The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 19, 1910, Image 5

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    W I" 1 , )
a 1 ;
Would you tnk n Phonograph if it were oflercd
you for nothing? Our first shipment of Arctino
Machines has all been spoken for and we have just
pi need another order. Itemcmber that $00.00 worth
of our cash discount tickets gets you one of these
wc se:l,&-
We are still closing out our stock of Hardware,
liuilding Materials, Farm Implements, Wagons',
Karbcd Wire, etc. The prices wc have made repre
sent practically ko profit to us. Wc need the room
more than the profit. Can you afford to buy else
where before getting our prices?
2 m
9C rfi2Tnict,l
Sto I mJF
(Flret Ploor)
,lSHRINER."-Sotne class to this six-button,
patent colt atioc, with the dull finished top. It ha
a high toe cap, Cuban heel, and is made on that
stylish awing Inst. Just what you have been want
tag to wear to the next douce.
Ask for No. i 149 at ' $5.50
PACKARD" The well-known brtwd of a
strictly Illicit grade shoe. We have several' styles
but we want you to see "THE WIZARD" a gun
metal with cxteudrd'sole, high toe cap and Cuban
heel. The snappiest proposition In a street shoe
wc could find.
Ask for No. 55 at. $5.00
Men's Underwear.
(First Fleer.)
A NATURAL WOOL-Mcdlum weight
garment, fleece-lined, warm but not loo heavy.
Ask for No. 343501 per garment $1.25
TANS If you prefer that color, nearly the same
quality as the above.
Ask for No. 950 at per garment $1.15
SCOTCH WOOL Flcecc-llncd, an excep
tionally warm garment. We hove nothing better
at the price.
Ask for No, 3611 at per garment $1.50
Men's Flannel Shirts.
(First Floor)
FRENCH FLANNEL The best shirt money
can buy. Grays only, in plaids, pin checks, silk
stripes, etc. If you want something distinctive,
that will nut wear two ordinary shirts,
Ask for No. 5535 at $3.50
best of the medium weight shirts, reinforced pock
ets, body of the shirt cut full and roomy. A splen
did every day shirt.
Ak Tor No. 560 at $2.50
one, has the new French cuffs. Hair line stripes
and checks on a light gray background. - '
Ask for No. 9150 at $2.75
ljrr" 3l I 3
E have spared neither expense or pains in procuringYor tho Lodfce
an exceptional line of Fall and Winter Goods goods that are
distinctive for their beauty, their quality and their price.
floor you will find Long Coats, Misses' Coats and Capes, Dress Skirts,
Silk Underskirts, Shirt Waists, Kimonos, Sweater Coats, etc. These
goods are all new and the styles strictly up to the minute.
In our ART EMBROIDERY DEPARTMENT we are offering some en
tirely new and artistic designs in Pillow Covers, Shopping Bags, Laundry
Bags, etc. These are alj suitable for Xmas presents and we are putting
them o sale early so you will have plenty of time to embroider then
before the'hbMdays.
We have ordered the beet line of Toys ever offered in Central Oregon,
and will have them on sale in ample time for your Christmas shopping.
Before sending away for anything of the sort it will pay you to see
what we have to offer.
Have you seen our assortment of Brass Goods for Piercing? Just a
suggestion these mako mighty acceptable Christmas gifts.
String Beans Regular 15c Special, 11 cons for
jz. -sz?arr:
"The Store of Better Values."
(Hrs Floor.)
LIGHT WEIGHT White cotton comforter,
covered with silkolitre a good assortment o f
Ask for No. Ca at ,. ,.,,., $1.50
MEDIUM WEIGHT-Pure white cotton com
forter, full sizetmd weight, scroll stitch, good qual
ity sateen covering. ;
Ask. for Ot-at.... ,9 $2.50
HEAVY WEIGHT 4-iurc white laminated
cotton comforters, extra size, scroll stitch, sateen
sk for C14 at $3.00
(First Floor.)
MEDIUM WEIGHT Cotton, heavy nap,
grays, tans and whites with blue, and piutt borders,
full 114 sire.
Ask for No. 40 at $1.35
HEAVY WEIGHT Cotton, very heavy fleece
full 1 1 4 size, mottled grays and tans with blue or
brown borders.
Ask for No. 20 at .' $1.75
"WOOLNAP" Something new. A heavy
wool fleece or a strong cotton warp, really a better
blanket than an all wool. In grays and whites,
with a variety of borders.
Ask for "Woolnap" at .-. $3.50
(Second Floor.)
LADIES' Long black broadcloth coats, lined
throughout with good quality satin a very dressy
Ask for No. 3439 at $1&.50
MISSES Long storm coats, gray diagonal, -em-brojdered
military collar, latest' skitt effect. A
snappy coat for theyoung ladies.
Ask for No. !3-at $12.50
"KAINY-DAY CAPES"-Absolutely water
proof, made with a large silk-lined water proof
hood. Red and blue only. Misses' and children's
Ask for No. 350S at .. $5.00
Miles Miller was in town Satur
day. Hjalmar Olson has removed from
Bend to Held.
Jan. H. Green of Redmond was
in Bend last week.
