Wm New , PALACE MARKET Chariot lloytl, Prop. All kinds of Fresh mid Cured MEATS Vegetables, etc. Ucst of Service. Call and Olvo Us a Trial. 0. C. HENKLE HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS Real Estate Exchanges of nil Kinds PEOPLE of OREGON it is now UP TO YOU The KimUf COLONIST I'AIHS will KI" l In rjfect Ixlwccn Kcptfinlxrr Ijtli anil Octolsrr I Sill, tlurliiK whlcli iterltMl tick. et lo MIANIKO will t oil m!c (lilt)' (ruin CHICAGO at . .$33.00 ST. LOUIS . . . 32.00 OMAHA . . . 25.00 KANSAS CITY . 25.00 ST. PAUL . . . 25.00 ml from oilier cltle corre poiulhiKly low. Tlieac are Vrl iiouiiil, tme.way fair only, tutt anyone here can l'KI'.lAY lor relative or friend in the Had. II ilcauril. Coiuult jour local railroad aeut NOW IS THE TIME lo let the worhl know of our Vl resource and aplendld oif twtuiillle for llOMIi 1IUIL0 INO. Write to everyone yon know In the Hat. Send them good Intlruclivc priutrd matter, and tell llletn that the rott of fceUlnc here la hut little mote than half the UMial col, and to call on a rrprlaciititlvc of the O. R. & N. CO. for atl tleilrcd information, or ddrca WM. McMURRAY OllNURAL PASSUNOUU AUGM PORTLAND, OREGON SEND NOW for fmple of our "Diamond Quality" RE-CLEANED Farm and Field Seeds, GraMtx, Clovers, Vetches, Alfalfa and Grains for FALL SOWING "Wo have Special Mixtures for Bpwtftl PurjM'iea Drr LatvJ Patturo Mixture, Wal LaauJ Paviturt) Mlilura, Special Mlaturt) Icf Burnatl-ovaf Land, Cora Crop for Orchard. Tell ni tha nature of your aoll and yon local ooudltlone. Ovm 2Q year' eimrl ,. In the) Paolfl Xk. HorthwMt qnal you, Ai.i,rCetalgH.0 PORTLAND SEED CO. PORTLAND, OBEQON .avKkBanaffll Sulphur, io ccuta per pound,' RKD CM0S3 DKUO STORIt, 30tf lam Offering for Sale at Prices Ranging From $3 to $8 AN ACRE the following land in Crook and Lake Counties, Oregon: Mellon To All 16 All 16 All 36 All 16 All 36 All 16 So. half 16 All , 36 All 16 All 36 All 16 All 36 All 16 West half 36 West half 16 East half 16 West half 36 All 16 Nor. half 36 West half 16 All 36 All 16 W.tf&ctf36 NW. i 36 All 16 All 36 All 16 All 36 All 16 An 36 All 16 All 36 AH 16 All 36 AU 36 Townihlprt Mange It 20 15 20 16 20 16 20 17 20 17 20 20 21 15 21 16 21 18 21 18 21 19 21 19 21 20 21 20 22 15 22 16 22 16 22 17 22 17 22 18 22 18 22 19 22 19 22 25 23 19 23 19 24 19 24 19 24 20 24 20 26 IB 26 18 26 19 26 19 26 20 All transfers will be made tlirouuli the WoahitiRtou Trust & Sav tugs Dank, Seattle, Wash. KAY McKAY 304.5 Liberty IIIcIr., Sealtlr, Wn. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. CNITHU STATKA ITwUfBl. ....... .. William H.Ttfl Vk-l'irsidrnl...... . I a met (t ttbrrman Secretary of Wile...... ..f-hllaudcr C. Knoi bmrlaryof Tleeary...HrankUn MteVeagh hecrelety oflulcrloe.......-.-Rlcbaid A. IJalllugrt Herniary 4 War . .. .J. M. Dltklnaou Secretary of Navy ...tlcvirge ton I. Meter Secretary of Commerce and LabnnCbarlc Nagel Puttiaaaicr ()Df !.,. . Prank II. IHUhtuck Attorney Ocacrel. . - .George W, Wickerahaut Secretary of Agiloilture -Jtmet Wilson V It. District Judge. I ch' Wltm U. a, Attorney John MiCourl I'. h. Maltha!. ...