The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 30, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 38
Machine Have- Quit Running and the
Old florae- Stage arc- Struggling
Through Ilia Mud Trouble-
North of Crooked River.
Mm. C. S, Hudson and little koii
Don arrived home from Portland
Thanksgiving morning very cnrlv.
They slurtcd by unto stage from
Shaulkn curly Wmluusduy morn
lug. The muchiiie wore out two
sets of wheel chuiiiM itnil the driver
purchnicd 150 feet of rope from
limner along the road, hut nil
such dcvtccH for securing traction In
the slippery mud wire short-lived
Thit side of Kcduiotid the car
made fair prngrea uud arrived ul
the fool uf the I.aldluw grade near
4 a. in Thursday. ' There the
broken leal of a ttpriiiK Muck In
the hard roadway and the tram
mWiloii gear of the ntito wus
stripped and there they were
All iiuiids walked three or four
miles through four inches of slosh
to a cutnp ut the Swullcy ditch,
where they routed out u tc.itn to
Itriiivc Ibcm to lleild.
Dr. William A, ilrady of New
York wus one of the jwsicngers.
lie wui hurrying to lift nick family
at Fort Koek. After leaving Shan
iko he received word that both his
wife und child hud died, uud it was
on hi account that the ntito stuck
to the road and traveled under
pressure instead of lying' over at
itome comfortable place on the route
lor rtst and repawn. The party
had only one meal in the 3.) hours
at Shulti's Wednesday noon.
Mm. Hudson went nut to Shan
iko u week previously with the
Uococ Howard. Howard' new
machine became disabled on the
road, with all other rig for Shan
iko ahead and the party reached the
railroad ut midnight aftct two
ictays of teams. So Mrs Hudson
n ml the 4ycurold loy think they
got their share of rough cxpcriucc
in their one round trip to the rail
road. The long ride in the storm
and cold, lack of food and final
tramp in execrable footing put
them about "all in" when they
reached home.
A. M. Drukc returned from Port
land lust Wedncvday evening, hav
ing spent two day coming through
from Shaniko by auto, with part of
u night' rest ut Madras. Thin
machine tore its tires to piece uud
run 011 the rims nearly all the way
from Hcislcr. Mr. J. 15. Ryan
and her companion, Ml Austin,
were passengers on this car.
Frank Kolicrtsou is now on hi
way in from Shainko. He is not
trying hi own car 011 the road and
auto stages have quit running, ho
he is coming by horse stage.
As well iik every business man should
have a hank account.
Your money is safer in the bank than
anywhere else.
Pitying your bills by cheek is the simplest
ami most convenient method.
Your check becomes a voucher for the
debt it. pays.
It gives you a better standing with busi
ness men.
Money in the bank strengthens your credit
A bank account teaches, helps and en
courages you to save.
This bank does all the bookkeeping.
Your bank book is a record of your
To thoso desiring banking connections with a re
liable bank, wo extend our services.
The Deschutes
Banking & Trust Company
Conservative Banking for Conservative People."
h, B. 11AIKD, I'rci. J. W. MASTHUS, Vice Tret.
SI. 0. COH, Cashier.
football (luiito With llcinl) alio Has
ket llnll,
The I'riueville High School foot
ball team defeated the Ileud High
School team on Thanksgiving day
by 11 score of 16 lo 3. The l'rlne
vllle boys outplayed their oppo
nents, their team wotk being fur
superior to that of Dend.
During the first quarter Dend
made Its only score, forcing the
I'rlucville team back over its own
goal line for u touch-buck. I'rluc
ville made one touch-down in each
of the other three quartern, but
kicked only the lust goal, They
made n fourth touch-down, but it
was not allowed 011 uccottutofuti
offside pUy.
According to Coach Lattin of the
Ileud team, his boys kicked and
tackled better than their optioucut,.
but their team work wa very In
ferior. They were outweighed
about eight ikhiihW to the man,
Outing the game I'rlucville used
six HtihttitutcH, while In the Ileud
team llcrt I.owell replaced Fred
Lucas and Warren Whcclock went
into the game when John Sathcr
wui taken out.
Coach Hrcwstcr acted a referee,
uud Coach I.hUIii 11 h umpire
They changed positions each quar
ter. Although there was talk of a
return game ubotit Chiiitniah time,
it ha not been agreed upon.
The basket bill teams of the two
school played Thanksgiving night,
and I'riueville was again victorious,
winning 37 to 7. Coach Hrcwstcr
of I'rlucville played center for the
Heud team.
Now District l.lnos Asked.
