The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 19, 1910, Image 8

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Watch This Space
Turpin fc Whitsett
Tillman Reuter, of Lamonta. Sweeps
Held at Spokane.
Twelve first prizes. 4 seconds, 2
thirds, and a big silver cup Tor the
best individual display, all awarded
in open competition against the
world, is what Crook County agri
cultural exhibits won at the Dry
Fanning Congress at Spokane.
Mr. Keuter's ranch it 17 miles
north of Latnonta. His prizes
Best individual display, in sheaf
grain, forage and roots, best exhibit
of potatoes, best exhibit of corn
Crown on summer fallowed land,
best individual exhibit by an Or
egon farmer, best individual dis
play for the Colorado cup, open to
the worM.
The following is the list of prizes
received by Mr. Reuter: First
prize Six stalks flint corn; long
white oats sheaf, winter rye, white
onion, red onion, summer squash.
Second prizes captured were:
Collection sheaf exhibit, corn dis
play, flint corn ears, stock carrot.
Tfiird prizes White dent corn
ears, different varieties wheat.
Speedwell Car Mofcea Good.
A. C Lucas says Houston with
his Speedwell "50" made a run
from Silver Lake to Bend, then
bck to Rosland, returning with
The Bend Townsite Company
f'AWW 'ir1
x . -k . -
' :V 'vifm
:: This Beautiful Addition, with Building Restrictions, b tho "Nob HM" of Bend.
nine persons, and getting up over
Lava Butte on the "high" all in
one day, last Friday. Another run
wmcu Mr. Lucas considers a rec
ord breaker is one made with his
car from Bend to Beaver Marsh
and back in a day, a distance of
175 mUes:
Session Held Behind Closed Doors and
Secrecy Maintained.
The meetiug of the Water Users'
Association held in Bend last Sat
urday was conducted behind closed
doors. Vice President E. W. Rich
ardson and Secretary W. E. Scott
explained that it was the desire of
the members, as expressed in a mo
tion, that the proceedings of the
organization, at least for the time
being, until it be fully established
and running smoothly, be kept e
cret and that no inkling of its ac
tions become public, lest its plans
be interfered with. All members
were instructed to maintain silence
concerning the work of the organ
The association will meet again
on Saturday, October 29th.
Lawrence Smith dives Dance.
Lawrence Smith was the host at
a young-folks danciug party last
Saturday evening at the home of
his parents. Fourteen were prcs-
Choicest Residence Property
North Addition
Business and Instdo llcsktanco Property.
Lava Road Addition
Residence Property in the Heart of the City.
Sightly Residence Section
Park Addition
Call or Write. Office Cor. Wall and Ohio Streets.
ent, all enjoying to the utmost
the evening's entertainment. The
guests were:
Sarah WorostafT, Auna Moen, Noilly
Sclireder, Margaret Wiest, Hstelle
Tborson and Marlon Lawrence; Ken
neth Minor, Carl Hunter, Guy Mc
Reynolds, Ralph I.ucat, Claude Kclley,
Prcd I.ucat and Warren Wheclock.
Returns with Malheur Animals from
Willamette Valley.
Last Thursday W. M. McMullan
passed through Bend with 60
horses, a portion of the animals
recently stolen from Mulhuer
County ranges. With him was A.
A. Aldridgc, who met McMullan
near Crescent.
The lost annimals were traced
across the Cascades and finally lo
cated at Goshen;-near Eugene, on
September 20th. They bad been
run off by John Hamilton, once ol
Prineville, and a man named Weir,
said McMullan; both men were
found with the horses and arrested.
In crosseing the mountains five of
the horses were lost.
members Discuss Exhibits and Hold
Monthly Dinner.
Last Thursday evening the Bend
Realty Boad met at the offices ol
Merrill & Wilkinson. The matter
particularly dlscinsed was the
necessity of exhibits being sent
from Bend to the rrincvjlic Fair,
it being understood that all other
sections of the county would be rep
resented. It was decided to lake
the matter tip immediately with
the directors of the Commercial
After the meeting the members
adjourned to the regular monthly
"spread," this time held at Bully's
Home Restaurautt where a deli
cious super was served.
All person concerned will take notice
that Tumalo Irrigation Company lias
amended it article of Incorporation
so a to have the right to appropri&te
and divert the water of any stream
natural or ariinciauy uowing into l uma
lo Creek or any of It tributaries,
Dated tills 36th day of October, 1910,
By Order of the Director of
33 Tuiur.o Iurioatiom Co,
Without Building Restriction.
Many Loads of Lumber Qo Out to
MHIIcan Vicinity.
L. L. Pox reports that on Satur
day morning nine teams left the
Wcnandy barn, nil loaded with
lumber for homesteaders who arc
building in the neighborhood of
the Mfllicnu Ranch 30 miles south
east of Bend. It is understood
that practically every desirable acre
in that vicinity has been taken up
by settler who now are moving 011
to their 320 acre ranches and male
iug improvements. Those familiar
with the country declare that
thousands of acres of splendid "dry
farming" land yet remain further
cast, along the line of the Hill cast-and-west
railroad. ,
Oregon, Democratic Nominee
for Sheriff."
elected I shall do my duty
without favor and without preju
dice. 1 uere win also be a com
plete change in the administration
of the Sheriffs office. 31-33
School Notes.
Superintendent Ford, while visiting
the llend schools last week, silted the
pupils to send specimens of their work
to the Crook County I'alr. They have
Imscii very busy all week preparing work
In dlilcrent branches.
Ksthcr and Mabel Douglas have en
tered the l'lrst and Sixth grade respec
tively. The meeting of Hie Seventh and
IHghth grades' club, which was to have
been held last Thursday, has been post
poned until a week from the coming
Ituth WornstaiT was absent last week
on account of illness, -
Real listnte Transfers.
