BjAt iMtk, iriihliwiai ..-. ,. . j,. .i.i.fii. . 1 1., 1 it.,' 11 , niii. nirs THE BEND BULLETIN SUBSCRIPTION RATRS: Oner'' Is moathi Thrtc monltan, (Inrmrltblr In advance.) IHMIMHMMMtni'3'' , So & WEDNESDAY, NOV. q, 1910. Will exchange young orchard near Medford for buaineu lota in Bend, Red tnond or Madrat; or will comlder trade for alfalfa land near these town. Thus reads an advertisement op pear in R elsewhere in this paper. Interesting, isn't it? An orchatd owner in the far famed Medford country desiring to exchange his property there for town lots here in Bend, the "high priced" 01 for acreage in the territory "that can't raise auything." Another straw, this, indicating the way the wind blows the wind of immigra tion, which is focussing upon the Deschutes Valley as upon no other section in the entire West. Why does business halt for a national election? For weeks on approaching election is given as the reason for not branching out in business. No matter which way the election goes, things pick up afterward almost invariably. It is one of the habits of the business world and is growing more aud more pronounced. A Crook county sawmill man a few days ago wired an order for six yards of block friction paper. In the telephone transmission the or der reached its destination as "black fraction" paper. The con cern took the order to the U. S. Land Office for interpretation and then sent out six yards of tracing paper. OLD ENGLISH BOXERS. HIrtd to Prtvant Troubls at Qorg IV.'a Coronation. UoxImk vnn Introdm-vd into Knglnml lu the earlier part of the clghtevuth century, its first practitioner being John Itrouitbton, who kept n booth for exhibitions in Tottouhnm Court road, Loudon, and rules were drawn up Aug. 10, 17-13. Tho vogue was due to the decline of sword combat exhibi tion in the reign of George I, Itrough ton himself was the tlrst who stood In tho o-.ltlou of champion, a distinction which ho held for eighteen years, but eventually ho was knocked out by n butcher named Slack. Uroughton was a great pot of the Duke of Cumber laud, who took the pugilist with him to Merlin, when bo declared himself ready to tnko on the entire regiment of grenadier guards there "if lie were only allowed a breakfast between each two battles." The Ungilsh fighter Torn Crlbb once secured n very remarkable engage ment. Just before the coronation of George IV. certain sympathisers with Queen Caroline bragged that on the day of the ceremonial they would make matters warm In the neighbor hood of Westminster abbey, and this reached the ears of the earl marshal. That high functionary sought nn in terview with the pugilist "Oentlcman" Jackson, who taught Lord Hyron to box, Jackson got together some two dozen bruisers. Resides Crlbb, the band In cluded John dully, In turn fighting roan, racing man, colliery proprietor and member of parliament. They were attired as king's pages and gathered about tho abbey -doors. There was no trouble. Chicago News. REINDEER IN LAPLAND. Snow that fell on the 8th of No vember last year remained until March, in patches and shady places. This year the first flurry of snow came on the morning of the same date, but it lasted only an hour or two and was followed by bright and balmy weather except for defeated candidates. Duting the last decade Missou ri's population has-Jncrcased but 186,670. This not because the Missourians disregard Roosevelt's golden rule of multiplication but because that inherant curiosity ex pressed in the historic "Show me" has led Missouri's sons and daugh ters into new lands. Only one town on the line of railroad development in Central Oregon has municipal water service, electric lights and a steam laundry. The Bend Commercial Club will be glad to inform you what town this is, if you do live here you won't need to