At the meeting of the School
Hoard held Saturday evening ut
Chairman Trlplctt's office, tin
Chairman and Clerk were in
ntructcd lo call a meeting of the
voter of the District on Wednes
day, December 7, from 8 to 9 p
m , at Trlplctt's store, the purpow
of the meeting being to vote the
annual tax levy. The Hoard al
lowed bill, fot supplies amounting
to $7 70
The following notice for the
change of district boundaries was
ordered to lc pouted in three prom
inent place iu District 13:
Notice of Chance ol District Uuundarle
' Whereat, a pctlllim lut ticen received,
duly tinned by thrrc or more legal
voters of School Dlttrlct No. U of Crook
County, Oregon, praying that the
boundaries ol taut District be changed
lo read at follow, lo-wlt:
llegliiulug at tile tiortheatt corner of
ectloit I J, Tp, 17 8.. IUiikc lilt,
thence watt one mile, lliencc touth otic
mile, thence west one inllr, tlirnce south
one mile, thence writ one mile, tlirnce
touth one mile, tlicuce wetl three mile
to the corner o( tectum jj, jo, 31 fcnd
y. Tp, 17 touth, Kango in ami II ejtt
Therefore, Notice It Hereby Oivcn
thai tald netilloii, tigned by Millard
Ttli.lell. V. M. Htv. I.. D. Welti ami
other, wilt I acted utwn by the Dlt
trlct Iloundary Hoard of Ciook County,
Uregou, at 10 o'clock a, 111, on the 41I1
day of January 19II, at the Court lloutc
in I'riueville, where all pertont Inter
ested In the above petition are rcquctled
to iretcnt liiemtenea.
Given thlt Jjrd day of November,
1910. K. A. I'OIU),
Secretary of Dlttrlct lloundary Hoard.
A Citizen Calls for Information About
Alleged Franchise Grab and Gets
a Full Statement for the Bene
fit of the Public
The Uulletiti lias received the
following letter) evidently for pub
lication: IlKNi). Or., Nov. 37 To the editor of
The llulletiti,) The vigilance ol. the
pren hat again been dcmonttrKled,
The Ilulleliu hat dltcoered that the
Common' Council, or totucltody cite, it
"tchemiug" to enlarge the curiwrale
llinlliol Ilend and hat Kindled a '"frame
up' for a IrauchiM! grab,"
If The llulletlil knows anything that
the people do not want to "ttaiid for"
why not gie the fact II there are any?
At It It we (ur at leatt 1) know
nothing more than we did before.
Some time ago I wat atked to sign a
ctitlou, the purpote of which to ex
tend the lltullt of Ileud, i'd at I wat
then wearing a button on which w
Ititcribed, "Ileud. Oregon, The Pivotal
City, 5,u tu 1915," ami at the pro
Hed boundaries provided room for
alMiut that many I thought It
wtt not unrcannble ami tinned It
Acting on the petition, the Council
provided lor an election, but two other
Iwtlllous were pretntel, one atking the
:uiicll to 1 eel nd lit former aetloti ami
another "tliocttrlnging" to at lo leave
out (evidently for the purpoc of tax ex
emption) territory within a few hundred
feet of prnicrty telling for f t,i a lot,
and tome held a great ileal higher
I do not think that the Council thould
have reelnded Itt action 011 the firtt pe
tition, but if It had that power it cr
talilly ihoutd Imvc "laltl oil the table"
the tlilld petition, to paliuldy UHJutt.
II Ilia Ilulleliu knows au)liiing 10
jutufy In liilnuJtloiii that there are
"little clique" iltlug "dcviout," "myt
tcrfout," "underhand" "tclieuilug to
mltute the public lunctlout lor private
benefit," would It not t welt to pretcut
the faclt? l!le tome may think, at duet
the uiidcraigncd, that voim "trheme" it
lo catt odium on tome ul the out-going
Counethnen ami pave the way to elect
men wiiowt tium v""vor win jwhi
keen tome of the mutt valuable proiwriy
exempt from taxation, while the adjoin
ing property "naya the freight," snd
tvt that no Irauchttet arc lt, 110 matter
what tlletr meritt, uulcta it would be to
certain partlet,
And while you are at It, would you
plcate tell ut how- to go at It to have the
city water taken out above town.
This letter presents a matter of
legitimate public interest and it
shall have candid and respectful
answer. It calls for information
which it is proper for the public lo
have at Hitch a time as this.
