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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1910)
- Members of The BEND REALTY BOARD REND TOWNSITK CO. BEND REALTY EXCHANGE J. h. BYRNE CENTRAL ORE. REALTY CO. CROOK COUNTY REALTY CO. DESCHUTESREALTY CO. J. A. EASTES HOME LAND CO. E& O. C. HENKLE HOMESEEKERS LAND CO. MERRILL-WILKINSON CO. W. R. RILEY W. W. Faulkner, D. M. D. DENTIST i Bulletin Building, Bend, Oregon ROBERT B. QOULD Civil. Encinkkr and Survkyor. Bulletin Building Bend, - - Oregon. BEND LODGE No. 139 A. F. & A. M. .Meets on Thursday ott ot before the full moon of each month. Visiting brothers' always welcome J.D. OAVIOSON, 8C. U.O.COE.M.W. SAVE MONEY ajj-ftLSi WIIHTHK Bwlicultiral Fire Belief of Orcfoa (mutual.) Home office, Salem, Ore. Let me explain. S. H. SNYDER Agent, Bend, Ore JS.ii.Alrs. E. J. Herring $$ Facial Massage, Shampooing, ScalpJ TreauRcnl, Manicamig Manicure Article. Marcel Comb. Me Untitle. Skin Food. Sanitary Hair Roll.. Dr. A. A. BURRIS, rKKK lltalcr. Dikiki huccrwfulljr Trnlnl Without the Ue of 1ttjk or SutgeTjr, by the Natural Mttboda of I a f. Chron ic Dmn SprcUlty. Consultation Free littabcr of the Slate and National Nonrepair Sodtlj. OSce la Uotallag Bldr-. Bend, Or caw Peter Lehrman OEMKRAI. M.ACKSMITHIM Horseshoeing a Specialty. Corner Bond and Oregon Street-. B FERRELL Physician and Surgeon Office over Descbntes Banking and Trust Co. Wall street, Bend, Or. F. H. MAY CIVIL ENGINEER SURVEYOR Bend, Oregon. GEORGE S. YOUNG CIVIL AND MININd ENOINEER IIOTAIINO BOILDIXO Bend, Oregon C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK M.DO, riRND, ORKGON Vernon A. Forbes LAWYER FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO., BBND, ORHGOh U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OPFICH OVKU PIRST NATIONAL BK. Office Hour: 10 to 13 a. tn.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. to. Bkni, : Orkcon F. 0. MINOR FOSTOFFICK BUILDING LIFE FIRE ACCIDENT INSURANCE G5b Notary Public and Conveyancing Air Legal rapera worrccuy urawn. FIDELITY BONDS Crwk City Abstract Co. INCORPORATED. ABSTRACTS 01' TITLE to all landjmdtowu lota inCrook county. ,B. F., Secy. PrinevWe, Oregon. We photograph the records. I A WILY ORIENTAL Guilu of a Tricky Native Snake Charmer In India. GATHERED IN THE SERPENTS. It Was No Troubli to Him to Lurs the Rtptllt Into Hi Baaket, and tho Supply Wat In No Danger of Giving Out and Lotlng Him Job. Among the numerous objectionable mid dangerous creatures iniulhir to the orleut none Is more repulsive thnn tho snake. One sliuddero involuntarily as one tblnkn of Its wiggling body mid vicious characteristics. During my resldqnce In ludls I never felt safe from Its presence. I hud my closets, bed and even my bathtub searched ev ery day lest one should be fouml colled up In some comer, writes Kllsa l Van Hergea In tho Christian Intelli gencer. I was always on the watch for tho creatures nud ever hi mortal terror of trcadlug ou one. It never occurred to Die to sleep without a light, nud 11 stick was always near nt hand lo3t I might Olid one unawares mid bo tut prepared to meet It. I even looked upon my tlilu mosquito curtain as a sUgbt protection, for It would at leant break Its fall should a snako tumble down suddenly from the celling. Tho creatures have a decided pref. erenco for cool, damp places and often choose the