aJUt. Ay nrtwWfc-Xll-fa-4w, m. , ..,. If-iitr wiiti cmma till if n in mr w, jjmamii v ; l 'i;1 ': s , rVMWHMMHnHHMMWI ' V t E l I $-. r, lliWlAltm .. .- ..... ,. ....,...,.. iiirtMnM'V-"f"''i.Myiydl MEN OF OREGON! Do You Know That during only a few weeks' circulation, 40,000 of your fellow-citizens signed a written protest against statewide prohibition? That had it been necessary to go further, fully four-fifths of the voters would have signed it? That this list of signers includes farmers, ministers, physicians, ranchers, lawyers, workingmen, and almost without exception, the leading bankers and business men of the State? t . That it includes the names of many men who vote "dry" in their own community? Why? Because Statewide" prohibition absolutely kills local option, and the people of Oregon want local option. They want a voice. in the settlement of this question in their own community. It is their right. Statewide prohibition robs you of that right. It robs you of the right to have cider, beer, or liquor, in your own home! It makes it a crime to give your friend or neighbor a glass of cider. It permits any officer, special or regular, to break open your door at midnight and search your wife's or mothers room for liquor! Do you want that kind of law in Oregon? Maine, on September 12, 1910, repudiated its prohibition law of 57 years' stand ing by electing, for the first time in 30 years, a Democratic governor upon his pledge to re-submit the constitutional prohibition law. It was not political insurgency that turned the tide, but insurgency against statewidet obnoxious, ineffective prohibi tion, so-called. Will Oregon profit by Maine's error of threescore years ? Nothing is settled until it is settled right. Let us settle it now and settle it right. The Home Rule bill (No. 328 on the ballot) permits cities to vote on prohibition within their own limits. It permits any precinct or number of precincts within a city, or any precinct or number of precincts or the whole county outside the cities, to vote for or against prohibition, as they choose. Under this bill every city in every county, and every county in the State, may vote "dry" if they so desire. But If you want to preserve your rights; ' ' , . If you want local option which means Home Rule; If you 'want your glass of beer, cider or liquor at home even tho you- are opposed to the saloon You MUST vote these numbers (cut them out and put them in your pocket ' as a reminder): 328 X Yes. For Home Rule. . 343 X No. Against Prohibition Amendment. 345 X No. Against Prohibition Search Law. . v Think it over ! .".. Prohibition aitempii to override o individual and inherent rlfhl, Thet'e why failure iavariehly followi eneet mint of lh Uw, It lubes the liquor treSio from lloenied dcelere who ere tuhlect to regulation end five it to lawbreaker! who are willing to tell to mioure, drunkarde anybody lor faint P. S. Aik your ProhlbttioaUt friend lo Biitwer tail qucetionl If, ae they claim, 38 million people ara now living la "dry" territory, why it it that the U. 8. Internal Revenue Department ehow a that more vrhltkey and more beer it comumed tbaa ever before? Respectfully, GREATER OREGON HOME RULE ASSOCIATION; 4 ' ' :i -ij. rtte' . V 4,HiSl)r. j (PAID ADVERTISEMENT.) It.