ask. COYOTES ARE BENEFIT Tumalo Correspondent Calls Attention to Their Valuable Traits. Tumaio, Or., Nov. 8th. The fact that Crook county is paying a bounty for coyote scalps seems to many experi enced farmers hereabouts as a bad thing. Of course the coyotes kill a few chick tin and perhaps a thecp or two and do a lit tle damage generally. However, there is another Important aide to the question, The coyotes keep down the rabbits, squirrels and field mice. Rabbits can do far more barm to the farmers than many coyotes. Many countries are practically overrun with them, and crops damaged very heavily. Crook county is making a mistake. It's bad policy. Coyotes do more good than hsrtn. J. W. Baker and family left this place for Roneburg via. .the McKenxie Road yestrrday. The WJmer baybaler Is now baling bay for Fred Wallace on the Simmons Ranch. We understand that Mr. Wal lace has contracted this bay to Deud parties at a good price. Mr. Foster will finish threshing grain this week and will then move to Powell Butte. Thsy Furnish th. PtopU With Shtltsr, Clothing and Food. Some pcoplo bare said that the rein deer of the northern regions is to the Inhabitants of those countries what the .horse, cow and sheep together are to the dwellers In. southern lands, and Tery probably they aro right. What would the Laplander be were he de prived of his favorite? now could he travel without his pair of reindeer harnessed to his sledge? The reindeer has large black hoofs, behind which are false or secondary hoofs; the result Is that when running they make a clattering sound, which may be heard a good dlstanco away. The reindeer bat much enduranco and takes a long Journey without seeming tired, though it Is only about four and a half feet In height and not very strong. Its boras are long and slender, with branched, rounded antlers, but tbey are not much used In combat, like those of some other deer. The largest reindeer are found where the weather la coldest, and their color Is lighter. Usually It Is brown and white, but In the case of old animals the hair Is sometimes quite white. From the skin of tho reindeer tho Lap landers get not only their clothes, but also bedding and tents; tho milk Is drunk and made Into cheese and tho flesh- Is also good to eat, the tongue and haunches being particularly liked. Femmlcan, an Important article of food. Is made by pouring fat over the pounded meat and mixing them well together. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Tho Lssch as a Baromatsr. A leech confined in a glass Jar of water will prove on excellent weather prophet If tho weather Is to con tinue One the leech lies motionless at the bottom of tbo vial and rolled to gether In a spiral form. If it Is to rain, either before or after noon, It is found to have crept up to the top of Its lodging and there remalus till the weather Is settled. If we are to have wlud tbo prisoner wriggles through hi limpid habitation with amazing swift ess and seldom rent till It beglus to blow bard. If a remarkable storm of thunder und rain Is to xuccet-d tin leech gives Itself up to violent throe and convulsive motions. In front, n In clear summer weather, It lies con stantly at the bottom, and In snow, a In rainy weather. It pitches Its dwell lag on tbo very mouth of the Jar. School Notes. Mark Thompson, Elite Horn and Leslie Llndborg have entered school during the post week. Afrlesn Groibscki. The social grosbecks of Boutb Africa live In large societies. They select a tree of considerable size and literally cover It with a grass roof, under which their common dwelling is constructed The roof serves the double purpose 0' keeping off the heat and the ruin, and 400 or COO pairs of birds are known to have tbe same shelter. Tbo nests In this aerial dwelling are built In regu lar streets