rwimnn Members of Tlie BEND REALTY BOARD IlEND TOWNSITE CO. BHND REALTY KXCIIANGK J. L. BYRNH CENTRAL ORK. REALTY CO. CROOK COUNTY REALTY CO. DESCHUTESJJREALTY CO S J. A. KASTES HOME LAND CO. O. C. IIENKLE HOMESEEKERS LAND CO. MERRILL-WILKINSON CO. V. R. RILEY W. W. Faulkner, D. M. D. DENTIST nulletin nuiMitiK, B e ti d, Oregon ROBERT B. GOULD Civil. Enginkkr and Sukvkyok. Bulletin Building Bend, - - Oregon. BEND LODGE No. 139 A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thursday on 01 before the full moon of each month. Visiting brothers- always welcome. J.D.DAVIDSON. 8C. U, O.COE. M.W. SAYE MONEY bFyirpIacS, your Insurance WITH Tit lerticaltaral Fire Relief of Oregon (MCTCAU.) Home office, Salem, Ore. Let me explain. S. H. SNYDER Agent, Bend, Ore Mrs. E. J. Herring FadalHIassage, Shampooing, Scalp Treatment, Manicuring Manicure Article, Marcel Comb, Ideal Brushes, Skin Food, Sanitary Hair Rolls. Dr. A. A. BURRIS.?CK5S; Healer. Di.ei.ea SuTfulljr Treated Without the Vk of Drurt or Surierjr, by the Natural Methods of llrstlnf . Chron ic DUcatrs a Specialty. Consultation Vxr Member of the Bute and Nations! Nsturopstt Society. OOcc la IloUliaf Btdf .. Dead, Oregon Peter Lehrman GENERAL ULACKSMITHING. Horseshoeing a Specialty. Corner Bond and Oregon Streets. B. FERRELL Physician and Surgeon Office over Deschutes Banking and Trust Co. Wall street, Bend, Or. F. H. MAY CIVIL ENGINEER SURVEYOR Bend, Orecon. GEORGE S. YOUNG CIVIL AND MININQ ENGINEER HOTALIXe UWILDIKO Bend, Oregon C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICII IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK DI.DC. DKND, ORKGON Vernon A. Forbes LAWYER FIRST NATIONAL BANK BI.DQ., BBND, OKliGON U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OPFICB OVKR I'IKST NATIONAI. UK, Office Hours: 10 to 11 a. 111.; 1 to 3 and 7 to o p. ui. Biwd, :- Okkgon g F. 0. MINOR I-OSTOFFICB BUILDING LIFE FIRE ACCIDENT INSURANCE Notary Public and Conveyancing AD Legal Papera Correctly Drawn, FIDELITY BONDS Crook County Abstract Co. INCOKPOBATKD. ADSTRACTS OK TITUJ to all Und and town lots in Crook counjy. B. P. Wyld, Secy. Frinevillc, Oregon. We photograph the records. ALL SIDES HEARD DESERT UND HOARD CONSID ERS NEW CONTRACTS. Settlers Ask Immediate Control nnd Repair of Umkcn Ditches As Yet No Decision Reached In ttic Hearing at Salem. The local Water Users Association utnl A. M. Drake nppentcd at the meeting of the Suite Desert Laud Board in Stlem last week when the matter of eutering into contract with the Central Oregon Irrigation Company, as the sucecsor ol the DcMchutcs Irrigation & Power Com piny, come up for cousideretion A Salem dispatch gives the follow iug account of'the meeting: Coutlictiii) interests occupied the at tention ol tirncttcally an all-day session of the Desert Laud lUurd in connection with the Central Oregon Development Co.'s work in the Deschutes, the com pany superseding the defunct Deschutes irrigation vS: rower Co, The Water Users Association, the company and A. M. Drake J of Itend. ere all represented by attorneys. The Irrigation Company requested that the tune of completing the contract as to lauds in segregation No. 6 be extended until February, 1913, Mid the time (or completing the contract as to lauds in K-gregatiun 19 be extended until Octo ber 17, 1915. It was also asked that the interest on lien should begin at the dale the lands ire approved tor stle by the Hoard in ste id of the date when the proof is sub initted on application lor patent. Amendment of the contract in relation to the reservoir project was asked to ex tend until nine months after the grant ing of the application by the Depart ment of the Interior, in order to allow lime for topographic survey. Among other things requested by the company is that ssles be allowed in idvauce of approval by the Hoard upon the company furnishing the baud to con struct ditches to the laud sold. A. SI. DrakeJ of Ilend made protest against some of the requests of the com pany, particularly as to extension of time 011 the contracts relative to the seg regation, und he also asked that the Board definitely determine what work has been done by the company and what water rights have been earned and de sires that the Board enter into a new