The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 16, 1910, Image 8

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Bend tilth School Athletic Association
Organizes Team.
Lait Friday evening the High
School Athletic Association met.
and accepted the challenge or the
Prineville High School football
team to play a Thanksgiving game
at Prineville
Warren Wheelock was elected
captain of the Bend team, nnd M
S Lattin offered his services as
coach Although the boys did not
start practicing until Friday, they
are now working out every after
uoon, and Coach Lattin believes
they will be in shape to make a
good showing. The basket-ball
teams of the two schools will also
play on the evening of the gridiron
Concerning IJend'a Electric System.
That Hend expect to grow ionic it
evidenced by tbe installation of a huge
electric Knitting plant over there last
week, the first to utilize the water
fiower of the Deschuti river Accord
hi; to the Hullelln, tbe plant is of 13s
horsepower, and consists of a ico-kilo-watt
Mullock venerator with a 30 kilo
watt exciter, it delivering an alternating
current. I'rineville's system is about 70
kilowatts in capacity. While tbe Bend
plant will not be overloaded for a year
or two the people comprising Its owner
ship are to be commended for their en
terprie and for anticipating the needs
of growing community. Prineville
Doors, Sashes, Paints, Gluss, Builders'
Hardware, Roofing. Everything you
need for-your new House or new Store.
Wall Street, Wall Street
The Bend Tewnsite Company
v f
C f . N
Park Addition
ThisJJeauUlul Addition, with Building Restrictions, is tho "Nob Hill" of Bend.
Call or Write. Office Cor. Wall and Ohio Streets.
OIJ Auto Uuss Deserts Bend.
The Oldsmobile auto buss which
was used in the Bend-Sbaniko
service in the first days of the auto
road, and which for several years
has decorated the premises of tbe
late D I & P Co. has made its last
trip Irorn Bend. Mr. Howard sold
it to Portland people, who will ust
it for delivery purposes in that city
After several days nf bickering with
its weatherbeaten mechanism the
graceful craft was got under way
and stalled out to seek Shaniko
through the mud last Thursday.
Whatsoever to Meet.
A meeting of tbe Whatsoever
will be held at the home of Mrs
Faulkner next Friday afternoon at
3:30 o'clock sharp, for the purpost
of making final Arrangements foi
the coming church bazaar. Rep
resentatives from the different
church societies arc asked to b
present tp assist in making plans
Improve Wall Street.
The city authorities are having
tbe surface rock on the east side of
Wall Street, between Greenwood
and Evergreen, removed. Tbt
rock will be used to wall up tht
west side of the street, as well as to
improve tbe alley crossing north ol
the Pilot Butte stable.
Choicest Residence Property
North Addition
1 Business and Inside Residence Property. k '
Lava Road Addition
Rcsidcnco Property in tho Heart, of tho City.
Sightly Residence Section
The Bulletin $t. 50 a year.
S A. Dutt and family were in
Bend last week.
Ralph Caldwell was down
bis homestead over Saturday.
Soap, cheaper than dirt this
week, at Rhd Cuose Drug Stokh.
For Rknt Desirable office
room over the First National
Bank. 37tf
Mrs. S. D. Percival has been
very sick with dipththeria at
Ladies' rubber gloves, all sizes,
for household use, at Ri!D Ckoss
Dkug Stokk.
V. A. Forbes and II. A. John
on received the 3rd degree in the
Odd Fellows last Tuesday.
It is time to take that suit over
to The Peerless Pressing Parlors
and have it made new again. 351 f
Miss Pauline Wiest left Monday
for Portland to attend .school there,
if tbe condition of her eyes permits
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Carroll
have returned to Bend from their
wedding trip, and will make their
home here.
Orie Poiudexter was in Bend
Saturday from Prineville, bound
or a duck-shooting trip on the Up
per Deschutes.
In the Juttlce Court for Deschutes 1'rcclnct No,
l, Crook County, Oregon.
. K. Williams, Malnliff, )
vs. 5 .
