The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 09, 1910, Image 7

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The Bend Machine Shop
We lift vc Milling Miiclilni. J.ullie,
Dilll 1'ii'ttM, Villi uiiier. etc, tie.
Automobiles, Pnrm Implements, Sawmill
Machinery, elc.
Aneiu-y for
Tlic liest on llu market.
Gasoline and Lubricating Oils.
Vulcanizing a Specialty,
Adjoins Bend on the south,
Most beautiful residential sec
tion in Bend.
Also Some Choice Business Lois.
Timber I .amis liotiirlit and Sold.
WAI.I. STKI-.I.T. Ill-.NI). OR
A. D. MOE, The Tailor
1 1 lis received a full line of
Fall and Winter Samples
Suits made to order from $15 00 tip. Cull and
see the humpies before liii) inn tlscu'licre. Clsun
iut mid pressiiij Kiveii t-prual intention.
Shop on lioittl St.
All kinds of light and heavy Livory.
Hond Street
Bend Steam Laundry
The Very IJest Modern Lnii ndry Work
nt Moderate Price.
40 C J'S A"p0J5.
Ilciid. OrcKon.
Davles ISulldlni;, WnllSt.. C
A Pathetlo Incident In the Ufa of Rob.
rt Drowning
A young American woman was trav
eling ono fifty In mi Itiilliui railway
conch, tlio only other occupant of the
euinpiirtineiit being iiii elderly gentle
mini. Observing Hie Intercut of tint
young wuiiiiiii In Hie country through
which lliey weio piixsilig mill siting
nlNo Hint It nn new to lier, Hie more
cxperlcneid traveler pointed out ol
Je'tN mid place of note.
From scenery tlio convcniillon drift
ed to IiooIih mid itiitlion), until Nome
thing suggested to Hie young Atnerl
cnti onu of I'lUiibcfli llnrreit llrown
Intt'M Monrictn. willed xho iiioled,
Him wan astonished unit iilmxhcd be
cause Hie gentleman made no reply.
uui during l lie rem or me raie xbi iook
Iiijx Intently out of the window, Imv-i
lug apparently forgotten the very ex- '
Istence of III trut cling companion.
Ax llii-v iiixirmt llni xtntloo when I lie- I
young Indy was to leovir the enr shu
mild timidly:
"I fenr. sir, Hint I have .-feuded you.
Perhaps you do not like Mr. llrowu
lug's HM'lry."
Thu iiiiiii slowly turned ukiii tier
tenr dimmed eyes, uud In u voice full of
emotion lie Maid'
"Mndntii, that sonnet In Hie sweetest,
mi ItM singer wn tlin dearest, gift Ood
ever gave to me."
Iler traveling companion wu ltol
ert Ilrowiilmr. Vilirn Companion.
The See Cuoumbtr Curl Part With and
Replace Iti Organe.
Among tliu curious uiilmntn which In
Iinlilt Hie sen we limy toko the holo
Ihur'.ii. or Ren cucumber, no called from
IIn resemblance to Ihu cucumlrcr.
When this niilmnl In attacked by nil
rnrmy It doe not stand up mid fight,
hut tiy n sudden movement It eject Itri
Icelli. stomach, digestive npimriilu
mid iienrly nil llu Intestines nod then
shrivel It hody up to almost nothing.
When, however, tho dancer U at
tho animal rommence to replace the
organ whlrh It linn voliiiitnrlly tmrtiil
with, nnd In n Khort time thu ntilmal
In tin perfect dm ever It wnn.
Dr Johintone kept one In water fur
n lonu time, nnd ono ilay he foruot to
chniiKe the water. The creature In
conepieiice ejecletl lt InteittlneM nnd
nhrlvehtl up, hut when the wnter wan
chanced nil Itn orpilin were reprti
(lured. AIHioukIi the niilmnl In not
eaten In Hurt)-"'. " fiuorlte with
the C'lilucxe. nnd the Mwlilin: forum an
luiHirtntit prt of tho luduxtry of the
cant. ThniiMtudM of Jiltika lire miliunl
ly wmil In flatiltiK for trepanc, mh the
mitmnla nro cnlled. Uuidon Tlt-HIt.
Cowi That Navar Drink.
The "wild cow" of ArnliU. lu niillty
an niiteluH, the lleatrlx oryx. Ik Mild
never to ilrluk, which In prolmhly eor
rect, for iihIoik tliiHe iiiiliualN can tie
Kceud the well they can tlud uodrluk
lug wnter for ten immlln In the year.