contract on the strength of this informa tion and submit it to the protestaut for inspection. Drake also urges that in auy mollification of the contract panic ular effort be made to sec that there are no changes which will allow speculators to ueai in tne properties anil asks tUa only bona-fide settlers be allowed privt leges to purchase land tract. The water users asked the Hoard to require the company to construct imme diately the North Canal under existing contracts, and also asked fur the i mi tie- dlaterepair of several breaks. Objection arc made by the water users to sales of land to settlers until water is actually available to be placed on the laud for crop purposes, and the Hoard is asked to take steps to protect the set tler in his water right and refuse to al low liens of privileges to attach in favor of contractors where there is doubt of the water right, so as to avoid complica tions and litigation for the water users. The protests consumed so much of the time during the day, as well as the argu ments in connection with tnem. that the Board took little definite action al though it is practically assured that the settlers will be required to par the state jo cents an acre on the lauds, probably naif time of filing application and half at the time of furnishing proof. Drake is principally interested because of a power site at lieml. He claims a prior right on water appropriation and wishes to have at lean jaw second feet of water flowing in the river past lleml lor power purposes. lie claims he Is en titled to this under original contracts when he disposed of his properties to the Deschutes Company, and wishes to see I these contracts observed. Cone(iuetitlv be desires to be kept aware of moves matie ny me uoaru arm tlie company, , and be given privilege of inspection of ' any new contracts wnicn are to lie tnatle THE BEND BULLETIN Solicits Inquiries About Up-To-Date JOB PRINTING MODERN TYPE, A10DBRN MACHINERY, MODERN A1ETH0DS. Call at office or phone us, Phono No. 56 Wall Street, near Ohio. J Improvements nt (list, OtsT, Or Nov., 30 V. U. llurUImrd now owns the Three Cieeks situ mill John I.. Sor Isout, and moved his fam ily hack to the Willamette Vullcv sev eral weeks ngo, except his two oldest sous who rcumtued heto. A number of new dwellings luve been In lit this fall between Desert Spring and Cliuc Pall., 1'. M. l'liiltips is lnuiiig 45. notes of new Inttd luttkeit by W. It. Cie. II. C. Stfliuittacclicr Is bieikiug new laud which was grubbed recently. Several other dinners tire very busy ploughing their old laud for spring crops. It. A. Scoggiu is dlgginK hi potatoes. lie usually raise a fine crop mid will likely li'iie h good supply of them agnili this M-a-Min. Hd White appears to tie in the horc husinesa ns he has quite u tiumtcr of them. l.ttuibrr teiims tire Imsy hauling from the Roberts Itrtw, mill to Iteduioud nud Madras to the latter pkee fur the tail road. J. O. lUnon of Ueiluiiiud is having all the iHiil'llnjc of the Illghtower-Suiilli mill taken down ami the lumber hauled to his home at Redmond. I'rauk Arnold is buiug some oung horses. ! TtUC lil ! ML'tro ! TOPGERY I Has a Full Line of Warm Winter CLOTHING for Men RUBBERS OVERSHOES and Rubber Boots Merchant Tailoring a Specialty. RIGHT PRICES RIGHT QUALITY A. L. FRENCH Your Patronage is Always Appreciated Patterson Drug Co. Let us show you an EASTMAN KODAK A nice shipment of Community Silver just received, PATTERSON DRUG CO. We are in business for your health. Leave your subscriptions for All Magazines ' f I 1 nf tlif T.ilirnvir iinrl lf tlinf institution get the benefit. NOTION KOU PIMUiirATlON. Depsilineiit tit the Interior. t H, t.siul Oilier st l.sket If w, Or , Nov j, ivlu. Nutlet l heieliy ultrii tlist ,, iv I.. Wi.e, . - iirHtisUiiil. Oregon, who, tin Julie?. M made lluilletlmil entry Nit 5144, ( Nil. UII4"). fur nwlj tutri ec. I.V. J t, H. K.. sit.litsU wj , Vt wt Htf.ArNi.Mi KT In lllril, iiuiIm lil titteiilKm liuimkr ninillti rar iitHrioesltillki,lntiil 10 tin Isml ntxwv .1-viU.I, txltite VoniiiilatMiicr- II. t' hlln nt lleml, tlirnuiii tin Hit tlar uf llemiilwr, Win. Claimant wllnee Willi. m O I'txtllisui, N.tile MI111M1. MllUitl V llllttin, l,eitt M II111I, Rllnf Mtxlaiiil, tli i-40 Akl'lll'K