-It. U. Colwcll rottuaauraltlcnd .... .... V a MImm U. It, CouiruUsioatr at Bml.....H. C. fall. STATU Oorernor ,. ....- V. W. Iknwn rmiclaiy of Mile- -.- Y. W. Ilcuauu Treasurer ,. II. A. Metl Allotoct llcucial ... ..A. U. Crawloru bupt. Public lnstrm1lou-.......J. II. Acktru.au Mlf niliicr ..... ..-..-... n. imuiw.j Uilty and Kuwl ConiratHloiirr. J. W. luilr) Coaimtulontf of UmUtt bUllMk.....l) I. Hon ITUos. K. Latnpiwii CtUe II. Alichlwu Otw.lil WrU Cam ant 1'ott.lry Warden. M. O. Mmtna uic iuiinni. John II. Uwl. (.conic Jt Chlublltln JoBttb.il Ikiut nc Jr. U. a. HcnatoriMM CoatrMiatu w. w. ll.WIt) w. IT. n. rvui. A. McUridt K A. loui KoUtt llaktu Wn, K. Klug W. T. HUltr Hupttuif Jodttt Atat Uoaanor Contol (Watkb.) ft ohn II, Uwlt. HuttltugiiKtr.. 8lai,Or I.T. Iloimr. Hum. IM. No. I Uouaura. ir J. M. thiiiou, u(i, t)iv. No. i Uakcr Cl.jr.Or Htath I.anu lkAKI-Oorttnor. HMrttirv of rSUt, aud MUlr Ticaiurcr. HrAT liuaar i.axd iioad-uavcroor, ii Tica.urrraud Altufu.y Ocuci.l. BltVltNTII JUUICIAt, JHHTKICT Judft... ... ......... W. L. liiiuUhaM AltwiucrM......n. ......... frrU W, WlUyu CKUOK COUKTV J Udt. .... MU.M...U-..A.-.M... II. C. 1(111. Cltfk.... ....... ...m. Warren llruwn Bhllir... ...,-..-... ..... frank hlkln. litui.r.... W. V. King Aueuor....M..M.M.MMMMMfM...MMJ. t. Iafollttli achuol Huxrlnltnlrul.. ....... A. Fold burt)fr... . ....... I'rtd A. M CounuiMionci. J fii1 TUK COURTS, CiacuiT Count I'lr.t Mondty tu May, third Monday tu October. I'aukATB CouT Vlrl Monday lu tactnnoulh. COUMIHIUMKH' CUUar l'lt Wcd'ltml.Jf In January, March, May, July, htpleiubci ud Nonnibtr. baNubciiooL Dittaicr No. u. ( M. Trlp'tlt Director if U.May., (C. L,lloUlhiB J. C. I'. Harrlugtou MlwAnurU. Market MIm Ad IHtrltr Mlu ll.rrUI IXiImii MUi Vluteuct C, Younit MIM Id M. Audcrwu MluKallierinallMktii Mlu Nun Hichardwu Teacher MMM.M... (M I Mr. Glenn II. HUck CITY OI UltNU MayorMM,.,.t. ...... .S, C. Caldwett II.C.H1U. Ktcorder,. Tictiurer, tt.J. ttptuwr J.N.I J.H.I H.J.I N, Hunter II. uucill I. f Ivcrlutr Aldermen , '"l T. w, Trlplttt ii. xtucy , U. bclltr New barber shop and bath now open for business, on Boqd street, opposite Auue Livery. 3033 UST OF SMS FATHER MICKEY WRITES OF EARLY EXPERIENCES. Occidental Mnjfnxlno Contains Inter- etliiK'Sklch of thU County and the Fat Olnnpprnrlnjc Aletlc ods of fitoitc Travel. In the Scptctnler ntimlKrr of the Occidental magazine, pulillnlied by Rev M. J. Hickcy of Wasco, rip cars an iiitcrestiui: article upon the development of Central Oreuou written by Father Hickcy. The nrtlrie ii illustrated with cuts of licnd'H first log cnbin, the Catholic church, and III" old LliiMer mill. Suys the author, who made hi first visit to Uend seven years nco, concerning the Shonlko stace trip: In thou; rarly ilav, the twelve mile (trclch over the rocky Slianlku flat w not what it I today, nor wn Cow Can yon the aafe mid ry Incline auloiiiolill liil! ha nude It. No. toilay one can eonvrnlenllv. and without imich d,. comfort dUlKiue with the Imrrovlied and adly needed