John Taggart has rented K. D.
Mutzig's residence.
Kpsomvsalt, this week, 8 cents.
Run Cross Druq Stork.
Lara's wagon is delivering foi
the Ueud Stcntn Laundry.
Mr, and Mm. Cadivcll have re
turned from their wedding trip,
A big load ofneachert from The
Dalles was brought to town Satur
day, For Rknt Desirable office
room over the First National
Bank. 7f
Complete line of rubber goods
and crutches kept iu stock at Red
Cross Drug Store. $ol
. For Salk Light team, weight
about 2000 lbs.; hack and huruess.
Inquire at Auue Baru. 7tf
P. J, Young is In town from his
l6o-acre initiated much, once
as "The Old Hendryx
Just Think Quality, accuracy,
and skill fqr all prescriptions com
pounded by us. Run Cross Dkuo
Stork. " iot
( For Sai. Good heavy team,
new harness and wagon for $285;
worth' 350, Telephone G. W.
Horner, Laidlaw. tf
Mrs. Oram has taken charge of
f the baking at the Star Bakery,
which insures the best of.goods at
that establishment. 31-33
lots hi a new town in Central Ore
gon; will trade one for motorcycle.
AB, care The Bulletin. -
The BuUctiu has on hand a mini'
her of the Great Northern Illustra
ted leaflets "Opening Up Central
'Oregon," These will be givcu to
uuyone who cares to use them.
Wantkd Chambermaid and
laundry woman. Tint Pimt
Burnt Ink. a8tf
Mrs. K. D. Mcintosh arrived
from Portland Saturday. Mr. and
Mrs. Mcintosh will live in apart
ments over Caldwell's store.
George Sherritt has gone to
Oklahoma, having sold out his In
terest in the wood-working mill to
his former partner, R. Woollcy.
I bav a donkey engine, and
wish to take contract for grubbing
and stump-pulling. Ad reus C. P.
McDcrmott, Sisters, Ore. 32-35
Dr. A. A. Burrls has moved his
office to the Uotaliug building,
over Merrill & Wilkinson's, where
he may he found hereafter. 29 32
For Sai.k Six ol the finest lots
In Deschutes, level, water by ditch
aud with city water. Next to new
residence. Inquire Bulletin office.
"Wc get lovely cream from that
milk," is what our patrons say.
You can have the same by leaving
orders at Kelley's confectionary.
II. SriNiNO. 31-32
For Sai,k Scotch Collies, at
Aune's Barn, Thursday, October
30th, thoroughbred and registered;
G. W. Sbriner's stock. Call and
sec these puppies, 32tf
S. G. Dorris reports that he has
recovered and brought to Bend
three of the five horses lost by W.
M. McMullan iu crossing the
mountains last week.
For Sam$ Strong work team
nud harness, aud platform spring
wagon. Must be sold at once.
Price $180; worth much more. In
quire at Bulletin office. 3itf
J. F. Taggart & Co. have en
latged their quarters nud now have
for rent all tuq recently completed
rooms over their establishment on
the corner of Wall aud Oregon
D. L. McKay returned last Fri
day from Shonquest'a, where he hup
been for six weeks engaged in
looking over the holdings of the
Mueller Lumber Co. which he rep
Innes & Davidson have been to
Portland. Now they are on to the
very latest styles in hair cuts, aud
in their well-equipped modern bar
ber sbon on wall street can please
A. A. Moody, who has just
S rovcd up on 160 acres of djtch
and six miles cast of Bend, returns
this week to Seattle, first taking
a trip of investigation into the
Medford country.
Bring your kodak films and
plates to us Tor development
Negatives selected and papers used
that will give pleasing, tones in the
prints. Skwaki) & Cammm.!.,
opjwsitc the Postoffice. . 27tf
T. Clay Neccc, frcm Kent, Iowa,
is in Beud looking over things gen
erally. Mr. Nrece has three sous
working with their teams for M.
Loughlin & Tudor on the grades
betweeu here utld Redmond.
If you had a fire tonight what
valuable papers would you lose
that could not be replaced? Rent a
safety deposit box and avoid the
risk. You keep the key, we deep
the box. First National Bank
Everyone Interested in the Water
Users Association of Bend please
come to the meeting at the K. P.
Hull over nostoihec Saturday, Oc
tober 39. There is an important
point at Issue. W. P.. Scott, Sec
retary. 32-33
The Margaret lies Co, on Satur
day night presented "An American
Girl" .and on Sunday evening
"The Clrcua Girl" ot Liuster's
Hall. Both performances were at
tended by large audiances, and
Koth met with generous npplause
The plays themselves were good,
aud the actlug must creditable.
For SAUt-IIousehold goods,
book case, library table, Morris
chairs, two rockers, foiiY chairs,
loo-piece dinner set, piano lamp,
three velvet rugs, two iron beds,
spring aud mattresses, cooking
utensils of all kinds, laundry tubs,
board and pails, fine cow and sixty
chickens. Very reasonable. In
qiUre at Postoffice, j tf
C: A. and A- G. Anderson of
Rowland were in Beud last week.
