The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 09, 1910, Image 2

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his i
Best and Biggest
Assortment of Rugs Ever
Received in Crook
Now on sale by tho
R. M. Smith Cloth
ing Company
To appreciate the value of these
Rugs, look at, the prices then
look at, the goods.
Smith's Axminster Rugs
18x30 inches ...
Smith's Velvet Rugs
27x5-1 inches ...
Smith's Axminster Rugs
27x54 inches -
Smith's Saxony Axminster Rugs
86x72 inches -
Smith's Straw Mattings, Jap Pattern
9x12 feet ....
Smith's Manor Tapestry Seamless
Rugs, 9x12 feet ...
Smith's Saxony Axminster Rugs
'9X12 feet ....
Department of the Interior,
V S. Land OfBce at The Dalles, Oregon,
October 7, 1910.
Notice i hereby (Wen that
Walter Wheatley,
of I aidlaw, Oregon, who, on April so, 1406. made
llomcsteaa ijow nenai
No. QiAtJ, for
I. Tp. 17 A., K
of Intention to
N. 8K. V. BK. H hK. tf. c-
,, ft . W M . ha. filed notice
make final Commutation Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, before II. C,
lOUa, U. H. Commissioner, at hit office al Dead,
Orrgon, on the ijth day of November, 1910.
Claimant namea aa witnesses: George W. Sny
der and William li. Baodcl, of LaidUw. Oregon.
ji-jj C. W. MOOKK. Register.
Department of the Interior. ,
U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Or.,
September 1Mb, 191a.
Notice U hereby giren that
Karl U. Houston,
whose poatoCce addreae la Uend, Oregon, did,
ou the nth day of January, 191s, file In IhU of
fice Sworn Statement and Application, No. 08 ,
to purchase the aelf V bee. jo, T. 17 8.. K. I J
H.,W XI., aud the timber thrrtan, uwderthe
provisions of 1 he act of June j, 178, aud aeta
meudatory, known as the "Timber end Woue
Law." at aucb value aa might befiaedbyap
pralcm:nt,and that, puraant to auch oppllcu
lion, the land aud ttmber thereou have been ap
r raised, the timber eatunated 6000 bsard feet at
1, jo per M and the laud so, thai aald applicant
will offer final proof In aupport of his applies
tlon aud aworu atatemcui 011 the ut day ol
December. 1910. before II c. Kiln. U. b. Cum
niiuloner, at hia otfice at liend, Oregon.
Any peraon la at liberty to protest thla pur
chaac before entry, or Initiate a corneal at any
time before patent laauta. by Cliug a corrob
orated arbdavit in tbla office, alleging facta
which would defeat the entry.
VJ8 C W. MOOKK, Regiater.
Department of the Interior,
U, 8. Land Office at The Dallea, Or.,
September so, 1910.
Notice la berby given that
Sadie A, Niawonger,
whoae poatoffice addreaa la Uend, Oregon, did,
oulhcatbday of June, 1910, file In luia office
Sworn statement aud Application, No. 06917, to
uurchaae the DM lau, uw self. Sec. u. 10 B
H 11 1!, W M., and the Umber thereou. under
the provision! of the act of Juue j, 117a, aud acta
amendatory, known aa the ''Timber and Stone
Law," at audi value aa might be fixed by
appraisement, and that, pursuant to auch
application, the Und and timber thereon
have been appraised, tbe timber estimated
;m,ooo board feet at 75 cents pe M. and the
land IW; mat aata applicant win oner nnal
suDDort of Her application
aworn statement on the Ith day of December
iqio. before II. C Ultla, U. 8.
Coumlsaioner, at
his ofBie at Bend, Orccou.