air cuthlon, then re iiulred lor nice, "amootli. If not fe Joiirney" oer the rocky plateau. Today male pain;er need not tep out ami lin; on lo (he inner lde of the Matte coach to prevrnt the whole rain liarkle concern toppling over into the rxittoin of the canyon. N'o, tin. Today all till I clMtiKt-d. the "aiiln," and llie Iron hore all but romplrlely harneiMtl, await the hardy ou of toll. In tperd them onward to a land of rich olbil llie. Vet it wnu't o had alter all in the day none hy, Ve. we had Iota of fun. I'aitttiKcM all iullv, ccxxl-iuturtd, rntcrtalniiiK, lull of inu.lc and aome tlilllK ele aotnetlniea. Ve, we "loile the Koal," of a rich and memorable ex perience. on an imuienctKc, and with cant audience; hut land and ake' what fun we did have later on, with the tenderfoot and the xreenliorn thai had the temerity to tempt fortune in her wild Muchrmh fttlice! And then llie ttonc that were awapped and the joke that were cracked, aud the miiik that were atiii);, a the rickety old Mage bututictl almiK from one chuck hole to another. Yc, indeeil, lKl"l ha a lilatory, ami a rich one, hut we are not far. it would appear, from the dote of It latt American chapter. NOTICK TOR PUBLICATION. Ilrpaitratnt of Ihe Interior. U. S. Mod Ottx at The Ikatlea. Oregon, October 7, ii. Notice It hereby gtren that Waller Wheatley, o, a n la ., uirwn. wnv, ui. yi,. wv9 .. iiM,,r llomeatead No lv.4 tterlal No ejJ, fur N. XSIS.U SK. lH K. her I. Til. IT H . R. II It, W !., ha flU.I nolle of lutcuilon tit make I'lnal Commutation II oof. lo ealabllth elalm lo Ihe land bn drKrllwit. befoie II C , ,1,1a II . f..M.M.Iaat,.Mr .1 111. nffl .t llMl Uiei'oo, u the llh "lay uf Nueernber, ll. Claimant name at wllnraart' rieorge W. Sny der aud WU1UU It. Sandcl, of UldUw. Oieon. ji.jj C. W. MOOKIt. Kegltter. VOTICIt OH KltSTOKATION Of I't'llMC 1' Lamia to rVcttleMtnt amt llnlry Itrpait men! of Ihe Interior, Keoerat Land Olbee. Wa.hUttsn. I. C. July t. llo NWkx It h.le tivalren that the nubile tauda In the MlvitUiK dearrtbed areat whKh wele caetuded frvrn the Ueachuiet National rorr.t. OreceM. by liramw .ham ol lha lraklrnl datnl Mar . lulu. If not otherwlM wllhdiiwn. reMteed. or WKupitttt will by authority ol trie bectetary 01 ine inter iwr be reatorrd to the public lUinaln on iKWtwr H lain, and beoune aublect lu aetllemcnt wu awl hrrth Idalertwt uol totntiy. Altnac e aelec- lion until on and after November l. Il. at Ihe United Stale Land omcc at Laktvlcw, "rrtwn InT II H.K lilt. Sect, I. . 10, Hand II. InT II H., K l It. See. , 6 and rand W H of See I. Willauielle Mtililian. Warning It heteby eipreaaly gleen thai uo wrasn will he crmillrd togaluortaerrtae any rtabl vrhtleei under eny aetllerueut or occuitlua begun after May to, li, and prior lu October . M. and all tuch acttlemeul or oceuwllim la litlcby fuibld den. IOIIN Mcl'UAUI.. Acting Aui.ianl Cum nilMlouer of the Genetal Mn.l iimce ApproT.I July It. Il. FRANK I'll'.KCIi. I'trtt Ai.Maut rtecreltryoflhe liitetlur tyt wm Ml CALIBER MODEL 1910 Self-Loading RiOe It Strikes ABlowof2038ibs. This