bathroom and sometimes the tub for their habitation, much lo the discomfort of Its rightful habitue. It Is not unalloyed bliss to live In a With place Infested with serpents. aucb formidable enemies, one never forget to bo cautions, nor to guard against their presence nnd sudden at tack. It makes one nlcrt to be In the midst of danger and adds spice to life. Well, as I started out lo say, my garden was Infested with snakes, nnd I was persuaded to have n native charmer summoned to . lure them away. Ills hideous occupation, weird Incantations and strange pets sur round the snake charmer with a jh cullar fascination. Ills magnetism and skill are considered phenomenal in the eaiL This specimen was tall and lank and had deep, cavernous eyes and an nb tracted air. Some of the creatures were colled around hi wrist, which nade him still more rrpellanL He handled them as If they were per fectly harmless. About the neck he wore a chain with a flute attached. Two other Jugglers accompanied him. dmllarly attired, but minus the makes. Ono carried a closed basket in bis arm. Ho stopped at a respectful distance 10 mnko his "salaam," which Is the ustomary snluto of tho country. Then t approached the aloe hedge which Hosed my grounds, squatted blmaclf illor fashion on the grass and began 1 produce weird, plaintive sounds on ic flute, to which music the reptiles twined themselves around him and erard to sway their bodies to and o. After sorao tlrao a snako appeared. Mdlng slowly and stealthily out from hedge toward the spot where It leant the enchanting music. The -banner allowed It to come quite loso and to wind Itself around his trm. Another followed and yet an other, while the other two men stood y holding a basket ready to receive hem as soon as they unwound them selves. At least a half dozen ap peared .and were disposed of In this manner. After being captured they appeared as If In a stupor. Horrified with his performance. I begged him to stop and bado him leave the place. He assented and. picking up tho basket, departed with the snakes without ever ceasing to play bis uncanny tune. His compan ions gathered up tho rest of bis be longings and followed blm. I paid a crtnln sum for each snako thus dis patched. He came repeatedly thereafter and went through the samo performance, conjuring up more reptiles and dlspos lag of them In the same way until I began to nunpoct some trickery. He refused to allow the snakes to be kill rd. InxlMliiR thut they were sacred and siuat not be put to death. It looked is If he replaced the snakes In 111" hedge after removing them, and thus bo multiplied their number and In--rcased bis gains. I was Anally forced to have blm re moved by the police and threatened with punishment in order to keep him away. Nothing would pcrsuado mo to permit ono of the fellows to cuter my premises again. Amply Qualified. Proud Parent If you would win my daughter, young man, you must prove to my satisfaction that you bare forti tude, patience under discouraging clr cumstancesf strength of character, courage, an Indomitable will to suc ceed and, above till, an ability to bear with misfortune. Have you those qual ifications? Suitor I'vo known your daughter for so mo time, sir, nnd am asking you for her band. Do you wish other assurances? Good Caui For It. "A friend of mine who visits that newly married couple saw