Anviwuu la at liberty to Drotest this tur-
chaae before entry, or Iulliate a conical at any
time before patent Issues, by filing a corrobor
ated affidavit In thla ofoce, alleging facts which
would acicat we cuiry.
s Landa to Settlement and Ilntry. Depart
ment of the Interior, General Land Office
Washington, D. C, July S, 1910. Notice la here
by gteeu that the public landa in the following
deacribed areaa which were excluded from th
DeKhulea National Forest, Oregon, by proclam
allon ol the President dated May , 1910, If not
olherwiae withdrawn, reserved, or appropriated
will by authority of the Secretary of the Interior
be rcatored to the public domain on October n
1910, and become aublect to aettlement on am
after tb-t date, but not to entry, filing or eelec
tion until on and after November 11, 191a, at tt
United btalea Land Office at Lakertcw, Oregon
In T. 11 B.. K. 13 I!., Seca. 1, 1, 10. 11 and l, iu T
1IH., K. 16 It, beca. J, 6 and 7 and W H ol
bee. 8; Willamette Meridian. Warning la hcreb)
czpreaily given that no peraon will be permute:
to gaiu or eitrciae any right whatever under
any aettlement or occupation begun after Ma)
m, 1910, and prior to October at, 1910, and all
auch aelUement or occupation la hereby forbid
den. lOIINMCl-IIAUL. Acting AaaUtaut Com
niiuloner of the General Land Office. Approver.
July al, 191a. fKANK flllKCK, first Asslslaui
Secretary of the Interior. j-ji
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles, Or.,
October rt, 1910.
Notice la hereby given I bat
George W, hhrmer,
of Uend, Oregon, who, 00 March 41b, 1939, made
llumeslead No 04:91, for aw sc&scjf sw) Sec.
15 aud cHnw Sec 19. T. MB., K II K., W M
has filed notice of iuteullon to make final Com
mutation proof, to establish claim to the laud
above deacribed, before II. C. Kills, U, s. Commls
sluucr, at his office, at Uend, Oregou, on the 1 jih
day of December. 1910.
Claimant uamea aa wltneatea:
JameaK Saw hill, William K Vandevert, Con
0. Allen, luea T, Tholslrup, all of bend, Oregon
ii it C. W. MOOKK, Register.
Department of tbe Interior,
U, 8. Land Oflce at The Dallea, Or'gou,
October aoth, 1910.
Notice la bertby given that
lames H. Sawhilt,
of Uend, Oregon, who, ou April 34th. 1909, made
homestead. No. 0479a, for Lota 3, aud 4 aud aej
swbc. 7 and ueJt nwjf Sec. 18. T. 10 b, k
11 li., W. M., has bled notice of intention to
make final commutation tiroof. to esiaMuh
tlalm to tbe laud above described, before II. t
lillis, U. S. Commisaioner, at his office at Uend,
uregon, on the Uli day ol December, 1910.
Claimant namea aa wilucsses;
C It, Allen. W. I'. Vandevert, J. B, Heyburu,
Luthtr Mclke, all of Ueud, Oregon.
J4J C.W, MOUKK, Keglster,
Department ol the Interior,
U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Or.,
October Ji, 1910.
Notice la hereby given thai
ileurum W. Gales.
of Ueud, Oregon, who, on November 15th, 1903.
made Homestead No, 14798 (Serial No. 03744,)
fui awjt wh aeu oec. 17 ana w nc mc
iw! awW aetl Sec. 17 and wU new K
io. T 19 S.rk. 11 a , W. M., haa filed notice of
ttutlou to make filial five-year proof, lo tataMIsi,
claim Is tlir land above described, before 11 t
Jillls, U b Cotuuiltsioucr, at his office al Head,
UrtKOii, oa the 13th dav of December, 1910.
Claimant namea as witnesses;
I'rcd A. ttbonquUt, kicbard King, 8r J An-
tfint.u V, ...I. ..II J .. ..I .ll.Vu-1 .
oa. (iS-) p. W. MOOXH, Kflater,
(lrent Northern Railway Boosting
Central Oregon Car to Tour
Uast till Winter Preparing
I at St. Paul, Minnesota.
The following letter from V. W.