John V. Feme, Defendant )
To John K. Verne, thcabwr named Defendant,
In the name or the Male of Oregon, You are
ncreby required to appear ana antwer the com
jlalut filed agaluit you in tbe above entitled ac-
lou on or before
1, 4th, 1911, and If you foil
thereof the plaintiff will
40 to antwer. for want
ipply to the Court for the relief therein demanded,
,o-wn, for Judgment lu the amount ofniuty
teveu dollirt and auty-flvc centa $71 6i) to.
aether with his cotta and dUburxmeutt ofthlt
Tint tummont It served upon you by the pub
licattoirthertorin The tieud liullcilu, a news
tapcr of general circulation within Crook
v'ountjr, Oregon, pubtUhcd weekly at lleud, In
uld county and elate, for the period of nix coif
Kcutivc weeka commencing with the lieuc of
November IC, 1910, and ending with the lame of
Jan, 4U1, iuii, lu purtuaiice of an order of
ihe Iluuoreblc W, W orcutt, Ju.ilce of the
Peace ol tbe above entitled Court, which said or.
der wat made and eutered October 3rd, 1910,
uaicor urai punucaiion hut, io, iyio, ia.ic 01
(ail publication tn, 4, 1911.
Justice of the I'eice of Deschutes 1'rcciuct No is,
ptnnb Prainlv. nr.unil. ,1
W.OTI- rw--s, ,- . - T.
Without Building Restriction.
Sulphur, 10 rents per pound.
Run Ckosh Dkl'o Stokk, 301 f
Karl Ladewig bought lots 7 and
8, block 30, of Deschutes from
Charles O'Ncil. The deal was
handled by the Byrne Realty Co.
Contract to let for clearing 50
acres; and running ?J4 miles of
fence, on land 8 miles cast of Ked
mopd. Address W. Gurrctt, Coo
East 3 1st St , South Portland, Ore
Kon. 34-36
Frank Gulp, Ray Kinnenr.
Frank Stifford nnd J. W. Usher
left Bend Monday evening for the
latter's homestead on the Upper
Deschutes, where they expect to
find good duck shooting.
The wood that makes heat is
that bought of F. M, Carter, who
gives full measure, and you only
pay for what you get. I can de
liver on short notice. Leave word
ufA. M. Lara's. P. M. Caktmk.
Apples for Sole.
Sixty boxes Spltzeubcrg, Red
Cheek Pippins and Baldwins,
(raised iu Mitchell); 3.35 per box.
At Wenandy'd barn. 3436
If you wish to have your ex
press and light freight come in
along with your letters and daily
papers, have it come in on the mail
line. Tuic COKNUTT Staoic &
Staiiu: Co. 35tf
A light snow, the first of the season,
fell here November 8.
Mr. Hamilton, of Ililltuan, spent a few
days last week on his ranch northwest of
John Couch and wife expect to start
the first of the week for IUuville. Wash.
Ingtou, for uu extended visit.
Sam Nichols caught a flue specimen I
of silver fox on the river Tuesday, ,
Alex I.cvereuz, of Gist, was in Laid
law Sunday attending the Socialist I0'
Mr. and Mrs. O, M. Couch returned
Saturday from Minnesota, where they
have spent several weeka visiting rela
tives, Mr, and Mrs. Carl Meyers expect to
move to Sister soon, where Mr, Meyer
It engaged In hauling lumber.
Menrt Hart and Sam Nichols made a
business trip to I'rlncville the last of tbe
Mr. Horner relumed from Shaniko
the middle of the week, and reports that
the roads are in a very bad condition.
lie had lust nurchated a iii-w nun u,)iit.
he Mat unable to bring In on account of '
the mud. j
At the regular meeting of the Social
ist i.oca, Sunday, the .Secretary was In. '
atructed to drop from tliu membership '
roll for giving support to old patty can. '
diiUtes; C W. Allen, 1'rank Murk and I
J. V. Hairy. '
The MerriIlWilkinson Co.
Every Location Guaranteed. Automobile Service.
Garage and
SL,0v,c8t raU'3 IossItIti with good nervlcc.
r i
the way you wish it
Pastries, Rolls, etc.
txpettmetit of the In In lor
17 . Land om at Lakeview. Of y
Ntr. , in T
Nrita It hereby a-trea that
Nellie ahull,.
efMinUnd, Orein, he. n Merth Jl. iVf,
made llenirilead entry, No aim, far nU ueV,
K H, V tlM 1, T lift, K itk.W,
M , net rilM uotke oflnlentlon to make nst
CuMiuulallen pruuf, lu e.lablhh elalnt la In
UikJ abuec ileKrlbed, before Cmmfloii.r II
C Utile, at lleud, Oregon, on the IJlh day of
December, ivie.
Claimant uamea at wllnraeeei
O W Triplet! and William V.n.lerert, ol
lleud. Or rgnn, and William Htrtnihatii ami W,
( I'ufdhara of Holland, tirea-on
JA-4 AKrilUK w 7iKTON, Heil.ler,
Subucrilrc for The liullctin.
Repair Shop
done. Give us a trial.
At Regular Hours
Furnished Rooms