t i'.h I ,1, iiihimil limil i miVi'f f " ' t ' r . Who are the Two Most Popular Little Girls in Bend? "W w I E will determine this by vote between now and Christmas. On Christmas Eve we will present to each of the winners a beautiful doll the finest, we could buy in Portland. These dolls are now on exhibition in one of our show windows. THE FIRST PRIZE. !s a jointed, bisque imported doll, 24 inches high. The little lady is a beauty of the brunotto typo. She has Ion curly brown hair, big brown "closcablo" eyes shaded by long lashes, and a rose leaf complexion. At present she is attired in a charming pink silk creation, with a big picture hat of the same material and color. Her underclothing is hand made and tastefully em broidered. All her garmonts aro readily taken off. A cute little pair of white shoes and socks, also removable, completes the illusion. We hope this littlo lady will find a happy home in Bend. THE SECOND PRIZE. is a blonde and those who prefer this type say she is in every way as charming as her brunette sister. This young Miss is also a jointed bisque, imported doll, 22 inches high. She has golden hair, bluo eyes that close and teeth that are a triumph of tho dentist's art. Her dress is a light blue affair made with the latest blouse effect. Over this sho wears a stylish white pique coat trimmed with lace and there is a dainty Dutch Bonnet to match. All her clothes can bo taken off. The only thing tho child lacks is the care of some littlo mother. Who will adopt her? THE CONDITIONS OF THE CONTEST Aro as follows: Tho contest is open to any little girl under fifteen years of ago. Every 25-ccnt casn purchase in our storo entitles tho purchaser to ono vote. For instanco, a cash pur chase of from 25 to 45 cents gets ono vote, from 50 to 70 cents two votes, from 75 to 95 cents three votes, from $ 1 .00 to $1.20 four votes, and so on up to any amount. Tho ballots will havo a blank space in which to write the name of tho littlo girl. The ballot box will bo in our store and will bo securely locked, tho key in tho possession of THE BEND BULLETIN. THE BULLETIN will havo entire chargo of tho contest, will count tho votes and will publish each week tho names of the contestants and the number of votes each has received. Wo will also keep a list on exhibition at the storo on which tho daily totals will bo recorded. Tho contest will start Thursday morning, Nov. 10th, and will close at 10 o'clock Christmas Eve., when tho last votes will bo counted and tho dolls given to tho winners. THE VOTES WILL NOT INTERFERE IN ANY WAY WITH OUR. CASH DISCOUNT TICKETS WHICH WILL BE ISSUED AS USUAL. rkSMs&&& W3F7E& BEND, OREGON. "THE STORE OF BETTER VALUES." BITS ABOUT TOWN. Tlic Htillctln 50 n yenr. George Hegg was a Hcml visitor last week. W. K. Scott was in last week after supplies. J. W. linker of Tutnalo was In Bend taut Saturday. John Usher wan down from Big Meadowff last week. C. II. Allen of The Meadows wax in Ilend hint week. W. I'. McNaught begun, work on his new home last Monday. Sulphur, 10 rents per pound. Rki Ckum Drug Stork. 3otf Mm. A. I). Morrill of Powell flutte wax n Bend visitor last week. Kdwiti Sather was up to Odcll Luke lor n hunting trip lust week. Soap, cheaper than dirt this week, at Run Ckom Dkuo Stokk. Hon Kknt Desirable office room over the First National Hank. 27tf If you have any real estate to sell sc the Ilyrne Real Kstalc Kx change. Mr. and Mrs. Dan K. Smith ot Laidlaw were Heud visitors last Saturday. Housk to Khnt 3-room house in l.)tle, near the river. Inquire of liulleliu. 33U Ladies' rubber gloves, all sizes, for household use, at Knu Cross Dkuo Stokk. Mrs. Poiudextcr of Priuevillc is spending a few days with her lather. . I. West. For hAt.it Light team, weight about 2000 lbs.; hack uud harness. Inquire at Auue lJuru. 27tf A. A. Aldridgc hart moved into the house in Lytic formerly occu pied b Creed Triplett. W. It. Leonard and W. J. Gal braith of I'owcll Butte wt re in Iieud purchasing supplies last week. J. It. S.iwhtll will present com mutation on his homestead on Big River in Beild on December 6th. It is tunc to take that suit over lo The Peerless Pressing Parlors and have it made new again. 351! George W. Gates was down from his up-river homestead Saturday. He expects lo prove up in ubout a mouth. Now is the time for fall fruit trees. Ak those who have tried my trees, how they grow. H. Smnino. 