new Winchester shoots a heavier bullet and hits a harder blow than any other recoil operated rjfla made. It Is more powerful than the .30 Army, of blc game hunting fame. The loading and firing of this rifle are controlled by the trigger finger. It JUTS UKETIIE UaHMEROKTHOU 5ead tor (Hailmfri Hrtttir fully rfticrlMaf IMI an rii waica 4I HrrriflA and four fal. MTNCUESTF.B KETEAT1NQ AUMS CO. 9 New llarta, Conn V, S. A. s t mm Si i i 'i'i'JJ7:a!V'""111111 ' nyws sfW7 fiJ&eWt V JlillBaSrlelraraW NOTICK FOR IMJIIMOATION. Iif)rlmnt oflhe tiilrrlrir, I' M ljiiid(lfflcrl Tlie f)llr. Or , HMlemlr 19, lyiu. Nidlrr l litictir len lfpl iinr II MMkrl. wli,M lofric wtlrM I. IWIhI. n'ttnn. AM, on llieullil.r nt I'.Ikimiv ivm. Ilk iHlhlxuru Hmnu Huiemriil mid Aipllml..n. No. (, lu i injrfnav ih nw Ri j, t tin. K II v.., w M.andlhr limUr tlirr.mi, under the pro l.loiif ofllie tt id Inn j. 17' and c1 amend. tory, known at tlie "rimUr andniune Ia." tnutli v.lMf mud! x flinl by anpralM. infill, anil thai, pur.uanl In .Hell ppllcatinn, lhlnd niHlllmVMhfrruii lurt iKtn.pirt.I.ed lilt lllnlr mtlmalHl I Injun, IkmiiI frt .1 l V) pr M, ami Hit- land , Ilia! aald ppl. mil will etTrr fi.l (meil m Hipwiluf heriptl ralUnaml nwotn .lrm.nt 01. the 6lliilao( lk.A..il.j.r uij. Ifu. II I' IMli. It .1 i'h,. mlt.HHirr, at limi(ber at lwl. (irrgim Any pffMiii i. lilwitr lu priittal IliU mr dMav lloef tnlrr, or Imitate a cmlr.t at any llmr iMlat Mlf ill Kmia, by Mini a cotrat lain) llria.lt III UiLo'Iit. AlUnliig fad whkh Wttukl ileftal llw entry - C W. HOOKU. HcaUttr. N0TICJS FOR PUBLICATION. Deptrtrnent bl Ihe Interior. U- 8. Und Office at The Iillet, Or. Hetember fa, iio. Notke I hereby gifl that - Mor Nltwuuger, whoae t(niee addrttt It lieud, Orrg&fl, did. on Iherthdty of June ifto, Ale In I hit offjte HwoenMaleHi-ttl awl Appllrlloii. No iT. lo i.urcli.. Ihe twW n w rir w, T i; S . H. 11 It,, W M .and Ihe timber thermit, uwler Ihe tiro- .lona ol Ihe Mt if Junej, irl and art. amend. nifty, Kitownaallic "Tlinurr mo wm Mi,," ataiwh value at might U- fiae.1 ly apwataemenl, and that, purauatit lu eucl) aprftta(in, the land lau IHi. jiMiMI.il, itf .,, .f,n,.M,,vril i.iv .am, and limber Ihertvn hate been appuited, Ihe limber eeumaien yio warn icee ai r yi per M, and ine lanu yr, inai wi applicant wm oi ler final Moul In aapirt of hit aiM.ltolt, ami tworn ttalement on the Mil day of I trctm ber. Via, Miure ii v. mitt, v n Lotnmtwivner, i bit orirte, at in ml. nreeon Any Mraon la at liberty to pcite.t thta Pur- (hate brlure enlry, or Initiate a eontett at any time befvte utietil luuit, by filing a cut lob- oeated allldail In thit olfice, alleging facta which would defeat Ihe entry. fri C. W. MOORIt. KegUler lj The Italics 7-I.ltt No. o7M- NOTlCJv KOIl PUBLICATION. Uiillcl Klalet Und Office, The Hallea, Oregon, Augutt 19, IJto. Notice It hereby glren thai The Northern Pari Re Kallw.y Company, wbie poalnlhee-addreta Itht I'aul, Mlunctota. hat Hit. 17 day ol Augutt, lylo, 6 lot In ihltotbce It. applKwIUin toaelnt umler the prortttoutof Ine Act of Cungreaa approtrd