- .........a.aaa...iaaaaaaasaaaasasssaaaaaaaaaaasaM " ' TAKING THE NORTHWEST TO THE PEOPLE "The way lo wt people Into tlic North-1 100,000 topic of literature vcrc iltslrlb- trfsl 11 to take UlC isoriliwcsi 10 uipi umi uvscnuiiiK mr nnuiis maiuvia. neonl" This li tlio firm belief of I V. I lllll, President of the Orent Northern The (Irent Northern will start three exhibition ear on n circuit of hastern Hy., and that he has the courage of hl Stale within the next two week. Boston Exhibit, 10 000 lVopIc a Day txkn' It convictions is demonstrated by thn or grcsslve "horaeseekera campaign," the opening guns of which were fired at Pittsburg, Pa., during tho Western Pennsylvania Exposition. ,' The Great Northern secured space in the main building and installed an ex hlbit of fruit, grains and grasses from Montana, Oregon and Washington. Nearly j In addition t I ears, permanent exhibits are maintained at St. Paul. Chi cago, St. Louis, ltostnn and Philadelphia. For tho first three daya of the Iloston Exhibit tho attendance ranged from 10, 00O to 12,500. It will require about two million pieces of advertising matter to meet the demand for literature created by these exhibitions. Leader In Doll Contest. The voting contest, tor the prir. dolls offered b A. M. I,ara & Company is being watched vcr closely by the little girls in am! about Bend. The contest starts'. November 10th and will close at iv o'clock, Christmas Eve. The to leaders' in the contest follow, those living outside of Bend being marked thus : Myrtle Dally, 54?: Ruth Wornstaff. 467; Josephine Young. ajS; GoMtc Con war, 175: "Elsie Horn, 77; Leonorr Morris, NJ; Claudia Trlinett, bi; -Lettm Harryman, 47; Van Meter, 4S Klma Wood, 45'. Mablc The Bend Library f The Ladies Library Club wil not give the dance scheduled for next Saturday evening, as it was unable to secure Linster'3 Hall on that date. It expects to give u dance about two weeks hence. The Club i now keeping the library open Sunday afternoon1, as a reading room, and desires thai this become more generally known The Club will meet again on De cember6. Calvin Smith, Susie Kelley, Francis Steidl. Mai dew Iriplclt, Marion Lawrence, Fay Deynrmond, Roy Vincvard, Robert Inues, Hnttrt- Wood, Tillie Wood, Klsie Reis dorfer, EJna Moe, Agnes Johnson, Kenneth Lane, Roland Sellers, Francis Redfield, Hugh Kelley, Hazen Cratit, Dora Fleming, Elsie Horn. Ernest Dailcy, Lester Smith and Elva Fleming. Lived a Long 'Life. M. J. Morrison this week re ceived news of the death of his father, John Morrison, in Eastern Canada, at the age of 106 years. He enjoyed rugged (health until a few days before his death. M. J Morrison comes of a long-lived family, it being not at all unusual for both his father's and his moth er's people to live 100 years. One of his maternal aunts lived to be 12S years old. Hmiajaaiiiltn m 11 1 sasa-ais ...,. .aj,..,..,, . as.mit' 1 1 1 mimm9Wm M'i '. nis-ynan a-ainim an us. ns'sum hi " wsaasttsMsiasaaawBsiiM 'f r 1 J ed 1 ' -A stS J refeH ; . 5 s. jSr' .-- Hfit!ib.l alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMalalaaaaMBL S?- SPaSBaaaaaaaaaataalaaaVlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa V " ' " T '" " C"""- IC I I jZt& aavaaaa. I I fmmmm fasaaataaassasasi aaaaMaaaaaaaa, MSSaasaasaaiss. II 11 i ?T7xT7rxnai3kaia.i'tHEiier-- 0 t- -4 Iv-y,vs,Jr 3cJWxz&' -WTV t - tfrflrlii M ' ' .FHStV 15rr?'r- iN -T f rr m nn f ?y v i j j a (Tflcjirdarirrnri i irri i'i 11 iri J .M'J.VLJ. rJJrfS-K-JL --..