There In no aurfnee wnter, unit rnlu
full but prccarlouidy durlni; Hie win
ter. Only once during my Journey did
I find n pool of rainwater, caught In a
hollow rock, mid even thla I ahould
have ixuecd by without know line of
Hm exUtence had not my catucU aullT
ed It from a distance and olwitlimiely
reftunl to tx turned from piiiK lu
Hint direction. Thenc nnteloK. how
eer. are pruvldiM by nature with a
curlour" fwnl nupply, enpeclally desluu
M na n thlrat ijuenelier. ThU In a
pnratilte which ktowm on the riKita of
the denert tmnliea mid forma u long
apadlx full of wnter nnd Julre. The
nnteloHi tilt; deep hole lu the Hand lu
onler to get nt them". Wldo World
Eailly Explalntd.
"They have to admit lu tho old
world." aald n New York theatrical
man, "that we've got them bwiten on
every count. Tnlk to them about the
matter and they can only i-ulbble.
"'Oli, yon,' auld nn KiirIUIi twiiker
to me tho other day, 'you've Rot n
Rrcnt country, the Rrvuteitt country lu
the world, there' no denyliiR thiit.
"Then he riivc n nnaty IiiurIi.
"'Hut look ut your Urea,' ho auld.
'Your terrible Urea nro a tlURrnce to
" 'Oh, our Area.' anld I, 'are duo to
tho friction emmed by our rapid
growth.' "
Man'a Early Dulldlng.
The rulna of successlvo human U.nb
Itatlona unearthed In Aala tdiow how
mnu advanced fivtn primcvnl Bavaeery
to the pomp of llabyloa nud N'lnuveh.
l'lnt ho Improveil tho caves In which
ho dwelt by leveling tho lloora and cut
ting windows to glvo hltn light. After
Mird ho const ruetiM entirely artlllclnl
iinhlintlona for lilumeir. at tint rough
ly made touts of boughs and leave,
then huts of mud and tlunny dwellings
of wood atid atone.
"Yes," said tho engaged girl. "Dick
In very methodical. Ho gives irio ono
kiss when ho comes and two when ho
goes away."
"That's always been Ids way," re
turned her dearest friend. "I'vo hoard
lota of girls comment on It."
Thus It happens thut they ceaso to
speak to each other.
Fall In With tha Argun-ant.
"Tho leading questlou," sold tho
colonel, "Is tho financial one,"
"'tight," replied tho major, "and I
was just about to ask you tp add $5
to that $10 I borrowed from you yos
terday." Unclo Itcmus' Mogaxluo.
"Tho easiest thing I know of," nays
tho pldlosopheV of folly, "Is to begin
to savo up somo inonoy next month,"
-Oloreland Lcudor.
Twantyiavn Llvat Oavid by Ona
Man In a Ohipwrack.
A'hlNlorl'j en ie of duriiiu and endnr
miee rarely emiulctl In life mivIiik nn
tuiln wiin Hint of Hut rencim of twenty
neveii moiiIn liy one iiiiiii In iwrf. Tho
flnhliiK Hcliooner Hen Clipper wan driv
en liy the templet iiKaliiNt a reef nenr
the HKltcl InIhikIh on that cohnI mid
apcedlly went to plici. (.'nptnlu Wll
llnui Jiiekmiiu, In chars;' of n IIrIiIiik
rrew nt tlieao IhIniiiIn, linil wandered
In a dlrwtlou ho had never In-eii lie
fore an If liy liixplratloii mid Hiiddculy
nnw the whole Imueily enacted before
111 eyea. IIiirryliiK Ida one compan
ion hack to tho (Nliln atntlou to aum
moil help, ho pliini'd Into tho howlltic
awlrl lillniH'lf mid eli'Vvu tlmea itvntn
to thu ahlp. Katdi lime lie took b.i'k
a human Ik'Iiik to wifety, hnttlloK
aplendldly nualiiNt wind and tide.
Then help arrived, hut no momin wna
nvalluhlu of commuiileatlni; with tho
vitwel, no Jnekmnn fimleiud n ropo
uroiiud hln walut and miido Ofteen
more trip, reliirnlni; with n caHtnvny
on each occasion. It waa then dlneov
crcd that n wouitin had Ix-en overl'Mik
eil and left on IxMird, mid the lllef
wan oxprcNftvd that olie wun ilmd. hut
he deelureil that he would not Ii-hvu
her there. HvIk h ileail. AeeordliiKly
ho pluiiKfd Into thu Hiirf again and
noon Iwre the hapletM criatiire to thu
aliore. where, dlitnttlntf hlmnelf of hla
llfliinelH, he wrappel hem round her,
na lio wnN nlmont at death' door. She
oplrt-d n few hour Inter, hut lived
lout; ciioukIi to tlinnk her prcnervvr
for hit nohlo effort In her behalf,
Wldo World Magazine
Tha Friction of tha Dost Mada tha
Oeaan Almoit doll.
