The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 09, 1910, Image 3

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    I ,
fjijou 1 heater
Change of Program Sun
days, Tuosdays, Fridays
Admission 15ds
Children lOrts
Clisrlc Itoyd, I'rtip.
Vegetables, etc.
0. C. HENKU:
Real Estate Exchanges
of all Kinds
WlllMm II TaH
bee irUljr of t lea.ury
hectetaiy of Inlerhrf
hnrtclairef War
JaHM MirimaM
1'hlkiiMlTi V Kh..i
MWtMlrt A. Haitian I
J M iHckmwn
(uar tMi I, Mt)t
Hectelaiyof Nay
becrttary of Cumwm H. Labor Chait Nag!
'ulmalr IteKeral.. .. I'laNk II IIHclHMk
Allvrilty (leneral llw W Wtarl.l.ham
brcretaty of AlkMllI Jam Wilm
U.S.. iHalllel Judge
IVba. It WlMvellun
HotMtt rata
U H. Attorney
John MrCcmK
M M Cutwrll
U. r. Manual
1'ixllllallfr at lit nd .
If. A, Couiutlxlooef al Hem!
tlurtiuur . . . .
heeiclary of Male
Attorney Ocncial
Hunt. Public liiatructkiu.
I' it MM
. ..'. W,
. 1'. W. WtoM
...ft. A HI
A. M.Ctawhml
J. II. AcWltMH
hi. I Piluler W. H. IfeHtway
Dairy a li J luod CaiHiinlutuMrr . ...J. W. Hatky
Coiuuiluluuer ul Lalwr Htalt.lfe .11 I' Hull
STIhm K. CampbtU
Cl)r H. Alichtvw
llittaM Wi
(lame and I'eteltrv Warden. M. O. MptrHMM
Mate lliigiuccr John II Lewi
U. H. Helialora..
tfttorge If Chamberlain
"" I JolMttbaM MMIIHC, Jf .
I W. C. Hani)
I W. K. Hilt
IT. A. McKrbU
I' A. luuir
I KuWrt KaVlH
Wm. K King
Kuptcine Judge .
vv. I. sir
AtatkIIoakiiuk Conthiil (U'atrm )
John II. Lcwla, hutcl(hglnr. . . . MttiM, IH.
ll.T. Ilolgatc, bupl IHv No. I ... .Hmmiin, c.
T. M. haalun.hupl. Die. rw. I . Hnkr Cl.)r,)f
Htaih I. nii liiuau (JuvttiHH, hectetary of
htate ami Mate Tlcaauiff.
hTTATH DrrfmaT I.ANII HOAKI. Coventor, Male
Tieaiuicr aud Attorney OenMal.
W. I,, madtbaw
.i'lt.1 W. Urton
Juilaf, .......
it. e. itiu.
..Wanni blown
. Prank lilalHi
...U I'. KIHK
Tieaaurcr -. -W. I'. KIhk
Aattaaur ...,.......
rxhoul Hupcrlutcndchl..
Itutvtyur ........
,.J. I). I I'ollellc
H. A. 1'Wll
...I'lttt A. Kkx
IK. II. IMvley
JaMiaa KM
CtacuiT Cnum I'll it Mumluy In May, llilnl
Holiday lu Dttclxr,
I'auaAI Couht I'lial Momlay Jii mrli iiiunlli
CuUHIUIUNKHa' Coukr I'lial VtMfiUy
In January, Mauli, May, July, btirmlx:
aliJ Nuvtmlxl.
Iiknii hcnuui. Duruior No. I).
( M. Ttll.'ttt
.). II. Kay
(C. I lluiutliie
Cltrk - I,. II. Wk-al
I. C. I'. lUiiliiulou
MlaaAinir II. .Maikvl
Mli Alia I'ollfr
Mlia llmcict Ikilacu
Mla IMi.lcln.-v C Yuiiiiii
Ml lil M. Amlclauii
Ml Knlhrtliir llmktua
M lu Nulla KUIiiiiiIhiii
V Trtclirti ,..
I Mr. CUiili II. HlucV.
H, C. ChIiIhkII
H.J. bl'tiatl
I.N. lluulcr
I. II.OlKltl
II. J. Ovtllulf
T. W, TrlUtt
I. II. Ktllcy
W. II. hvlkia
AMcriutu .
A nuilaea nlrr(onr of oarh Clly.