-. -. -i' -l Ht ' tAWt-I' M--il - I v vV Wff m: 1 1 1 r 1 r 1 1 i m ? .AV VLJH5jLJLJLJIJLJ . 3 vvv r innn ivv ..i nc v 1 j 1 1 1 j i 1 r.jTsi. , 1 . v S , XJ X Wrestllnc Tonight. Phil Tbpmpson of Bend and A. R DorrK sou of the Deputy Statu Game Warden, will wrestle tonight at Linster's Hall. The contest will be the Lest 3 falls out of 5, the strangle bold being barred School Notes. The pupils in the First grade wjll give a program on Wednesday afternoon alter which they will pop corn. Vale Taylor has been absent on account of a cold. The number of pupils enrolled in the Bend Schools at the beginning of the term was 125 but it has now increased to 151. The Bend School has contributed $6 25 for the lioys & Girls Aid So .ciety at Portland. Those Mho have been neither tardy nor absent since .school began are: Ida Niswonger, Mary Bozelle, Cecil French, John Conway, Eddie Brosterhous, Velma Wood, Leslie Lmburg, Elmer Lattin, Mark Tay lor, Goldie Conway, Doyle Snyder, Cora Bates, Bertha Welsh, Viola Brown, Ivan McGillvray, Warrcu Wheelock, Helena Bozelle, Claude Kelly, Clyde McGilvray, Harry Spinning, Emily Schreder, Elua Wood, Ethel Clark, Oscai Welsh, Mina Spuming, Claire Hunter, Water Ifoers Meeting The Water Users' Association will tiuld a sjieeial meeting next .Saturday afternoon at the ball over the llend postotfice. W. K. Scott, Secretary. Qlst Locals Gist, Nov. 31. It. L. Gist, of Sisters. ezpets to build a modern hotel at Sis ters lie has contracted with the Ilurk bard Bull for 45.000 feet of lumber for tlut purpose. Sitters has another sawmill which is located about i mile east of town. Ilob Davis is wing to farm on a larue scale next year from alt appearances, as he has two farms rented aud expects to rent another. Jake Dinkle, of Sisters, Is, repairing most of the machinery for the Rurkhard sawmill which was destroyed by Gre last September. There will be three logging teams em ployed at the Durkhard mill. Dave Tryrear has charge of the STjuaw Creek Irrigation Company's two ditches for the winter seaKin. w. H. Durkhard and Prank Arnold have been 10 1'rine- ville oi a business trip. Walter Case lias returned from Madras where he has been for the past six mouths. The Bend Toinsite Company OWNERS 0F THE ORIGINAL TOWNSITE AND ADDITIONS. North Addition Center Addition Lava Road Addition. ALL STR.ICTLY INSIDE PROPERTY. PRICES AND TERMS ATTRACTIVE: Laldlaw Notes ai, Mr. Pryrear, of was a Laldlaw visitor I.aidlaw, Nov. Desert Springs, suuuay. Mr. and Mrs. J. I'. Hansen, of Red mond, visited Mr. aud Mrs. Ilart Nichols Thursday. Messrs. Keddln and I'.rwin Couch, of Cuiiiiinuham. Wash., arrived here Thurs- da to attend the fuueiul of their sister, iimlly Coucii. Jay Nichols made a business trip to FULL LINE OF Builders' Supplies Doors, Sashes, Puints, Glass, Guilders' Hardware, Roofing. Everything you need for your new House or new Stor.fi. : ' N. P. SMITH Wall Street, Wall Street Cloverdale Saturday. The Socialist Local In the future will hold its meetincs in the bulldliu! owned by Mrs. C. H. Nlchyls. The hour of meeting has also been changed to one o'clock on trie sccoml ami lourlli Sun days of the month. Ebc Wot Butte Unit Xbnnft00ivino Sinner. MENU. SOUP Oyster