(I'uraLlitil by Crook County AUtrsct Compny.)
Max I.ueddemann et al to 8. D. Slouf
er, Lots I, 3, 3, 4, bile 1, l'almaln; ft.
Iva West to Iva II. West, ion feet
square In netf nejf Sec. 33-17-13; joo.
Pilot Dutlc Development Co, to Chas,
Wrlsidei Lois 8 and 9, blk 35, Uewl; U.
Mary U. Coleman to K. K, Cull, Lot 9,
blk 13, Deschutes: iijo.
W. II. Huats et al to Hate) I'. Cald
well, Lots 4, 5, 6, blk 18, Deschutes;
Patent from the United Slates as fol.
lows: William II, Staats, Hwjj swi
See, 4-21-14.
" '' VtJ "at''
' v
J"t WT- . I
Card ot Thanks.
Mrs. Laura A. Caldwell and family lie
Ire to extend tliclr 1 lire re regards
to the friends and neighbor who as
silted the family In the care of the hus
band and father during his Illness, and
after his death.
They are especially Indebted to Mr,
A. I l'rench for his exceptional kind
ness. Mas. Lauka A. Cauvku..
and family,
Prlends Take Notice.
Jukt as soon as I get done cut
ting some logs I will bring you
wood. I will get done in about
turee weeks and
without that long
if you can't do
1 wiiiuritig you
some on buuday.
F. M. Caktkk.
For Sale or Lease.
Large new livery barn almost
completed up to date and first
class in every way. Good location
For particulars address
Cakmiciiakl & Mastkn,
29-32 Rosland. P. P., Ia Pine, Or.
For Sale.
One 16 h. p. RushcI portable
engine and boiler, $350. Jutt
the thing to run a well drill,
shingle machine, planer, wood saw,
or small threshing machine.
27tf Bknd Bkick & Tiuc Co.
Violin Teaching
I am prepared to give lessons on
the violin. Those interested please
can or telephone. '
tf Iva I: Witsr.
If you wish to have your ex
press and light freight come in
along with your letters and- tlallv
papers, have it come in on the mail
line. -Tint Counutt Staom &
Staiilk Co. 35tf
Ordinance No. 47.
An ordinance vacating certain streets
ana aiicy in 1 11c city 01 lleuil, Oregon.
Wiihuuas Oregon Trunk Hallway, a
corporation incorporated and existing
under the law of the state of Ore
3011. on the 13th day of August, 1910,
nlcd with the recorder of the city of
llend It petition for the vacation of the
streets and alley in the town of Demi
hereinafter mentioned, and at the regu
lar meeting of the common council
held on the nth day of October, 19I0,
at the hour of 8 o'clock) p. til., duly pre
sented It said petition, together with
t- V
, 4.
the affidavit of the printer of The Html
Ilulletln, a weekly newspaper published
and circulated In the city ol He ml, which
said affidavit show to the satisfaction of
the common council tint I lie ijollceol
the filing and presentation of the mIi!
petition for the vacation of the street
and alley hereinafter named was duly
published In the said newspaper, In the
regular weekly edition thereof, once a
week for 3 weeks, and also the affidavit
of II. C. Hills that the wrllUit notice
aforesaid was duly set up and posted In
the city of llend In three of the most
nubile places lu said cltv 011 the mt
day of August, 1910, more than thirty
(30) day prior to the meeting of the
said common council aforesaid: and
wmkhk.. u
appears bv tne said im-iI.
nun hiiii 10 ine satiiueuon 01 lite com
mon council that the said Oregon Trunk
Hallway is the owner of all o( block
9. 3. 3'. Ji 'id 33, in the city ol (lend,
Oregon, according to the recorded plat
thereof, and also all that land lying be
tween I'lr street, In the city of lleu.l and
the north line ol the south half of the
northeast quarter of section 31, In town
ship 17 south, range 11 cast of the Wll
lunette meridian, and between Twelfth
(nd Thirteenth streets; also, that for the
purpose of constructing, operating and
maintaining it railway line over and
upon the ald properly within the oily
of llend, It is necessary to nuke use of
so much of the following described
street and alley as lie between Twelfth
and Thirteenth streets, to-wit: Juniper
Avenue, Iron wood Avenue, Hawthorn
Avenue, I'lr Ateuue, and the alleys In
block 39. 30, 3 . 3. "d 33. nd also Hint
no other person, firm, or corporation I
particularly effected by the vacation of
ine ssm street and alley petitioned for,
and that public convenience demand
the cloilnu of said street and alleys,
and the vacation thereof, and that no ,
other person or persons own any prop
erty Immediately adjoining that part of
he said streets and olfey petitioned to be
vacated, and no opiiosltlon having been
nude to such petition, and the council
being latlslled that It Is to the public
Interest thut Oie ssld pction be nlluwcd;
Now, Therefore, be It Ordained by the
Common Council of the City of llend
as Follow;:
Suction i. That so much of the fol-
lowing described street and alley In
the City of llend as lln iu Tu,llil.
and Thirteenth streets, according to the
recorded plat 0 said City ot IJeml, be
and aro hereby vacated, to-wlt:
Juniper Avenue, lmnumml tu.nn.
Hawthorn Avenue, I'lr Avenue and the
alley in block 39. 30, 31. 31 ami 33.
Ordinance read Aral lime October 11.
loio. Hue suspended and read second
time October 11, 1910.
Approved October 11, 1910:
H. C CALDWHLl Mayor.
.. "' ". C. HLLI8. Hecorder.
New barber shop and bath now
open for biiHlncHs, on Bond street,
opposite Autie Livery. 30-33