The litilletiu's statement referred
to in the letter of Mr. Davies w-a
based on information, received
from hcveral reputable citizens, to
the clTcct that the recent attempt
to extend the limits of Dend had its
5 right In a "frame-up" for a frail
hlse grab. To state the matter
plainly, Alderman M. J. Kelley,
Alderman T. W. Triplet!, Mnyoi
S C. Caldwell and his cleric, I,. C
Whittcd, were to be the beuefi-
Clurics of a franchise deal to be
Rough and Dressed
Delivered In Bend (fc'j CA
Per Cord , , . .. V&.DV
Oct Your Winter's Supply.
Pilot Butte Development Co.
worked through the Common
Council. The foundation for this
job wuyi to Ik: an extravagant ex
tension ot the city boundaries, mi
that the Council would Lave juris
diction to grunt u water und light
franchise 111 the greatly enlarged
John Stcldl, well known as a
square and responsible citizen, was
one of the men to whom the fran
chise scheme wus unfolded. In
order that there may be no mistake
ulxiut the mutter Mr. Sleidt's own
statement is here given:
Some time Istl ipring Alderman M.
J. Kelley of Ileud came tome in AM rich
& Uubht' place Itlic corner now occupied
by Taggart'i) and atkett me if I didn't
want to put tome money into a water
and light proportion for the town. I
replied that there wat nothing in it. fot
I wat then telling my ttock In the Html
Water, Light iV I'ower Co. at jo cent
on I lie dollar. Then he tald It could be
made a good thing by Inking hi addi
tional territory ami getting a frauchite
from the eity. lie Mid the Council
could be depended on to pt the necev
tarv meaturaa, and named Aldermen
Tripletl and Oneil at Handing with him
iKelley) ami Mid the Mayor wat alto
favorable I atked who wat Iu the
deal and lie Mid himtelf, Tom Triple tt,
S. C CaMwell and Dint Whtltrd (Cald
wvll't clerk). Tile meaning eunwyetl
wnt that Whittcd wouhl preteut the ap
plication for n Irauchite and the Couucil
would grant It.
I.ajrr (tome lime iu July, inncArlya
I can reniemlxrl Alderman Kelley again
talkeil with me about the matter I met
him iu the road north of the pumping
ttatlou. I kicked alxjut the water pota
tion from the uumerout tenia 011 the
riter Utuk Then he ntked why I
didn't get in on lite propotl water deal
ami enlarge the eorpuratc liuutt ot
Ilend I Hiked Mr. Kelley why he did
uol himtelf put up the ueccMarv inone)
to uy the excute, and he rephot thai
It would uol be well for him to do to
while occupying a teat iu the Council,
but that hit term wmld be out by the
time the frauchite, would be completed
and he would then be in potitiou to put
up tii'incy and take other active intcretl
in the euterprite. I atked him what he
thought tuch a fanehite would be worth
and he Mid it ought to be worth f $0,000
A few davt later than lint taik with
Alderman Kelley I met Alderman Tom
Trlrdett oti the ttrccl near the bow lime
alley and atked htm aliout the proixed
water and light frauchite. lie tohl me
to go and tee Clint Whitted. lie miiI
Whittexl would talk with me. became he
(Tripletl) wat In the Couucil.
I'rom the information thus acquired
from thcte partiet I concluded 11 wat
wite to take tlept for protection ol n)
own Interettt, and that it why I ob
tallied (rum the County Court a water
and light (rauchUe (or I.ylle and River
tide. John Stkidu.
This clear and circumstantial
statement is corroborated by si mi
lar information given by member
of the clique to other citizens and
members of the Council. It is not
I tKissiblc to controvert such testi
, inony.
1 Fairness requires it to be stated
that S. C. Caldwell was not Mayor
J when Kelley talked with Steidt
lahoiit this job, and the reference
then made to the Mayor s favor
did not pertain to Caldwell. He
was separately mentioned as one of
those to benefit from this franchise
scheme. Hut the official minutes
of the Council meeting of Septem
Ikt 6 recite that "011 motion of
Aid. Kelley, seconded by Aid
Oneil and unanimously carried,
Sumuel C. Caldwell was elected
Mayor to serve until the Dec.,
into, election." The public is en
titled to this fact to consider in con
nection with the statement of Mr.
