twent) nine (rvl. Ililniviialilp I'ulir teen (14). umlh, laliKe leu (to) It . V M III CMmtliir- with an outer of the County Ooolt otClook CiHiuly, llteoo, wade ami en tered uu or atont Novemlr Jill, ini KVA A. Mltlll.lt, AilmliilalraltU of the Italate of Anna It Steele, HaautlMliM rMaktm. Attotneyafor Itatale I'llal publication .Nov IS. lyls. yi o NOTICE FOE PUllliICATlON. Uepaitmeiit at the lutcrlar. U. S. Land Olbw at The llallea, Or . September 11. ivlo. Not lee la hereby given that - Nellie II. Market, whoae poatornce aildr.ae la bend, Oletntl. illtt on the ml day of May, wio, hie In thl. other Sworn Slalement ami AHoallun. No v4t lo tHitchaae IheaeVi atj Sev IJ. T. tyN , H 11 l V M ,aud the tlmlier llutroii, uuilei the t'i vl.kwtof Ihe act ol June iHts, n,l atis.iiun.l tory known aaltie limber unit Klone Mr at auvh value might t tUd li aiipral inenl and lhat. tmiwuiil to anch 1'i4kIiiih the tainl anJ timber IhereaHi have been a Hrtae.l,lhelllulir eatlntaletl w InHtd ret 1.1 r nnla ier M, and the Unit w tliat aal.l au inl MrtlliitTei nul piiMdin auiHHI ul her aipl .-lion ami a, .hi aimeineHt im lle I.HIi day ul lkccniUr, iota, IkUhc II (. Ittlla, V n. tow mta.riiiier. at hta oltk-e at Heinl. Ilregmi .Miy weuM la at liberty lo Hut. I Ihla 111 (haacltfare entry or iHllMIe a mmlet al hii time before (Mtinl laHe, by HHhk a cmiwlx ttrdanlvtt In ltd) oiK-e. atlentiiK lbtawhWk vriHiM defeat the cutty t-H C W MIHIKK, Hestaler NOTICE FOE I'm.l.lCATlON DetMrtmeM of Ihe Inteilor V H I and Other al The IMllea, Or Novrmtief y lyi. Notice la heieby given thai -Utile lUlre. of lleud, Oregon, who uu Inly II, J, mad. Detcrt 1 ami entry No 70.1 (herial No jw.i). rvr HeW a hec Jl V IIS H II It , W M . haa Sled itMlce ul Inleniton la make llnat I'rrnd li ettabll.h claim lot lie laud above dexeilied before II C Hllia. V S Cummlaalourr. at lleod, Oregon, on the Mh day of lircembee lyio CtalManl Mame aa wilnece I'hartet A Hwal ley and Jamea K beuhtm at IjatUw. or ySo C W. .MiKiHK. Keglaler. CHRISTMAS I EXCURSION 5 iM Totho City of Mexico via tho SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY Lcnving Portland Dmrmhcr 11th ami llitli, 1010, ami San Francisco December 1-tth. 1U10. A MAGNIFICENT SPECIAL TRAIN Consisting of Olcrvatiou Cur, Pullman Vestibulctl Sleep iiiK Cars, Smoking Car nml Dining Car, will leave Third and Towuscnd stieets, Sun Francisco, via the Const I.iuc. The fxrursion is run under the auspices of the Southern Pacific, National l.incs of Mexico, Inturtiatioiial and Great Northern, O. II & S. A. and Santa 1-V. $1 fA KOUNI) TRIP PARE ft T fA I KjHt FROM PORTLAND J) JHC Corrcspontiin low rates from other O. R. & N. nnd S. P. points. IutcrcMini; side trips on the return trip, including the Grand Canyon, may Ik- made. Filial rutiirn limit do days from date of sale. Equipment on this train wilt Ik limited and no more pasvugcrs will be taken than cnu be comfortitbly provided for. I"r farther InfWmatUm. detail., and beawtlfoMy Hb.alr.ted Uwktet cm "Mealeufatlunaiiy 11. K f N or h ! Agent or write lo WILLIAM Ceneral laaacnger Agtnl, Speedwell THE CAR THAT DOES THINGS Power, Speed, Durability, Appearance, Economy. A. C. LUCAS, The Pioneer Wood Yard Call on or telephone us for all kinds of Wood and First Class Shingles. We saw Cord Wood and I.inib Wood on short notice. Orders Promptly Filled. , DOWNING (Si, POWELL, Proprietors. The Home Land Company RealSE8tateand I HOMESTEAD I Insurance. LOCATIONS. ' - i ) I Timber Lands, Irrigated and Dry Farm Lands. .NOTICK FOU PUllliICATlON, Uevaitniettt uf Hie Inlrlliir, V H. I.amt tllllee at l.akrvlewi Or , Nov. J, lvo. Notlw l lieieby given llial llvn I. Wlae, iifKnlUiul. oieguu, nhu, on lune; im, maile llomeatiaii entry No JII4. (Setlal Nn. o)), lr nt,nw,' nee t,T it . K 0 It and ti'li aw),, aM v( See J, V tl H . It V II . W M , haa Hint, iiotlrvvl luteiitlon lotuake llual I'lie teariHiHiftiinlalitlaliitalui lo th laml nlaiee ileacrtlaMl, lielmv Citintnlaalourr II C lltlla. at lleud, OlCkou. 011 the 4id day of llecetuotl, IVio Llalmatit uahieaae. villnaaaea Itllam tl I'willmm, Nettle Hhult. Mlllaid I' HilwtlHMIl, t.eliiv M lliiil.attuf Miwlaml, Or j-(i AHI'IIUU W, DUroN. Hfglaler New PALACE MARKET Clinrlca Ilnyil, I'nip. MEATS Vegetables, etc. 0. C. II EN K LIE HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS Real Estate Exchanges of all Kiiuls HOLIDAY McMURRAY ISHtland, Oirgwi. Bend Agent. EgBTlW'W'1Frf!1 Palace Restaurant Rooms for Rent Confectionery, Fruit Picnic Supplies, Clj;nrs ' J. i:, Taggarl & Co. K.tltnalr on iiiili:tttUiil Willi I'rtiicr ul l'lilllninl 1'lUea N. P. WlilDER PAINTER & Paper-hanger Clicnix-at himI HmI Will I'atci Sam- jlea in the emiify. t'.et My I'llceia. Ihix i). Ileltil, OtcKOti. CITY DRAY ciiaki.iis r.m rji'V. 1'Hni' fPI CITYiDiVrW ..,,, I; HANI" I HI KVIIIIS'd l,raic Juurur-Uia hi'Ii NiA .Sinltli S ml -! Ik ml TiTo Buckley Express Co. Direct Kxptcss Service hctwecn Shauiko itutl lleud. Two Rts Kach way every week Careful Attention. ' Dcnd office at Auno's Dam Phone orders to Redmond at our cxKtic. No 55.trrkct uiwr' CONTRACTING CARPENTERS AND JOBBERS Sutherland (k Mcintosh I'llcST-CLASS WOKK (IUAKAN1RI1I) HSTIMATI-S PUKNISIIIU) ON ALL KINDS OF WOUK Wood! Wood! Now is the time In order your winter wootl, for the cold nights demand a large pile of dry wood. Cnu be bought of F, M, Carter at a rciinouablu price, delivered at ntiy time Leave orders ut A. M Lara's. 'F. AL CARTER JOHN LEQAT UlvAl.UK in Harness and Saddlery Trunks and Vnllses Repaired AXrrVcSSa l--T.e