Grnlium, the Great Northern Rutl
ro.ttl'.s westetu inimi:rnti)n iient,
iu vlioe churRe is the romU Ceii
trul Orenon publicity work, was re
ceived Moniluy by G. P. Putiinin
It gives inforinnlion coticcruitii; the
fute of the Ueud agricultural ex
The exhibit ent (rum lletul were re
eel veil in good order mid lurwnrded
from rortlatid in n ecial twtKac car
to St. I'iiiii for iiiMnllntioii in our Qiv
Kon Car, mid in our oilier eastern ex
hibits. In order to eeononiite time mill
on nccount of having letter fncilitira nt
t. l'anl, c decided on outfttUni; and
dcciirittitiK txith the Orceon and W'unli
inutun Cnri nt St. l'uiil. initrad of at
Tortland and SHkane, ni sc had orll
nally intended doing. The Oregon Car
a uow about ready to atari out from
there ou ita long trip through the Kast,
if it has not tttready gone.
Some time next spring or summer, vie
will bring the car to rortlatid and other
Oregon point to let everyone ace ft,
and, if we are running into Uend by that
time, wilt turely bring it down there.
Jutt now, we feci that it will do lis all
more good by getting it on the rod in
tbe Kast a quickly a possible, while it
has to much nice, fresh, hardy fruit and
vegetubles which we want to show to as
many thousands of easterners as pos
ible, while it is attractUc.
It has been a source of great gratifies
tiou to us that we have met with such
ready response and hearty co-operation
from Central Oregon points, particularly
from lieud, I'rinevilte, Redmond and
even Burns and Lakeview. The Interest
manlfeiled and the exhibits received
10m theses distant points excelled, in
many cases, that of the nearerby towns
right on our tine. We wilt be enabled
to make a fine showing of the products
i? Central and itilcriur Oregon, lhai.ks
to the interest and assistance of all of
you, which is just what we want to do,
as there is a vast inland empire there
which we want to settle up as fait at
possible. 1 want to thank you and the
other gentlemen who gae their time
ml efforts towards getting up the ex
hibits from Ilcml, aud to assure you that
wc appreciate all you have done aud will
do our best to make good use of the ma
terial you have furnished us. We will
be glad to get as much literature as you
can let us have for distribution in the
car and our other eastern exhibits.
Yours truly,
(Signed) I'. W. Graham.
Library' Entertainment Prove Great
Success Music Excellent.
On Wcduesduy evening the
Ladies' Library Club gave a unique
tnd interesting entertainment at
(.luster's Hall, in, which were com
oitied music, theatricals and danc-
The chief feature of the evening
vas a presentation of the trial scene
from the Merchant of Venice. All
the characters were Rood, both iu
'heir make-up and their interpreta
(ions of their parts. There was
pirit in the acting, which showed
tbe results of painstaking study.
The orchestra openencd the fes
tivities with Barnard's Overture,
A'hich was encored. Miss Iva
West gave a violin solo, which
.vas followed by a clever reading l
Morris Lara, taking tbe place of V.
M. Ray. After the Shakespeare
cene there was more music; then
refreshments and a big dance, with
music by tbe orchestra. About
65 was cleared for the library.
The cast was as follows:
Duke of Venice Mould Coe
Oassanio ) ( Prof, Harrington
ntonio I'neiid. 1 y. A. I'orbet
Gratiano ) ( Ivan McGilvray
-Jhylock J. Anthony Mitchell
Portia , ..Mrs, Morrison
Neritsa, I'ortU's I'riend....Tot Taggart
Page Marion Lawrence
Uend Men liuy Fine I'crcheron.
Fred VanMatre and V, M. Ray
nave purchased the imported
Percheron stallion "Flauren," Van
Matre will have hi in at the Pilot
Butte barn hereafter, Flauren is a
lull'blooded registered I'ercheron,
with a splendid record aud the
finest kind of ancestry. It is un
derstood that he is held at $3,000,
Apples for Sale,
Sixty boxes Spitzenbcrg, Red
Cheek Pippins and Baldwins,
(raised iu Mitchell); 2.25 per box.
At Wenaudy'fl barn. 3436
Tlia Maahanlcat Laws Art th Qarna
at In a Whirlpool.