Tann VHIuao In (lirion uiul
Hketch of uri uWo. Ifulluii,
Hlilpvlns l'urlUllf mill iiiiaaU
llf lilMclorr e eacU llualuea
and l'rofoaaloo.
Jl, L. VOI.IC CO., jno.
'Gambling Undor llio Auspices of
tho Government.
An Cagtr, Cxelitil, Turbulent Crowd
Walolu Thli Ctramony With In
Unit lntrtat Th I'rlia and lh
Clunca of lh Playar.
X'iik Iliuiilirrt 1. iniiilu tho rule for
lio imlillc lottery of Imiyj
Klrnl. 'l'lio putillc lutliTjr In toinporn
rll limliiliilmil Uy ttiw fnvor of tliu
Unto ihkIit tlm follnwlni; Inwii,
Ktx'OMil. It I Milinliiliili'nil li tlio
mlnlxtcr nf (llinnct', tlixlur wlioiu Uin
lilcf ii ru clmai'ii for iliclr rt'ptctlv
Tlilrtl. Tim loiici In forinnl tiy ntno
y, iiiiiiiImtimI from 1 to 00, IiicIiinItc,
llvo of wlik'li ilrntvii by clmnco (K't
mini tlio BiiccwHiftil.
I'mirtli, Onii enn "piny tlio lotto" In
tlm follotvlne inntiiicr:
On otio iiiiiiiIht (very rnrHy plnjpill.
On all tho ntiiiilior (very roroly
On two numbcru tlio "ninbo,"
On tlirt-o nuinlwrn, which U known
nil tlio "tcrno."
On four niiinlicm, which U known a
thr "gunti-rno,"
riflh. Vhin onn ntimbrr li plnyrd
tlm winner U iM tun tlimii nnil n
Imlf hl output;, when two number
nnt plnycil tho winner I pnld !1W)
I linen bin output; when thrvo number
nre plnyeil tho winner U pnlil 5,'JuO
iIiiicm hi output; when four number
nre plnyiil tlm winner l p.tlil I10,0)0
time hi output. Therefore If ono hn
by niiy cIihiick boiicht n No. I ticket
uiul win the four number (ijunternoi
ho win 4'.(00.
At fi o'clock on every Hnlunlny nfter
iio.ui tlirtHiMtHMit Rll ltly the (lrawluK
3f tho lotto tnkii plnre. In Nnple
tho rnreuMiny I held nt the end of n
foul, filthy nlley known n tho Imp re
nt. Iwek In n Kretit rourtynnl. In full
view of tlm eopl on the Imlcony of
nn old (.mince, I'roiu enrly In tho nft
eriKMHi until the fntnl hour tho treet
of Hnntii Chlnrn mid tho nlley flit up
with tho crowd whoo Iwpe on till
tiny I to h decelveil. The troet nre
nlwnyn nt full of life Hint for till
extra crowd, jiwillin.'. puhlui! nud
MKer, there would iteelil to be no plnco
It I ciHprled of tho very ioor. The
Itetler cImm- wnlili for the telephone
or the utiowlm: of the number lu the
nrluun hank In tho clly to dltcovrr
their fnle. but lu tlio liupresn the
crowd of people I it dense n n hnd
ow There nro innny hero who hnve
imld their lnt cont for n ticket. There
nre ninny here who nre In debt for the
Ihhm they wear nud will never bo nbtn
to pay for them. Hut nt tho ntroko of
tho church clock tho blind of the bal
cony okii nnd tho pnrnphcrnnlln of
tho lotto nro brought out a lone
Breen tnble, on which 1 plncctl n cry
tnl Imll bound with nllver. nnd an Iron
box contnlnliiK ninety other llttlo twx
e. In which tho ninety number nro
lockwl by tho ntnta Tho otllccm of
till) perforinnnco nro coolly Indifferent,
nud tho only IlKtiro dwervInK of note
1 Hint of tho llttlo orphnn child, dress
ed lu miowy white, choneit by Uw from
tho orphnn mylum to draw up from
tho crymnl Imll tho llvo tnnelc num
ber. At tho night of theno fnmlllnr, looked
for objects tho crowd begin to cry
nud clinnt. to benetvli nnd evoke. It
Im'KH tho llttlo orphnn child to draw
well. And the child lu hU white robo.
hi Innocent eye on the 'un of peo
pie, look down m the bepisur with
their yellow lock nnd on the uppenl
Inn timiHt. One ty one the bull nre
tnkun out from their nwileil boxen. dl
plnyetl to tho people nud dropped Into
tho blK bowl.
