The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 19, 1910, Image 4

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OttC yWttWtelWMrtlHlHtWWII
Rlx month.
ThfW InonlhtuhtMMHttMvMtktvfMMi
(tnvuUM? Id iWttt)
VnDNKSDAY, OCT, 19, 1910.
Headers 01 tne Portland papers
lieve discovered that a carapaigu to
enslave Oregon has been launched.
It isn't called that In the papers
The real moving spirit or origin of
the campaign does not appear. It
is called a movement fof good
roads. The- scheme is to get an
amendment to the state constitu
tion to permit counties to issue
bonds for building roads,
' Now, the cause of good roads is
a worthy one. Few things come
home to atftnc people with more
force and point. We agree en
tirely with all that has been said in'
favor of putting county thorough
farts in condition fqr traffic at all
seasons of the year. If that were
all that is involved we should be
heartily in favor of it
But observe: This is a sclutue
to legalise heavy indebtedness.
True, the object and purpose is
said to be the building of roads,
but this is merely the bait to get
thevotcrs to bite to get them to
grant authority. If these pro
tnotcrs were to come out frankly
and say their aim was to enrich the
.bond buyers, road-machinery man
ufacturers and road contractors at
the expeusc of the property owners
they would get few votes. They
urge a noble cause for a most
This "good roads" movement is
not altogether fresh and spontane
ous. It has been carefully "work
ed up" during many months by
people who had in view persoual
profit for their main object. After
the cause had attained some prom
inence Llonlal R. Webster resigned
the county judgeship of Multnomah,
which he had systematically abused
nd neglected, to head the "good
roads" propaganda. Who pays
him, what was the inducement for
Jtis change of office? lie is not the
type of citizen to make any sacri
fice for the public good. He is in
this thing because it is profitable
for him, made so by Interests not
known to the public. And those
interests are behind the proposed
constitutional amendment. Wise
voters will vote No ion this measure.
otherwiie entirely would go else
where, in n matter to be advocated.
One of the most eminent author
Ities upon agricultural subjects in
the West has just toured Central
Oregon lit the interests of the
Great Northern railroad. Iu Mon
tana he, Prof. Shaw, has had the
direction of the system of demons
tration farms which have done so
much to raise both the quality
aud quautity of that state's agri
cultural productiveness since the
G. N. trained its educational gnus
upon the ranchers. Proper meth
ods o( planting, cultivation and
caring for the land ' were presented
to the rancher?, and to them, by
ocular proof, was shown the benefits
to be derived therefrom. All this
has worked wonders for Montana.
Now it is Central Oregon's turn,
apparently. It is to be hoped that
the Bend organizations wilt gel
into touch with Prof. Shaw aud
show Bend's desire for and need ol
such a demonstration station: for,
most unfortunately, his recent briel
visit, unexpectedly made, afforded
no opportunity for meeting Mm, or
of hearing him lecture. Even
more important than a station here,
would be the establishment of one
in the big southeast homestead
country. Expert advice and dem
onstration as to what' to plant and
how best to handle the new land
would be invaluable at this staee
of the game, would save man)
costiv mistakes and hasten the new
country's development into a profit
able crop-producing territory.
The object bf the meeting was not made
public, but the discussion wts supposed
to be in rcKrd to the extension ot time.
Local taldlnw, of the Hociallst part)1,
meets every second Mini fourth Sunda),
In the Khbolhoune at two o'clock,
TOMAto, Or.. Oct. 17 John n, Wi
nter and George Campbell were Item!
visitors yesterday.
Ira It Winter and Utility ami Mr. C.
It. Spatial end family were visiting
.their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mr. O.
W. Wiuter, yesterday. Ira has bought
him an automobile and it' a daudy.
Pred Wallace and a party o( railroad
men were at Oil place yetterday, ,Mr.
Wallace was showing tbetn all over the
O. W, Wlmer and loniarc busy baling
hay. They expect the threshing ma
chine in few day.
Samuel W. Stark, candidate for Cir
cuit Judge, called on u one day lait
week, lie left a good itnpresaloq with
all who talked with hint and will no
doubt net much support In these parts.
A matter of real importance to
tne merchants of Bend is that of
street peddling. A man comes to
town, say with a load of fruit.
jMuch of this s sold to various
merclnntst a certain price, imme
diately after which the- seller goes
out upon the streets and gets rid of
the rest of his stuff at a greatly re
duced figure, thereby depriving
those merchants who have pur
chased bis fruit of any profitable
market. .
