. ;l ! f ' ' ' ' m j t r r f i t U vt V " t I . H . ', 'fl , - j- r -v , -, 1! I iV jli . ' If" . . J J. M f'v V - 1 . . . -. t r - t -T ff I Jr The Bend Townsite Company i . ", .OFFERS YOU THE- k Vf . m -.ty &$r -4&- Choicest Residence Property IN BEND. North Addition Business and Insldo R.csidcnco Property. ; '!. HiNrrfW- , ' vrf Lava Road Addition Residence Property in the Heart of the City. Center Addition A Sightly Residence Section Without Building Restriction. ' rf ' T ' ,4.. "JV ' - ' V ijifW I Si j ' r , 4 Park Addition This Beautiful Addition, with Building Restrictions, is the "Nob Hill" of Bend. TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS Call or Write. Office Cor. Wall and Ohio Streets. f 7 . ' , - . , ' " " t ' 3' - ' B MWIMiBlHMMMHMaV ft-a-a--------S---aMt-aMi v A C Uf .. y .r r - K . , IJ Mid-Season Showing of SHIRTS forms an exhibition in our windows of unusual merit A most interesting display of new styles, new designs and new colorings. $ 1 .50 and more: 'RlvTSmith "" Clothing Company Bend Oregon LAFFERTY HERE 29TH. Wbhe to Meet and Talk with Prob ble Constituents. The following telegram was re ceived last weekly. The Bulletin from A. W. Laffcrty, Republican nominee for congress. Ontario, Okk.. Oct., to. Owtng to Kverc soar throat I will not lo any sprrchmaklnK in my cam paign tour during the next two weeks I'lcatc notify comiuttteemen and have it to announced. Howcter, I am jjoinj; to continue according to schedule and will see you and as many toters personally as pot ilble. Tliingi look good. (Signed ) A. W. I.avfkbtv, LEHRMAN BUILDS. Blacksmith and Carpentering Shops Will Occupy Oregon St. Structure. Pete Lchrman is erecting a new two story building, 30x40 feet, for his blacksmith shop on Oregon Street immediately in the rear of the Silvertooth near beer establish ment. Sutherland & Mcintosh have the contract. The lot upon which the building .is being erected is rented from Mr. Shaw. Mr. Lchrman will occupy the ground floor and Sutherland & Mc intosh the second floor with a car iHrnter shop. The contractors ex pect to have the building completed and ready for occupancy the last ol this week. Horse Auction Saturday. On Saturrtqy morning at 10 o'clock S. G. Dorris will fccll at auction, at the Wcnandy stable, 3 horses, part of a band recently stolen from W. II. Isaacs, of Cold, well, Idaho. In returning from the Willamette Valley, where they were found, these three btrayeu, were located by Mr. Dorns, and are being sold at the request of Mr. IsaacSr - l Hospital has Open House Friday. There will be an informal recep tion and "open house" at the Bend Hospital bu rrlnay atternoou be tween the bolus of 3 and 5. It is desired by the hospital manage ment that the people ol Uend have this opportunity of inspecting the Institution, its equipment and methods. BEND COUPLE WED. II. J. Overturf Mnd Miss Re Id Married In Hood River. On Tuesday, October 35th, II J. Overturf and Miss Ruth Reid were married at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. P. L. Totnpklus, at Hood River, Oicgon. The cere mony, occurred shortly after noon, there being no guests outside of the family. Immediately Mr. and Mrs. Overturf left for Portland, whence they will proceed to Pugct Sound cities for a honeymoon trip, returning to Ucnd probably in a couple of weeks. v Miss Reid was principal of the fiend schools for five years, coming here from her home in New Ilruuv wick, Canada. During the sum mer she has been visiting the home of her brother in Saskatchewan Mr. Overturf has been well-known in Rend and Crook County for the last six years, lor several years having been the manager of the Pilot Dutte Development Cum- any's lumber mill litre. Upou tbetr return they will occupy the house completed for Mrs. Waite in Park addition, psndlng the erec tion of a home near the new I.arn resideuce. Dinner (or GrooimTo'IJc, On Friday evening a farewell banquet was given II, J. Overturf by the "Hungry Bachelors" at the A. M. Lara resideuce. An elabor ate dfnner was served, 16 sitting down to the table. There were menu cards arranged