Thoy limi' blindfolded the little Iwm
blno, nud he HtnmU on " elmlr. for he I
only eight ytr of ng uiul I ntiinll. li
full night if the people Tho Imll hnv
lug been nlinkvn nrnund for ttio Inn
time, tho chll put hi tin ml In nm
draws. Tho llmt uuinber llmi ho pulb
out 1 cnlletl forth-".N'i. ft " .Vow. ever
Italian who hnn Uiuglit No. 6 for plnre
ho cither won or lont. No ono hold
thin number In thin crowiV, however
nnd there I niitrinur-nud n freli
niljiinillon for the child to draw well
Tho peoplo who huvo drawn for the
tcrno mid tho tiuuturuo mill tinvo theli
chnnce. The child drawn tigiilu, thU
ttuio No. -IT, nnd tho holder of the
lemo nre now the Interested ones, for
llio next will bo their lut clmnco. The
enthUHhiMm brenkn forth ngulti with
mtirmurn uiul crlen nnd prnyura, nud
tho tpilet child before tho urn In hi
whlto drenn henrn thorn mid tremblon.
for ho UnowH tlint ho In mennced. lie
foro tho peoplo there In n blnckboard,
nnil n man postn up tho uiimbcrs nn
they nro tlrawn-6, -17, 11. 10 nnd 60
And thin norlen of llvo Is discussed,
yolled nt. chnllenged, cureed, for not
ouo In tho crowd hnn drawn n fortu
mtto number, Tho chlld'n oyen nro un
bound, nnd ho in put down nnd set
free. Tlio balls nro returned Into tholt
boxen Denied up nnd cnrrled nwny un
der tlio eyen, of tho crowd, which nftot
walling for n moment, unnblo to bo
llevo lis III fortutio, brenkn up nnd dls
tupts. Apnthy Is thrown upon tho inn
jorlty nn much nn such n ntnto of mind
lit postnlblo to ii Neupolltiin mnsn ni
they begin In groups to discuss th
fnlluro of tholr schemes nnd their com
tilimtloiiH.-Mnrlo Van Vorst In Hnr
pcr'n MngnKlne,
,loy 1 more dlvlpe tlmn sorrow, fo
Joy I bread nnd sorrow Is racdlclno.-Doochor.
II I an Cntntlal Pari of th Ort
Qama of Oaseball,
According to blencher hiw, thero nre
thrio imrtlculnrly JiiHtllluble motive
for doing nwny with umpire. An
iimplro limy bo Idllcd-llnm If ho
lit to ndliero to llio rule nnd iiinlio n
decUlliu ngiilnt tho homo li'iiin nt n
clone point lu tlio gntun; mitouiI, nn
iimplro limy bo killed If he nend n
ineinber of llio homo leniu to the bench
when the pluyer In ipietlou hnn done' nothing but cull the umpire
luimi-M nnd nttempt to bite hi ear on
(nn umplro hn no biulnen to Im
touchy); third (nnd tliU I n iierfect
defeiiNu ngulnit tho charge of inurderi,
nn umplro uiny bo killed If ho cnll
nny butler on the homo team out on
strike when tho player tin not even
".truck nt tho bull pitched. That the
lift!! go straight over the pluto ha
nothing to do with tho case.
There I nmple proof nt hand to
show Hint killing tho umpire I n ill
tlnctlvely Amerlcnii sport. Other cnun
trie hnvo tried bnwbnll, but they hnve
not tried killing tho umpire. Tlint I
pmbnbly tho renon why they hnvo ((i (M(1 hU mii) w,jM ,0
i'0.1 ."""'.. ,,",;i!" "'.l"!Lr:ir:'m,:'ll ru M llk .o,-omolve.
lor linni'unii nuiiiiui iiniiiiw milium ...