The RtentiMhlp waa x'H-cdlng over
ncflN with u rVi'iml breaking Hat of
IKtmeriger wlwn one of the Ky. young
and Inquiring glrW who are found on
every trip Mklpped up to the captain
ami linked:
"CHpmlii, are we really going faat?
It ipfim hh If we were Junt crawling."
"I'af," NHMwentl the captain gruff
ly. "of count we're going fant. With
nothing to net but wnter nud aky you
can't Judge our h'mhiI, but. my dear
young lady, the friction of the boat I
ho grtwt It make the water hot nft."
"I don't ttellcvi It." giggled the girl,
nnd the captain, with n greet nhow of
IndlgUHtloii. called for n rope nnd
btteket to prove III word!. Thctio
brought, he nluiig the wll down nft of
the Vermel directly under the dralnpliH
of the pulley, where Iwt water nm
nit day, and brmight It up amoklng. to
the nxtouhdiment of the nwMtruck girl.
A long. I(an Yaukiv who had been
watching the pvrformnuee then como
forward and drawled. "Hay, enp, that
must make .oii change your couree
mighty often."
"Change my couneT" bluntered the
cnptnln. "What would 1 change ray
couno for?"
"Woll," wild tho Ynnkco Blowly, "bo
darn much friction tia that mutt wear
tho ocean out mighty quick. I'hlla
dolphin TltnoH.
Our word "sugar" l wild to 1ms de
rived from the Arabic "ukknr." tho
article Itoelf having got Into Kurope
through the Arabian MolmmtuedntiN,
wiw overran a groat mrt of the world
In the eeuth. eighth and ninth cen
turies. According to Or. Van I-lpp-man,
a Dutch writer, a a result of the
Arab Invnidon of Tenia augur found
Its way Into Arabia, whence nguln
It culture wn curried to Cyprus.
Ithodes, Welly and Kgypt. In the last
named country the preiwrfltlon of sug
ar was greatly Improved, and the
Kgyptlau priMluct Uttinie widely fa
mous, from Kgypt the ludustry
sproad iilniig the iiortlieru cxhikIh ot
Afrkii and mi eutertnl Swtln. where.
alMHit the year 1 HW, wmie fmirttvn re
tlnwlmt were lu Hratlon. ColiuubiiK
Introduced Miaur eaue Into the uew
world. Argonaut.
Hli Dad Draam.
Truly oriental was the deftne put
forward by a prisoner ut Allmre.
Chargett with Hlwillng a Hindu Idol
with Us ornament, he fluted that the
goddcH told hlin lu ti dream the night
before that, as she was not properly
wonhlpcd by the Hindu priest, he
would Ik better taken cure of by him
n Mohammedan, uud that unless he
took charge of her wonhlp she would
lu her wrath destroy Ids whole family.
The magistrate, however, was not sat
lslled with the story and sentenced the
accused to two months' rigorous Im
prisonment uud to pay a line, Bom
bay Gazette.
When tha Lou Wat Fait.
Wife (on returning home after a
long visit) Have you noticed that my
husband missed mo much while I was
away, Mnry? Maid-Well, mum, I
didn't notice that ho felt your nbsenco
much nt lint, but this last day or two
ho has certainly seemed very down
hearted, mum,
Ha Promlsad.
Button No. can't spare tho money
very well, but I'll lend It to you If you
promise not to keep It too long. Day
boy I'll undertnko to spend overy pen
ny of It before tomorrow. Washing
tonlun. Feeding the Flih,
Disgusted Fisherman (emptying his
bait Into the strcnuD-Hanged If I'll
wait on you any longer! Here, help
yoursolves. Ufe.
Sorrow Is au ovll with many feet.