more with the idea of "josh" than respect to formal convention, a brief list ol toasts, and all the aids to jolly pet titient to such a grave occasion. Carroll Oreat Flro Tighter,, Speaking of the recent Shaniko fire, the Prineville Review has this to say concerning the services of a Bend man; "Al. Howell's saloon, on cue end of the burned block, was saved by the heroic efforts of Charley Car roll, who was rewarded by Mr Howell with $50 in cash and the best suit of clothes to be had iu the city." FAIR IS SUCCESSFUL. Uend Band Makes Hit at County Seat Festivities. The Crook County Fair, held at Prineville, was the best managed and attended affair of its kind yet seen in Ceutral Oregon, according to those who were there. And many Bend people were ou hand to enjoy the festivities, especially upon "Bend Day," latt Thursday. which is said to have been the gala day of the week. On Thursday afternoon the autos which had gone over, about a dozen in number, paraded, headed by the Bend Baud, in what the Privcville Journal refers to as "the best parade of autos that has ever been seen in Prineville." Many of the locul school leaders who were at the county scat at tending institute, were participants in the parade, as guests of the auto owners. The Bend Band covered Itself with glory. Not only was it the only band at the fair but the only organization 01 its kind In Crook County On both Thursday, FrJ. day and Saturday the musicians' services were greatly in demand, aim uieir presence Old much to liven up the entire afTair. Vote No on Annexation. The portion of WaililiiKton county proposed to be annexed to Multnomah is seven miles wide, contains naofour 7 V) sections, four and a half nf mr fit. leeu millions of taxable property, one-fouith of our voters and population and one-half of our railroad milcauc 500 voters of tills strip have sinned a re monstrance ausllist antiexallnti o l... majority, aslctstliatt joo signed the pctl- .. auuui y" VOICS were Mil at tile lat general election. In addition many who first favored annexation now oppose U and say the cut was made loo deep. Vveaskyouto vote Nairn U. M.,,. .,,;, MuJfiiomih divlslon.W. IJ. Wnl Chairman Antl-Annexalloii Committee Illlliboro, Oregon, (J'ald Adv.) Card of Thanks. We desire to express our rtrntc ful thanks to all our neighbors nndJ incnusjor their many kindnesses and generous gifts to us iu our time of need. Wilms Bunbon Missus S. 1. & M. A, Bunson, OPTION LAW 0. K. (Continued from page 1 ) naaaKans7awneHnaaMBSE3bMaBxfiavsaiMi near Madras ou July iSth, was found guilty of murder in the ncc end degree and was sentenced to life imprisonment. Jennie Fuller was fined $150011 plea of guilty. The common law cases to date, not previously rctwrtcd, progresscM as follows: A. M. Drake vs. Bend Water Light & Power Co. dismissal on motion of plaintiff. John Steidl vs. A. D. Morrill, re ferrcd to J, M. Lawrence to take testimony. T. J. Ludlow vs. Richard King, continued for want of answer. Jcunic Fuller vs. Deschutes Rc alty Co., demurrer to complain overruled. A. II. Horn vs. Deschules Really Co., settled and dismissed. C. C. Triplett vs. Oregon Trunk Ry-, continued for term. J. H. Wcnandv vs. I. I?. Wfmr & Cbas. II. Spaugh, verdict for dc renaents, W. F. King vs. Jeuule King, di vorce granted. Turpln & Whitsett have III Sale. Turpin & Whilsctt aw parting things off with a rush with their first housccleauing sole, now in progress. They have slaughtered prices 011 all of their stock; suits, uhirts, shoci, and all branches of mens furnishings have dropped away dowu in the p;ic scale. 1 hey advertise that their revised prices will make their customers, sit tin and take tintlr" on.) ,- had better notice now, while the blK sale lastsao days front Monday. tMMMnMMMOMMHHMnHHMIMHH ' ' " NOTICE FOR I'UULIOATION. l-iimiii or Iht lulerlor, wiu oracx at The liallrs, Oregon, .-.1-.. S5' . Moorr, V.ti. NoUcs It hereby ilrcn that Jwiiu I lur eM nn-tf ami U .tf ic S T iJ H V V. u7o7ur,r uoS; K A Cl.lm.nl U-iifi w luriw.1 I HUM Hw.U.v. of .1,11. n . . 1 Sri-S' 'W "' J.W-uk'r.lira un C W, MOOHK, Kt.liltr.