Ilkit footbnll without girl In the grntid
slnnd. It simply en n't be donn. Tlint
foreign countries know nothing nlxnit
our king of outdoor sportji wnn hull
cnted forcibly when In the fnll of HifJ
the Dotrolt team mnde n trip to Culm
under tho innungeiui'iit of Outfielder
Mclntyro. In the entire series of i
twelvo gnmes with the Unvnna nnd
Almemlnre nine not one single ol
Jectloti wn mnde by cither the Cubnu
plnyer or tho nllent Cubnu spectator
to n decision of the iimplre. The
Aiiierlrnus did not know whnt to think I
of tt until they counted up the gnte
receipts nt the end of the series. Then1
they renlUed Hint In their own country
It Is the delight lu killing the umpire
rather than the plcnur In wntchlng ,
the gntno Hint draws the tremendous
crowds through the turnstllen.-Ueorge i
Jcnn Nnthnn In IlnriHrr'a Weekly.
Light Wav and th Wonderfully Ao
currt lntrfromtr.
At the bureau of weights nud men
tires nt Sevres, Franco, tun stnndnrd
meter of mctnl. which a the stnndnrd
length of the world. In kept cnrefully
In nn underground mult nnd Is In
vecteil only nt long Intervnls. In
Orcnt Hrltnln slmllnr enre I exercised
In gunrdlng the stnndnnl ynrd mens-
iircnienL As It wns possible for these
I mctnl stnndnnls to bo destroyed or
' .4 - ... .....I ! al... uiiha rt tllttas It tvftal
dnmnged In the course of time. It wns
decided n nutnlicr of yenrs ngo to de
termine the exnet length of the stnnd
nnls In fcnve lengths of light, which
I would bo n bnsls of vnlue uunlterable
nnd Indestructible, f'or this pur
1 the Instrument known ns the Inter
! ferometer wns luyeuteil Thl ItiMru
i ment representetl the highest order of
workmnnshlp nud the greatest skill of
, the best optlclnns of the world A
series of refracting plates were mnda
the surfnre of which were tint with
in one-twentieth of a wnve length of
light, with skies parallel within one
second, representing the utmost refine
ment of optical surfaces ever nt
With the Interferometer perfected,
tho nttempt wns mnde to mnke the
wnvo length of some definite light nu
nctunlnnd prnctlinl stnudurd of leugth
Tor over a yenr scientist worked to
secure this result, and experiments
finally showed Hint there were IJXA
1014 wnve length of red cadmium
light In the Prcuch stnndnrd meter nt
IS degrees centigrade. So grent Is the
nccurncy of these experiments that
they enn be repented within oue part
In two millions. So Inroucelvnbly
small Is such n possibility of error thnt
should tho material stnndnnl of length
be tin inn Red or destroyed the stnndnrd
wnve length of light would remain un
altered ns n bnsls from which nu ex
act duplicate of the original stnndnnl
could bo mudo. Chicago Hecord-Uer-aid.
The nilrnbelhun era gnve vogue to
the button nud buttonhole, two Invcn
lions which inuy fairly be regarded ns
luiiortnnt, sluco they did much to
revolutionize dress. Tlio original but
ton wits wholly u product of needle
work, which wns noon Improved by tho
use of n wooden mold. The brass but
ton U said to hnvo been Introduced by
a lllrmlnghnni merchant In 1US0. It
took 200 yenrs to Improve ou tho meth
od of sowing tho cloth upon tho cover
ed button. Then nu Ingenious Dane
hit upon th; Idea of making tho but
ton In two part and clumping them
together with tho cloth between.
Tho haughty looktug womnn upon
whoso features the dermntologlst hnd
been working for mora than two hours
sneered when slio glanced lu tho mir
ror. "I certainly thought you kuow
your business," sho mapped, "but you
hnvo not even given mo fntr treat
ment." Tho mnn shrugged bit shoulders. "If
you had wanted "nIr treatment you
should hnvo been mora explicit," bo
retorted. "1 thought from "what you
told tno that you wuutod brunotte."
Chicago News.
Orav as a Doy,
"vVclglor I see thnt Onunler hns been
given n medal for bravery. Match
leyotte Well, ho probnbly tlesorvcd It,
Flo nlwnys wnn brnve. 1 rcmomber
when ho wns a boy that he was tho
only one In the neighborhood who
would go to his mother when sht
beckoned with ouo hand nud held tut
other behind cor back. Chicago Now,
Th Truthful Marirur Tails How Fad
th Dig Fallow V.nt.
"8iiii'ilini'n jou iiin put mi Iron Into
n wluilo nud he won't nphiNh on the
Klirfiiie, but will Htnrt off like n rocket
or porhiim will go right down nnd you
hnve to cut loom- nud liwc your line
nud Iron," mild the Iruihful old mur
"Wo were lying beenlmed one dny off
the Cnpe of (Jood Hope. Ity nnd by
wo nw two or threu whnle coming
up to blow nbout two mllwt nwny.