A Coat of Thete Meant Excruciating
Torture to the Victim,
I'eoplo who read of tarring nnd
feathering know Hint tho puiilslimcnt
Is a very unpleasant one, but few Im
agine how terribly painful and dan
gerous It I. Hardened tnr Is very
hard to remove from the skin, and
when feather are added It forms u
kind of cement that stick doner thou
it brother. A noon ns the tnr sot tho
victim's suffering begins. It contracts
a It cools, and overy one of the little
veins on the body I pulled, cunning the
most ux'pilxlto agony. Tho perspira
tion Is entirely stopped, and unless thu
tnr Is removed death I certain to en
tile. Hut the removal Is no easy task and
require several days. The tar cannot
be softened by the application of heat
and must Ikj ihImI off bit by bit,
iwect nil being iiimi to make the proc
ess less painful. The Irritation to the
kin Is very great, as the hairs cannot
be disengaged, but must be pulled out
or cut off. No mnn can bo cleaned of
tnr In n single dny. as the pain of the
operation would be too excruciating
for endurance, nnd until this Is done he
has to suffer from n palu like that of
10.000 pin pricks. Numlwrs of men
have died under tho torture, and nom
who have gone through It regard tnr
and feathering as anything but a most
fearful Infliction.
Resource of Miners When They Can
Neither Chaw Nor Smoke.
"When tho wind Is blowing thirty
inlles an hour and the temperature Is
40 below It Is some cold." said a mnu
from Alaska. "If a man used tobacco
In the ordinary way out of doon dur
ing such weather and got bis Hi wet
through smoking a plic or chewing he
would be upt to get Into trouble. Klnt
thing he knew IVd havo his 111 crack
ed, nnd they would bo raw all wlutcr
"The regulan stationed at the mili
tary post up In Alaska found that If
they tied n tobacco leaf In their arm
pit previous to undeslred duty they
would become very sick nnd could pass
the iot surgeon for hospital, getting
rid of detail work they wanted to
"Tho mlnen up there learned some
thing of this and found that the tobac
co craving could be satUfled by bind
ing a quantity of the leaf either In the
armpit or against the solar plexus.
This avoided broken and bleeding lips
during the winter, and they weren't
prevented from smoking Indoon as
well If they wanted to. It was the out
door smoking or chewing that made all
tho trouble." New York Sun.
Way to Treat Vantton.
The startsmun was explaining to a
few of Ids uninitiated friends.
"If you don't like venUou." he said,
"it Is because It has not been prepared
properly. I think I know tilt kind you
havo tried to eat, and I ngret with
you It Is not tit. After tho deer has
been shot tho carcass probably has
been allowed to lie around until the
blood has discolored the meat and
really has almost tainted It, Few
hunters dress their game carefully
cuough. As soou as a deer Is killed
tho carcass should be thoroughly bled,
skinned, the entrails removed uud the
meat hung up In tho dry air for some
hours. Thorough uud prompt bleeding
Is of tho utmost Importance. Venison
prepared lu this way Is comparatively
light lu color-that Is, It Is a clear,
bright red, and the fat Is white and
cleuu. There is no strong, rauk taste."
New York Press.
"Stop!" The brakes of tho motor
were suddenly applied, a pandemonium
of whirling wheels cusued, and the mo
torist came face to face with Consta
ble Coppetu, who had lieen hiding In
the hedge.
"Bxcui.0 me, Blr," sold the iwrtly po
llromnn. taklnir out his notebook and
peuell, "but you exceeded the speed
limit by two miles over n luoasureu
piece of road."
"I havo done nothing of tho kind,"
retorted the motorist, "and, besides"
"Well, if you dou't believe mo rn
call the sergeant, bcln' ob It wos lm
ns took the time. He's lu the pigsty
"Don't trouble, Itobert," tho other
hastened to reply. "I would sooner
pay fifty flues than disturb the ser
geant nt his menial" Loudou Answers.
Faithful Woman.
I tell you that womeu, us a rule, are
moro faithful than mon-ten times
more fulthful. I never saw a man
pursuo his wife luto the very ditch aud
dust of degradation and tako her lu
his arms. I never saw a man stand at
the shore where she wus wrecked,
waiting for tho waves to bring back
her corpso to his arms, but 1 havo aceu
n woman with her whlto arms lift a
man from the mire of degradation and
hold hliu to her bosom as If ho were
an angel. Ingewoll,
His Way of Doing.
"Could tho cashier of that company
explain tho muddle In tho booksT"
"He said ho would clear It all up."
"Did ho?"
"No, ho didn't clear It up. Ho
cleared out." Daltlmoro American.
tITeudenon Ever met with any serl-
ous accident whllo traveling? lieu-
pock Did I? I mot my wlfo whllo
traveling abroad.
Troublo springs from Idleness and
grievous toll from needless ease.
f, Wo man'a Cynical View of the Oar
man Marriage Marhet.