3335 Mr. and Mrs. It. M. Thompson have moved into Iicnd for the win ter and will occupy the home ot J. F. Arnold. During the dinner and sunoer hours Prof. Thome is relieving Ralph Poindexter at Patterson's I)mi Sinn. Mr. and Mrs I). F. Fluhart were called to Seattle Monday morning bv the serious illness of Mrs. Flu bcrt's sister. For S.W.K Six ol the finest lots in Deschutes, level, water by ditch and with city water. Next to new residence. Inquire Bulletin office. Contract to let for clearing 50 acres; and running ? miles of fence, on laud 3 utiles east of Red mond. Address W. Garrett, 600 Itast 2tst St., South Portland, Ore-K"- 34-36 Okhgon; tiik Last Cau. op TltK WitsT, by Walter V. Woehlke, bcuutifully illustrated in four col ors, in November Sunset Magazine, now 011 sale at all news stands, 15 cents. 34-35 Harry A. Miller left last Satur day for a trip to his home at Hix ton, Wis. Ilefore leaving Mr Miller contracted for the erection of another cottage adjoining the one recently completed tor him. The wood that makes heat is that bought of P. M Carter, who gives full measure, and you only pay for what you get. I can de liver on short notice. Leave word at A. M. Luru's. F. M. Caktkr. J. N. B. Gerkiug, his wife, son and daughter, of Laidlaw, are about to start For Freewater, Ore gon, where they will make an ex tended visit nt Dean Gerking's home. While out they will tour rli Vllliimi'h Vnlltv. C S. Benson recently received word that the homestead entry of Geo. Bates had been approved by the Commissiotur of the General Laud Office; thus reversing the decision against him in the contest case instituted by the government and decided at The Dalles. WiM. ItxCHANOK -Young or chard near Medford, Oregon, for business lots in Bend, Redmond, and Madras; or will consider trade for alfalfa land near these towns. Address: B. F. Benson, Medford, Oregon; or B. It. Benson, Egli, Haruey County, Oregon. 35-36 Candle, Irish and wholesome at Run Cross Dkuo Stork. J. S Daily fold the Home Res taurant to Dan Kau'lo last Friday. Wantki Furnished rooms, for house keeping, or furnished house. Box ifi6. Armours Talcum, any odor, 15 cents this week, at Kkd Cross Dkuo Stokk. II. C. Forehand and IJ. B. Wil liams were in from the "Big 4" Ranch on Tuesday. J. M. Lawrence returned last Thursday from Portland, where he has been for several weeks on a business trip. Ralph Spencer moved last week from the Sherwood place to his new house in Deschutes, which is just completed. B. L. Kzcll expects to leave the '8" Ranch for the winter. He will drive to Klamath Falls as soon as the weather settles. According to Recorder Kirk's records there were 1.02 inches pre cipitation yesterday, .21 Monday. About an inch of snow fell. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bowan and their children have arrived from North Yukim.i, Wash., to make their home at Powell Butte. I have a donkey engine, and wish to take contract for grubbing and stump-pulling. Adress C. F. McDcrmott, Sisters, Ore. 32-35 H. J- Kgglcston has moved his goods into his new store on the west side of Wall street from the quarters hitherto occupied in the Chapman building. The Bulletin has on hand a num ber of the Great Northern illus trated leaflets "Opening Up Cen tral Oregon." These will be given to anyone who cares to use them. Fok Salk A well equipped 6 u. p. gusoline wood saw, in good condition. Would make good pump outfit. Price $300. Ad dress II. L. Hobbs, Box 205 Prinevillc. 33'36 A safety deposit box in our vault is an ideal place for your val uables. Costs but $3 50 per year. You keep the key, we keep the box. Tiik First National Bank ot bend. 27tf A meeting of the Wbatsoevers will bo. held at the home of Mrs John Steidl next Friday afternoon, Nov. 11, object; the annual election of officers. Therefore a full attend ance is desired. Bring your kodak films and plates to us for development Negatives selected and papers used that will give pleasing tones in the prints. Si: ward & Cami'ukll. opposite the Postoffice. 27tf Bring your kodak films and plates to us for development 1 Negatives selected and papers used that will give pleasing tones in the prints. Skwakd & Camphkll, opposite the Postoffice. 27tf If you had a fire tonight what valuable papers would you lose that could not be replaced? Rent a safety deposit box and avoid the risk. You keep the key, we deep the box. First National Bank. Sherwood Bros, have leased their 40-acre place a mile east on the Priueville road to a number of Italians who will put more of it un der cultivation and operate a mar ket garden for the local market next spring. L. H. Radcliffe and H. C Muhrs, who have 320 acre home steads south ofJMillicau's were in lowu Tuesday for supplies. They expect to begin work on n deep well this week, and are taking out a large quantity of powder. "Patterson's Oregonian" is the latest addition to the local journal istic family. It is a monthly mini atute newspaper issued by the Pat terson Drug Co. and is devoted to "fun, fact and fiction" -and Patter