"The cnptnln cnlled the witlch up.
nnd (i couple of IhuiIh Mliirtiil for the
wliiilw, which were lying ntllt, ns If
"tinning theumolve. UV raced with
the other Ixmt mid got nil end. for my
men were lithe and tough, and by nud
by we got Htougidde of one of the big
fellow The ritt-erlug onr whs pulled
In, the onrn were packet: Hull l, piled
In so t tint they couldn't strike the
wnterthen nn Iron wnn throwu lulo
the llontlug lain lid.
"The wlmlo lay still for n moment,
nn If struck with ntunzement Hint nny
one nlmnM dure to touch lilin Hudden
rope whlHcIng nround In n wny to n
toiiUli n luiMlliibber. When the roH
wn out we were rushing by tho enp
tnlu's Ihwi like iiiniI.
"All we could do In Hint double end
ed IhhH wn to sit still nnd see her go
through the wnter I cmidldly believe
wni e went nt tne rato or n uiiio a
tuhiuie. snd the wnter ns n very
wonderful rlielit. It remind me. now
Hint I think of It, of 'm' decrlptlon
of tlio Interior of the muelntroiii.
where the wnter went round o fnxt
nnd whs so black Hint It inuM hnve
M-erwd like n wall of polished ebony,
.The ptwwutv dowiiWHrd piled the
wn(,r ,, ,,n Imtli shle or us so Hint
u h,,,, , )tl nt M.t three feet
M(.Uvr Uw tUv ,,. of a. ltoaU ,m
,t C4M1llH.t rHtl for we wt,ro KOlof.
, f-H, JHllt ,,m.
"Kvery one's ejes vere blurred with
the wind, which seemed to be blowing
n hurrlcnue ngnlust us. It looked ns If
, the whnle would never get tired out,
nud we were going to sea nt an nmnt-
Ing rate. The ship went nwny ns If by
' mnde. nud we hnd lost sight of the
other boat. I'lnnlly the Hue all at onco
"The whale Iwdn't stopped nnd, for
nil I know, I going nhend nt the rate
j of n mile n intuutu still, but trio Iron
i hnd come out.
We rowed back to the ship, nnd as
no en mo nloui: tho cnntnln cnlled over
th,. rail:
"Where's the whnler
"'Oh.' said 1, 'the Iron melted out, be
went so fnsL'
" Uut whnt I thought.' said tho cap
tain, and thnt night we nil had plum
duff nnd grog'-Chlcago Inter Ocean.
IMrtaHt ef Ike Iatrrlor,
V S Lnd OIBce at The tatlle. Or.,
twptmibw ly, isiu,
XvtlOT I hereby Inn that
AMc H. Market,
ptoc wkhru h Hck!. O'rrofl. dKl, on
lh tlh ttay i.f I'ltnuaiy. lyio, file U thl office
snoia Mairatat aial Ap4lotto. No. .. to
MKaudlHMKnSlkN Jo, T IT . K IJ K..
W M . aHd the timber therruM, uiHt.r the ro
nMn. o( the act of ur j it an4 art. amcad
alaey, V.MimH a the ' Timber a Ml Mime,"
atawh value . mtht be tial by aMalae
ueHl. a Hi that arMant to tueh applkalkHi.
I he Ulid ami limber Iheieuai have ln apHaled
.he twiber rtimaleil noj. IkmkI reet atl
per M ami the land tt . that ahl i.4t
oant Hill uOer hnat iteoof u aupiMHt f her iiM-.-mlljiaH4
awurn Malemertt w. the Mb J.y of
ItevemlaTf. laiu, before II. C. lillu. U S, Cobi
mUuiiee. at hi ofhee at llml. (itessu.
AuyiierauM at Hberty la toirH this pur
ehawbetore entry, or iHitUle cuolct at any
time ttafure patent iwuea, by filing a earrebo
ratft! alMarll In thlt ufbf, irttgtng fact wbieji
arimM defeat the entry.
j-M C. W. MOOKlt, Restaur.
I Iiefvartment ut the Interior.
V. 6. La ml Office at The DAtlea, Or.
belcttiber aa, if is.