and closely resemble rows of tenement houses. A Finsnclal Qsnius. "Ho Is a financial genius. In a res taurant tho other day bo spilled a cup of coffee over a fellow's gray trou sers." "And got out of paying for them, eh?" "Why. bo talked the other fellow into paying for tho coffee." Tho Man Bshlnd ths Mtissgs. Tbe value of a thing depends largely upon who says It. Words may be bul- A new library table was put In Miss ,cts but character must bo tho powder Young's room. Bessie and Marion Smith have been absent on account of illness. Outline for fair work for tbe primary grades has been completed by the Misses Richardson, Anderson and Haikins and will probably be published some time during, the next month, Rmily Schrcder took charge of the First grade last Thursday morning dur ing MIm Richardson's absence. at tbe back of them to giro them pro Jectllo force. Tho man behind tbo mes ago is us Important as tho man behind the gun. By Comparison. Singleton I understand you had n pretty lively time at tho club last night. Wodmoro I thought so until I got home. Boston Transcript. Real llstata Transfers. (Furnltlird by Crook Comity AlwltaU Compiiy ) I.nverti Reed to Grace J. Goodwtllle. rU'lit-of-wny (or catinl across nwjf uex Sec, 8-1 8-11; ft. 1'. Violet Smith to Grace J. Goodwil ls, right-of-way over and across e4 cj Sec. J and sv swjf. Sec. 4-18-1 j; . Alexander M. Reed ct ux to Grace J, Goodwtllle, right-of-way mciois nw4 Sec. tS-iS-u. Hend Tuwtislte Co. to Uvry A. Miller, Lots 4, J, ami 6, l.uvn iRoad Addition, lleud; xxx). Win. G. 1'liocnlx to Josephine I). Red mond, H lutetcst in lots 12 and jj, hlk 43, Redmond; f 1375. Redmond Townsltc Co. to Arthur L. Tcmplcum el nl., lots 9, 8 and 9, blk 47, Redmond; f4Jix Chatle I). Swnnsou to A. ell, c,4 ueX and sw,V nc.V Sec 15-13-14 and lot t o( Sec. 30-15-15; f Jew. Just try the Bulletin Job I'riutcry. A. L. FRENCH Ordinance No. 47. An Ordlnanc vacating; critaln limit ami allvjr In lb City of Html, Orriion Wiikkhak; Otrgon Trunk Kaltway, 11 corpora lien iHCwiromlnl 1111 J ralttlng untltr tlif law oflhctUtr ufmrimi, on th ijlh lUjr of Ail iiu.t, 1910, Bird with the trcuitlrr of the rlly ol Html lurttttlon for In vacation or Hie llrtti ml Kilty In Ihr towu of Html hrrcltialitr Hit 11 ttotml. uil at (he tegular inttllnn rttttCom niun Council httJ on the nth tiny uftMotxrr iyio,IIIi hour of tight otUxk. p in , tlutt otCMUtnl t, Mj tttttlun, togf thtr with Iht nl tMlavitolint pitulcr uf The Html llulltliii, rkly ntwapaprr vuntlthttl mitt clrvuUtttl In .hrritv of Html, which uUl alNiUtil ahuwa t. th aail.faftion of the Common Cuuucil that Ihr notlcroflhr nllun anil prrtitaltou vf IhrulJ ixlltlou for the vacation of the tttrttiam! allcta ncrrluafltt naturU duly vubluhrtl In Hit Ml.! utwpaper. In the tegular weekly rtliilou thereof, once a week for lire wecka, atiii alto the affidavit of II C Hill, that Ihr wnllrii notice afoieaahl wai duty art up am! puatrd In the city of lit ad In thtte of the luoai public placa In the aaUl city ou the 311 day or Augut. lyw, more ihan th.tty ()uayi prior to Ine mtttiugof Hit uid Cuimuou CouucllafurftalO, aud WiiiaKAS, It appcanliy the ald petition and lu the utWfactlou of Ine Cotutnon Council that the aald Oregon Trunk kailway ! tbeontr ot all of Uockajv, , Jl Jl and u, '" In city ol Dend, Otrgon, arcurdliiE to the tccoidcd pUt thereof, and alto all that land lying between I'll llrtl, lu the maid rity ol Hend ami the north lint ol the aouth half of the northeatl quarter of aec llonjt. IntooDihlp IJtoulh, range irra.tof Wil lamellr meridian, and between Twelfth and Thlr leenth Iteeu, alto, that tor the purpox 01 con .tructlnw. operatlud and maintaining lit rallwa) line oer aud upon the -a hi property within tht la n-eeaaary to make UK of, much of the MVowUg deacrilvd atrrett and