son's ads all of which make good reading. The regular subscription rate to the evening Telegram is $5 a year The Bend Bulletin will give you subscriptions from date to January 1, 1912, for $350. New subscrib ers can get The Bulletin and the Telegram for 4 75 for a year. Get in on this while it lasts. tf For S.Ut I.UMliHR We have In one dry shed 80,000 feet of finished lumber, alt siies and kinds from 1 to 24 inches in width. Also door and window jttuu, window stools, building shingles, etc. We cau make arrangements to deliver anywhere. Semi us your orders. J, N. Masten Lumber Co., Rosland, tf The funeral services of Klir.ebeth Wornstaff were held at the Uuion Church last Thursday afternoon, Rev. J. A. Mitchell conducting them. The following acted as pall-bearers: Max Richardson, Fred Lucas, Bruce DeYarmond, Prince Staats, Guy McReynolds aud Carl Hunter. After the services the body was in terred iu the cemetery. Kmct Anderson was in Bend yesterday. R. K Grimes was in town yes terday from the Pilot Butte ranch. Wantkd A cook, or a man and wife at the Pilot Butte Ranch. Write or call. 35 36 Get your hair cuts and shaves at Inncs & Davidsons modern and well-equipped barber shop. W. II. Gillilan has returned to to Bend, after spending tfie past six inonts with the Deschutes Land Co.'s survey party above La Pine, Dr. P. II. Dcncer left Tuesday morning for Salem to act as the representative of the local Water Users' Association at a meeting to be held with the State Land Board on Nov. 14th. Chas. It. Reed of Loraine, Ore , is in Bend. Mr. Reed owns 160 acres of ditch land cast of town, upon which he has proved up. It is probable that he and his family will move here immediately, for Mr. Reed says the winter climate here far surpasses that ol Loraine. On Tuesday, Nov. 8, O. M. Patterson of Bend nnd Miss Luetic Le Rohx of Walla Walla were mar ried at Walla Wulla. The pros pective groom left Bend last Satur day. Mr. aud Mrs. Patterson will return in about ten days and will make their home in the new Miller house. Tom Roberts of the Roberts Bros, sawmill at Sisters spent a few days in Bend last week. He says that Wilson Roberts will soon leave for Northern Michigan, whither his wife recently went for a visit. The condition of the Roberts boj' father, who is over 90 years of age, makes it urgent that one of the sous be with him in his Michigan home. Surveying on Crooked River. According to the Prinevillc Re view a party of nine surveyors, headed by A. II. Young, have been and are at work surveying out possible routes for a railroad up Crooked River from the Deschutes lines to the county scat. As soon as a feasable route may be established it appears that the citizens of Priue ville will be approached for the subscription of the necessary funds. Church Services Sunday. Rev. J. Anthony Mitchell will conduct morning and evening services next Sunday at the Union Church. Before the evening service he will give a brief talk "What is the Trouble in Portugal " After the evening service the congregational meeting will decide about the continuation of Dr. Mitchell in the pulpit. His health has beeu very poor of late, and he desires to have a successor chosen as soon as a suitable man cau be secured. LAIDLAW LOCALS. Mr. Almoin has just returned from Washington. We welcome to our town again Will Thorp who has been absent for some time. Miss Bmily Couch is quite UI. Dr. Ferrell of Bend is in attendance. Mr. Cortney is contemplating the erection of a sawmill in the Forest Re serve, west of here. Mits Gladys Meyers hss just returned from Sisters, where she has beeu vis iting her aunt. Mrs. Sulivan. Koad Surveyor Root bad a force of men on the ro.ul working northwest of Laidiaw the first of the week. Violin Teaching. I am prepared to give lessons on the violin. Those interested please call or telephone. tf Iva IS. Wkst. Notice. If you wish to have your ex press and light freight come in along with your letters and daily papers, have it come in ou the mall line. Tint Cornktt Stark & Stahlk Co. astf ABSTRACT TALKS. "Buying a Law Suit." Do you know that placiug your reliance upon a warranty deed is simply bidding for a law suit? By some this fact is so well un dei stood that a warranty deed is looked upon with suspicion. It is for this reason: If the title is good it passes with the deed aud that is nil there is to it no deed of a warranty. If bad, the adding of a warranty clause does not make it good. A warranty is only a sort of bet a wager that you will have no trouble; but if you do and finally lose out I'll pay your money back. A better plan is to require an ab stract. Don't go to law. Crook Comity Abstract Compazine.) PRINEVILLK, OREGON. (We Photograph the Records.)