Notke It hereby glreii that
Miwa NttMreueef,
who luflice adilt. a It 1Iik1, Oreren, AM.
jh IheTthdayuf June vtn, file In'lhia omre
ttaotHMatement and Atdtealkin. No. 0607, to
puiebate the k)( nw( hec M. T. 17 S K. 11 1 ,
W M., and the timber thereon, under the ftv
vMottavt theKtof June J. it indaclaauiciuv
vHiiey, the "lnuber mt Stone Law."
araocn valne a mi(ht be fUed by aiiraieuieut,
And that, imixunt to aoch autdkatwu, the land
and limb thereon have been auumlted. the
IliHl-er exiuiaini y.ouo uoaru If el at
M. and the laud jo, that anl apiUicaiu
rer final ol m wptioit ul hla aptdnsatlou and
woth utueut oh the Mh day of Iieeenitwr,
iyl. belore II C Kill. U S. CowioU.Wuer, at
hiaollice, al Ucd. OrtKOU.
Any irou 1 at liberty to piotett tbia ir
khatcUfctrc entry, oe Initiate n corneal at nu)
time before patent tune, by Mill); a eortob
oratrd aWttattt in tbM uike, alleuj; faet
Mhlch Mould defeat the etitry.
- C. W. MOOKlt, Kea-lMer
HepArtiuent l the Interhir.
V, li. UuJ Office at The Pallet, Or.,
beuteiutier Jl, 110,
Notice l hereby gtten lltal
Nellie II. Market,
wlio.c atoHiee addreaa la Hud l)iek..u. did.
on the tut day f I),wio, flic In thlt uAice
Muoru Maletiicut aiut Application, No. kMi,to
iiurcliaac the aeU W bee. , T. 19 b., K 11 l( ,
U'.-tl , and the lltubcr thereon, uudcr the pro
iuiiaofthect ol Juue j I;, and acta aitteud
atory. known a the "Timber amt Stone Law."
at null value a might be fined by appraltc
ment. and that, putauaut to auch appliculion.
the laud and timber thereon have been a
pratted.thc limler llniatnl ..o.u tward feel at
7) rent er M, and the land f , that aaid appli
cant will oiler huil nioof 111 MiintKirt of herauuli
v-atlou audaMorn atateiiieut oil the 10th day of
levmler, luto, belore II. i. Ifllla, v. a. coin
lultklouer, at hi oilier at lieud, Uregou.
Auyixraou la at liberty to protest this pur
rhau in. fore entry, or initiate a coutett at any
lime before patent luuea, by filtiig a corrobo
rated allulavlt lu tht ulbce, alleging facta which
would defeat the entry.
C. W. MQOHH, Register.
DetMrtiueut of the lutcrlar,
U. H. Land Office at The PaUea, Oregon,
October is, tvio.
Notice I hereby giv-en that
Joliu I. Moore,
of I.aldlaw. Oregon, who, on lime lMh 190,
made homeatead. No. UM'. (Serial No. oj6ii).
toreH iiwu aim wn nci, orv. s, 1 . 17 a., h. 11
it., W M . naa filed notice or liilentlou to make
tinal five-year proof, to eatablUtt claim to the
Uiul above dracribrd, before II C. lUtlf, U.H. lit otlice at llend, Uregou, on
the Mil day of llrccuihcr, 1910
Claimant uamea aa witnease:
l!d M bHalley. of I.aldlaw. Otecoo; Charlea
11 Low, UvtdW U, Kllcy, I'rauk tiaal.ofUcnd,
Men's Hats and
Leather Automobile Caps
Free China
Tickets Given Away with Cash Purchases
Get their Owners
Handsome Sets of Dishes
$50.00 Down
Choice Residence
Lots in
Aubrey Heights
$50.00 NOW
The Future Residence District
of Greater Bend.
Contracts are let for several houses to be
built immediately.
Deschutes Realty Co.
Bend Hospital
Attending Physicians TJ. C. COE, B. FERUELX
M. ELLEN KERSHAW, Superintentfattt. ,
Graduate of St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago.
MRS. A. M. LUTES, Assistant.
Graduate of Columbus (Ohio) Training School.
Terms: $10 to $25 a Week, .Payable Weekly.
There U a Nurse on
extra charge made
extreme cases, when
$50.00 Down
duty at nil times. No
for flight duty, uukss iu
a special uurse is required
j 347
C.W, MOOKlt, RegUter.