The visiting peddler,--tbe man
who, from a distance, brings to
town a load of produce and sells it
on the streets, has a great and un
fair advantage both over the local
merchants and the town itself.
Why? Because every local man is
paying taxes; he is supporting and
helping to maintain both city and
connty administration. The pros
perity of his business aud its en
Urgemcnt increases the prosperity
ot tils town. A portion of his
profits revert to the community,
aud find their way intojjood road
making, pollceing, fire protection,
sidewalk building and a score of
other vital town-building aids. Of
the man who grows his produce
near at hand, and whose money is
pent locally, and who pays county
taxes, ana who disposes, of his prtf
'due In his own town nothing can
be said. He, too, Is puttlne his
atoaey back into the upbuilding of 1
bUt community, aud should be en
cottraged. But what of the others? Surely
strict city ordinance making a
license necessary for street ped
dlteg, tad so protecting local mer
ckaats and adding to the revenue
and prosperity of Bend by keeping
here setae of the money which
The Bulletin is heartily in sym
pathy with the work of the settlers
in organizing and taking action for
the protection of their Interests. It
is probable they have righteous
grievances few settles have notl
and that through organized action
there may be set right. It is also
our belief, and in it we think we
are sustained by the concensus of
affected opinion, that the reponsi
billty lies not nearly so much with
the local administration as with the
"higher ops" those who hold of
fice and draw- salaries, supposedly
to care for the rights and ptotection
of settlers. And the way to make
incse wormy gentlemen "sit up
and take notice" is to let them and
the voting public have a full and
fair knowledge of the condition!
complained of. Free speech and
the white light of publicity can
work wonders when opportunity
is offered.
Almost daily loads of lumber an
being taken from Bend to the 330-
acre bomestead settlers, scattered
far and wide over the great sage
brush country to the southeast.
Only last year this area was a wild
erness, untouched und uninablted
Iu progress is beginning, and
another year will see the first of it
products coming into Bend,
Under tho present laws In the optrw
Ion or omlncnt Uwyors, counties can
only be divided or boundaries changed
by tho voto of tho pooplo.
All laws snould bo oboyed. Sotno
laws should bo appealed or amended.
Tho law creating now counties la un
fair as voters aro asked to create now
counties where they cannot know
the local conditions and might form a
now county whero four-fifths of tho
residents of the old county are op
posed to It.
What do tho votera or Cliuop know
of tho needs ot Orant. Malheur,
Crook. Umatilla, Douglas, Lane, Waih-
intton, Clackamas and Multnomah.
They could vote Just as Intelligently
for tho county officers In theso coun
ties as for their dlrlalon or tho chans
ins ot tho boundaries.
There it strong- opposition to dl
vision in all the counties mentioned
and It would seem to be but Justice
that these localities should settle their
own local differences.
You wilt have the prirllcgo of vot
ing for a bill to leavo the function of
new counties and municipalities to the
districts Interestd. As between man
and man, would not this plan bo tho
more equitable!
Tho average voter will cortalnly
take this view of It. In all fairness
now, will not your conscience and
sense of right tell you to vote against
all division and voto "Yes X 3S2.
which will relieve you of the task ot
voting for measures with which you
can not be familiar.
be entered lit a
for the pilsc
and artistic beauty will
national coiuietllloii
Up Jo yesterday tj quilts were on
show, owned as follows; Mr. Guilt,
1111IH made In New Yok In 1849; Mr.
A. Ilarrliuan, made In itiM; Mr. 8. C.
I'lemmlng , iiimle In Iowa lit lorn; Mr
I', O. Minor, iSjji Mr. Clin. Arnold,
quill made by a convict; Mr. I,. I).
Wlest, made by an auiit of Mr. Wlest in
1K60; Mr, a It. Kinder, four quilt,
one tttsilr by Mr. M.-lfalt at tho unco!
7J, the other In t8s and 1H34, Mr,
it. A. Knott h an interesting unlit, a
is another made by Simon Hltoit In Ohio
In 1X44. A. Mexican Seru. the handl
wotk of l'iehyterlaii tcliool Itoys at
Zacalecos Is particularly attractive,
To Votera.