al leys at lie between Twtlflh and Thirteenth ttrtU. to-wit Juniper arenue, Ironwoud ar enue, Hawthorn arenue, I'lr arenue, and th. alleyam Mockt x, jo, jl. ji and JJ, and alat that no other peraou, Arm, or cottatlon It particularly atfrcttd by the raratlon of the aaM .trtcla and alleys ptlltoor.l foe. ami that publii conrenience demamtt the cloalng of taklttreela and alley., and the vacation thereof, end ihat m other peraon oe petaont owh any pruptily Im mediately adjoining that pan of the aaid tirrett and altrya pttltionril to be racated. and no op poaitlon having btrn made to ttKli petition am the council being tall.fied that It It to the pulrfk lutere.t mat ,h aiu pititk-u be allowed Now, Therefore, be It Ordained by the Common Council of Ibe City of Html at Mlawi SKCTto.t t Thai ao much ef the following tit tcrlbed ttrectt and alleya In the city of Rend a, lie between Twelfth and thirteenth atreelt, ac curding to Ibe ttvotUetl plat of taM City of Hend. be and are h-reby vacate.1, te-wlt Juniper Arenue. Irouwood Arenut, Hawthorn Avenue. Hlr Arruuc. and the alteyt In Utxk jy, y. 31, j and i). (inflnance read firtt time OcloUr 11. 1010 Rules suspended and read tevoud time Octooe II. 1910. Paiaed October 11 1910. Approved, October 11, 1910 S. C CAUiu'tai., Mayor Altrst. II. C I!!.!.!, Recorder THE MEN'S TOGGERY Merchant Tailoring a Specialty. ? See Our Wool Shirts WssWMMrtssjl FULL LINE OF Builders9 Supplies l)(H)i-s, Sashes, l'nints. (.Muss, Huiltlers' llardwitre, lloollnj.;. Kverythiiif; you need for vour new House or new Sloie. N. P. SMITH W11II Street, Willi Street aa and Wool Underw'r The MerriIlWilkinson Co. HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS IN Till- COAIINU WIU2AT SECTION OP CENTRAL OREGON. livery Location (linininU-cil. Aututnobllc Service. Garage and Repair Shop AUTOA.OMLB STORAGE ul lowest rotci jmissiIiIc with K'xxl hcrvicc- VULCANIZING the way you wWli it ilotie. Give us a trlitl. RIGHT PRICES RIQHT QUALITY Tenve your subscriptions for All Magazines at tbe Library and let that institution et tbe benefit. BYRNE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE ip REALTY Of All Kinds Bought. Sold and Exchanged. We have a very extensive list of DESCIIUTKS VAI.UvY IKKIGATKD LANDS. We bring the Property Owners and the Outside liuyers together. BYRNE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Hotaling Dldg., Wall St., Rend, Ore. STAR BAKERY FRESH BREAD Pastries, Rolls, etc. MEALS At Regular Hours Furnished Rooms MRS. NELLIE WRIGHT WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Table always supplied with the best that the town affords. Neat and Comfortable Rooms. IJitNn, Okkgon STOVES We have the best line in Bend of Cook Stoves and Ranges, The famous Cole's Wood Heaters and the Barler Oil Heater are abso lutely without an equal in their respective classes 1 Prepared Roofing This material we buy in carload lots from the manufacturer, and we give you the benefit of what we save in cost by this method ' of buying Hotel Bend Corner Bond and Oregon Sts. AMERICAN PLAN Rates $2 and $2.50 a Day HUGH O'KANE.lManager Nails and Barbed Wire The old prices are still in effect at our store as follows: Virtue 1a like a rich Jewel-best plain eeL Dacca, Hotel Dalles The Dalles, Oregon You are cordially Invited to make THIJ HOTItr DAIJ.RS your resting place while waiting over betwren trains on your way to and from Portland, New, thoroughly equipped, modern hotel; steam heat, elevator; suites and rooms with baths, l'irit class cafe, Hates ranging from 50c and $1 upward. Ideal Stopping Place Going to and from Central Oregon. N. K. CLARKE, Manager. Nails - Light Only. Barbed Wire Heavy Galv. Barbed Wire $5.25 Per Keg Base $5.80 Per 100 Lbs. $5.30 Per 100 Lbs. A Complete Stock of Loaded Shells Bend Hardware Co.! s i I