the husband tho other, day throwing stones at bis wife." "Oood heavens! Was she hurt?" "Not a bit of It. She yras Just tickled to death. They were diamonds." Baltimore American. Never let fnmlllnritv oxclnda rcunvt. Vanburgh. MEASURES ALTITUDES. Tit U of th Darograpli on Aro plant and Oallooni. What thu romtKix Is to the mariner tho barograph Is to thu aviator. The barograph Is mi hutruiucnt for mens urlng altitudes. The pressure of the air as It Increases or decreases causes it delicate- needle to tliice it wavy line upon n cylinder which revolves by clockwork. This Hue Indicates not only the exact height that I reached by the aviator, but also tho speed at whit h he Is traveling. The Imrogniph ts kept In 11 weiithcr proof box with it glass front, which Is attached to 11 liar of the aeroplane or lo a rope 011 I lie balloon. It Is titllclul' ly scaled before the aviator ciub-iUs, so there Is 110 possibility of tampering with It, mid the seal is taken off In the presence- of wltuossos nt the emi of the night. In this way it Is hm hie to establish absolutely nud graph ically the altitude which an 11 viator attains hi tils aeroplane or balloon. It Is ueecwvtry for the n tutor to watch the barograph, constantly, as li I Indicates 11 change hi the elevation at ' most to the foot. The sky pilot has to , keep his eye 011 the Indicator much us the man tit the wheel of the seagoing ' ship wntches Ills compass. Should I lie 1 neroplaue or the tuilloon rice or fall I leu or twenty feet the nvUtlor would , not bo conscious, of It utiles he looked I nt tho wavering needle tracing Its . permanent record on n chart Ivfoiv 1 him. This tells him Immediately of I nttv rliiiiii-, In tin, ntiloi-.. nf Iho nil currents nud gives him timely warning of aerial dangers. These Instruments are so dellcnte ami so accurate. It Is suld. that n man I might hang one of them about hi I neck In Its glass case or carry It In his 1 nn,lu nml "mu n n'Rnt of stairs, the ueigiu 01 uis nsrcui iicing gropim-any Indicated. by the Inked needle on the machine. New York Press, A CAREFUL MAN. Hta Indaelilon In th MatUr of Em ploying a Doctor. The imrslmony of the old New Hng tauder of the tyH now nltimtt vaulsheil was nobly exemplltleit In Mr. Itemiy Huntingdon, who lived with his iniild- n sitter In n little towu In western Massachusetts. Nelher had ever xieut a penny unnecissarily and when hi bis old age Mr. Ileuny became crippled with "the rheuinatls" nnd had. as well, strange fluttering!! of the heart, which were unrelieved by the best recom mended "yarb tea," they were greatly shocked at the suggestions nnd warn ings of their friends and neighbors that they ought to send for a doctor. Mr. Hcnny refused, declared his scorn of the entire medical profewtlou ami continued to save his pennies. Dut tho pain grew worm'. Mr. Den ny was confined to bis bed In great agony and overheard some of the neighbors telling his nl.itrr that ho was going lo die. Then he sent for an old schoolmate, n man as "careful" as himself. "Joslah," he anked. In a low, confi dential tone, "have you ever had n doctor)" Joslab shook his head. "Duuno as I have." be answered. Mr. Kenny renrhed out and laid a trembling hand iihii his old friend's arm. "JtHuli." he nuked again, "did you ever hettr how much one o them doctors charges for a vllty Jotlah looked nl his nufTcrlng friend