Sulphur, this week, 8 cents per
pound. Rku Cross Druo Stork
T. II. Foley. Is wiring II. J. Kg
gleston's ur.v building on Wall
Peroxide, this week only, $1 size
49 cents. Rku CroSs Druj;
R. E. Woollcy Is building a
house for C. II. Hardy near Pow
ell Butte.
Wantkd Furnished rooms, for
house keeping, or furnished house.
-Box 186.
K T. Butts has erected a dwel
ling on Aubrey 1 lights and moved
iu this week-
Leroy Hotaling has just returned
from Ncz Perce, Ida., having spent
the summer there.
Wantkd 500 men's and boys'
heads tor hats and caps Jot the R.
M. Smith Co.'s store.
C. S, Hudson and U. C. Coe
went up river shooting last Sun
day, in the latter's car.
Klmcr Niswonger and his sister,
Mrs, A. P. Lattin, returned yester
day from Hillsdale, Mich.
A. C. Segal, of the Red. Cross
Drug Stores, at Beud, Redmond
aud Madras, was here yesteulny.
Wantkd Men to work iu log
ging woods or sawmill t Apply to
Roberts, Bros., Sisters, Oregon. 30tf
For Rknt Office rooms, next
door to Inness & Davidson's bar
ber shop. Inquire of C. L- Hotal
i"K- 3234
The brick work on the A C.
Lucas resideuce, being done by
Hunuell & Niswonger, has now
reached the second floor.
F. O. Minor, P. F. Smith, Joe
Innes and his ton Robert qnd Creed
Triplett weut up river ahootiug
Sunday in the latter's can..
School tablets, big. vajaes, 2 for
5 cents. Rko Cross Drug.
Stork, 3otf
For Salk. Collik Purs Thor
oughbred Scotch Collie puppies, I
male or female, registered stock
Address G. W. Shriner, Bend, Or
egon. 31-3211
Mr. and Mis, Jack. Edwards and
Mrs. C. E. S. Wood visited Mr.
and Mrs. A. M. Drake Sunday,
coming from Ha7 Creek in Mr.
Wood s auto.
On Sunday afternoon the band
gave, a tnot enjoyable open-air
concert on Wall street, a larue
gathering being prcseut to bear the
excellent music.
Miss Nell Markel returns from
Portland tonight.' She has been
taking a business course there lor
several months, and will enter the
office of M. S. Lattin.
Joe Buckholtz entered some fine
celery and various exhibits of root
crops in the Prineville Fulr
Among other exhibits was an onion
Aveighing two pounds.
Mrs. Libby will be opposite the
Postoffice for a few weeks where
see will be glad to see old -or new
customers, Ladies can have their
old bats retrimmed and own mate
rials used, 32pd
FOR Salk 88-note Player Pi
ano, fancy mahogany case, fine
tone and action, latest improved
operating devices, never used, just
arrived from factory. ' Inquire of
The Bulletin. 37tf
A safety deposit box in our
vault is an ideal place for your val
uables. Casts but, $3i per year.
You keep the key, we keep(tbe
box. Tint First National.
Bank ot Bend. 2Jtf
Bring your kodak films 'and
phtes to us for development
Negatives selected ami papers used
that will give pleasing tones in the
prints. Skward & Camtouu.,
opposite the Ppstoffice. 7tf
A. W. Lafferty, Republican
noiniuee for Congress, "will speak in
Bend on the evening of Saturday,
October 29th.' The arrangements
' uouueed iu next Week's Bulleiin,
Straykd Bay mare, filly, uh
broke, 5 years old, new headstall
on with rope dragging. Accom
panied by a sorrel! horse, with
blazvd face. Last seen in Stscoiore
pasture. Liberal reward. -E-Mo.scRiKf.
Auue- Burn.
All the Bend teachers left yester-1
day for Prineville, to attend the
Teachers' Institute. Many ex
hibits from the Bend schools have,
been entered in the County Fete
competition. School closed yetem
day and will re-open next Monday.
On Friday evening the Mfsses,
Anne and Gertrude Markel, Paul
ine and Margaret Wiest, West,
Richardson, Young, Anderson,
Porter, Olstn and Taggart and L.
D Wiest and J. I Wet dined In
formally at the Palace Restaurant.
Straykd A light bay marc,
six years old, weight 965. boot aud
spur brand on left shoulder, white,
spot in forehead,' shod in front.
Last seen near Gibson Rnnch, west
of Laidlaw. $20 reward. Address
Walter Daniels, Beud, Ore
gon. 33 33tf
Abstract Talks
The Object of the "Title Talks."
If there. Is one subject of more h
tal interest than any other it is Out
of TITLKS'titles to the home that
shelters you or the farm or business
that yields support.
Do you really own the land you
think you own?
That Is the vttXquestlou.
Our abstracts of Jille answer the
question for every acte of ground,
in Crook county. '
Aud back of our answer is thq
entire capital o the. company, and
the equipment of otjr, up to-duta
Watch this spec each week ntl
we wiil'show you the great need of
proper security in the'&wncrstnp
of rent estate
Cmlt Cwttijr Ateirct Ciyt( uc.)
(We PJiotograph the Records.)