The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 23, 1910, Image 4

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OttC Jft ...nmm iwtnnimwwiMMin
Thtcc rnonlha...........-.......,.. .. ........
(tnTartaMy In adranee.)
. .to
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 33, 1910.
The Redmond people nre a per
fevering lot. Their scheme for
Deschutes county having been do
Jetted by the voters of their own
county, more than 5 to 1, they
drop that subject entirely, their
newspapers not ceu giving the
news of it, nnd come up smiling
with a proposal to take the same
matter to the Legislature for action.
Hut pcrscvcrence is not the only
virtue and in this ense it is foolish.
The constitution of Oregon, by
initiative amendment adopted in
1906, deprived the legislature of
the power of creating new counties.
Trior to that time Sec. 2 of Art. xi
of the constitution provided that
"corporations may be formed un
der general laws, but shall not be
created by special laws, except for
municipal purposes." A county
being a municipal corporation, it is
clear that the Legislature then had
the power to create new counties.
As amended that section reads,
Corporatloni may be formed under
Re lie nil laws, butshsll not be created by
the Legislative Assembly by special
There can be no doubt about the
meaning of this language, taken in
connection with the old provision
of the constitution. It definitely
and clearly takes from the Legisla
ture the power, which it previously
had, of creating an) new municipal
corporation, whether it "be county
or city. There is no use quibbling
over this matter.
Redmond should get the consti
tution amended again if it desires
to proceed along this line. Any
way, why such nervous haste?
Redmond won't blow off the map
before the railroads come. Then
adjustments can be made for
the greatest good of the greatest
number. Several counties will
eventually occupy the territory
now embraced in Crook county,
llut the voters of the area affected
will not consent to be thrust aside
entirely in the interest of special
real estate booms, as the experience
of Redmond proves.
chicken is the maximum rancher's
loss from coyotes. The sheep men
are the only considerable sufferers.
The question, then, resolves itself
into whether the best Interests of
the county nt large are being served
by the extermination of the coyote.
To The Bulletin it looks like good
money going for n bad cause.
"My kingdom for a Hughes!"
pathetically moans the G. O. 1
from its sick bed. That is, the saner
element of said disorganized organ
ization devoutly desires ttie advent
of the New York utan, or his politi
cal equal, if such there is. Trouble
is, however, that the "astute politi
cians" of aforementioned pirty have
out Hughes safely out of danger of
doing good in fact, beuched him,
if the pun be permitted. And this
time they've done a good job, for
from the Roosevelt fiasco they
have learned a better lesson. No
more will they attempt to bury a
man by giving him the Vice Presi
dency, as they did Theodore the
elusive. Supreme Court judge
ships are more fashionable and
So now it is discovered that the
Home Rule amendment to the Ore
gon constitution is unconstitu
tional. A deputy city attorney of
Portland finds that the word "ex
clusive" is what makes the trouble
that the state cannot abdicate its
power to provide police regulation
by delegat'ng ft "exclusively" to
minor political divisions. Here is
certainly ground for argument. It
ts a question lor tne lawyers lo
struggle with. The Portland city
attorney himself will not "stand
for" any such statement, or any
statement whatever on the subject,
until called upon through the reg
ular channel for an opinion.
If the purpose of the Common
Council, or anybody else, in schem
ing to enlarge the corporate bound
ary of Bend, is to get the water, light
nnd power plant within the city
limits, why isn't the matter taken
up openly and put through in a business-like
way? That plant ought
to be within the city limits, for
protection and for taxation, (all of
its revenue being derived from this
city) and a move in that direction
would encounter very little op
position. If the move for enlargement is
merely an incident in a "frame-up"
for a franchise grab it is quite an
other thing. The public is entitled
to information on this point. It is
the duty of public officials to let
light upon all such business.
These officials are not the masters
but the servants of the public. De
vious, mysterious, underground
scheming by little cliques or spe
cial interests is not proper dis
charge of public business.
Moreover, the people will not
"stand for" such misuse of public
functions for private benefit.
Hence the Council, having marched
up the hill, like the celebrated
army in Flanders, marches right
down again, and is now just where
it started in this matter.
Since water has been taken out
on the "desert" for irrigation the
birds do not flock to the river to
drink and bathe in the fall as they
used to do. Formerly clouds of
pinyon jays, blackbirds and rusty
grackles, gross beaks, robins and
tanagers were at the river early
every morning in October and No
vember and had great sport there,
fraternizing most sociably. But
they do not come any more.