Any otio eitit iniikt' I lit ox not emintor
pnrt of it eyolnmt If tic an doalrcn. Of
coiirso n eyclonu la emmod by tho nlr
ovit' n big in-fit getting wiirm 11 ml
light with rmmll pnwainv. Thla nlr
eotittilitiMitly tries to 1N0 ulmottt In 11
body nnd lent on 11 pitrtlitl viu'uiiiu ho
hind, tint tin outnlili) eold nlr ninlion
Iu from nil ulilos. Now, It In 11 m'Ii'ii
ttflc mid iitpchrinlciit truth (hut when u
lluld nitii Iu from nil nlili't tnwitnl 11
veutml point It eiiuxi'K it uhlrlpoul or
rotntlon of the lluld. The viet mini
ogy of n e.volutu', thvti, iilllimigh with
the fluid wnior Itntoml of nlr, la noon
when thn Ntoppor Is pulled nut of the
bottom of it hitalti full of witter. An
almoit porfoet vnetiiiin, ns far its tho
water la concerned, Is eniiaod by tho
water Iminiilliitoly over tho Ktoppor
running out. The rest of tho water
rushes In fnitn nil dtnvtjoin, mid n
whlrlpiMil Is (ho reaiilt. Thorn Is 0110
difference here fnmi tho nlr eyehuto
In tho nlr tho fnrvo with which It
nishra townrd tho center grently com
prvio the nlr wtilrlltig nt Hint point
and makes It very denno-mi dense. In
fnct, thnt n straw eiirrhil In the con
trol whirl enu In driven Into it big
block of wood without bending. Of
eom-Ko In n whirlpool tho water Is not
romprvsxod, remaining practically tho
same In density nil tlio time. Tlnit
Is one highly Important property of
water; It Is practically lueotuprosalblo.
Nevertheless It Is very Interesting to
see the whirl form In a bnaln nud
know that tho incchntilcnl laws nro
tho saimf n In the formation of n cy
clone tnnny miles wide. Harper's
Red Root, That bid Good Otrvlc In
Revolutionary Days.
You housekeepers of today whoo fa
vorlto brnnda of Orange l'okoe. Kng
llsh Itreakfitst, India and Ceylon, etc.
dlrrtuu their fragruiice over your ton
table would hardly upMo thnt leu.
or, rather, n fnlrly gooil Ktil.slltuto for
It, was onco made from the leave of
one of our prettiest New Jersey wild
flowers. Yet so It was hi tho old tur
bulcut days of tho American Revolu
tion, when they had so much trouble
over the Imported article anil used
various beverages as substitute for
that to which they had become accus
tomed, New Jersey ten, or red root, as It l
also called. Is u low growing shrub
with many branches, seldom over
thtva feet high, and Is found from
Canada to Florida, growing usually In
dry wooded sections. It Is very abun
dant hi New Jersey, for which It Is
named. It bloom profusely Iu July
nnd Is so showy, with Its many (mu
lcted white btoasoms, ns to bo iul(c
worth a place In the gardens as an
ornamental shrtib. It has a dark red
root, with leaves downy In-neath and i
very much veined, by which It Is easily
distinguished from the pure tea. An i
Infuslou of the leaves prepared 111 the
same manner ns the genuine urtlcle
has somewhat the tusto of ordinary
grade of the tea of the orient, but Is
not supposed to poMes . any of Us
stimulating properties. Kxchange.
Dulwar Lytton and His Chorus.
The I'rliicotw von Itncowltsn met
Iluhvcr Lytton In tho Itlvlera toward
the pud of the fifties. Ho wus then,
she says In her autobiography, "past I
his first youth; his famu was at Its
zealth. lie seemed to mo antedllu- j
vlan, with his lout; dyed curls uud his
old fashioned dress. Ho drowsed exact- j
ly In tho fashion of the twenties, with
lone coats reachhiK to the ankles, knee
breeches and lone colorrd waistcoats, '
Also ho appeared always with a youiiK j
lady who adored him nnd who was
followed by a inauserviiiit earrylnit
a harp. 8ho sat at his feet and ap
peared, as he did, In the costume of
1S30, with loni; flowlnc curls, called
AnRlalscs. IIo read uloud from his
own works, nnd in especially poetic
passages bis 'Alice' accompanied him
with arpcKKl" on tho harp."
A Traa Climbing Dog.