July 1, lfv(jn Mai. w. (m), at rU third by Act of Cougreaa approved May 17, ry lleginnlng at the utn Irr iwat of Ihe we.t tote ol rt.rlkn y,Twp houlh. Kane 11 lUrt. W XI. running thence we.lMrbtlni to pt No 1. thence aoulh o clMlntlo nt No , IMnee we.1 aaehalnt to poM Nu Iheut-e aoulh M chain, tu uat No 4, Ih.bie eat m cltalnt to (t No 5. thence uotlh M crMlMea lo puit No 1, thencr eaat ahalH. lu t No . thence l.oilt. juchaint to the plaee vf bealnnlHE. which trad when aur eye will b deter I led at SH SI!K. HW Hllx.hrc n, Twp, a Swuth. RaHge 11 liatt, U, Any and all perwnt etalmlHg adreraely Ihe landidraetlbcd, ordeairlng to objret becauae of tbe miner al characttr of lh taud. or foeanv other teaaan, I Ihe ditpmal to applU-ant. should Die tnetr ann,Ha 01 proton in tnu ornce. on or belorclbejl day uf October, lata. a-jl C. . JIOOKIt, Reglttcr. NOTICK KOIt PUBLICATION Itepartwent ofthe lulclor. tj. n. Laud tirrxr at The Italic, Or., rcpicniucr ivtn, 1910. Notice 1 hcrelnr glreo Ihat I Albert Harryman. whow mmIo(Sc addreaa It Uend. Oregon, did. j on the yd day of Vtbruary, IV'o, file la thta 1 Ibce hrii statement and Application, No ntvt). to tMccbaae the cH netf iwre. it. T. 17 S.. k 11K.W M. and the Umber Ihctcon. under Ihe inoti.lout uf Ihe act of June J. 1 a r. ami acta amcndaloey, known ut the "Tinier and btone u. ilwcn alue at uught be Died byap. IxalK-turnt. and thai, puttuaut to auch applica tion, Ihe land and timber thereou hare lcn apMalwl. Ihe llmtwr ettlmaled Kono M board frtlllll Vi tier M. and the land 1 100: Ihat laid applicaul will clfcr fiuat proof in tuppoct of hit apiHicaiton ami worn aiaieroent no ine acn uay of ItreemtM-r, II0. Iiefore II. C Ifllie, V. r). Com, niltioner, al hit other, at lieud. Oregon. Any pee aun la a' lllwrt v 10 protcat Ihlt pur chate before enlry, be Initiate a eontett at ad lime belore patent laauet, by Sling a curruborted afliatatit in Ihlt oilier, alleging fadt which would dcleat the enlry. lyy C W. UOOUK.KegUter. NOTICK TOR PUBLICATION. Department at the Inlertor. V. 8. Land Office at The Italic., Or., beptembte II. ryio. Notice It hereby glren that Nellie n Matkrl, who PottaflSre addreaa It Bend. Oreeon. did. on the aitt day of May, li, St In thta or&cr hwoen htateiueut and Application, No. .ayttt.to purenaae imhuwi, ec j. T. I s.. K 11 K . V. M , and Ihe timber thereon, under Ihe pro U.lena ofthe act ol June It. and act amend atory known aathe "Timber and hloue Law," at uh value aa might be filed by appratac- mem auq inai, purauam 10 auen application, Ihe land and timber thereon have been ap pralaed, the timber estimated tuo.uuo board feel at 7) cenla per l. ami Ihe land I .so, that aald appli cant will utfer liual pruof 111 aupport of her appll-i-alloii aud awurn ataletuent 011 the loth day of December, tuto, belore II. C Kill.. V b. Com tniaalouer. at hit olbce at Uend, Urtgon. Auy iwrwa It at llbcttv to prutcrt thla pur chaK Uforc enlry. or Initiate a contcat at an) time before patent tawea, by filing a corrobo rated altwiavit in thla othoe, allegtug facta which would