The renson Is so obvious that there
is hurdly room for argument.
And there is 110 doubt that the
change can be effected openly and
fnirly for all if npproached as such
matters of business ought to be.
But it must be done soon.
Autumn Day.
The autumn ilnys Are leaving us,
With all their golden cheer;
The joyous hour we love o well,
Of all the gladnomc year.
The tiny we spend lit wandering free
Through woodland brown and red,
Where ripening nuts Imng threateningly
In tree tops overhead.
Where the song bird triltt hi farewell
From his perch in the tree-top high,
And we note the o.tll o( the wild duck's
A swiftly southward they fly.
The little brook i whitperlng tow,
As It speeds to its occmii home, f
Of the cruel ice tint will bind its tide,
When the winter ilays have come.
The yellow corn Is gathered in
And safely stored away;
While in the mow, in fragrant heaps
Is the new-mown clover hay.
The apples are plucked from the or
chard trees,
And placed In the cellar below,
Where the pumpkin pics and the tuluce
meat, too,
Stand on the shelf In a row.
We see the snow clouds swiftly scud
Across the leaden sky.
We'hear the wind speak sharp and clear
Ol the winter Hut's iirawlug nigii.
Dm ere the autumn dars depart,
While yet they atill delay;
They give us one remembrance sweet,
Our gladsome Thanksgiving Day.
t)ict.tA Wilson Nichols.
Bend's water supply should be
taken from the river above the city.
The Deschutes Banking &
Trust Co.
No 31.
at tlend.ln the Stlt of Oregon, al Ihc cloae of
butinc .".QTttntxr 10, ifi,
Loanisml discount l.35 41
Orcrdrin, ccurcd and unsecured .......... ja 4
funking haute, furniture, and fixture .. IJJ7 4S
Due from appreecd mcrre tvinkt. ....... 4.N4 44
Check and other cah Item .. i.iij M
Cath on hnd. .... ......... . , S44 So
Hipenc..... ..... ....... .. t.joo 11
Totals- ....- .rt.e64 i
Capital dock paid In .......-. ...f 13.000 00
unamuru pronu, in ripen- ana
Ue paid. .... .
Due lo bank and bankrra ...
Individual dcpoalt ubjcct to check..
Time certificate of dioit......
Total ... ... jMi
County of Crook, I "
I, L. If. Baird, president of the aboee-named
bank, doaolcmnly ixat that the abore elite,
ment U true 10 the beet of my knowledge and
oenei . u- H. haiku, rrceiucni
ftabacrlbed and tworn to before me this llth
day of November, 1910.
Notary Public. Mate bfOreeon
8. V. IUID,
XI. O. Cob.
1. no &a
$00 oo
.S J
50 bo
If you wish to have your ex
press and light freight come in
nlung with your letters nnd daily
papers, have it come in on the mail
line. TllJC COKNItTT Staoic &
STAllUt Co. 35tf
Pilot Uutte Inn.
Ilert Shcltau, Shanlko; J, Crocker,
Khauiko; It. A. Dittulcr, Portland; O. V.
Smith, Portlnuil; II. It. Ilickox, Port
land; Alfred Aya, U Pine, Ore.; II. J.
Harris, Redmond; Martin I). O'Toolc,
U Pine; O, Netlcr, liuluth; M. II.
Dowd, Still Prauclsco; Alex Thompson,
Portland; S, O. Thompson. I'ossll; J. I)
Ki.ldcll, The Dalle; II. A. llerkinau,
llelliilgham, Wash ; O. W. Anderson,
llcrsou, Wash.; J. II, Stanley and wife,
New York; A, Krrstcn, Portland; W, IN
Siultli nnd w(e, Springfield; P. Kocp
pen(i Pendleton, '
Hotel Hand.
It. W. I)AveiiKirt, Portland; J. P, I.n
vln, Portland; C, M. McKay, Portland;
Toole; Mrs, W, A Mitimey, f.ower
lltlilge; I.. L wnrinii, ritniryi w. it.
Muck, Poitlnud; A. Otiinucr, I'otllnml;
T. I', Richiitd. Portland; J. N. Htmiloy,
Portland; '., Van Hupp, I'ortlnnd; P.