A government ollleful Iu llavarlacou
nected with the forestry department
has wonderful doi;, which Is as clev
er at climbing trees as a cut. If his
master fastens a handkerchief up Iu
tho trcctops the anliuul will clamber
up after It In thu nimblest way and
never falls to hrluir It down. IIo was
tuuglit by his mother, who was famous
as it tree climber, Tlio clever animal
has won several medals by his ex
traordinary talent aud takes particular
dcllKht In climbing sliver birches, not
tho easiest tree In tho world to scale,
for the trunk Is particularly smooth
and sllprlcry, Wide World Magazine.
Kindness to Animals.
"Whot I bcllovo In," said Mr. Kras
tus I'lukly, "Is kindness to dumb ani
mals." "res," replied Miss Miami Ilrown,
"I has by ii lied tint somo folks kin llf'
chicken off do roos' so gentlo an'
tender dot ho won't havo his sleen
disturbed ska'scly none." Washington
Tho Altsrnatlva.
Flgg-My wlfo wuuts a now silk
Fogg Are you going lo lot her hove
Flgg-Yes. It's a case of silks or
sulks.-lloston Transcript.
Mrs. flharpo (severely)-.Vorah, I cm
find only seven of these plates. Where
nro the other flvo? Cook (In surprise)
-Suro, mum, don't ye mako no allow,
auco for ordinary wear on' tear?
S. C. CAI.UWUM.i Prop.
Good Goods at (ho Price of the Other Kind
Hardware ami Groceries, Stoves and
Ranges, Windows, Doors and Glass,
Roofing, Paints and Oils, Sttulebaker
Wiikoiis, Gasoline and Auto Oils of the
Best. Come and see us.
BUSINESS LOT on Bond street-very
cheap if building is erected soon.
different parts of city some as
low as $75.00.
NEW 5-ROOAl CO'ITAGE, neatly ar
ranged with fire place, lot is level.
Price $1250. Half down.
Bend's New
Harness Store
Manufacturers of Harness
Repairing1 of all Kinds
A Big Stock of
Saddles, Blankets, Robes
Michigan Buggies
Genuine Mandt Wagons
Farm Implements
Modern Sweets
JTl ittdtm Kn it (Aa
lutrtulit ej J'uraaiul
PulroalM tht "JWem Drairr" CsslKtisasry Cs., Mlrs., FVtUsJ, Or.fsa
Solicits Inquiries
About Up-To-Datc
Call at office or phono us.
Phono No, 56
Wall Street, near Ohio.
suitable for AlACHINE
- Pr.ce $500.
Bend, Oregon
Your Patronage is Always
Patterson Dru Co.
' ' I I III II Mill
Let tis show you on
A nice shipment of
just received.
DRUG 00.
We arc in business (or your
liciwrtincnlofllie Intrilor,
U. n. Land Oltlce al The Dalles, Or.,
Hclcmbcr ivlli, lyio.
Notice la hereby given Dial -
Albert llarrymaii,
whose DO.tuffire ailtlrraa la llciirf. (lr.. .11 ,
o the jr.1 day of 1'ebruary. lyia. flle In tile
ollice Hworii Htalemeiit and Aiibllcatlo . No
OVX5. lo iiurchast tbe e neW Wc. is. T ni s
K. ult..y. M .and the lln.llrr Iheieoii, undeV'
the iirovlsloua of the act or June j, i, ,Ji ,i,;
auieiiiUtury, known MS the "Timber and Stone
Ijiw.' ul ,ur ll V.lllA llul. U A 1 ,"!"
iiralsciiienl, and that, pursuant to auch aiipllca.
(Ion, he laud and Umber thereou have been
appraised, the Umber climated 80.000 M board
fcttallijo per M, aud Hie laud 1 100: that salt)
appj Irani will ofler final proof In support of his
aiiiilliatloii and aworu statement ou theethday
or December, ibio, before II. C Kills, U, B, Com'
mlssloucr, al his ollice. al llcud, Oieuou,
Any peraon Is al liberty lo protest thla pur
chase 'before entry, or Iulliate acoulcst at any
"mm f0',' ,?.l?Hf '"""' hX B""" corruliorted
allldavli in this ollice, alltiilug (acts wlilcli
would dclcat the cutry.
'J C. W, MOOUU, ttegUUr.