with pitying sympathy. "Well," he said, breaking It ns gently as hecould "well. I have heard. Ilenny, that they charge as much as K a visit!" "Two dollars!" Mr. Ilenny repeated. "Two dollars!" Then he xuuk back on tils pillow nud sighed In n voice of atrangely mingled relief, regret and resignation. "Well. I dunno but I'd rather xpend G than die!" Youth's Companion. Th Lleorie Plant. Tlo licorice plant resembles n roue wlllt a single green stem, readies a height of about three feet and bears a small purplu star shaped (lower. The first year's root growth roMumbtca a loosely twisted string of tow nud may run to twenty feet In length. The sec ond year It assumes a woody sub stance wheat dry, nnd tho third year It acquires lis commercial value. The tlmo for digging the root hr tho win ter, when It Is dried and crushed un der heavy stones drawn round on It by mules, much as olives aro crushed to extract their oil. Queer Kaffir Cuitom. Knfflr women will not pronounce their husband's names or even uso words which contain the emphatic syl lable of those names. Ono old woman, being taught to say the lord's prayer, changed the word from "come" In Thy kingdom couio" lo something that inude nonscmic, and It proved that tho proicr "come" word wus the mulii syllable of bcr husband's name. Proving His Contention, "Jones Is uu optimist, even In the most discouraging circumstances, Isn't ho'" "Why, no. Ills mother-in-law Is slightly Indlspoxcd, and ho thinks there's no hope for her recovery." "Well, what did I tell your-Clevo- land Leader. Ch In Anclint Ceylon. Tn ancient Coylon tho git me of chess was played with local variations pe culiar enough to note. The king may not castle, but ho Is permitted lo Jump llko a knight till rhecked. The pawns aro exchangeable oij the lust row for the pieces on whoso row (hoy stuud. Though tho world may owe every man a living, only, the persistent col lector gets It. NOTICB FOR MmMOATION. Dftxitlmrul ulltit litUitor, U K. I.amt (line nt I.nktVltw.Ot , Nov , 191U, Not let U hereby iilvett that -,. . . Hval.. Wt.e, ofKiv.UM.1. OifRnii, who, uu hiiir 7, Iwm. maile nuinrm.ii eiury roi JMi. (rwiiai n, ojif), lot VnwW S. i.T i H. R. y H. miilntV M.)tr( Srv- JS. ,Y II .. U V.W. M. haa niril, noilcr l tnUiillim luinnWe filial five- )Ht HHHlltUH nr iHHiriuMiMlili I'Ulm lo th lail liof .UiKtllml, iMtfoit Cumiitlwlotitr . c, KUU. at llciol. Otrmm. uu Hit toil tlav of Ilrumliri. 19m tUlmanl iiiimc wlliir.: Wllllim U IVollimn, Nrllie slilill. MllUnl f lUnrlhuin, l.fror M llmt, Ur NwUinl, or. Jft-ia AHrilUK W. (iHri)N, HrKltltr. S'OTIOK KOU IMJMLIUATlUiV !wolmriil l lh InltiUr. U s t.Kiui oihtc l rtic IHilUi, or., hiriubci 11, luia, Nolle li hertiy cUcu lht- Ntlllrtl Maiktl, inhere pilurllre aihlrr.t la litn.l, Oircon, i), h th ii-Ml.y r XUr.l'. Sle In IRM ch( liiurii Statciiiciit ami AetlullH. No A I. jurlhaie IheMtU .rK rw ij, 1. IH., K. UK M ,aml Ihr ilmtKr llimon, uult On 1 .hint (.(the art wl mi J lift. -n. vvl-mii. m imy h.wwi at me lliahrr .1x1 Sin c l.a lh Tlur at uniihl U h mii,iU nl kuU ih't. iiinun lo Mth iMKmII . k Urn! ait.1 1 1 in I wi thriruti lur lwu altrU.lhclliulirr.ltmiilnliM,iutiMril hi1 TnUi.. v mii I i.rt$M m , 1 1 vnl will omFBHiil iciioriii uhkmi nf htr aiiiili. 