Wrlglry, llood Kiver; II. A. Sillord.
Portland; j II. Head, Welialchrel Wil
lis Wind, Pilnrvilli-; Mrs. j. H. James,
rorliAini; rem uougsgooii, imwsohj
O. C. Smith, l'ortland; John It. Ryan, Oliver Hwiuisim, llllliuaii,
The First National Dank
No. uj4j
at ntud.ln the Slate of Oregon, al the cloae ol
uutmcae, not. lo. 1410.
Loan ami iHacount i
mcidrafl. teemed iiiduiiwcuied
U. H. Itoude lo eecuie circulation
rreniiutueon U IS. Ikiud
Honda, Hecuiillee, Itlc...... . ,
Hanking houae, furniture and dilute
Due front Ntlunl lurnk (not tru-tvc
1 from Male and Itleals lUnke ami
Hanker, Tiu.l Curawnie and hae-
ln Hank
Due hunt Apptotrd HetetTe Aieult,
Check and uhrr Hem
Note of other National lUnk .. ,
fractional rer Currency, Nickel and
Centi. ,
Lawful Money Keeeiee In Hank, ti
hprde ;,ui m
LcKal-triuter note I.y oo
Kederapllon fund ith U S. Tleaautcr
(J per cent of cWulatlun) . ...H
11 i is
I M Si
5,uuo w
J.SS; Si
V.4 IT
ss is
l.a.1 w
Capital alnck paid In
.6l 00
IIM. twT.oM (
J.(MJ l
JIM tni
Hurplu fund...HHH
UiKlleided I'ruAta, lea HipeoKi and
Tatcpld . t,cvl Jo
National Hank Note oulalandlnf ll.yjo ui
inmrhiuai aeiioaii tunjert 10 check.. . I4,T41 T
IKmand CettlSeate of Depoelt ,- in Is
Time Certificate of Depimt . ,. Il.i.-Ufi
Caihlcr' check vuttlandlnc - M V
Total (wr.o i
County of Crook. "
I.C. H. lludaon.Caahler of Ihf lire named
bank, do aolemnly awrar thai the alwre alalr
menll Hue u Ihc beat of my knowledge and
belief. C. S. HUDSON. Chief.
CoaatCT arTuri
U. C. Co.
K. A, mat iis a,
II. C. Ilu.1.
Suhacrlbe.1 and woro to before me thl llth
day of Nov., lit.
DeiMttment ofthe Interior
U. It. I and Olfice at The Dalle. Or
November 9. ii.
Notice li hereby rleen that
Tlllle lute.
of Dend, Ofrron, who, on Julr l, I97. made
ineriai no. or.
We have the best line in Bend of
Cook Stoves and Ranges, The
famous Cole's Wood Heaters and
the Barler Oil Heater are abso
lutely without an equal in their
respective classes
Prepared Roofing
This material we buy in carload
lots from the manufacturer, and
we give you the benefit of what
we save in cost by this method
of buying
Dceit I and entry No. Jwi (
.rw). fr
ueU leKKecji.T 16 H.. H. II It. W SI , hat
oieu notice ui iniennon lorntke riuai riour,
locaUblieh claim lothe land above deacrlbe.1
before II. C. Kill. V. ft. llend,
urefon, on ine ivtn uy 01 iKccmmr, 1910.
Claimant name a witnewe Charle II. Swal
ley, and lame R.Henham, of ltdlaw. Or.
y-iO C W. MOOKI!, Hrstaler.
Nails and Barbed Wire
The old prices nre still in effect nt our
store as follows:
Nails -
LiRlit Oalv. Barbed Wire
Heavy Qnlv. Barbed Wire
$5.25 Per Ke Base
$5.80 Per 100 Lbs.
$5.30 Per 100 Lbs.
A Complete Stock of
Loaded Shells
Subscribe for The Ilullctin.
Bend Hardware Co.
In sixty days Crook County las
paid out more than $400 in bounties
lor coyotes. The wisdom of such
a disbursement of be county's
funds seems very doubtful. Many
ranchers have expressed themselves
strongly against the bounty, .main
taining (hat rabbits do far more
damage than do coyotes, and that
the extermination of the latter
means a growing pest from the
former. Youug fruit trees, garden
. truck and grain are ravaged by the
bunnies, whose numbers are in.
creasing each year. An occasional