Stcidl. Another fact for the public
is that Kd Kelley, the present
night police officer, ts a brother of
Alderman Kelley nud was ap
pointed to his present position by
Mayor Cnldwll. These facts are
given without comment, and
whether they have any connection
with the alleged franchise ring or
"frarac-up" is for the public to
The uulletiii has attempted here
to give the information called for
tV Mr. Davies.' letter. Now will
he be ns Iratik to tell what ground
he has for thinking The Bulletin,
or anybody connected with it, has
a scheme to cast o-liuru on nut-going
Couuetlmeu iu order that valuable
property may escape taxation and
that franchises may be controlled
by "certain parties?" A newspa
per is a semi-public institution
tnd if its course on public ques
tions is not guided by consideration
:or the best public good it is a hyp
icritc and a humbug and the public
should Tcnow it. Mr Davies ha
the freedom of our .column- for a
-datemenl upon this point. We do
not demand of him facts for ot
course h? has none. Hut what re
ports, rumors, insinuations, im
pressions, guesses or imaginings
lead him to this opinion? And are
they of a character that should
weigh with an intelligent man, such
4S Mr. Davies is?
Mr. Davies asks us to say how to
get the nty water taken out of the
rivet above the town instead of be
low it. Thi is hardly our bus
iness, but we will suggest that sev--ral
ways are possible and the
Council aud the company should
consult about it. The one thing
the Council should insist upon is
that public health requirements be
respected. The company should be
eft to its own method to achieve
this end, if the end be really
achieved. It woukl be a mistake
to start out to "cinch" the water
company because somebody may
"have it in" for tt. If the com
pany should refuse to give atten
tion to this very reasonable request
pressure .should be brought to bear.
We believe this matter could be ad
justed without special difficulty.
Bring your kodak films and
plates to us for development
Negatives selected and papers used
that will give pleasing tones iu the
prints Suwakd & Campdklu,
opposite the Postoffice. 37U
The First National Bank
Or. U. O. OOC. Prilldent E. A. 8ATHER. VIC Pratldtnt
O.8. HUDSON. Oathltr
Otpltal full paid ... S55.00O
8tockholUiV liability tlS.OOO
8urptut .... s3,0OU
Afe You Prepared For The Oppor
tunities of 1911?
It takes work, management, perseverance and
foresight to shape a successful business 'career.
But all these qualities are like steam without
an engine unless you have capital to help them
along. You can secure this capital either by
steadv savinc and wise investment or by securing
thejproper crediCat a good bank.
This bank offers
way you choose. Come
Surety Company Ilond to Me Required
and Licensees Must be United
States Citizens City Tax
Levy Fixed at 15 Mills.
At the Common Council meeting
held Monday evening a tax of 15
mills on the dollar was levied for
the year 1910. Last ycor the levy
was to mills, while in 1908 it was
15 mills. Sellers, Kelley.
On Sellers' motion, seconded by
Overturf, it was ordered that an
ordinance be drawn embracing the
following features. That, begin
ning January t, 191 1, saloons be
licensed at a fee of $1,000 per year,
payable quarterly in advance; tbat
the saloons be limited to to iu
number; that the licensee must be
a citizen of the United States; and
that each licensee furnish bond of
a surety company for $1,000, for
the term of his licenc. Overturf,
Hunter, Tripletl aud Sellers voted
in the affirmative, aud Kelley and
Oneil against.
It was moved and carried that
the Council give the men now in
business with near beer licenses the
preference in the issuing of the
new licenses.
Ditch Company Favored by Slate
Dctert Land Hoard.
A Salem dispatch under date of
Nov. 31 records the following ac
tion of the State Desert Land
Board relative to contracts of the
Central Oregon Irrigation Co , sue
ctssor of the Deschutes Irrigation
& Power Co. :
At a meeting of the Dctert Land Hoard
today tevcral new movet were made to
ward putluug the work ol the Central
Oregon Irrigation Couipany, which lut
taken over the Dctchulet Irrigation Si.
Tower Company. Kxtention of time
February, 1913, wat granted at to teg
regaliou 6 aud to October 17, 1915, at to
tegrcgatiou 19. Time wat extended as
to the Uenhaui Fallt canal until January
1, 1913, iu order to give time for the
completion of a topographic survey.
One important ruling wat alto allowed
by the board at the requett of the com
pany, thit being that tales shall be al
lowed In advance of approval by the
board, the notes of the settlers on such
sates to be deposited with the buartl to a
certain percentage and to be relumed to
the Irrigation company wheu the ditches
have been constructed to the land so
old. The cotes are to be rcleawd by
the board on complete reclamation.
Arrangements have alto been made
whereby the state it uow rmurcd full
jo cents an acre from the settlers for the
benefit of the reclamation fund.
If you wish to have your ex
press nud light freight come in
along with your letters and daily
papers, have it come in on the mail
line. Tim Counktt Stack &
Stablk Co. 25tf
its assistance, whichever
in and see about it