defeat the entry. ja-M C W. MOORIt, Keglttcr. NOTICK F011 PUBLICATION. leirtmeutor Ihe Inlertor. V 8. Laud Office at The Italic, Or., September itlh, 1910. Notice It hereby given thai ltall U. HouUon. wheat potloff.ee addreaa It Head, Oregon, did, oulhe lllll day of Jauuary, 1410. file lu thit of fice Sworn Maleracul aud Application, No. ojSiS, 10 Hirchtc the c tU bee. jo. T. 17 S., it. 1 K.. W. M . and the Umbel Ihereon, uudcrthc provUHtua uT the act of June j. It?, and acu auicudatocy, known at the "Timber and Stoue Law." al turh value aa iniehl be fixed bv ai pialMiurtil, aud that, puraaut to auch appllca ttou, the laud aud timber Ihereon have been p- fralKl the tliutwr ettlmaled 60 u biard fret at 1 vi per M. aud the land I so; that aald applicant will ulfrr final Proof In kunuort of httanolkn lion and aworu tlalerueut on the Itt day of IKYciuucr, ivio, ucioi? 11. .. riiiia, u D.vvm niiuloucr. al hit otficc at lieud. Oreeon. Any iKrauu it t llbetty to proieat thl pur chase before entry, or luUiatt a eontett at an) time befoie ptlcnl Ittuea, by bllug a eorrob. orated aibdavit In thla other, alleging uctt wiucn wuuiuucicai iiiceuiry. JV-j C W. MOORIt. Register NOTICK FOK PUBLICATION. tleaattuictit ofthe Interior. V. . Laud Office at The Dalle. Or., Septeinlicr iv'o. Notice I herby given that httdle A. Nltwonger. vehoae Kttoffice addreaa la lieud, Orrgon. did, ou the 4th day ol Juue, wio, hie lu ihlt office Hworu htatement and Application. No, ccyt?. to purchatv. the n)t aw), uwK sca.hcc , i8 K. 11 l(..w H .and llie limber thereou. under Ihe ptot Islout ofthe act of June 3. is;ii, aud act amendatory, known a Ihe Tiuilicr and Stone Ijiw, ' at auch value a might be ttaed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to sucii applicallou, the taud and timber thereou hic txcil appraised, the timber ctliuiated to,tuilKwrd rest at :s eeut 1' M, aud the laud iv, that said applicant will oiler final loot lit tupiwrt of her application aud aworn atutcmeiit 011 the Hit day of December, lain, before II C. Kills. U. 8. Commissioner, t nis office at Ucuu, llrrgou. Auyperaoit it at libeily to proletl thl pur chase belore eutry, or lulilate a coutctt at any time Ik lore p.xteul Issues, by filing a corrobor ated affidavit in thl olnce, allegtug fast which would ucjeai lite eutry. Wt 0. W. MOORIt, Kcgltter, Have The Bend Steam Laundry Quick and Satisfactory Service. Wo make regular calls for laundry Monday and Wednesday A. M, SATHER HAS A COMPLETE LINE OF Heating Stoves and Cook Stoves From $10 to $20 SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY. COATS. Mackinaws . . . $3.50 tO $6.50 Fur Lined . . $7, $10 and $16 Ladies' and Children's Scarfs, Toques, Mittens Gloves, etc. E. A. SATHER GENERAL MERCHANDISE BEND, $50.00 Down Choice Residence Lots in Aubrey Heights $50.00 NOW BALANCE LIKE RENT The Future Residence District of Greater Bend. Contracts are let for several houses to ko built immediately. Deschutes THE BULLETIN Is the leadiug, You Tried OREGON $50.00 Down . Realty Gq. ncwspdprorOBNTRAt, OREGON ' J r -;'.. t..-