1MII011 nml .wurii .UlrHirnt in Ihr Mliilt) ut KrftmUr, wis Ixlut. II C Kill., r n. Ohh HilMluiitr, at hltulhcral llfii.l. iiivkvii All) nrwu It at lllwtltr In i,ir t lhl Hir cIumMhIoi .iiliy, or liittlatt a cnnltl l an time twfoir iMtrnl limn, tiv nini ainrutw ralnlallVUvil llitliltoHic. Mlrgluj rttwliHh wuwMiUrrat Ihv tuliy y-y C W MOOHK, Kttrr. I I CHR.ISTM I EXC AS EXCURSIO To tho City of Mexico via tho SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY Leaving Portland IXtTinhcr 1 llh ami l'Jth, 1010. mid San lVniiciholi DwciiiIkt 1 1th, 1010. A MAGNIFICENT SPECIAL TRAIN CniiMstltiK of Oh-ervatlon Cr. I'tillmnn Wttiltnlcil Sleep tut; Cars. Smokltin nnd Dining Car, will Iimvc Tliinl nud TowiimtihI Mutch. S.iii l'r inctiiM. via the Const l.lne. The cxciirsinn l tun under the auspices ol the Southern 1'. it ilk, Nation il I.Mies of Mexico, Iiitrriintioiwil mid Great Northern, G. II & S A. uiul Santa lfe $1 iA ROUND TRIP FARE (t 1 fA A j(-k FROM I'CRTI.ANI) J) KjHl CrtcsK)ii(lin low rutci ftom other O. R. iS: N. ami S V. points IntereotitiK side tripr mi the return tiip, iucluiliiie, the Grnuil Canyon, may he inxile. Final relurii limit 6o days from date of sale. Equipment ou this train will be limited nud no more passengers will be Mkcu tliuii can be comfortably provided for. lttr fHilh.r lurafmallmi lHll.. iwl hmHlirully IHh.Ii.Iw1 IjuuVM oil "Mcimj" callim aay o K M N or M V jHl m wiiU lo WILLIAM McMUnRAY Ocucral l""ligtf Agoil. fullUHj, Itrrrwi. Wrestling Match THANKSGIVING hVK.. NOV. 33rd. MNSTKK'S UI'KKA IIOUSI-.. PHIL THOMPSON vs. A. R. DORRIS OP MINI), OKIUiO.V 01' CIIKSTKK, MONTANA $50.00 Purso. TIIRKK OUT OP I'lVIC 1'AI.I.S To WIN. Oats reeeliita lo I divided 60 rx-r cent to Inner, 40 to loacr. htraugle Hold liaricd. AdmiMiou ft. Speedwell THE CAR THAT DOES THINGS Power, Speed, Durability, Appearance, Economy. A. C. LUCAS, The Pioneer Call on or telephone us for all kinds of Wood and First Class Shingles. We saw Cord Wood nnd I. mil) Wood 011 short notice. Orders Promptly Killed. DOWNING 13b POWELL, Proprietors. The Home Land Company Real Estate and HOMESTEAD I Insurance. LOCATIONS. J Timber Lands, Irrigated New PALACE MARKET . Charles lloyd, Crop. MEATS Vegetables, etc. 0. c. II.3NKIJ2 HOMIiSTKAD LOCATIONS Real Estate Exchanges of all Kinds HOLIDAY Bend Agent. Wood Yard and Dry Farm Lands. Palace Restaurant Rooms for Rent Confectionery, I'riilt I'lcnlc Stipiilles, ClK'tra MaaaaasssSBl J. F, Taggart & Co. Itttluintea nil iipplentliiii Wall l'rtiior si Portland I'llita N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger : Cliespett and Heat Wall l' ci Ham plea III the nullity, (let My Pilcea. Ilox JO. Ileml, Oirgou, CITY DRAY CIIAKI.KH (.OKTJI'S, I'KOf CITY DITAil MMIITltftRBivawMk4aMW. WllllAMU lk i.VI. IIIIMI Leave yoor otdrri hiiIi Suk .Snulli Wall M , IUiiiI The 1 Buckley Express Co. Direct Express Set vice Isrtwctit Slwuiiko uiitl lltiiil. Tii Rius Knch wy cvny uek Careful AttciitHiii. Dcnd office at Auno's Dam Photic orders lo Rediuonil ut our cxeue. No WfcVr"" CONTRACTING CARPENTERS AND JOBBERS Sutherland Mcintosh 1'IUST-CI.ASS WORK (lUAWANTIilll) KSTI.YMTUS I'UUNISIIMI) ON ALL KINDS OI WOKK Wood wood I have nothing hut the finest of dry block wood. All il costs you, In ifi.iiicli length, it $- 5 " cord in your mil Dry Limb Wood .1 00 u lord. Sce F.A1. CARTER when you want wood TU JOHN LEOAT UltAI.KH IN Harness anil Saddlery Trunks nnd Valises Repaired . vH 9' f--T wmxsss&B" vyiw mWJIk . r