The, men lu (lermnny do not marry
They lire married. They nre more or
lex pnsslvo articles of sale, which
stand In row In the matrimonial shop
window with their price labeled lu
large letter lu their buttonhole, wait
lug patiently for a purchaser. They
are perfectly willing, even eager, vic
tims. They want to be bought, but
their position doe not allow them to
grasp Hie Initiative, and they are
thankful when at last some one comes
along and declare herself capable and
willing to pay tho price.
Tho girl and her mother, with thi.Ir
punw In hand, pa the article Jn re
view and choose out the ono whlrh
best suits their means and fancy,
"I shall marry an oUlcer" one girl
told mo some time ago with the easy
confidence of n person about to order
a new dress, and, lo and behold, be
fore the year wan out she was walking
proudly on the arm of n dragoon lieu
tenant! I even knew of threo womeu
who swore to each other that they
would marry only geniuses, and hero
also they had their will. One married
a great painter, one a poet and another
a famous diplomatist. That they were
all three peculiarly unhappy Is not n
witness against tho system, but n
proof that geniuses may occasionally
bo very uncomfortable partner. In
this cnxo the purchaser were rich and
popular and could therefore mako tbelr
choice. Others of lesser means would
have had to content themselves with
nn officer, cavalry or Infantry, accord
ing to the "dot," or a lawyer, or a doc
tor, or a merchant, and so on down
the scale-Mis Wylle's "My German
Queer Ways In Which Ideas Are
8omet!mea Put Into Words.
Curious ways of expressing Ideas In
English may be expected from foreign
en, as, for Instance, when the French
man, who mode a call In the country
and was about to be Introduced to the
family, said: "Ah, xe ladles! Zen I
vould before. If you please, vtsb to
purify mluu 'and and to sweep mine
A Scotch publican was complaining
of bis servant maid. Ho said that
she could never b found when want
ed. "She'll gang oot o' the house,"
he said, "twenty times for once she'll
come In."
A countryman went to a menagerie
to examine the wild beasts. Several
gentlemen expressed the opinion that
the orang outong was a lower order of
the human species. Hodge did not
like this Idea and, striding up to the
gentleman, expressed his contempt for
It In these words: "Pooh! He's no
more of the human species than I be."
"Mamma, Is that a spoiled child?"
asked a little boy on seeing a negro
baby for the tint tlme.
A shop exhibits a card warning ev
erybody against unscrupulous penons
"who Infringe our title to deceive tho
public." The shopman does not quit
soy what be means any more than
tho proprietor of an eatlog houso near
the dock, on the door of which may bo
read the following announcement con
veying fearful intelligence to the gal
lant tan who frequent this port:
"Fallon' vltnls cooked here." Phila
delphia North American.
Definition of True Humor.
The sense of humor Is the "saving
sense" principally because it saves us
from ounelves. The person who can
not laugh at himself now and then Is
to be pitied. Moreover, the person
who cannot take good naturedly the
occasional bantering of others Is In
tho same class of dlsagret-nblcti. A
well directed shaft of raillery will
often find the vulnerable point In our
armor of self complacency and show
us where our self satisfaction Is all
wrong. True humor, however, must
spring as much from the heart as from
the head. Its essence must be truth
aud friendliness, uot contempt. Ther
never was a good Joke yet that told a
lie or besmirched a reputation, numor
which carries with It a sting to wound
the sensitiveness or delicacy of oue
who does not deserve to suffer is not
true humor. San Francisco Chronicle.
Professional Instinct.
"Itomeo and Juliet," with the origi
nal company, had reached Its crucial
Juliet was staggering about tho
stage, regarding her altllcted lover.
"Ob, cruel poison!" she walled.
She raised her lover for a moment
In her arms.
A wildly excited medical student lu
the gallery sprung to his feet.
"Keep him up. Juliet keep him up!"
be bellowed. "I'll run out and fetch
tho stomach pump!"
A Run of Luolc
Vlolot I never had bucu a streak of
luck. Ho fell tu love lu Paris, proposed
iu Itomo and bought tho ring in Na
ples. Pierrot Did your luck eud there?
Vlolot Oh, no! While wo wero at
Monto Carlo ho won enough from papa
for us to get married on. London Il
lustrated Bits.
The Silver Lining.
In life troubles will como which look
as if they would uever pass nway. Tho
night nud the storm look as If thoy
would hist forever, but the coming of
the calm and tho morning cannot be
Tho roward of ono duty Is the power
to fulfill another.