Cream ' Cleat Consomme UNTKKRS Prime Ribs of Beef Young Turkey with Dressing Cranberry Sauce Pork with Apple Sauce VKGKTAIJMtS Browned Sweet Potatoes Mashed Potatoes Stewed Sweet Corn RHUS HK3 Queen Olives Sour Pickles SALAD Shrimp DliSSKKT Apple Pie Mince Pie Lemon Pie English Plum Pudding Hard Sauce lirandy Sauce- Assorted Nuts Raisins Z Tea Coffee 1213 JOHN LEOAT DUALltK IN Harness and Saddlery Trunks and Valises Repaired POLK'S GAZETTEER A rta.lnrM nirrrforr of rath Cltr, Town and Villas" hi Orrcoa anil Mathlnclon, amou n lrcrtplla hkrtrh of each pUrr, l.ormllaa, Milpplne J'arlllll am! it CUI rinl lilrrrlorr ol eacU lliulana nna i'rorrion. IU I- 1'OI.K A CO las. nraiur, ran. The Bulletin St. 50 a year. 00 YEAnO' EXPEniENCC WfflCffiSTER 1 1 j&SftA ' M CALIBER MODEL 1910 Self-Loading Rifle It Strikes iABlowof2038lbs. This new Winchester shoots a heavier bullet and hits a harder blow than any other recoil operated rifle made. It is more powerful than the .30 Army, of bitf game hunting fame. The loading and firing of this rifle are controlled by the trigger finger. JIt JUTS LIKE THE IUJIHEB OF TUOR SrnJ (or llluitralid circular fully inctlilni (AI ntw llllt vhtth hm Hr truth and povrtt pluii WKCIILSTEB KEPKATIN0 A1ISL1 CO, O f(ew Haven, Coon.. U S. A. Ijirnjra Tnaoc Mn DCOIONt CopvnioHTa Ac. Anron oniltnf a akalrh ml rttMrlplkin mr an kiv . a 14 nr 01 mi .li It wliihr ail lilffeull .11 I. I'f ''' T l'lanllK i.lwlilili- it irict'rr i;nj.t.tfl. HlNOBOOs "" l'iiu mt lii, OMiwI iiiii t fur uiln Miami. I!nta l.l.ti Ihruutfti lluim a Lu. racalfa Ifttlal iwiIIm, llhoul clir, Hi Iks Scientific Jfittcrican. A hftndnmfilr lllualrMM WMklr. jirct tin ruUllon j( mif rttillflq tournal. Tvtut; 1 fvrt rour luoiiin. !. poiaujiut nwtiiemr. FrlUNpC n 30iDtodr w v a v.pini.iirft 1 Armours Talcttui. nnyodnr, 15 cents this week, at Ritn CROiui I)i(KStouk. NOTICE FOR 1'UUMCATIO.V. In theCuutiiy Couil for Crank Cwinly, Oiriati--Notkuf IUIufl.iMl by Ailniliil.tialili. In Hi m.llcr of Ihr ;.UI i Auna It. htnU, IH.ftw.l NolMvU lirtclir si"" Hist t. Ilea A Mrs), Ailuiiii.tialili ul Ihrlt.UIr of Ahhs II HliN Dfl. will Mil at MU- mU l my m.i itcutc nr.r M.ltn. Ctuuk CwiMy. Oiroon. ritr littciulwr iitl, laiu. Ihr lulluwlna flKill. iupny, lo-wil Thrawuth half i( lln iioilli falu,ufirsilllir aoulh half of the liulllmt.l ilbaiur ufmlloil lilit (SI. In loon.lilp IhllUcn (iMilh. fansr lefii (11) II , W M., amt th utilli liatf ul Hi nvilliwt.l iuailcr aliit Ihv KHltliwtcUllif of Ih- noilhra.l ijuailf r. ami Ilia ninlhra.t iiiailr of Ilia aoutliwral quailir ol Mdlvit twanly-iilii (1, liilbwiiililp I'uur ton (141. aoiilli. lanarlrn(io) It , W XI In compliance: Willi an imler of I In County CiiiiitiifClook. County, Olrion, inailc and u lrirlonor alajiitrfoYtinu'rrili, liu. IIVA A. HTItKI.lt. Ailminlittatilsnrihe Ktlalc of Anna It. Hltclr, Immil.ANIi ft I'aMKkU, Atlotntys for llslalt . I'lrit iiil.llcallon Nor. 16,1410, jo 1 The MerrillWilkinson Co. HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS IN THE COMING WHEAT SECTION OF CENTRAL OREQON. ,..-"& livery Location Ounrantccd, Automobile Scjvjce,' 'VaV' 1' ' Garage and Repair Shop - AUTOMOBILE ST0RAQE " , ul lowest rotes possible with good scrvicci ; , i1 vulcanizing: the way you wish It done, Give us a trial, TUB UULrlyUTIN is the leading newspapr of CKNTRA1 0RB0ON ), 4