W.uitltlN, Kmlster. N0T1CK KOIt PUBLICATION. Deptttlmenlst tire Inlcilor. U, r. t.sml tittle st Thi- tmllrs. or , September II, Isltl. Notice Is hereby jlvrn thsl Ntllle II Market, wlm.e H.t(Tl siMiex I. lleml, Dreamt, itltl tmltteiitt Uy at Ma), hip, (lie In Ihl. tMtit Swuru Mlnleiuenl awl Ai,lkitllun, Nu .ai,l twirthsM- I lie eki U v ij. T. ii , K 11 II . M , ami the lliiil-rr lhctr.ui, nmlei I lie i liluusuflhesct ul June) iSfS, and nil, hicih. itlwy, V.WIWI1 as the ' Tlml-el ami Mime liw ttl .itch e-tltie ss mliitii lie (Utnl h ,it.ei. incut stnl Hist. uiM.iil lu .hcIi -ttt-itk)i the Istht ami llntl-rr Iheietm h.te tweti i liisl.nt.lh llml-ri -Mlunsletl ..iv-j NmM reel . . 75 teiil. r M. and lh Uml thai Mid -ftl, nl wlUtitler final iKuufiu .Hit vOter ajnd catkm awl isms .tatenteitl uu the t.shdit, 11 IthiImi. i.. tirlolr II C Kill, t h t,uin mlMUmer. sl hlsultwral Itcud Any 1-ci.oh t sl liUrttv l.i Hulr I thl. mt cHs.c Infore entry tic titttlsle m itiule.i at an, lime 1-ettHc i-alrnl i.ic. hy nliua .tMiiiln lit Ihl. ortH-r sllrKiua U.I. hi. I. would detail the entry iM t. W MiMlkl; Keitl.ter Vi asittmai iigiMffiKPir 1 HRISTMAS HOLIDAY EXCURSION To Uio City of Mexico via the SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY Leaving Portland DttTinbor 11 Ih niitl 1'Jlli, 11)10, mid Sim 1'YuiK'iMii DiTt-mlia- l-llli, 11)10. A MAGNIFICENT SPECIAL TRAIN Consoling of OlMrt'rvatioii I ur, Piilliiiiui YrMiliiilt-ri Sleep ing Cars. Smoking Cur utM Dmmg Car, will leave Third and Towu.vMid .streets, San Fraui'two, via the Coast Line. The excursion is run under the auspices ol the Southern Pacific, National I. men of Mexico, International and Great Northern, G. II & S. A. ami Siitita lfe. $1 fA ROUND TRIP VARK (J fl fA 1 U'JP 1'RO.M PORTLAND p & U Corresponding low raits from other O. R. & N. ami S. P. points. Interesting sitla trips on the return trip, including the Grand Cuuvon, may Ik- made. Ktiinl return limit 6o days from (lute of sale. Equipment on thin train will be limited nnd no more paiMiger.i will be taken than can be comfortably provided for. I'int further Information, deist'.. atJ Want i fit II r lllwlraled fcwVtet "Mesleu call us any O K I N oe n I- Assnl ue ilttu WILLIAM McMURRAY ( neral ra.aengcr Ac ' IVrlUwd, Oirgun Wrestling Match THANKSGIVINC. LVE . NOV. 23rd. LINSThR'S OPERA IIOl'SE. PHIL THOMPSON vs. A. R. DORRIS OK BUND. OKKUOK Ol' ClIKSTIvR, MONTANA $50.00 Purse. TIIRKK OUT tH IMVIv 1'AI.I.S TO WIN. Owlr reecitds to I divided 60 tier cnl to wtuuer, 40 to locr. Strangle Ilolil barrcti. AdmUston f I. 'j - . Speedwell THE CAR THAT DOES THINGS Power, Speed, Durability, Appearance, Economy. A. C. LUCAS, Bend Agent. The Pioneer Call on or telephone us for all kinds of Wood and First Class Shingle?;. We saw Cord Wood and Limb Wood on bhort notice. Orders Promptly Filled. DOWNING (3b POWELL, Proprietors. The Home Land Company RealtEstatoand Insurance. Timber Lands, Irrigated New PALACE MARKET Cltnrloii Hoyd, Prop, MEATS Vegetables, etc. 0. C. liniNKLU HOMESTRAD LOCATIONS Real Instate Exchanges of all Kinds Wood Yard D HOMESTEA LOCATIONS and Dry Farhv Lan . S mi I Palace Restaurant Rooms for Rent Coiifi'Ctliuit'ry, Prult ' Picnic StipplleM, ClKiira J. E, Taguart & Co. Kstiiinili-a on lliill llll'lll W11II I'uper nt ruillitiid I'iIisms N. P. WKIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger ClieM-.l and IW-sl Will l'aft Sain- )ili-s 111 tile ttitnry. tlet My Pints H"X tij. llrinl, OieKOtl. CITY DRAY UIAKI.I s mil Til V I'HOI' t 'CITV.DfTiW M. MAMU 1. I MO I IIINn l-eavc iiir n lir. i'li Sn K SmllU W.t.l-r t ul Alio Buckley Express Co. Direct IvxpreM Service iKlweeH .Shamko mnl llcud. Two Rikh Each wny every week Careful Attention. Bend office at Auno's Barn Phone orders to Redmond ut our cxpene. No Stops! CONTRACTING CARPENTERS AND .10 DB1-US Sutherland I& Mcintosh PIRST-CI.ASS WORK (lUARANTEED USTIAtATES I'lJRNISIIUD ON ALL KINDS OP WORK Wood I Wood I Now is the time o order your winter wood, for the cold niht.H (luiuiiiid n lnrv;e pile of dry wood. Cnn I bought of Ir M. Curler nt it rfusouiililc price, deliveretl ut tiny lime Leave order ut A. M l.iita'.s. ?1 Al. CAIri:R ' JOHN LOGAT DltAI.ltK IN Harness and Saddlery Trunks nnd Vnllses Repaired V 4tf V?' irT.f sssllWWi .,aiw