Let than JoO voter In the district af
fected slutted the WafhlnKtoti,Muttuo
niah county annexation petition; 500 in
the dlltrlct have signed a remonstrance,
practically all outside the dlilrlct arc
against annexation, vet you are called
upon to vote the addition of practically
oiie.fourth of Washington, one ot the
smallest counties, to Multnomah, al
ready the wealthiest,, most Influential
aud powerful. Voter of the state out
side of lite counties affected can know
but little ot these county division meas
ure. We of Washington know nothing
of the merit of those not aflcctltiK u,
aud believe such questions should tie
left to the counties alTcctcd. Wash
itiKton county cannot altord to lose thl
territory and Multnomah doc not need
It. We ak rou to vote jjo X No. W
I). Wood, Chairman Atitl-Antiexatlon
Committee, llllUboto, Oregon,
(Paid Adv.)
To the Voters of Crook County.
Having been urged by many friend U
announce myself a in Indeneudent can.
didatc for the office of Sheriff of CrooV
county, I solicit your lupport In tin
general election to be held 011 N'ovctnbei
the 8th. 1010. and If elected will, to the
best of my ability. Insure:
1. An economical administration,
s. Au entite new admlnUtratlou In
the office.
3 An enforcement of all laws with
out (car or favor.
John McTaoqart.
Builders' Supplies
Duors,. Sashes, Paints, Class, llulldcro1
Hardware, ltoofliitf. Every tiling '
need for your new House or new Store.
Wall Street, Wall Street
The MerriIl.Wilkinson Co.
Ercry Location fluarnntecd. Automobile Service.
- if J
Oarage dnd Repair Shop
at lowest rates possible with Rood service,
the way you wish it done. Give us a trial,
The Bulletin has a larger adver
tising patronage than any otbei
Central Or. paper. There's a reason
Up-River News Notes.
Mr, Fred ltney has lost completed bis
new 4-room bouse on his homestead.
It U considered the best constructed log
bouie Jn this part of the country.
Mr. Sbonquest has returned home.
Mis Anna Pooh Uj;et tin jj to be quite
crack shot, bavins; killed several wild
geese and ducks last week.
Last week there was a dance at T. N.
Mastiu's. six miles above Ro&lind. with
- ,
Mr. L. Corbin and wife were in Bend
tor a city or so shopping, last week.
Laiduvt, Or., Oct, 17 Mr. Jean Wl
mer ha purchased a fine new automo
Mr. Jabe Coocb has been hauling hay
to Bend this week.
a business trip to
The Nesmlth county bodrters.
traveling in an automobile, were
hero this, morning. The atm'ospbero
belc exceedingly chilly they soon
moved on.' Our people don't believe in
countr butchery to further the per
aonal ends of a few schemers.' Rose
burg Ilevlew.
"It all the voters of Oregon who are
opposed to U9 proposed, wholesale
formation of new countloa vote "No"
at the November elecUon, they will all
be defeated, but If those opposed
merely pass the county propositions
up without voting on them at all, they
will carry by tho "Yea" votes cast for
them. This Is a fact that it would
Be well to remember on election day."
Eugene Register.
Thero are) seven new counties pro
posed, and may be more for us to
vote on next November. Don't you
think our taxes heavy enough at pres
ent without taking on this unneces
sary additional expense T Look into
this matter beforo voting time. Echo
Merchant Tailoring a
' '
Mrs. Orcutt hits taken charge of the linking
no experiments in cooking here.
Mcttls nt Regular Hours. Hrend and Pas
try for sale. Furnished Rooms.
See Our
-a t
Sulphur, 10 rents per pound.
Rnu Caoss Drug Stokx. 3011
Interesting Historic Quilts Shown.
An interesting display of quilts, old
and new. is in progress at Lara's. The
exhibits Jiave been gathered together to
compete for fvx in nriies oUeretl bv
Goodln Rcld 3c Co. The three best,
selected for their age, historic interest
-. -,
5! -
Bart Nichols made
Ctovtrdale Saturday,
Mr. sterling Fryrrar is expected In
from Sbaulko soon, .with freight for Mr.
Word has been received thit O. M.
Coach, who left a short time ago for
Minnesota, Is quite ilL
Mr, and Mrs, John Sullivan bare
moved to Sister where Mr. Kulltvm
u engaged la hauling lumber.
Jay Nichols recently purchased a
young Ijcrcberon from the Pilot Butte
Livery aud Feed Stable.
The Water Users held a tiwIn 1,-.
hind cloeed doors In Laldlaw, Saturday, j
Table always supplied with the best that the town affords.
Neat and Comfortable Rooms. Bund, Orkgon
Cole's Heaters
Save half your fuel bill
We will have them this week
They Cost Less than Others
Hotel Bend
Corner Dond and Oregon Sis.
Rates $2 and $2.50 a